Best Casinos Near Virginia Beach, VA - Urcomped

casino cruise virginia beach

casino cruise virginia beach - win

As promised: My comprehensive (and biased) list of fun or interesting things to do, eat, and see around Miami and Florida

General things anywhere (tourist friendly):


South Beach/Miami Beaches/Key Biscayne:

-SoBe (not touristy):

-North Beach:

-Biscayne/Virginia Key:



North Miami:

Gables area/Key Biscayne (I’m not too familiar):

South Miami/Homestead:








submitted by fartsmagoo to Miami [link] [comments]

Duncan Discussion's "Masterlist of Prank Call Victims" (Part 2)

This is the original version of Duncan Discussion's "Masterlist of Prank Call Victims" which was a complete listing of victim soundboard prank calls. I can't access the current list but I'll be updating it as I go. I've also been using the masterlist to create an up to date list for existing victim soundboards. The links are supposed to display the most recent calls made on YouTube.
Many victim soundboards (and the original calls) no longer exist, are privately held by a few select pranksters, or were never created.
Edit: I reached the character limit while updating the list so I had to split this up into two parts
  1. Celebrity Soundboard-era (2000-2007) & Duncan-era (2007-2011)
  2. Bail Bondsman-era (2011-2015) & California crook-era (2016-)

Bail Bondsman-era (2011-2015)

California crook-era (2016-)

submitted by TheHoosierExpress to soundboardpranks [link] [comments]

How I Would Divide The Series Up If It Were a Netflix Show

Percy Jackson, Netflix Show
Season 1: The Lightning Thief
Episode 1: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
Percy is on a class field trip to the history museum, where Nancy Bobofit is bullying Percy’s friend, Grover. Percy tries to brush it off, but eventually snaps and “pushes” Nancy into a fountain of water. His substitute math teacher, Mrs. Dodds, takes him inside the museum to reprimand him, but transforms into a Fury and attacks him. Mr. Brunner, his latin teacher, appears and throws him a pen which transforms into a sword. With the sword, he kills the Fury, and when regrouping with his class is shocked to learn no one else, including Mr. Brunnner, has any recollection of Mrs. Dodds. At the end of the semester, Percy and Grover take a bus back to his home in Manhattan, where the bus breaks down and Percy sees the Fates cut a strand of rope. This freaks Grover out, and an uneasy Percy ditches Grover and goes back to his house. His mother Sally, suggests they take a vacation to the beach at Montauk, and he gladly accepts. That night at the beach, a distraught Grover approaches them and tells them that Percy needs to come with him. Percy is confused, but Sally seems to understand and tells them to get in the car. On the car road, Grover reveals himself to be a satyr, and has been watching over Percy for the past year, protecting him form monsters. His bizarre encounter with the Fury is proven true, and their car crashes in the storm. They continue to their destination by foot, but the Minotaur catches them. Grover and Percy make it up the hill to their destination, but Sally cannot enter, and is caught by the Minotaur and disappears in a golden flash of light. Enraged, Percy confronts the Minotaur, and manages to break of its horn and stabs the Minotaur with it. Percy passes out from his injuries as Grover drags him up the hill to a lodge, where the last thing he sees are Mr. Brunner and a blonde girl.
Episode 2: We Capture A Flag
Percy wakes up in the lodge, his injuries healed, and Grover, Mr. Brunner, and a raggedy alcoholic are waiting for him. Mr. Brunner explains that he is not a latin teacher, but actually the mythical centaur Chiron, and that the myths of Greek legend are real. The alcoholic is introduced as Mr. D, Dionysus, who runs the camp. The blonde girl, Annabeth, daughter of Athena, then takes Percy on a tour of camp, introducing him to the concept of gods and their children, demigods. Percy is taken to the Hermes cabin, where he will be staying as he has not been claimed by his heavenly parent, and meets Luke, the counselor of the Hermes cabin. He also meets Clarisse, the tough daughter of Ares, who forces Percy into an initiation by attempting to dunk his head in the toilets. However, the bathroom plumbing explodes, drenching Clarisse but not Percy, infuriating the girl. Percy gets adjusted to camp, meeting several people including Connor and Travis Still, sons of Hermes, Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus, Katie Gardener, daughter of Demeter, and Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite. That night, the camp has an organized game of Capture the Flag, with it being essentially Athena and Hermes vs. Ares and Apollo. Annabeth has Percy patrol an out of the way part of the forest, and is ambushed by Clarisse and a few other Ares kids as revenge for the toilet incident earlier. Percy is overwhelmed and repeatedly hit by Clarisse, but falls into the river and is able to then beat her. This was all a ploy for them to distract and win CTF, but everyone comes to see Percy being healed by the river and are shocked to see a trident above him, meaning Poseidon claiming him as his son. The next day, Mr. D, Chiron and Annabeth call Percy to the Big House, where they reveal that no child of “The Big Three” have existed in over 70 years because of an oath they took to prevent a prophecy. They also reveal that someone has stolen Zeus’s lightning bolt, and Percy is the culprit. Mr. D allows Percy to go on a quest to prove his innocence and find the bolt from who he believes stole the bolt, Hades. Percy receives his prophecy from the Oracle in the attic, along with a gift from Luke, a pair of winged shoes, and then he, Annabeth, and Grover go out on their quest.
Episode 3: I Plunge to My Death
Percy gives Luke’s shoes to Grover, as he doesn’t have any magical equipment, like Percy’s sword or Annabeth’s hat. The three of them board a bus heading west, and a trio of old woman board with them. Percy initially thinks they are the Fates, but it is actually the Furies, who attack shortly after the bus takes off. They are able to escape the bus before it explodes, and run into the New Jersey forest. They walk for a few hours until they come upon Aunty Em’s Garden Emporium, a store on the side of a highway. They meet Aunty Em, who offers the children food, but realize that the stone statues in her store are actual people, and that she is Medusa. Using a mirror to be able the see Medusa without looking at her, Percy decapitates her, and mails the head to Olympus to be rid of it. Using the money in the store, they are able to buy train tickets as far as St. Louis. On the train ride we get a bit of backstory about Annabeth’s past, how she ran away from home, her relationship with her parents, and her being stuck at Camp Half-Blood for the past 5 years. They get off in St. Louis, and they transfer trains to Denver, but their is a layover. While waiting for the train to Denver, they decide to visit the Gateway Arch. They are attacked there by the monster Echidna and her pet the Chimera. Grover and Annabeth are able to make it down the Arch, but Percy is poisoned and cannot defeat the Chimera. He jumps through a hole in the side of the Arch, and lands in the Mississippi. He discovers that he is not dead, and that he can breath underwater. A Nereid appears to him, encouraging him to visit the ocean before he goes to the Underworld, and Percy is able to climb out of the river.
Episode 4: A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Percy regroups with Grover and Annabeth, and they get on the train to Denver. They are dismayed that their is no further train travel west, and that they will have to find another way to travel west to LA. They are approached by Ares, who offers them a trade of retrieving his shield from a nearby abandoned water park in exchange for transportation west. Percy and Annabeth go to the water park while Grover stays with Ares. While looking, the rivalry between Athena and Poseidon is explored, explaining why Annabeth has been a bit standoffish. They find the shield, along with Aphrodite’s Scarf, but are caught in a trap made by Hephaestus to trap his wife, Aphrodite, cheating with Ares. They endure the trap, and return to Ares with the shield, although angry that Ares didn’t warn him. Percy snarks at him and angers Ares, although he does provide transportation via an animal truck. He also tells Percy that his mother is indeed alive, being held hostage by Hades. On the truck ride, Annabeth’s reaction to the trap and spiders is explored. Grover also explains how he found Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth, and how he got them to Camp Half-Blood, although Thalia sacrificed herself and was turned into a tree to preserve her life. The truck ride stops in Las Vegas, short of their destination of Los Angeles, although they still have 5 days before their deadline. They stop at the Lotus Hotel and Casino, and are greeted warmly and given accommodation despite having no money to pay for it. After perusing the casino for a bit, Percy realizes that another boy there thinks the year is 1977. After a bit of investigating, they discover that there are people from various times there, and that the hotel makes time pass at an accelerated pace relative to the outside world. They immediately leave and are relieved that it is still the same year, but are dismayed to learn that several days have passed and they only have one day left before the solstice. Using a credit card from the hotel, they are able to pay for a taxi ride from Vegas to LA.
Episode 5: We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of
When they arrive in Los Angeles, they stop at the ocean like the Neried instructed. Percy enters the water and meets her again, where she gives him three pearls on behalf of his father, and advice to only use them when in great need. While he is in the ocean, Annabeth and Grover find the address to DOA Records, the entrance to the underworld. When they arrive, the attendant, Charon, will not allow them to pass because they are not dead and they cannot pay for passage. Grover produces a golden drachma, which Charon accepts and ferries them across the River Styx. They then come across the actual entrance to the Underworld, where the 3 Furies are patrolling along with Cerberus, the three headed dog. They evade the Furies, but are caught by Cerberus. Annabeth plays fetch with him, allowing the trio to pass. While passing by the entrance to Tartarus, Grover’s shoes, the gift from Luke, start dragging him to the pit. He is able to kick the shoes off before he is dragged into the depths, but the trio wonders if someone had cursed his shoes. They finally meet with Hades, and they are both under the impression the other is the thief of the lightning bolt and Hades’s Helm of Darkness. Percy realizes he has been set up by Ares when he discovers the bolt is in his backpack, given to him by Ares, in an effort to start a war between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Hades tries to bargain for the bolt using Sally’s life, whom he currently holds. Percy refuses, and they use the pearls to escape the Underworld via the sea. When they return to the shore, Ares is waiting for them, surprised that they made it out alive. He reveals Percy was supposed to die, to kickstart the war. Percy duels Ares, and manages to wound him. Ares decides not to kill him after what seems like divine influence, and they secure both the bolt and the helm. Percy delivers the helm to Mrs. Dodds, who pursued them from the underworld to absolve him of the crime. The trio then risks a flight back to New York to deliver the bolt to Zeus on Mt. Olympus, and manage to due so before the deadline. Percy briefly meets Poseidon for the first time, and he says he is proud of Percy, and that Sally has been returned to New York by Hades. Percy returns to camp, and enjoys the rest of the summer with his new friends. At the end of summer, as everyone is preparing to leave, Percy and Luke hang out in the woods, where Luke lets loose a deadly scorpion on Percy, revealing himself to be the Lightning Thief on behalf of Kronos, and voices his frustration with the gods neglecting their children and asks Percy to join him. Percy refuses, and the scorpion stings him, leaving Percy to stumble back to camp before he dies. Chiron is able to cure Percy, and he, Percy, and Annabeth discuss Luke’s betrayal. Annabeth then leaves Camp Half-Blood for the first time in 5 years, going to try and reconnect with her step family. Percy then leaves camp, meeting his mom, and repeating his warning to any half-bloods who might be listening.
Season 2: The Sea of Monsters
Episode 1: I Play Dodgeball with Cannibals
Percy has a dream of Grover running from a cyclops in a wedding shop, and he hears an unknown voice taunting him. When he wakes up, he sees a shadow outside his window that disappears when he looks at it. Percy then goes to school, where he and his awkward friend Tyson are stuck playing dodgeball. Their opponents turn out to be Laistrygonian Giants, who summon explosive dodgeballs in an attempt to kill Percy. He is protected by Tyson, who is unaffected by the heat and lethality of the balls. Annabeth appears and saves the two by stabbing the last giant in the back. The gymnasium they were in has taken significant damage, so they flee the scene and call upon the Gray Sisters and their taxi. The Gray Sisters accidentally reveal crucial information about Percy’s future, and he blackmails them using their one shared eye. When they finally reach Camp Half-Blood, they discover it under attack by two Bronze Bulls. Annabeth explains that the tree that protected the camp from monsters, Thalia’s tree, had been poisoned and was dying, allowing monsters in. After being granted entry by Annabeth, Tyson is able to subdue one of the bulls with help of his heat resistant person, and Clarisse manages to subdue the other one with the help of Percy. Percy finally realizes that Tyson is a cyclops, which was why he was able to defeat the bulls and the giants earlier. Because Tyson is a cyclops, and Poseidon is the father of all cyclops, this makes Tyson Percy’s half-brother (although he is not a demigod, he is a monster).
Episode 2: Demon Pigeons Attack
After the fight, Percy learns that Chiron has been fired from his job at camp, because he is a prime suspect of poisoning Thalia’s tree because he is the son of Kronos. He has been replaced by a man from the Underworld, named Tantalus, who is cursed with hunger and thirst but cannot eat or drink because he served human flesh to the gods. Percy is embarrassed by his relation to Tyson, because while he is good meaning, he is rather awkward, childish, and a monster. Tantalus announces that a chariot race will be held instead of their usual capture the flag. Percy and Annabeth fight over including Tyson on their chariot team, and briefly stop talking to each other. During the chariot race, Stymphalian Birds attack the camp, and Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson are able to drive them away via Chiron’s collection of opera music he left behind. Although they drive the birds away, Tantalus hates Percy and ignores that, heaping favor on Clarisse for winning the chariot race. He punishes Annabeth, Tyson, and Percy with kitchen duty. While on kitchen duty, Percy and Annabeth reconcile while Percy explains the vision he had of Grover in the previous episode, and Annabeth deduces he is trapped by Polyphemus, Jason’s enemy, in The Sea of Monsters. She also guesses that he holds The Golden Fleece, and that it could save Thalia’s tree.That night, at the campfire, Percy demands that Tantalus send a quest, revealing the information about the Golden Fleece, and the information the Gray Sisters gave him. Tantalus relents, and sends Clarisse, alone, on the quest. Percy wanted to take the quest instead, and while walking on the beach, meets Hermes, who convinces him to go on his own quest. He also mentions that he wants him to try and save Luke, believing there is still good in him. He gives Percy several gifts, including vitamins and a thermos filled with wind. Annabeth and Tyson approach Percy after Hermes leaves, and he explains there visit. The three of the them decide to sneak off, and Percy summons some Hippocampi to traverse the water to a passing cruise ship, the Princess Andromeda.
Episode 3: We Hitch a Ride with Dead Confederates
Shortly after coming aboard the cruise ship, they discover that it is abandoned and that Luke is now using it to transport the fledgling Titan army. They are captured and brought to Luke, and discover that his true intentions are to resurrect Kronos using the Golden Fleece and help him overthrow Olympus. Percy and Annabeth again refuse his offer to join them, and they are able to escape the Titan army by jettisoning a lifeboat and using the thermos Hermes gave them as an engine. Tyson pilots them to Virginia while Percy and Annabeth sleep. When they wake up, Percy tells Tyson to go find them some food as a way to speak to Annabeth in private about her obvious animosity with Tyson. Annabeth explains that she has an aversion to all cyclops due to a bad experience in her childhood, but before she can expand Tyson returns with food. Percy is surprised, because they are in the middle of nowhere, but he discovers a convince store, Monster Donut. They are suspicious, and it turns out it is connected to the life force of the Hydra. Percy fights the Hydra, but is unable to defeat it as it keeps growing heads. They are saved by a Civil War battleship captained by Clarisse, who invites them on. Clarisse is obviously unhappy to see them, but accepts their help on her quest. They travel to The Sea of Monsters entrance off the coast of Florida, and have to choose between sailing into Scylla or Charybdis. Clarisse decides to try and sail through Charybdis, but sails to close to the cliffs of Scylla. Several crewmen and Percy are snatched, but Percy manages to free himself. The ship is unable to handle the strain of going through the whirlpool, and the engine breaks. Tyson volunteers to fix it, and while he is down there, the ship explodes. Percy is launched into the sea, through the entrance, but losing consciousness.
Episode 4: Annabeth Tries to Swim Home
Percy wakes up on a life raft, having been fished out of the water by Annabeth. Annabeth explains that she used the remaining wind in the thermos to guide them through the sea. She also managed to save a bag of supplies, including some food, some money, and the vitamins. She explains that she searched for Clarisse and Tyson but she couldn’t find them. The raft eventually washes up on an island, where they are greeted by a spa attendant. Annabeth and Percy are taken to separate rooms for a spa treatment, where Percy meets, Circe, the sorceress. Circe reveals that this is actually a prison for men, which she turns into guinea pigs. She turns Percy into a guinea pig, and then meets Annabeth, attempting to seduce her to abandon her quest and join the ranks of her sorceresses. Percy believes that Annabeth will be tempted by the offer, and she asks for some time to consider the offer, Circe and her attendant leave, and Annabeth deduces that Percy is one of the many guinea pigs trapped in the cage in the room. She finds the vitamins in the bag and pours them into the cage, and the guinea pigs rush to eat them. The vitamins turn all the guinea pigs back into humans, one of them being Blackbeard. The pirates rampage against Circe, and Annabeth and Percy use the distraction to escape aboard one of the ships docked there. After sailing for a bit, Annabeth expresses her desire to hear the song of the sirens, a famous monster that dwells in the Sea. Sailors who hear their song realize their deepest desires, but are killed upon searching for the song. Annabeth devises a plan to have Percy block his hearing and tie Annabeth to the mast, so that she can listen to the song without swimming to their death. As they pass by the Sirens, Annabeth begs Percy to free her, but he turns away from her. When he looks again, Annabeth has used a knife in her pocket to free herself and swim towards the shore. Percy swims and saves her from reaching the shore, and they return to the ship. Annabeth reveals that her fatal flaw is pride, and she relates the story of why she hates the cyclops. We flash back to a young Luke, Annabeth, Grover, and Thalia on the run to Camp Half-Blood, where they are kidnapped by cyclops who almost kills them all, and scarred Annabeth emotionally. As she finishes telling the story, they arrive at Polyphemus’s island.
Episode 5: Nobody Gets the Fleece
Percy and Annabeth land on the island, and discover another ship there, indicating that Clairsse or Tyson or both have survived and made their way there. They discover that Polyphemus kidnapped Grover because he thinks that he is a female cyclops and wants to marry him. They sneak inside the cave by hiding on the underbelly of Polyphemus’s sheep, and see that he has captured Clarisse and is preparing her as dinner. She reveals that Grover is not a female cyclops, and actually a satyr. Polyphemus switches his plan, intending to marry Clarisse and eat Grover. Percy and Annabeth confront him, and Annabeth uses her hat to become invisible and tricking him into thinking he was being attacked by Nobody. Tyson is able to remove the boulder that blocked the entrance to the cave, and help everyone escape. Polyphemus realizes Tyson is a cyclops, and explores him to kill the intruders and help his brother. He asks Poseidon to curse his enemy, like he did with Jason, but Percy is confident he will not. Tyson is seemingly torn, but does not help Polyphemus, and the five of them manage to escape with the Golden Fleece, leaving Polyphemus cursing Nobody for besting him again. They make their way back to Miami via Hippocampi, and everyone agrees to send Clarisse back to camp via plane, using the little money they had left. Clarisse is at first reluctant to do this, as she does not want to leave her friends behind, and that she does not deserve to succeed in her quest when Percy did a lot of the work, but she eventually does. Tyson and Percy have a discussion about Polyphemus, where Tyson reaffirms his brotherhood with Percy, calling Polyphemus fat and spoiled and arrogant, and that they are not brothers. As they start to head back to New York the long way, they are again captured by Luke aboard his cruise ship. Luke plans to let Percy due the heavy lifting and steal the fleece, then take it from him, but he is foiled when he reveals Clarisse is already on her way back with he fleece. Percy then creates an iris message to Camp Half-Blood and gets Luke to admit that he poisoned Thalia’s tree, not Chiron. The camp, including Mr. D, hears this, and banishes Tantalus back to Hades. Luke cuts the message, and duels Percy, severely injuring his leg, but are saved by Chiron and his centaur brethren. They all travel back to Camp Half-Blood, where they place the Golden Fleece on Thalia’s tree and recuperate. One night, they discover a girl lying at the base of Thalia’s true, with Chiron commenting that the Fleece did its job too well. The girl reveals herself to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus.
Season 3: The Titan’s Curse
Episode 1: My Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong
6 months after the previous season, Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth are meeting Grover at a boarding school to collect two powerful demigods Grover had found there. Thalia demonstrates her ability to manipulate the mist to infiltrate the school, who are in the middle of a school dance. Grover meets up with them, and identifies the two demigods: Bianca and Nico di Angelo. He also points out Dr. Thorn, the vice principal who Grover suspects is a monster. Percy and Annabeth dance to blend in, and Percy notes that she has ages since their last meeting. Percy sees Dr. Thorn walk out of the building with the two, and he follows by himself, as the others are not readily available. Dr. Thorn transforms into a manticore, and stabs Percy with a thorn, poisoning him. Percy mentally calls out for Grover for help, and stalls Dr. Thorn, getting him monologuing about ancient monsters awakening. Grover, Thalia, and Annabeth show up, and Dr. Thorn attacks. They are saved by a volley of silver arrows fired from the bushes. It is the Hunters of Artemis, and they are about to kill the manticore when he grabs Percy and Thalia, who have both been wounded. Annabeth leaps on his back to rescue them, and the hunters shoot another volley at him. He falls from the cliff, taking Annabeth with him, and leaving no trace of either of them except Annabeth’s hat.
Episode 2: I Make a Dangerous Promise
Artemis appears and has the Hunters set up camp and meets with Percy. He is surprised to see that Artemis takes the form of a girl younger than himself. Percy conveys the message that Dr. Thorn had said about ancient monster reawakening, and decides that she is going to go alone to hunt a powerful monster. She places her lieutenant, Zoe Nightshade, in charge of the Hunters in her absence, but instructs them to wait at Camp Half-Blood until her return. Bianca also chooses to join the Hunters, instead of become a demigod at Camp, which Percy objects to but does not stop. Artemis calls her brother, Apollo, and has the demigods and the Hunters drive to Camp Half-Blood via the sun chariot. Apollo lets Thalia drive, being a daughter of Zeus, lord of the skies, but the ride is rough because Thalia is deathly afraid of heights. They crash into the lake at camp, and Nico is lead to the Big House to talk with Chiron and Mr. D, who forbid Percy and Thalia from going after Annabeth on their own. That night, Percy dreams of Annabeth being tricked into holding up the ceiling of a cavern by Luke, and Percy realizes that she is actually carrying the sky, the burden of the Titan Atlas. Percy confides this in Grover, who tells him that he overheard Annabeth and Thalia discussing joining the Hunters. Percy attempts to speak to the oracle, but the oracle is silent. While training with Thalia and the Hunters, Percy and Thalia get into an argument with subtext about Annabeth, and they come to arms when the oracle walks towards Zoe and gives a prophecy. A meeting of the Hunters and the Camp counsellors is convened, and it is decided that Zoe, Thalia, Grover, Bianca, and a hunter named Phoebe will travel on the quest. Percy protests, but isn’t allowed to go partly because the Hunters aversion to men, and party because his motivation is mostly Annabeth. Percy has another dream in which Artemis takes Annabeth’s place holding the sky to save her life. Luke chains Annabeth up and holds her captive, as bait for the demigods. Percy wakes up to a pegasus asking for his help to untangle a sea creature. Percy helps the sea creature, who he affectionately calls Bessie, escape, and when he returns, he finds Nico eavesdropping on the Hunters. Donning Annabeth’s hat, he joins and discovers that Phoebe has become bedridden and they will leave without her. He stops Nico from trying to join the quest, promising that he will go on the quest and protect Bianca, which Nico accepts. Percy then trails the quest on horseback with his pegasus Blackjack, when he is caught by Mr. D, who toys with him. Percy convinces him to let him keep following the quest, and he eventually relents with indifference.
Episode 3: I Learn How to Grow Zombies
After following the quest for several hours, they stop at the Smithsonian museum. Dr. Thorn and a man referred to as The General are there, using fossils to create skeletal warriors, who will track and kill the questers using a piece of fabric with their scent. While invisible, Percy steals the fabric so they cannot get their scent, but instead the warrior get his scent. Percy meets up with the others and fills them in on the Annabeth, Artemis, and the skeletal warriors. Zoe is furious that Percy is here with them, but resigned to the fact that he must be part of the quest.As they are debriefing, the Nemean Lion attacks, and everyone is unable to pierce his hide. Using astronaut food, Percy is able to get the Lion to open its mouth wide enough for Zoe to shoot it, killing it. Zoe gives the pelt to Percy, who devised the plan even though she dealt the killing blow. Percy offers to leave since the skeletons are pursuing him, but Zoe insists that he now part of the quest, and she will not leave anyone behind. The run away and share a fire with a homeless man in a train yard, who speaks in rhyme and is actually Apollo in disguise. They board a train and head west to New Mexico. Percy has another dream, in this one he is receiving Riptide from a girl he does not recognize. They are taking a small break when Grover passes out and the skeletal warriors attack again. Bianca is able to permentanly kill one, although no one knows why. Grover recovers, saying he felt the presence of the long lost Pan along with a gift from him, the Erymanthian Boar. They hitch a ride on the Boar who carries them further into the desert towards San Francisco. They disembark in the junkyard of the gods, where Zoe warns them not to take anything. Percy meets with Aphrodite, who has taken an interest in the relationship between Annabeth and Percy. Percy denis this, but Aphrodite insists. She also mentions that when they get to San Francisco, they should find Nereus, to give them important information. They walk through the junkyard without incident, although when they leave, a giant statue, Talos, comes to life and starts attacking. Bianca reveals that she had taken something, a little statuette as a gift for her brother. Bianca sacrifices her life in order to defeat the statue, entrusting the statue with Percy to give to Nico. The statue is defeated, and the four remaining lament their loss with realization as the prophecy given comes true.
Episode 4: I Have a Dam Problem
The group finds a truck in the junkyard and drive until they reach a river, and they steal some canoes to head upriver. They go as far as they can, reaching closer to the Hoover Dam. Grover and Percy lament the fact that Annabeth isn’t there to see it, as it is her favorite architecture. They visit the landmark in order to find some maps to get to San Francisco. Percy separates himself when he hears Bessie mooing, and he wonders what the creature is doing all the way up here. Bessie alerts him to the skeletal warriors, who are closing in on the group. As he tries to escape, he gets stuck with a tour group who descend lower into the dam. The tour guide seems to be Athena, who gives Percy cryptic advice on how to escape this situation. Percy manages to evade the skeletons, but is surprised by a mortal, whom he mistakenly attacks. Luckily, the sword cannot harm mortals, but she notices the oddity unlike all the other mortals. Percy tries to manipulate the mist like Thalia did earlier, but it does not work. The girl, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, sees the skeletons and throws them off Percy’s trail, allowing him to regroup with Thalia, Grover, and Zoe. He alerts them to the warriors, and Thalia prays to her father for a means of escape, and he sends giant metal statues of angels to carry them off to San Francisco. During their flight, Thalia confides in Percy that she is terrified of heights, which is why she has been hesitant to do anything involving the skies. When in San Francisco, they heed the advice of Aphrodite and visit Nereus, who tries to escape but Percy forces him to tell them whatever it is they need to know. He informs them of the powers of Bessie, who is the master that Artemis was hunting. Whoever burns the entrails of Bessie gains the power to overthrow Olympus. Dr. Thorn shows up, and tries to seduce Thalia to kill Bessie and take the power for herself, but she resists. They get a message to Camp Half-Blood, and Mr. D saves them by killing Dr. Thorn. Percy decides to send Grover and Bessie to Olympus, and sacrifices the Nemean Lion pelt to Poseidon to ensure they get there safely. After this, Zoe, Thalia, and Percy visits Annabeth’s father’s house, where they borrow his car to travel to Mount Tam to save everybody. He wants Percy to tell Annabeth that she will always have a home with him.
Episode 5: A Friend Says Goodbye
They reach the entrance to Mount Tam, the Garden of the Hesperides. Zoe reveals that she use to live there with here sisters until she helped Hercules steal from the tree protected by Ladon, a giant dragon, and that her father is Atlas. She was banished from the Garden, and told never to return. Zoe distracts Ladon while Percy and Thalia sneak past to Mount Tam. Zoe seemingly makes it, but is bitten by Ladon and is poisoned. They find Artemis holding up the sky, and are taunted by Luke and Atlas, who are holding Annabeth hostage there. Thalia engages Luke in a fight, while Percy and Zoe attack Atlas. Learning he hopelessly outmatched, he instead goes to Artemis and takes her burden while she fights Atlas. In the ensuing fight, Atlas kills Zoe by throwing her against the rocks, while Thalia defeats Luke when falls into a hole and disappears. Artemis forces Atlas into a position where Percy can foist the sky back on Atlas, forcing him to retake the burden. They rescue Annabeth, and everyone heads back to Olympus, but not before Artemis memorializes Zoe as a constellation in the sky. Annabeth, Thalia, and Percy are summoned to a meeting of the gods, where Thalia announces her intention to join the Hunters of Artemis, stopping her from reaching 16 and fulfilling the prophecy. Percy is relieved that Annabeth did not express interest in joining. Ares and Athena suggest killing Percy before he turns 16 so he cannot fulfill the prophecy, but Poseidon and Artemis convince them not to. They also allow Bessie to live and live on Mount Olympus. Percy has a brief meeting with Athena, who informs her of her disapproval of his relationship with Annabeth. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover return to Camp Half-Blood, where Percy realizes he needs to tell Nico that Bianca died on the quest.Nico is furious that Percy did not keep his promise, although Percy tries to give him the statue that she died for. The remaining skeletal warriors appear, still hunting Percy, and Nico in his rage opens a fissure in the Earth that swallows them. Nico leaves the camp, and Percy realizes that his godly parent is Hades, another of the Big Three. When he and Annabeth are talking about Nico later, Grover interrupts, excitedly telling them he has heard the voice of Pan, long missing.
Season 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth
Episode 1: I Battle the Cheerleading Squad
Percy is at his freshmen orientation when he notices that Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the mortal he met at the Hoover Dam, is there as well. Rachel tells Percy that two of the cheerleaders are monsters, and flees to the gymnasium, where Percy follows. Kelli and Tammi, two empousai, attack them, and Percy kills Tammi but Kelli gets away. Having caused damage to the school, Percy and Rachel flee when they run into Annabeth, who had come to meet Percy for a date. Rachel tells him that she will come up with a story to cover, and that he and Annabeth go on their way. They arrive at camp, and Annabeth leaves to talk with Clarisse about a secret mission. Percy meets the new sword master, Quintus, and his pet hellhound Mrs. O’Leary. Percy is wary of him, but Chiron vouches for him. Chiron, Percy, Annabeth, and Clarisse go to the woods where Grover is being accused of heresy for proclaiming that Pan spoke to him. He is given one week to find Pan, or he will be exiled from nature. Later, Tyson returns from his home under the seas and fixes Percy’s shield that was previously damaged. That night, he receives a message from someone, showing him that Nico is conversing with the dead, who are advising him the to bring someone back to life requires the taking of someone’s life. Percy thinks that Nico will be coming after him to kill him. The next day, while scouting in the woods, Percy and Annabeth are attacked by some scorpions, and they hide in some rocks, and fall into a dark cavern. Annabeth freaks out, and they quickly find their way out. Annabeth reveals that they fell into the labyrinth, and she has been working with Clarisse to discover it, as she fears Luke may use it as an invasion of camp. Annabeth receives a quest to find Daedalus to control the maze, and she takes Grover, Percy, and Tyson into the maze.
Episode 2: I Scoop Poop
The maze is dark and confusing, and they end up going in circles for a bit. When they come upon two diverging pathways, the Roman god Janus, who offers a key to one of the doors, but forces Annabeth to make a chance while trying to confuse her. Before Annabeth chooses, Hera appears and drives Janus away, saying she has only postponed Annabeth’s choice, but offers her a wish. Annabeth wishes for a way to navigate the maze, and Hera tells her she already has what she wishes for. The path they end up taking leads them to Alcatraz, where Brirares, a hundred handed cyclops, is imprisoned by the dragon Kampe. They rescue Briares, but he is so disheartened by his imprisonment that he refuses to help. The foursome fends off Kampe, and return to the labyrinth. They come across a cattle ranch ran by Geryon, a three headed monster. Nico is also there, trying to make a deal with Geryon, but bristles as he sees Percy. Geryon imprisons Annabeth, Grover, and Nico, and agrees to set them free if he cleans the stables. Percy succeeds by summoning the water from seashells in the stables, but when he returns Geryon does not let his friends go. Percy attacks him, but because he has three bodies and three hearts, he cannot be killed unless they are all taken out at the same time. Percy takes a bow from the ranch, and with a prayer to Hera, shoots all of his hearts out simultaneously. Geryon’s rancher, gives them a compass to find Hephaestus, who can guide them to Daedalus. Nico refuses to accompany the quest, and summons the ghost of Bianca, who reveals she sent the message about Nico to Percy. She tells him not to blame Percy and to remember not to hold a grudge. Nico forgives Percy, but still refuses to travel with them. Annabeth and crew follow the compass, a spider, deeper into the labyrinth.
Episode 3: I Take a Permanent Vacation
Traveling back in the labyrinth, the four run across the Sphinx, who instead off giving a riddle, attempts to administer a standardized test. Annabeth is upset that this is not a good proof of wisdom, and kills the Sphinx instead. Continuing onward, they reach the forges of Hephaestus, who agrees to guide them to Daedalus on the condition they find out who is using his forges in Mount St. Helens. They traverse the labyrinth, and at a juncture Grover senses the presence of Pan. The team splits up; Grover and Tyson follow the scent of Pan, while Annabeth and Percy continue on to the forges. They discover telekhines using the forges to make a weapon for Kronos. Percy is spotted and they start attacking the duo. Annabeth kisses Percy as he protects the retreat, and eventually releases a tidal wave of water to put out the fires of the forges. This causes the volcano to erupt, and the eruption sends Percy flying literally out of this world. He wakes up on the island Ogygia, where a young woman named Calypso has been healing him. They are instantly attracted to each other, but Percy insists that he must get back to the mortal world to help his friends. Calypso reveals that he must make a choice: he can either stay with Calypso on the island and become immortal, or he can leave Ogygia and never return. While Percy mulls his options, Hephaestus arrives and explains to him what has happened. Percy caused the eruption of the volcano which woke the ancient monster, Typhon, who slept there. He also helps Percy how to navigate the labyrinth, and Percy decides to leave. Calypso is not suprised by his choice, but it breaks her heart regardless. She gives him some moonlace to plant back in New York, so that he will remember her. As Percy leaves, he ponders if this will be his biggest regret in life.
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