Why Is Illegal Gambling Considered A Victimless Crime

is illegal gambling a victimless crime

is illegal gambling a victimless crime - win

[MEGA POST PART 1] Let's convert some conservatives with some good faith arguments! This is a log of interactions with conservatives on r/askaconservative. Please reply refuting or agreeing to a specific number on the log, as many as you can.

We have to turn the tide from democrat vs conservative to democrat vs libertarian soon. Before we spend too much and go bankrupt. Help do the lord's work. Reply to as many as you can!
What's your opinion on libertarianism?
(1) Personally I support most aspects of traditional libertarianism, however I do strongly believe in moral structure and moral law.
Who's morals?
Standard Christian morals
(2) It's and excellent undying principal for freedom and democracy. At its core it seeks to respect other people and the rights of the other person and every person. That is a wonderful ideal. It stands in stark contrast to socialism that places the rights of the collective above the rights of the people.
A couple of 'libertarian socialists' replied to this one. We're just gonna ignore that.
(3) Generally good in theory, but fails in practice due to the amount of people who are totally disinterested, and actually actively involved in, leaving others alone. Hoppean libertarianism is the most realistic form of the ideology, because it recognizes that you cannot have a free society if people who want to destroy it are allowed free reign.
(4) A lot of people in this thread appear to be confusing libertarianism with anarcho-capitalism.
(5) Well, the do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody has some flaws, what about abortion? Foreign policy? War?
(6) Libertarianism is the same as other ideologies as in it has this unachievable end goal ( no government at all and people do what they want as long as they don't mess with anyone else). I think its beneficial to take some good things from it such as minimal government as possible and individual freedom.
(7) Sorta like communism or socialism, pretty good idea in concept but at some point either in execution or morals it doesn’t work 100%. That’s where you get into having some aspects of libertarianism and some aspects of authoritarianism for a good middle
(8) To me, libertarianism was like communism. At first it's "Sounds good, doesn't work." Then you realize it doesn't even sound good.
(9) Libertarianism requires a high degree of virtuous behaviomoral uprightness to function. I don't believe most libertarians of today understand that.
(10) It is created with good intentions, but it ultimately fails because it fails to provide the security and the stability that a society needs to exist. It also gives too many opportunities for people to engage in self-destructive behavior. Btw, every modern problem can be traced back to the adoption of social libertarianism.
(11) Naive. Usually supported by privileged sheltered people who have never met the average person.
(12) It is disingenuous at best. Between tariffs and taxes there has never been a truly free market in the U.S., therefore a government has always been needed to enforce those revenue streams. Today we absolutely need a government big/strong enough to keep the oligarchs from eating us.
(13) As a guiding principle for taxes, spending, and regulation, it's quite good. As an ideology, it's wretched.
(14) It is good in theory, but totaly ineffective and outdated when dealing with the modern world. In an age where the left has become increasingly more militant and authoritarian, the right should not respond with handing them the keys to the machinery. Thats how i see libertarianism anyway
(15) Feckless ideology for today’s world and the demographics of now. Anyone who supports libertarianism in 2020 supports and allows the Communist Left’s taking every inch of our society, it’s institutions, cultures, values, and history.
Yep, conservative-libertarians are responsible for us losing the culture war
Why should prostitution and other forms of sex work be criminalized at all?
(16) Because it incentivizes human trafficking by making it generally easier to hide or get away with.
Why would ANYONE ever go to the trouble of trafficking a human when you can just pay for a prostitute for presumably higher quality from free market competition.
Younger, cheaper, etc. The free market has to meet the demands of both client and worker, but trafficking doesn’t have to care about the demands of the worker.
Actually this is false. In the Same way that legalizing drugs makes it harder for the cartels to operate, legal prostitution would make trafficking more difficult. Legalization means cheaper, higher supply, more competition, regulation. As free market capitalists who believe in leaving the individual alone to do what they want you all turn into the pope when sex or women’s rights are brought up.
Why then does trafficking increase in countries that have legalized prostitution https://orgs.law.harvard.edu/lids/2014/06/12/does-legalized-prostitution-increase-human-trafficking/#:~:text=The%20scale%20effect%20of%20legalizing,incidence%20of%20human%20trafficking%20inflows.
(17) Because it's degenerate on an individual and societal level.
It may be to you, but why should the state enforce it?
The state has a duty to protect and take care of it's citizens.
How is not allowing consensual prostitution protecting anyone
Because it's corrosive for the soul to put comodify human intimacy.
(18) Me personally, I see it as a health risk. God knows how many people a hooker has slept with, and God knows how many possibly-deadly STDs they're carrying.
(19) Because personally, I don't like the idea normalizing deviant behavior, especially since this opens the door to dangerous interpretations on what should be legal. Trying to legalized everything that is consider "victimless", it would lead our society to a level of ignorance where we lack morals and standards on what is right and wrong.
Theres also to take into consideration what the problems that sex work could lead to, like sex slavery, abuse, and underage prostitution. Even if we allow individual states to decide (which I am fine with), I think the federal government should intervene in order to prevent the abuse in sex work.
I also don't like how our society treat sex as a need/commodity, rather than a beautiful thing between a loving couple. This obsession with sex is the reason why there are so many perverted degenerates in today's society.
Sorry about jumping into the conversation, but I was having a conversation with my Grandma(81) about if she thought society today is better off then when she was growing up. She went on to say that today's society is better because we are more open to communication with one and another. She explained that her father was a pervert and would act out on the family and there were no repercussions for him because it wasn't talked about. In today's society families are protected from abuses because it is acknowledged more and we have support groups. My point being is are there more perverts in today's society or is it just more exposed?
(20) Federal it shouldn't be, state side its up to the state. If you have a majority of people living in a state together that want to make a business practice illegal without infringing on the constitutional protections, then so be it.
(21) Even when prostitution is legal, it is often involuntary by some measure. There is a second order effect of legal prostitution yielding higher human trafficking and enslavement as well as other human rights abuses. Making prostitution illegal doesn’t magically make those go away, but it does both mitigate them and make them harder to hide.
(NULL) Someone said it should be and then a mod deleted it lol
(22) Because most Americans (at least at one point) were mostly religious especially Christian and that is just a degenerate thing that doesn’t need to exist in a civilized society. However given separation of church and state it should be seen outside of those lenses of religious morality.
Still a lot of bad things could happen to the sex worker, it just opens up a can of worms like possible sex trafficking and other evils. Paying for sex just seems wrong imo but I understand that’s a personal opinion so maybe it’s an issue that needs a ballot vote someday.
I feel like under the free market we wouldn't have to worry about bad things happening to sex workers since the reason bad things happen now might be because its on the black market.
Study human trafficking, so you’re for that being normalized?
It wouldn't need be at all normalized if you can just pay for a prostitute. Why would you go to all the trouble to human traffic if you can just buy one for presumably higher quality from free market competition.
It funnels up. It’s damaging, ex porn stars if they’re still alive will say it’s damaging. It’s what they had to do etc. even if it becomes legal the same stuff remains. Most do it just for an income.
(23) Nope.
  1. religious grounds. Prostitution is evil and destroys lives. God bans it for a reason. It degrades us and breaks His heart. Marriage is a powerful illustration of God's love for us. Sex outside of marriage is abhorrent and prostitution is just detestable. Niether one should be accepted, encouraged, or embraced.
  2. as mentioned, it's degrading. It cheapens sex, it plummets self worth, it's turning women (mostly) into a commodity. It's not glamorous and fun as some may say, it's distructive. It's usual a desperate move to make money and it's severaly damaging. Why would we want to legalize something so damaging to our society and its people?
  3. it would increase human trafficking. https://orgs.law.harvard.edu/lids/2014/06/12/does-legalized-prostitution-increase-human-trafficking/. When you legalize something illigal you get more of that activity. You also create a larger and more powerful black market. The black market will grow and there will be less chance of rescuing those trapped in slavery. If police aren't picking up the victims then there is little chance the victims will reach out for help. Many may not speak English and far more are too afraid. They will be left in slavery with little hope of escape. That is a huge reason not to support legalizing it.
(24) The biggest issue I foresee is legal as it requires some very uncomfortable questions. Now states are allowed to criminalize it because morality alone is a constitutional justification for a state law. However, creating legalized brothels would require either inventing a whole legal framework around them or simply exempting them from a lot of laws. For example, if one comes down with Herpes, does she get long term disability? Workman's comp? If I walk in and the person behind the desk says "Sorry the girl who services Blacks is out sick and everyone in today is Asian or Hispanic only." can I sue them or are we carving out this industry as immune from discrimination laws? Can an owner refuse to hire a girl who doesn't service protected classes? Legalization means licensure, so what exactly is a fair criteria for licensure? How can a constitutional set of regulations be made and what would reasonable regulations look like? Advertising rules? Not mentioning cultural, criminal and economic consequences, this field provokes some difficult legal questions whose answers could have large impact
(25) I don’t think it should. I’d rather see it regulated and protection for workers. And make sure all the workers are actual adults.
(26) It is just bad for society. While you may say, "It's not up to the government to enforce moral rules," and essentially be correct, the problem is that there are far more powerful forces at work (corporations, profit motive, etc.) that individuals really don't stand a chance. Combine this with the total death of traditional values, and legalizing sex work would become widespread and acceptable within a generation. I see this as extremely negative and contrary to building a just, moral society.
Why should drugs be illegal?
(27) I’m actually very impressed with the Swedish system for sex work, where it’s legal to sell but illegal to purchase adult services. This removes the legal threats that pimps often use against sex slaves and allows sex workers to feel safe enough to seek medical or legal help if they need it.
I’d be in favor of a similar yet reversed system for drugs, where it remains illegal to sell but legal to purchase. Take down the networks but allow addicts to seek help instead of rotating in and out of prison.
(28) I'm fine with legalizing drugs, just don't ask me to be financially responsible for the consequences of other peoples' drug use.
(29) Most of them probably shouldn't be. Legalize them, and regulate them. Too much time, money, and lives are wasted on the war on drugs. By legalizing them and regulating them, the cartels will be severely weakened and we'll have less people in jail thus saving tax payers money.
Let people be responsible for their own lives.
(30) They shouldn't be. They should all be legal but regulated like alchohol. If you want to smoke crack cocaine go for it.
(31) Unpopular opinion: Drug laws actually work if you try enforcing them.
Look at east asian countries. They have very harsh punishments for drug use/distribution. Seems to solve the problem.
(32) Because they don’t just harm the user, they will inevitably affect somebody else as well as the society at large. “Liberty” and “rights” are not my main concern. I care far more for the well-being of the western world. If that means we have to restrict personal freedoms for the greater good, then it should be done.
(33) I’m fine with drugs being sold in stores, but I don’t think they should be legal to just sell on the street as they can easily be laced with something.
(34) It's like I said in this one thread about sex work, I don't want to normalize deviant behavior and the federal government has no part in it. It is up to the states to decide.
EDIT: Geez, what's with the libertarians in the thread. I thought we are conservatives, not libertarians.
Libertarians are the original cucks, and social media is full of them.
They're basically lower middle class people who haven't thought anything through.
(35) When you take drugs you more often than not become dependent on them. Dependent people sometimes do desperate things, like break into houses or mug people for drug money. The societal cost is greater than just 1 person doing drugs. If all it ever amounted to was someone wasting away their own life I think people would be fine with it more or less but that's not how it is.
So should alcohol be illegal?
Probably, yeah.
Interesting, so would you say you are in favour of taking away civil liberties to protect people from themselves?
I wouldn't count that as the only reason to do so but yes in certain situations I am less concerned about liberty and more concerned about the well being of society as a whole.
(36) Meth should be completely legal, just like running people over on your car while on meth, or eating a persons face while on bath salts.
No idea why mind-altering substances are not legal. Kinda suspicious, is big pharma getting kickbacks from narcan being used on idiots who don’t know how to dose properly? What about big gang? They’re probably keeping drugs illegal to keep prices high!
(37) war on drugs would have been won ages ago if politicians had the balls to implement the laws east asian countries have
also look at what happened in China after they were forced to legalize drugs, people who want this in their own country are either incredibly stupid or actually malicious and want to destroy society on purpose
(38) All drugs except cocaine, meth, and heroin should be legal. Do whatever you want with your body but those 3 drugs put other peoples lives at risk with their highly addictive qualities and the erratic nature of their highs.
(39) Generally, because they are social blight even worse than alcoholism.
I favor there being some cities where everything is decriminalized. Go there to do drugs. If you die... lol. No social benefits.
(40) They shouldn't be. Dedicating billions to help you ruin your life is a waste of my money.
(41) Most drugs inherently damage the body, and are demonstratively bad for you, but honestly I don’t care about that. Legalizing drugs will lead to more addicts and a greater burden on society because someone has to pay for those addicts.
I offer a simple solution: legalize drugs and prevent emergency medical services to overdose cases. Do all the drugs you want, but if you overdose, you die.
(42) Weed, okay fine. If you're an adult who's a law abiding, productive member of society that happens to smoke dope, so what? Other than being a gateway drug for teens I have no problem with weed. I just think the harmful effects would outweigh any good it might do. There's crime now but from dealers who are breaking the law. Who's to say that if it's legal some "average Joe" who's a husband & father that would never otherwise break any law gets addicted to heroine and ruins his life/family's lives? I just can't get on board with that. Of course, the same argument can be made about alcohol but that doesn't mean just because it's legal we need to open up the floodgates. That's just my two cents. This is not a black & white issue, it has many gray areas.
Should we legalize gambling?
(43) Yes. It’s not what I want to do with my money but if you’re an adult then I’m not going to be the one to tell you you can’t gamble your money.
(44) Yes. The government should not prevent people from throwing away their own money. If people want to be stupid, let them deal with the consequences of their actions.
(45) I'm not one for moral inconsistencies. Far as I'm concerned if you've ever eaten refined sugar or drank alcohol, you don't get the moral high ground to say whether or not someone can gamble. It's a vice like any other. You do it once in awhile, whatever. You do it all the time, you suffer consequences.
What's nice about living in America is you have a seemingly endless supply of opportunities to fix your life should things go poorly. You don't need the govt to protect you from yourself.
(46) Man, this is one of those hard topics. We see a lot of evidence that gambling literally ruins lives. Not just the gamblers life, but whole families. But we have to try and be consistent about things as best as we can, and so I regretfully have to admit to endorsing making gambling legal. It does not cross the line fully enough that I am willing to allow government power over it.
(47) I think games like Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, etc are fine but I kind of feel like gaming machines should be illegal.
(48) My take is the role of government oversight should be limited to cases of criminal malice, because they operate ultimately by threat of force or seizure. In that lens, offering or partaking in gambling is nowhere near the threshold of the role of a government.
Thinking in that context makes questions like this readily apparent and clear. It should be a defining element of what conservatives mean by "limited government" because I think most non-conservatives feel that it only applies to guns and taxes for us. It's a simple definition that anyone can immediately comprehend, and should replace "limited government" in the conservative vernacular.
Government oversight should be limited to cases of criminal malice.
(49) Games of skill, sure (poker, etc).
Games which are random chance but rigged against you, sure but I don't like it (roulette, etc).
Machines with flashing lights and sounds that are designed to be addictive that are rigged against you? No.
(50) I guess most of the “positive”-answers here are from American conservatives, the thing that makes conservatism a unique and beautiful ideology for me is the fact that values can differ between countries/continents. European conservatives, like myself, would lean more to the against-side. Gambling degrades neighbourhoods here and is addicting, a state should be like a good housefather and thus act with caution when it comes to gambling because especially in cities it can punch a hole in the costly fabric that is society, so no.
(51) yes 100%, along with prostitution and certain recreational drugs.
It is not the government's job to regulate what we put in our bodies.
(52) No. Gambling ruins lives. You will basically never make a gain from gambling. You are throwing away your money. Gambling only makes the poor poorer and the rich richer.
(53) Sure. The government should be telling us what to do and what not to do with our money (or anything really). I don’t like gambling but I would never tell anyone else that they can’t
That's all for part 1
submitted by Princy04 to AskLibertarians [link] [comments]

Agorism Is Not Anarcho-Capitalism

The goal of this essay is three-fold. First, I will identify the key concepts which outline the philosophy of Agorism and the strategy of Counter-Economics, as outlined by Samuel E. Konkin III in The New Libertarian Manifesto and An Agorist Primer. Second, I will illustrate how radicals of all stripes can utilize the strategy of counter-economics, as described by Konkin, without necessarily endorsing his philosophy of Agorism and it’s specific tenets. Finally, I will describe what sets Agorism apart from Anarcho-Capitalism and other schools of thought. I will show that although the Counter-Economic strategy can be utilized by nearly any individual, Agorism itself is not simply a strain or subset of Anarcho-Capitalism, but a unique political philosophy of its own.
Before I dive in, allow me to briefly explain the inspiration for the title of this essay and the essay itself. As I will demonstrate, the Agorist message and Counter-Economic strategy can be of use to any individual who finds themselves in pursuit of a more free, just, and ethical world. However, the reason the title focuses on Anarcho-Capitalism is because I have noticed a trend in “right-libertarian”/AnCap social media circles where individuals claim to support the ideas of Konkin and his Agorism yet also express a distaste for left-libertarianism. My goal is to help readers with this viewpoint understand the essential role Konkin and his “New Libertarianism,” or Agorism, played in developing the American Left-Libertarian movement.
Agorism As Consistent Libertarianism
Let’s start by getting an understanding of Konkin’s vision. Konkin called for the creation of a revolutionary movement lead by workers and entrepreneurs voluntarily cooperating in economic exchanges that take place outside of the State’s grasp. He called this movement The New Libertarian Alliance. Konkin based his revolutionary ideas on a foundation of Libertarianism in the vein of Rothbard and the American Individualist Anarchists before him. In The New Libertarian Manifesto Konkin writes:
“Where the State divides and conquers its opposition, Libertarianism unites and liberates. Where the State beclouds, Libertarianism clarifies; where the State conceals, Libertarianism uncovers; where the State pardons, Libertarianism accuses.
Libertarianism elaborates an entire philosophy from one simple premise: initiatory violence or its threat (coercion) is wrong (immoral, evil, bad, supremely impractical, etc) and is forbidden; nothing else is.
Libertarianism, as developed to this point, discovered the problem and defined the solution: the State vs the Market. The Market is the sum of all voluntary human action. If one acts non-coercively, one is part of the Market. Thus did Economics become part of Libertarianism.”(1)
From this, Konkin developed his views on property:
“Libertarianism investigated the nature of man to explain his rights deriving from non-coercion. It immediately followed that man (woman, child, Martian, etc.) had an absolute right to this life and other property – and no other.
All theft is violence initiation, either the use of force to take property away involuntarily or to prevent receipt of goods or return of payment for those goods which were freely transferred by agreement.” (1)
Konkin became involved in the burgeoning libertarian movement in the late sixties. At this point the lovers of liberty were beginning to recognize the potential for a national movement of anti-statist, pro-market radicals. In the midst of this opportunity Konkin saw libertarian activists being lured into “get liberty quick” schemes, such as electoral politics. In a counter-attack to the enemies of liberty, Konkin outlined a new philosophy that he believed was simply the result of applying libertarian principles to their most consistent and logical ends.
“The basic principle which leads a libertarian from statism to his free society is the same which the founders of libertarianism used to discover the theory itself. That principle is consistency. Thus, the consistent application of the theory of libertarianism to every action the individual libertarian takes creates the libertarian society.
Many thinkers have expressed the need for consistency between means and ends and not all were libertarians. Ironically, many statists have claimed inconsistency between laudable ends and contemptible means; yet when their true ends of greater power and oppression were understood, their means are found to be quite consistent. It is part of the statist mystique to confuse the necessity of ends-means consistency; it is thus the most crucial activity of the libertarian theorist to expose inconsistencies. Many theorists have done so admirably; but we have attempted and most failed to describe the consistent means and ends combination of libertarianism.
New Libertarianism (agorism) cannot be discredited without Liberty or Reality (or both) being discredited, only an incorrect formulation.” (1)
Briefly, Agorism calls for the creation of a new society by competing with the State directly, rather than relying on voting, electoral politics, or calls for insurrectionary violence. Konkin coined the term Agorism after the Greek word agora for “open marketplace”. In order to achieve this agora, Konkin called for entrepreneurs to make use of the so-called “black and grey markets”. “In short, the ‘black market’ is anything non-violent prohibited by the State and carried on anyways,” Konkin wrote. “The ‘grey market’ is used here to mean dealing in goods and services not themselves illegal but obtained or distributed in ways legislated against by The State.” (2)
For Konkin, a truly libertarian society would be Agorist – “libertarian in theory and free-market in practice”. This society would include a respect for justly acquired property, voluntary cooperation between entrepreneurs and producers, and replacing all of the State’s “services” with private competition among individuals and collectives.
“Libertarian analysis shows us that the State is responsible for any damage to innocents it alleges the ‘selfish tax-evader’ has incurred; and the ‘services’ the State ‘provides’ us are illusory. But even so, there must be more than lonely resistance cleverly concealed or ‘dropping out?’ If a political party or revolutionary army is inappropriate and self-defeating for libertarian goals, what collective action works? The answer is agorism.” (3)
The goal of Agorism is to replace all non-consensual, coercive relationships with voluntary relationships based on mutual benefit via entrepreneurship in the black and grey markets. This shuffling of “large collections of humanity from statist society to the agora” was “true revolutionary activity”. According to Konkin, Agorists should not launch “attacks” on the State. “We are strictly defensive,” Konkin wrote in An Agorist Primer, his follow-up to The New Libertarian Manifesto.
Further, Konkin described an agorist as “one who lives counter-economically without guilt for his or her heroic, day-to-day actions, with the old libertarian morality of never violating another’s person or property”. The philosophy stresses the importance of taking action. “An agorist is one who lives agorism. Accept no counterfeits. There are agorists “trying to live up to it.” There are, of course, liars who will claim to be anything. As Yoda said so succinctly, ‘Do. Or do not. There is no try.’ That’s Agorism.” (4)
Counter-Economics As Defined by Konkin
If Agorism is Konkin’s premier philosophical contribution, his recognition of Counter-Economics as the path towards Agorism is equally important. The term Counter-Economics can be attributed to the time and period in which Konkin developed his ideas. “Counter-Culture was a popular phrase, the only lasting victory of the “hippies.” Counter-Economics implied that the “revolution wasn’t finished” and that the Economic System needed to undergo the same up-ending as the Culture had,” Konkin wrote.
As defined above, the black and grey markets are part of the Counter-Economy, which Konkin defined as “All (non-coercive) human action committed in defiance of the State”. In line with libertarian principles of non-aggression, Konkin labels initiatory violence in the form of theft or murder as the “red market”, the one type of activity that is shunned in his counter-economy.
Konkin explains that as the State’s repressive and oppressive activities increase, the people will begin seeking economic alternatives to State regulation and interference. This provides an opportunity for forward-thinking Agorists to launch and support counter-economic businesses and activity. Konkin believed that once the counter-economy had progressed to the point where entrepreneurs were providing the public with protection and security services that could rival or defend against the State, the Agorist revolution would be complete.
“Slowly but steadily we will move to the free society turning more counter-economists onto libertarianism and more libertarians onto counter-economics, finally integrating theory and practice. The counter-economy will grow and spread to the next step we saw in our trip backward, with an ever-larger agorist sub-society embedded in the statist society. Some agorists may even condense into discernible districts and ghettos and predominate in islands or space colonies. At this point, the question of protection and defense will become important.”(3)
“Eventually, of course, after a period of increasingly rapid change of this kind, the “underground” will break into and displace the “overground”; the state will wither away into irrelevance, its taxpayers, soldiers, and law-enforcement people having deserted it for the marketplace; and we’ll be left with a free, agorist society.” (4)
Counter-Economics As A Tool For All Radicals
Konkin envisioned a world of decentralized, peer to peer communities consciously and voluntarily doing business in the counter-economy as a means towards ending the State and liberating the people. The range of (and opportunity for) counter-economic activity has only increased with the expansion of the internet and decentralized technology like crypto-currencies. Konkin discussed various forms of counter-economic activity including, using cash to avoid detection, barter, investing in precious metals, undocumented employment, use of illicit and illegal drugs and medicines, prostitution, bootlegging, gambling, weapons dealing, or simply providing a service while accepting payment in non-statist currencies.
The possibilities are essentially endless and should be welcomed by all radicals who are seeking alternatives to Statism and the status-quo. Any individual or collective who recognizes the economic monopoly that is maintained by continued use of the Federal Reserve Note (dollar) should be supportive of counter-economic measures and investing in creating alternatives. Whether your idea of economic freedom is collective ownership or individualist in nature, Agorism offers an opportunity for communes, mutual banks, time stores, and marketplaces based in the counter-economy. This will allow all non-statist counter-economic ventures to cooperate and compete in the pursuit of a more free society. As Nick Ford has noted, there is opportunity for an Agorist-Syndicalist alliance, and in our first book, John Vibes and I propose the creation of an Agorist-Mutualist alliance. Quite simply, if you want to abolish the State and the privileged class who benefit from its existence, create alternatives to the current paradigm and outgrow the archaic institutions of yesterday.
I should note that Konkin was critical of communism. In “Counter-Economics: Our Means” he writes, “the anti-market commune defies the only enforceable law – the law of nature. The basic organizational structure of society (above the family) is not the commune (or tribe or extended tribe or State) but the agora. No matter how many wish communism to work and devote themselves to it, it will fail. They can hold back agorism indefinitely by great effort, but when they let go, the ‘flow’ or ‘Invisible Hand’ or ‘tides of history’ or ‘profit incentive’ or ‘doing what comes naturally’ or ‘spontaneity’ will carry society inexorably closer to the pure agora.” (3)
However, I do not think his personal perception of communism should discourage individuals from investing in the counter-economy. There is bound to be a wide range of activity, opinions, and solutions. In a truly freed market each of these persuasions could co-exist.
Understanding Konkin’s Vision of Agorism
It is important to distinguish counter-economic activity from full on Agorist activity. While one may be a drug dealer, prostitute, arms dealer, barber without a license, or other grey/black market entrepreneur, it does not follow that one is also a conscious practicing counter-economist or Agorist. Generally, economic activity in the black and grey markets is always counter-economic because it is untaxed and removes the State from the situation. But, without the awareness of Agorist philosophy and conscious effort to remove economic power away from the State, one is simply breaking the State’s law. While flouting the state’s laws against victimless crimes is a commendable act, it does not make one an Agorist. In short, you can support and participate in counter-economic ventures without wholeheartedly embracing Konkin’s ideas, but you would not be an Agorist.
“So what differentiates Agorism from Anarcho-Capitalism and other forms of market-anarchism?”
As noted earlier, Konkin was a vital part of the establishment of the Left-Libertarian movement of the 1960’s, 70’s, and 80’s. The Movement of the Libertarian Left was born of Konkin’s experiences working with Murray Rothbard and Karl Hess on Left and Right, a journal dedicated to bringing together the anti-statist “right” and New Left of the late 60’s. These experiences greatly influenced Konkin’s thinking and development of Agorism. When asked why he chose to identify as a “libertarian left” or left-libertarian, Konkin said he was “to the left” of Rothbard, so it became natural to refer to the his movement as left-libertarian. He also noted his interest in continuing “Rothbard’s 1960-69 alliance with the anti-nuke, then anti-war New Left”.
“Among important figures in the development of the modern libertarian movement, Konkin stands out in his insistence that libertarianism rightly conceived belongs on the radical left wing of the political spectrum,” writes David S. D’Amato for Libertarianism.org “His Movement of the Libertarian Left, founded as a coalition of leftist free marketers, resisted the association of libertarianism with conservatism. Further positioning it on the left, agorism embraces the notion of class war and entails a distinctly libertarian analysis of class struggle and stratification.”
When asked about the main differences between left-libertarian/agorism and anarcho-capitalism, Konkin said, “In theory, those calling themselves anarcho-capitalists do not differ drastically from agorists; both claim to want anarchy (statelessness, and we pretty much agree on the definition of the State as a monopoly of legitimized coercion, borrowed from Rand and reinforced by Rothbard). But the moment we apply the ideology to the real world (as the Marxoids say, “Actually Existing Capitalism”) we diverge on several points immediately.”
In Konkin’s words, “the “Anarcho-capitalists” tend to conflate the Innovator (Entrepreneur) and Capitalist, much as the Marxoids and cruder collectivists do. Agorists are strict Rothbardians, and, I would argue in this case, even more Rothbardian than Rothbard, who still had some of the older confusion in his thinking.” Konkin also said the AnCaps of his time had a tendency to “believe in involvement with existing political parties” and using the “U.S. Defense complex to fight communism”, terrorism, or any other misguided cause. While it may be said that AnCaps who support the Defense Department are a minority in 2016, the point does illustrate that since the beginning of the Agorist movement there has been an effort to segregate from the AnCap element.
Konkin believed “a lot more than statism would need to be eliminated from individual consciousness” for a truly free society to exist. Based on this statement (and his writings elsewhere) it seems clear that Konkin espoused a “thick” libertarianism that fights for collective liberation through individual means and does not end its analysis at Statism. Indeed, Konkin specifically wrote about the oppression waged against women and the gay community. (4) Another difference between Konkian libertarianism and that of “right-libertarians”, is the issue of class. Although the right typically avoid class-based analyses, Konkin helped develop what has become known as “The Agorist Class Theory”. The Agorist Class Theory refutes Marx’s communist class theory and recognizes the differences between non-statist entrepreneurs and Statist-Capitalists.
Konkin elaborated on these ideas in an interview and in discussions on the Left-Libertarian Yahoo group. Again he stressed the importance of separating the “non-innovators, and pro-statist Capitalists” from the “non-statist Capitalists (in the sense of holders of capital, not necessarily ideologically aware)”, calling them “neutral drone-like non-innovators”. When it came to the working class, Konkin argued that the State stifled innovation and entrepreneurship which kept the working class busy doing meaningless busy work. He called workers and peasants “an embarrassing relic from a previous Age at best and look forward to the day that they will die out from lack of market demand”.
Additionally, Konkin made favorable comments towards workers movements. In the Left-Libertarian Yahoo Group, Konkin said he approved of the Industrial Workers of the World’s (IWW) attempt to recruit libertarians. Konkin said he wanted “to remind old MLL members and inform newbies that, free-market and pro-entrepreneur as we are, MLL supports genuine anarcho-syndicalist unions which consistently refuse to collaborate with the State. (In North America, that’s the IWW and nothing else I know of.)” He noted that the IWW split with the U.S. Socialist Party for the same reasons his MLL split with the U.S. Libertarian Party – “a rejection of parliamentarianism for direct action”.
Konkin also disagreed with conflating the terms “free enterprise” and “capitalism” with the “free market”. “Capitalism means the ideology (ism) of capital or capitalists,” he wrote. “Before Marx came along, the pure free-marketeer Thomas Hodgskin had already used the term capitalism as a pejorative; capitalists were trying to use coercion — the State — to restrict the market. Capitalism, then, does not describe a free market but a form of statism, like communism. Free enterprise can only exist in a free market.” (5)
Konkin referred to his movement as “revolutionary” and “radical”, terms that are generally used to describe left-leaning movements, and rejected by “right-libertarians” and conservatives. The use of terminology from the New Left was not a mistake. Konkin was consciously making an effort to distinguish his brand of “revolutionary market-anarchism” from the growing Anarcho-Capitalism movement.
In conclusion, Samuel E. Konkin III successfully created an extension of libertarian philosophy by utilizing tactics that are consistent from theory to application (Counter-Economics) while providing a path towards a more free society. He made efforts to acknowledge the differences between his movement and others, but at the same time recognizing that the counter-economic attack can be waged by a wide spectrum of anti-Statists. If we can successfully create a Panarchist Alliance of Counter-Economists, we may yet construct a truly freed market that allows free experimentation and trade between different schools of thought. In this space we will see the Conscious Agorist Movement flourish.
  1. Agorism: Our Goal, The New Libertarian Manifesto
  2. Footnotes of Counter-Economics: Our Means, The New Libertarian Manifesto
  3. Counter-Economics: Our Means, The New Libertarian Manifesto
  4. Applied Agorism, An Agorist Primer
  5. Applied Economics, An Agorist Primer
submitted by Bonnot-A3 to MarketAnarchism [link] [comments]

Shane, the masses have already proven themselves to be smarter than politicians

It's called free market economics. That's why things that are supposedly "illegal" thrive like drugs, prostitution, gambling and other consensual victimless "crimes". Also, most decisions we make on a daily basis are market based not politically based. There really is no need for a government per se but without markets, we'd fall apart. Actually, it's government that's the enemy of free market efficiencies which is why government consistently fails whenever it enters the marketplace.
Hope that helps...
submitted by frankzen to MSsEcReTPoDcAsT [link] [comments]

another random post on detroit thoughts

i never planned this, but it's inevitable when one plays a game more than a few times. there are things that i've ruminated on for too long so i figured i should post them to lessen the effect the thoughts have in my head. because complaining about irl hasn't helped.
this is long, random, & may contain unpopular opinions, so proceed with that in mind.
obviously, many of these gripes are meant with love. you play a game a lot, laugh over weird stuff that no one seemed to proof, & some questions are rhetorical - but these things have been on my mind. obviously, if i didn't like detroit, i wouldn't be thinking about it too much. the same thing happened with heavy rain before.
i'm also stuck on how many characters are probably well & truly dead if the other androids did get killed & markus' group was the last left & if you set a dirty bomb. it made me realize what a big deal it was for connor to get more of them because they really are a dying species before that point. it just never hit me until a few playthroughs in.
if you made it to the end of this insanity, what strange things have become more glaring the more you plated dbh? in a sense that they have haunted your mindspace for always.
submitted by juclecia to DetroitBecomeHuman [link] [comments]

/u/CunningAllusionment on If the Wall was such a priority that it's worth shutting down the government to this point to get it, why wasn't funding just passed when the Republicans had majorities in both the Senate and Congress back in December and before?

So you didn't really respond to the main question which is: you just explain why you think immigration isn't a victimless crime?

We could say the same thing about white collar crime.
Individual acts of white collar crime don't cause specific harm? Tell that to Bernie Madoff's victims, or the people Wells Fargo sold unnecessary products to.
We keep drugs, prostitution, and gambling illegal or semi-legal because they wreck communities.
There's no evidence that gambling, prostitution, or most drug use wrecks communities more severely than alcoholism which is legal.
from CunningAllusionment on If the Wall was such a priority that it's worth shutting down the government to this point to get it, why wasn't funding just passed when the Republicans had majorities in both the Senate and Congress back in December and before?
submitted by rightwingnews to DebateRightists [link] [comments]

I just found you guys and read through the wiki. I have many reactions, but here are the big ones. (long post)

I realize this doesn't exactly fit with the theme, but are there plans for addressing victimless crimes? I would really like there to be; it really just makes my blood boil that things that neither harm anyone, nor have the potential to harm anyone, are criminalized. To me, it's a positively medieval practice to imprison someone for speaking, or having sex in an unapproved way, or using unapproved substances, etc. To pre-emptively answer some questions people always try to "gotcha" me with, I have a little mini-FAQ:
What do you consider victimless crimes? Speech, assembly, drug use and commerce, prostitution, all truly consensual sexual activity, honest (meaning non-fraudulent) gambling. This is not an exclusive list, only the big ones to give people a reference point.
What about white-collar and other non-violent crimes? Non-violent does not mean no victim. Theft doesn't have to be violent; neither is fraud. GENERALLY, violent crime is more deserving of punishment, but there are exceptions. I'm in favor of the death penalty for crimes that destabalize an entire financial system, for example, but that's not relevent to this.
You forgot copyright! That's totally victimless! Um, no. Not in principle, at least. Am I gonna cry if Lady Gaga gets a couple million less in royalties than she normally would? No. Do I believe copyright, and especially patent, law need to be completely overhauled? Oh HELL YES. But I am not so literal and yes, attached to outdated conceptions of ownership (a deliciously ironic accusation coming from people that claim something can only be stolen from you if your use of it is abridged), that I believe theft of intellectual property is still wrong.
What about DUIs, and stuff? If no one gets hurt, that's victimless Again, this is being overly literal. The reality is that driving impaired kills people. When you drive impaired, you put people at risk, and that should be punished. The alternative is, at the extreme, for a cop that's chilling near a bar to watch a drunk guy get in his car, drive away, and be powerless to do anything other than follow the guyu or radio ahead so someone is nearby when the accident happens. That's stupid, and I really shouldn't have to tell you why.
But prostitutes are forced into it! How can you be ok with forced prostitution? Hmm, good point. Before I answer, I have a question for you: What part of "forced" says to you "victimless"?
Well, prostitution demeans women and contributes to institutionalized sexism So do a lot of things. They aren't illegal. That's the joy of a free and open society; together, we discuss these things and in the end, we all make our own decisions about how to live our lives. I'd kinda prefer to not throw each other in prison while we do that.
No woman would willingly be a prostitute, so anyone that is must be being forced into it, and not acknoledging that is sexist! ... So you're telling me, that all women obviously have the same preferences and if any demonstrate that they differ, there must be something wrong with them. And I'm the sexist. Okie-dokie. (A similar argument can be applied to drugs, and probably gambling)
Addictions- Are a health issue. Treat them as such. If you're worried about the weight on the health system, that's an issue for taxes/insurance to deal with. Hey look, we already do that with tobacco and alcohol. If you're worried about their impact on society as a whole, look around you. People doing drugs is already a major problem, and making them more illegal is simply not a thing. The idea that legalizing will make it worse because more people can get them is laughable. In any case, actually punishing the addict is another medieval feature of our glorious justice system.
Drug cartels are some of the most violent organizations on the planet! Certainly not victimless Indeed. And we, as a society, are ultimately responsible. Not pointing fingers, but it's just a fact. There's a reason they don't traffic in tobacco or alcohol. It's like I have said (well, I guess implied; didn't think it needed to be said). Crimes with actual victims should be punished. Serious crimes with many innocent victims should be punished harshly.
But drugs allow drug cartels to exist by giving them a business model A business model that would be pointless if drugs were legal and regulated.
But what about the children??? Take a parenting class.
So that wound up being longer than I intended. Oops. Well, point 2:
MOOCs. Now I know this is the Internet, which means I may get tarred and feathered, not to mention downvoted, as a dinosaur for daring question technology as a transformative force, but please. I'm begging you. Do not hold up MOOCs to be the final panacea to education problems. I agree that education is devastatingly broken, and holding to old systems of thought will only make things worse. But MOOCs don't really work that well as a mass education tool. They have their place; I'm not dissing them, it's just that actual education is more than just having the information out there. Real people are not simply computers you can download information into, Matrix notwithstanding. I'm not saying that that's the FPUS (by the way, that might get pronounced "F pus", just a heads up) position, but it's not not its position. Educators are already under fire enough without being told you can replace them all with some videos and a website. If you want to piss them off though, by all means, jump on the Internet bandwagon by saying that MOOCs will make the classroom obsolete. And say goodbye to a core constituency.
What does education really need? I hate to quote fiction to make my point for me, but...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND_a8rA67VA#t=39s . In short, education suffers from the same obsessive cost-cutting and blame-game crap everything does in this country. The problem is so much worse with education, though, because when you get right down to it, education is the beginning of every the solution to every problem. And the people that need the education most can't or won't vote, so current politics basically ignores them, opting to plate medicare with some more gold. What we need is a fundamental societal shift that will actually prioritize education, and prioritize a societal environment that makes it possible to learn and educate well. That means stable families, and that means economic stability (or economic freedom, as it's called in the current platform. Bad idea, btw. Economic freedom typically means letting bankers and massive corporations do whatever they want. If that's not what you mean, I'd call it something different).
Then there are the "Oh, lord" moments. This is where I need everyone to do some soul-searching and ask yourselves how much you're willing to keep a lid on your endless optimism for shiny futuristic buzzwords for the possibility of actually getting something done. Transhumanism? Sounds like you're high. Project/Inititive 2045? Yeah that's not sinister at all. Seasteading? Isn't that for crazy Libertarians that don't like the government? Do you really want to be associated with them? I'm not saying jettison these things; clearly, they are integral to the concept of a party called the Futurists. And there's nothing fundamentally bad about anything I saw, I don't think. It's just an issue of presentation. It could be as simple as a separate section of the website or whatever. It will certainly involve some education (That wiki could use some links) But it needs to be looked at.And the other thing, a thing that KILLED us at the APP, was too much officialness and bureaucracy before it was appropriate. It's killed other organizations I've been a part of as well. Rule of thumb, get structure when we need structure and not before. Some talking is fine, some planning is great! But too much time and effort on that kind of thing when the return isn't there is a great way to obliterate momentum. Now maybe we need these things answered now; the subreddit's a year old, so what do I know? Just a friendly warning.
Now for some positive contribution. I have seen some talk about a good forum for discussion, like maybe in the form of an app. I was thinking, and I had an idea about a sketch of an algorithm. When someone makes a comment or whatever, we can indeed have up and downvotes. But we use them differently than the reddit algorithm. We use them as actual indications of agreement or disagreement; that way we aren't fighting human nature. I know some people observe reddiquette, but not everyone. I'm just saying that rather than cope with those that don't use them. But here's the thing; we more or less sort by controversial, and on things that aren't controversial, take them off the main thread and put them in some sort of sidebar with a note "the community agrees/disagrees with this". The sorting algorith would rank things higher that have a more balanced up:down ratio, and rank things higher that have little discussion, suggesting the community has an issue that needs to be resolved.
submitted by aristotle2600 to futuristparty [link] [comments]

I am against legalizing marijuana and any pro-non medical-use-drug because so far every single argument to legalize marijuana can be applied to just about any other crime.

Since this is Pro-drug Reddit, I expect this to be downvoted to oblivion because it has happened before many times. I am hoping here is a better place for discussion than /politics
Edit for those who believe I am a troll. I am as much as troll as Stephen Colbert is a troll, just not as funny.
My major problem with pro-marijuana arguments is that I can use the same arguments for defending more "sinister" crimes as deemed so by society. I do like this cracked article about 5 pro-marijuana arguments that are not helping. Since Cracked has already listed 5 I will give 4 more bad arguments that I keep seeing.
Edit: bolded my main argument I am making here. Please look at the cracked article for further support my claim. Even if I did support Marijuana laws, these arguments would not be helping your cause.
Its a Victimless Crime
The first argument is that its a victimless crime. But so are Gambling, speeding, Tax evasion, Consensual Sex with a minor, computer generated or drawn child porn, base jumping of a building, drunk driving, not wearing your seat belt, attempted suicide and etc are all consider "victimless crimes." Majority of these so called "victimless crimes" are only directly victimless, there are victims usually when something goes wrong.
Yes I put Consensual Sex with a minor there, because there is an argument that what 2 people consensually agree to is victimless. This actually stems from an idea that when a "13 yr old commits a violent crime they are an adult but when a 16 yr old has sex they are a child." Which I have already argued with someone already.
There is also computer generated or drawn child porn that is also up there because that is also falls under the definition of a victimless crime Yes, I am comparing drawn 2D images and Computer generated 3D images with children in a sexual nature to marijuana. I compared a natural occurring plant to what someone imagined in their mind and drew it on paper or created on a computer. Then what about teens that sext each other? They are exploiting themselves, which is victimless, as in they are free to do what they want with their body. But once again when its minors and sex they are child but when it minors and violence they are an adult.
Edit: I have gone over this one many times, please read the comments.
The Drug war has failed
I hate this argument I can use it for anything. The war on terrorism has failed so let terrorism so stop trying to fight it. Pedophilia has not decline but has increased so might as legalize it. People are still jay walking and stealing well just legalize it. The police have failed at stopping crime so why bother fighting it.
Edit: The main argument with this is that (insert criminal act) is still occurring and we are wasting money so lets legalize (insert criminal act) because it has failed. As per my Pedophilia, terrorism, and jaywalking example.
Its only helping out the for-profit prison industrial complex
Well any crime or laws are helping out the prison industrial complex if it puts them in prison. So you legalize marijuana what next legalize drunk driving so it doesnt strength the prison industrial complex? Hell lets legalize everything so that the prison industrial complex loses it power. Yes the whole for-profit prison industrial complex is a horrible and using criminals as slaves. But legalizing marijuana is not going to stop them. They will start finding other crimes that they can use to push their agenda. Instead of being pro-marijuana you made me anti-for-profit-prison and taking a hard look at our justice system.
We have the duty to disobey any unjust law
Well an unjust laws is an opinion. Therefore you have to back it up with a good argument and defense. Which what this whole post is about. Just because you believe it unjust doesnt mean everyone believes it. You need to make good cohesive argument to defend why you believe it is unjust. But quoting me that its because you believe it is unjust doesnt do anything help your case. Because if someone believes that murder was an unjust law you would more than likely view them as being morally corrupt. Then that purpose goes around murdering people because it is his duty to disobey an unjust law, you would think of him as being murderer not as someone fighting an unjust system. Which is what someone tried to argue about with me here.
What are the other arguments for legalizing Marijuana? These are the ones I keep seeing and are horrible. It seems to me that the only reason why people want it legalized is because they want to be able to smoke it. Thats it. And legalize something just because you want to is also a very terrible argument.
Here are some of the previous conversation I have had. Please take the time to read. I am getting tired of repeating myself.
I suggest you read the comments I have posted and linked. I am repeating myself quite often.
I get it that my opinion is not approved by reddit so I am going to downvoted my opinion but I though here was to discuss politics and not to behave /politics. If you are going to downvote me at least try to debate me.
If you want to know why I m all for keep marijuana illegal. Here are my reason. But my whole point here was that Marijuana supports are making bad arguments. So give me new arguments for supporting marijuana even if you do not believe they are bad examples
Edit well I see that/politicaldiscussion works not much differently than /politics. So good on you for keeping up the same status quo.
Edit 2 How very /politicaldiscusion of you slipstream37 going though my posting and downvoting me.
Edit 3 why has this post been removed from /politicaldiscussion? Was this not a place to discuss political issues such as bad political arguments? Proof
submitted by SatiricProtest2 to PoliticalDiscussion [link] [comments]

CMV: Dog fighting should be legalized, taxed, and regulated at animal shelters.

In much the same way as drugs, prostitution, gambling, or other "victimless" crimes, dog fighting is going to happen irrespective of the law. Legalization would lead to increased tax revenue, less organized crime. and safer, more humane environments for all those involved. It would also end the practice of baiting game dogs with helpless puppies and the like.
I understand that many would argue that the dogs are victims (as are drug addicts and prostitutes for that matter), but only in the sense that eating horse meat (which is illegal in many places) victimizes horses, or even horse racing, which is already legalized, taxed, and regulated in controlled environments.
The fact is countless dogs are already being put to death in animal shelters, often at the taxpayers' expense. Revenue from dog fighting could alleviate this cost considerably, perhaps even allowing animals to be kept longer, increasing their chances of adoption. Highly aggressive dogs are unlikely to ever be adopted however (except perhaps by illegal dog-fighting fans currently), nor should they be.
It would only be the aggressive dogs used in fights, as they're clearly willing. That's why they need to be kept in separate cages, otherwise they'd be mauling each other of their own volition. Dogs too old, young, sickly, or cowardly to fight could still be put down as usual since they would make for unentertaining match-ups and would be bad for gambling.
Even the dogs that do fight would receive better medical treatment afterwards from veterinarians on hand, and/or humane euthanasia rather than drowning, hanging, etc. You certainly wouldn't get the likes of a Michael Vick doing a Pete Townshend impression with a terrier in place of a guitar.
Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to read through our rules. If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our popular topics wiki first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us. Happy CMVing!
submitted by skunkardump to changemyview [link] [comments]

Summary & Discussion of "New Libertarian Manifesto" – Agorism

New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel Edward Konkin III (aka. SEK3)

Read it (pdf)


  • Agorist = libertarian in theory and free-market in practice
  • The problem are anti-principles which don't lead to liberty (political action, etc.)
  • Libertarianism as a product of consistency. If we apply that consistency to our action it becomes agorism
  • Agorism is profitable and leads to a better society – it will be so good that it's more stable than a intellectual or violent change
  • Basically everybody does some kind of counter-economics but they are indoctrinated to think that that's bad
  • Introduce people in the black market to libertarianism so that the don't give up and feel bad
  • You can try to suppress agora (the market) as long as you wish but as soon as you let go of it it will expand and exist
  • Combat anti-principles and be an agorist

Most debate-able parts

  • Anti-principles
  • Agorism: Our goal (intro)
  • Counter-Economics: Our Means (intro)
  • To some extent, then, everybody is a counter-economist!
  • Phases
  • Action! Our Tactics

Statism: Our Condition

"Coercion is immoral, inefficient and unnecessary for human life and fulfillment"
  • The goal is a common goal – instead of fighting against something to fight for something
  • The biggest enemy is the state
  • Libertarianism as the resistance against statism
    • Problem: the State
    • Solution: the Market
"The Market is the sum of all voluntary human action. If one acts non-coercively, one is part of the Market"

Parts of Libertarianism

  • Economics
  • Objective philosophy
  • Revisionist History
  • "Counter-psychology" (e.g. Thomas Szasz)
  • Science Fiction
  • This led to the libertarian "movement"

@Anti-principles (deviations, heresies, ...):

  • First counter-attack
    • Alliance with the power elite to overthrow present rulers
    • Immediate confrontation with the State's agents
    • Collaboration with those in power who offered less oppression (e.g. FEI, FEE)
    • Educate the population
    • Libertarian Alliances
    • Running for office
  • Second counter-attack
    • A "Libertarian" Party
  • Third counter-attack
    • Buying major Libertarian institutions (aka. Kochtopus)
  • This lead to splintering of the Movement's "Left"
  • New problem "How can we avoid deviations from the path of liberty when we know there are more than one?"
  • No one can't predict the sequence of steps which will achieve a free society
  • However, one can eliminate the ones which will not advance Liberty
  • One can describe a Space which ways to achieve the goal of a free society

@Agorism: Our goal

  • The basic principle which leads from statism to a free society is the same as the principle which lead to the discovery of libertarianism itself – consistency
  • Thus, the goal is a consistent application of the theory of libertarianism to every action
  • Agorist = libertarian in theory and free-market in practice

What does a free society look like?

The freest society yet envisioned is that of Robert LeFevre
  • "All relations between people are voluntary exchanges – a free market"
  • "No one will injure another or trespass in any way"
=> "Most damaging to this perfectly free society is its lack of a mechanism of correction"
Second best: A Libertarian society
  • A small number of individuals in the marketplace ready to defend against sporadic aggression
  • OR a large number who know and can defend themselves (deterrence & systematic violence becomes unprofitable)
  • Two problems
    • Defending those who are noticeably defenseless (e.g. children, some challenged people)
    • What to do with the violence initiator after defense?
    • => arbitration (I don't go into detail he cites Rothbard, Linda and Morris Tannehil)

@Counter-Economics: Our Means

"No change in human nature needed"
  • Micro and macro view becomes less important
    • Micro: Manipulation of an individual by himself in his environment – including the market
    • Macro: Manipulation of collectives
  • E.g. tax evasion
    • Does it hurt you? Your friends? Innocents? The State?
  • Which collective action works? Agorism.
"It is possible, practical, and even profitable to entrepreneur large collections of humanity from statist society to the agora."
  • Counter-Economics is the practice itself
  • "Going from an agorist society to a statist one should be uphill work, [..] After all, once one is living in and understand a well-run free society, why would one wish to return to systematic coercion, plunder, and anxiety?"
=> "The agorist society should be fairly stable relative to decadence, though highly open to improvement."


Phase I
  • Only a handful understand agorism
  • Vast majority perceives illusory gains from the State and are unable to perceive an alternative
Phase II
  • Large sectors under Statism
  • Smaller ones living as agorically as possible
  • Agorists don't need to be territorially contiguous
  • It's also safer to deal with more trustworthy customers and suppliers
  • Easily defensible territories: space, islands in the ocean, under the ocean, big-city "ghettos"
  • Agorist alternatives exist to Statist solutions
Phase III
  • Pockets of statism since the State requires regional monopolies
  • Remaining victims are becoming more and more aware of the wonderful free world around them
  • Large syndicates of market protection agencies are containing the State by defending those who have signed up for protection-insurance

Agorism is everywhere

"Large number of people who are acting in an agorist manner with little understanding of any theory but who are induced by material gain to evade, avoid, or defy the State"
  • "In varying degrees, this is true of nearly all the Second and Third Worlds"
  • Italy: "working unofficially at various jobs the rest of the day"
  • Netherlands: "large black market in housing because of the high regulation of this industry"
  • Denmark: "tax evasion movement so large that those in it succeeded to politics have formed the second largest party"
  • USA: "According to the IRS at least twenty million people belong in the "underground economy" of tax evaders using cash to avoid detections of transactions or barter exchange"
    • "Millions keep money in gold or in foreign accounts to avoid the hidden taxation of inflation"
    • "Millions of "illegal aliens" are employed"
    • "Millions more deal or consume marijuana and other proscribed drugs, including leatrile and forbidden medical material"
    • "And there are all the practitioners of "victimless crimes"
      • drug use
      • prostitution
      • pornography
      • bootlegging
      • false identification papers
      • gambling
      • proscribed sexual conduct between consenting adults
      • Driving higher than the speed limit
      • Tourists stashing a little extra in their luggage
"Regardless of "reform movements" to gain political acceptance of these acts, the populace has chosen to act now – and by doing are creating a counter-economy."

@"To some extent, then, everybody is a counter-economist!"

  • "If everyone is somewhat counter-economic, why hasn't the Counter-Economy overwhelmed the economy?
    • "Every victim of statism has internalized the State to some degree."
  • "The IRS's annual proclamation that the income tax depends on "voluntary compliance" is ironically true."
    • If nobody would pay taxes the state would perish
    • If everybody would abandon "legal tender" it's doubtful that even taxation could sustain the modern State
  • The State's control of education and information media is crucial
    • Anti-State intellectuals are kept away
  • "A common characteristic of most hardened black marketeers is their guilt. They wish to "make their bundle" and return to the "straight society."
  • There have been exceptions:
    • Dissenting religious communities of the 1700s
    • Political utopian communities of the 1800s
    • Counter-Culture of the hippies and the New Left
  • "What they had was a conviction that their sub-society was superior to the rest of society."
"All of these examples of self-sustaining sub-societies failed for one overriding reason: ignorance of economics"
"No matter how many wish communism to work and devote themselves to it, it will fail. They can hold back agorism indefinitely by great effort, but when they let go, the "flow" or "Invisible Hand" or "tides of history" or "profit incentive" or "doing what comes naturally" or "spontaneity" will carry society inexorably closer to the pure agora."
  • "Why is there such resistance to eventual happiness?"
    • Internalization of anti-principles (those seeming like principles but actually contrary to natural law)
    • Opposition of vested interests

What is needed?

  • Education of the libertarian activists
  • the consciousness-raising of counter-economist to libertarian understand and mutual supportivenes
"We are right, we are better, we are surviving in a moral, consistent way and we are building a better society – of benefit to ourselves and others"
  • "Note well that libertarian activists who are not themselves full practicing counter-economists are unlikely to be convincing"
  • "On the other hand, we must defend ourselves against the vested interests or at the very least lower their oppression as much as possible"
    • Bring more people into the counter-economy
    • How do we protect ourselves and even counter-attack? (Protection industry)
"The fundamental principle of counter-economics is to trade risk for profit"
  • Risk can be lowered by
    • increasing care / precautions
    • increasing security
    • trusting fewer persons of higher trustworthiness
  • Counter-economic entrepreneurs have an incentive to provide:
    • better security devices
    • places of concealment
    • instructions to help evasion
    • screen potential customers and suppliers
=> Birth of the protection industry
  • The protection industry can create its own customers by lowering the risk

Revolution: Our Strategy

"for those who wish only to live their lives as free as possible and associate with others like-minded, counter-economic libertarianism is sufficient"
  • For people who want to advance Liberty even more can work the New Libertarian Strategy
  • "The New Libertarian activist must keep in mind that actual defense against the State is impossible until the counter-economy has generated the syndicates of protection agencies sufficiently large to defend against the remnant of the State"

Tactics by phase will differ however some rules apply to all phases

  • One recruits and educates
  • If somebody want to do a counter-economic act encourage them to do it if they are intelligent enough and understand the risks and return
  • Educate them by your example
  • "All "Library Libertarians" you know should be encouraged to practice what they preach"
  • If you know people in counter-economics let them in your beliefs which keeps you so happy and free of guilt
  • "Control and program your emotional reactions to exhibit hostility at statism and deviationism, and to exhibit enthusiasm and joy at agorist acts and the State's setbacks"
  • Coordinate your activities with other New Libertarian activists

Group action

  • All structures must be market-compatible (e.g. partnerships, joint-stock companies)
"In an agorist society, division of labor and self-respect of each worker-capitalist-entrepreneur will probably eliminate the traditional business organization – especially the corporate hierarchy, and imitation of the State and not the Market"
  • Most companies will be associations of independent contracts, consultants, and other companies"
  • "Thus an association of entrepreneurs of liberty for the purpose of specializing, coordinating and delivering libertarian activities is no violation of the market and may well be optimal"
  • "The organization is simple and should avoid turning into a political organ or even an authoritarian organization"
  • "A New Libertarian Ally does not follow a tactician or strategist but rather "buys" their argument and expertise. Anyone offering a better plan can replace the previous planner"
"Never initiate any act of violence regardless how likely a "libertarian" result may appear. To do so is to reduce yourself to a statist."


Phase 0: Zero-Density Agorist Society

  • No agorist exist only scattered libertarians
  • As soon as somebody becomes aware of agorism they move to Phase 1
  • TODO:
    • slow evolution of consciousness
    • live counter-economically yourself
    • steer the "libertarians" from political activities
    • focus on a "hard-core" (consistent) position

Phase 1: Low-Density Agorist Society

  • First counter-economic libertarians appear
  • Splits in the Libertarian movement occur
  • "Get liberty quick"-schemes are the majority
  • TODO:
    • combat anti-principles
    • get counter-economists into libertarianism

Phase 2: Mid-Density, Small Condensation Agorist Society

  • Statists take notice of agorism (= threat)
  • TODO:
    • First "ghettos" of districts of agorists can appear and count on the sympathy of the rest of society to restrain the State from a mass attack
    • Agorist living can be official advertised promoting its superiority

Phase 3: High-Density, Large Condensation, Agorist Society

  • State moves into a series of terminal crises
  • Resources of the economy approach equality between the State and Agora
  • Inflation (and wars) can occur
  • The State tries to reverse everything
  • TODO:
    • Improve protection agencies

Phase 4: Agorist Society with Statist Impurities

  • Statists pay restoration
  • We're home

@Action! Our Tactics

  • Infiltration of less radical groups and sparking splits by presenting alternatives
  • Confrontation of coercion with visible protest and rejection
  • day to day personal salesmanship among friends
  • libertarian social groups such as supper clubs to exchange information, goods, and support
  • publication, public speaking, writing fiction
  • educational activities in many forms: teacher, business consultant, entertainment, revisionist historian, agorist economists, etc.
  • Activism is a type of entrepreneurship
"It's all Human Action by von Mises if you can apply it"
  • Find out what has been tried and worked or failed
  • "Libertarianism rewards the practitioner who follows it with more self-liberation and personal fulfillment than any alternative yet conceived."
submitted by tst__ to Anarcho_Capitalism [link] [comments]

[Serious] Reddit, should victimless crimes be considered crimes? Which ones shouldn't be crimes?

Reddit, I've always been fascinated by victimless crimes being considered crimes.
If laws are meant to protect people, then how can a victimless crime be considered a crime?
I'd love to hear everyone's input on this subject, and what victimless crimes you think shouldn't be crimes.
Edit: Short definition of victimless crimes and examples.
Quoting Wikipedia:
A victimless crime is used to refer to actions that have been ruled illegal but which are argued not to directly violate or threaten the rights of any other individual. It often involves consensual acts in which one or more persons commit a criminal offence in which no other person is involved.
Example: in the United States, current victimless crimes include prostitution, gambling, and illicit drug use.
submitted by MutualLoli to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Do you oppose or support all gambling being illegal? Please, let's have a good discussion on gambling.

I haven't seen gambling come up as an issue too often on Reddit (I am pretty new to Reddit still). I don't know what the general consensus here is.
What do you think of the lottery being legal vs. most other forms of gambling being illegal? Hypocrisy?
Is the "war on gambling" similar to the "war on drugs"?
What's different about buying stocks and betting on sports or something?
Should all gambling be legal in all places ideally? If so, why? if not, why not?
Is this not yet another example of a victimless crime?
submitted by huntwhales to politics [link] [comments]

is illegal gambling a victimless crime video

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Crimes are also called victimless crimes and there is no complainant or victim. Victimless crimes are prostitution, illegal gambling, and illegal drug use. White-Collar Crime. White-collar crimes are mostly committed by people of high social status. These people have committed their crimes in the context of their occupation. Gambling is not a crime. By extension it is also not a victimless crime, because if it was a victimless crime it would have to be a crime. Since it is not a crime, we can conclude that it is not a crime. Thank you for reading. Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) officials have flatly stated that “illegal gambling is not a victimless crime” and we are seeing evidence of that daily. It`s penny ante stuff. Illegal gambling is a victimless crime.`` Those are the myths about illegal gambling. The truths are alot less pleasant, according to police: A victimless crime is described as an illegal act that takes place between consenting adults that does not harm another person or the property of others. But the question of whether gambling is a victimless crime is not cut and dried, as gambling laws vary greatly in different countries. New customers only, min deposit £20, wagering 35x, max bet £5 with bonus Is Illegal Gambling A Victimless Crime funds. Max bonus is 100% up to £100. No max cash out on deposit offers. Welcome bonus excluded for players depositing with Skrill or Neteller. Cashback is cash with no restriction. A victimless crime is a term applied to a crime which generally has no direct victim, (e.g.: as in the crime of illegal possession of drugs). Victimless crimes must be truly victimless. Gambling can be a victimless crime, but that is not always the case. Over the years, I’ve met and known many gamblers. For most of them, it was indeed a victimless crime. I’m thinking of people who make sports bets with friends or bet with small t... Why Is Illegal Gambling Considered A Victimless Crimes; Crimes against morality are a category of crime that is considered victimless because there is no specific victim, especially when committed against consenting adults. This type of crime includes prostitution, bigamy, illegal gambling and illegal drug use. It seems like a victimless crime A crime is a crime whether there is an identifiable person (as victim) or not. Prostitution pornography and (illegal) gambling were said to be victimless and therefore less serious. The answer is, of course, that in criminal law there does not need to be a victim.

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is illegal gambling a victimless crime

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