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The tragic tale of the Vendrik dynasty; or how I experienced the wide scale of the game on my first playthrough

After months of being pestered to try this game by my BF, I decided to finally pick it up on Steam and give it a shot. Note that I lacked the M&M DLC, so I didn't have societies or anything yet, but had all of the other DLC.
I was told to start in Ireland on the 1066 start, but not told much else. So after picking a Duke that didn't look like he was going to die the next time the wind blew, I was thrown into a massive game that I was unable to understand. My first few months were horrible. I declared war on a neighbor because my first instinct in every game is to find out what can be killed and how I can kill it - and a declare war button seemed like a clear path to that - I struggled to raise an army as my two cities were sieged by my enemy. Once I finally did raise my army, I sent them all blindly into my enemy and watched them get slaughtered en masse because I didn't know how commanders and flanking and all of that worked. Eventually the game felt bad enough that it forced me to surrender and I noticed that I was bankrupt and had negative prestige and piety and negative of anything is always bad, so I panicked, closed the game, and googled something along the lines of "help me play CKII."
A few hours of reading articles, seeing the newbie guide here, and watching a playthough on Youtube, I jumped back in on my autosave and was ready to go. My first task was waiting around and building my prestige and gold back up because my neighbors and one vassal hated me, and once that was done, I decided to war again because I needed territory. It took me a while to figure out that having an army raised means you can't go to war, and that getting territory means you need a valid claim on land, and that getting my first claim meant spending nearly an hour IRL just waiting for my chancellor to do something, but eventually I managed to take a province from one of my neighbors. Progress!
After forming a duchy and getting waaay too hyped up about being a duke, my ruler died of the flu and I was now playing someone who had even better traits than my previous PC. So RIP but I wasn't that upset. After dicking around for a while and getting the hang of diplomatic relations (read: getting people to not kill me so I'd have an easier time of killing them when the time came), I married myself off to a young bride with the genius trait and then pressed a de jure claim on a neighbor to get myself another province. I then handed that province out to one of my courtiers to make him a vassal of mine, but that power went to his head and a few days later he founded a faction for increased council power and had a -30-something opinion of me. I then explored intrigue because his heir liked me better and uncovered how killing people worked, and got enough support to off my new vassal a month after giving him land. His son was much more grateful about being handed power, but still assumed he was powerful enough to be allowed to demand a seat on my council. Tough luck, but I allowed him to live.
I was told that the Irish start was good because you wouldn't be harassed by neighbors but that must've been outdated or something because my neighbors kept invading me. I managed to fend them all off, pretty much entirely because of my commander that had 23 martial and a few crazy good war-based traits, and I decided that if my neighbors were all going to be dicks (though that's unfair considering I was invading their lands) then I'd just make it so I had no neighbors. "Having no neighbors" became my goal throughout the entire game really, because who can hate you if everyone's dead?
A few years later and Ireland was mine. Most of my neighbors fell under my rule and really hated me because I was ignoring the whole "tyrant" thing and mass imprisoning and executing my opponents, and when they started to get silly ideas of "independence" and "fair rule," I just murdered them until I found vassals that would kiss my ass. Once I was rid of any dissent, I turned my eyes to Scotland and attracted over a man with a claim on most of the kingdom. I landed him, married him off to someone, let him have plenty of darling children that I promptly purged of their father's culture, and then pushed all the new claims and invaded Scotland for him. Blue became green and the King of Scotland watched me gobble his land up and put his once-courtier in charge of everything, and when I finally had all of it, the last of the Scots fled and settled in Scandinavia to be harassed by tribal nations there, and I turned my eye south. Or rather England decided it had enough of me and sent 10k+ doomstacks into my precious Ireland.
For the first time in a while I watched myself lose a war. The great King Vendrik II of Ireland, who had expanded his duchy to become a kingdom and trampled over his foes like a wildfire, was now desperately trying to hold back a tidal wave of Englishmen hellbent on burning his lands and murdering everyone he hadn't already murdered! In one last bid to hold back England, Vendrik marched valiantly with his trusted commanders and loyal (read: very well paid) men, and was slain on the field of battle. King Vendrik II, a son that I was really trying to kill because he was my worst heir and inherited none of my good traits, took over the dying kingdom and was forced to watch as Scotland fell under the hands of English invaders.
And then France happened.
Like a tidal wave of holy water, the French came marching into the south of England, burning its way across the English cities and breaking their armies. Purple territories popped up in the British Isle, and the King of England died "under mysterious circumstances" that Vendrik II may or may not have been apart of, and Ireland found itself carving its way into Scotland once again. As England found itself dealing with both the French and it's longtime Irish enemy, the peasantry revolted, and the English forces dwindled to nothing. Eventually England was no more, and only two forced remained on the British Isle: the rising kingdom of Ireland, led by the ambitious and proud King Vendrik III, who was supported by loyal vassals and servants; and the mighty King Jean, who expanded his French influence across Europe, driving in Spain and even beating back the HRE. This was a bitter rivalry of territories shifting and truces breaking, and when it seemed like it wasn't going anywhere, Vendrik set his eyes upon the distant Brittany.
After some politics and intrigue, the Irish King raised his fleet and marched his forces onto the ships, taking to the high seas for the first time. They sailed through the ocean, then poured onto the coastline, taking France off guard. While they tried to attack through the British Isle and were promptly repelled, the HRE flooded into France, and King Jean found himself on the field of battle, surrounded by his Irish and Roman enemies. On France's darkest day, he died in combat, living long enough to see Brittany fall to the Irish invaders, and the Romans swallow up vast swathes of territory he had taken from them. The Romans and the Irish cemented an alliance through marriage, and continued to take turns punching France.
Ireland found itself in complete control of the British Isle, with all enemies repelled from its borders. In Brittany, Irish rule had fully taken hold, and the Romans had blazed through northern France, forcing the French to expand into Spain to keep from losing everything.
Vendrik woke suddenly in the night, however, and was informed by his most trusted advisers that a strange people had just shown up, speaking a foreign language and wearing the skin of birds, and that they wanted to buy some land. A dark feeling washed over the room, but no one could figure out why; people trying to buy land wasn't unusual, nor were strange cultures coming to visit, but this was the first time both had been combined into one, and it seemed to scare everyone. Vendrik denied them their purchases, of course, and the strange people cursed the Irish king and sailed away. How very odd it was.
A few more years of beating the French punching bag, and suddenly the strange people returned to the shores of Europe - only this time, they weren't traders or merchants. Longships with massive armies spilled onto the beaches, flooding the French holdouts and overwhelming them, kicking them right out of Europe and into Africa. Brittany fell quickly, and Ireland retreated back into its Isle, sheltering itself from the onslaught. The Pope called for a crusade against the Aztec infidels once Paris had fallen, but it was hopeless, as the Aztecs simply beat the Catholics back and rampaged across Spain.
King Vendrik died of stress, and his son took over. King Vendrik IV would not truffle with the Aztecs, even when his trusted Roman allies called for Irish help, instead he turned his eyes to the east - to where the Scottish fled. Scotland had expanded across the strange Norse lands, but had embraced the heretical religion and culture, turning against the Catholic church and its Scottish origins. They weren't Scotland anymore, only pretenders who wore the name. The Irish would see that that end.
King Vendrik IV was not like his forefathers, as he was terribly wounded during one of his father's attempted take back of Brittany. He couldn't fight anymore, but he could inspire loyalty from his men and his vassals, so from his capital in York, he sent his commander to gather up the men and march into Iceland. Two simple provinces, isolated from the world and controlled by a chief following a heretical string of Catholicism, was all that remained of the once proud Norge. Ireland put them out of their misery, taking the island and turning its eyes to the Scottish beaches. The Irish forces endured alien land as they went ashore and faced the Scottish enemy, who instead of swinging castle forged blades and wearing coats of metal plating, swung axes and invoked the names of gods like Thor.
A rocky start saw the Irish routed further inland, unable to siege coastal territory without being beaten back by the defenders, but there was enough to burn and pillage for them to force the Scottish to surrender and give up a few coastal provinces. After years of building those provinces up and purging the local religion and culture, the Irish pushed further into Scotland, driving into their old enemy and liberating them of life, until the Scottish king killed himself and all that was Scotland was now Irish.
King Vendrik IV became Emperor Vendrik IV, and the Irish Kingdom became the Irish Empire. Ireland was a force to be reckoned with, and the world knew that. The Aztecs tried and failed to invade the British Isle, and the Irish liberated Brittany from the savages, then made up for abandoning the Romans in their time of need by helping beat back the hordes of Aztec armies. The Pope loved Ireland for being a pious Empire, and Irish cardinals began to pop up, so Vendrik made the push to become a better Catholic.
But his son was... different.
Right from the beginning, his son had displayed behavior that the other kids didn't. At first it seemed he was just a bully, picking on his siblings and their friends, but it turned into outright cruelty when he gouged his sister's eyes out and leaving her brain damaged. Then his maid, a lovely woman who took to looking out for him, hurled herself off a cliff to the tune of screaming her love for him, and he clapped as she fell to her doom. Vendrik was unsure of what to do with the child, so he gave him a pious tutor and taught him to be more religious and accepting of God. But his voice was a product of the devil, and he spoke in tongues and buzzed at at others. Vendrik had half a mind to send him away, only the young child, accused of being a demon, murdered his siblings and became the only remaining heir.
This could not be! The future Emperor, the future of the Irish people, was scorned and hated by everyone, called a demon in hushed whispers and rejected by the other lords. If he took over, the other vassals would've raised their flags in rebellion, and the Empire would collapse in its infancy. So Vendrik plotted to have him killed, even if it meant ending the family line and leaving the Empire in control of another dynasty. His spymaster looked for openings, and seemingly everyone in his court looked on in approval.
Seven failed assassination attempt later, and the court started dropping like flies. Flu, pneumonia, smallpox, festering wounds that were once treated - anything and everything began killing everyone. Dark magic was at work, and Vendrik couldn't figure out how to handle it. His dreams were plagued with strange biblical visions straight out of Revelations, and his mind reeled with depression as his once suppressed memories of fighting the Aztecs came to surface. He had created and Empire, but it clearly wasn't going to last long.
He couldn't stand it any longer. As his court died around him, and the creature that called itself his heir grew up to be a genius far more powerful than anyone else in the Empire, Vendrik IV threw himself from his balcony, leaving the world to sort itself out.
Emperor Vendrik V was a cruel man, said to have been possessed by Satan himself. He spoke in tongues with a buzzing voice, took pleasure in the misfortune and suffering of others, and executed anyone who dared to speak out against him. He heard voices in his head, promising power and glory, speaking methods of killing those who stood in his way. The people hated him, but who cared for the people? They were but pawns, useful to his own ends or good for fertilizing crops, it didn't matter if they hated him. And vassals? The tiny lords that thought fancy titles gave them real power? They were either loyal or they were dead, no in between.
The religious in Ireland were mostly dead within a few years of Vendrik's reign. The headsman had never swung his axe so often before, but now heads rolled across the dirt every day and blood stained the ground. The peasants tried revolting more than a few times, but they all were purged in accidents or on the battlefield.
The spymaster loved her new job. Murder, death, and deceit became her life, as she made a blood trail of his Emperor's enemies. People called her a demon, or a servant of the anti-Christ, but she had a love for her Emperor the likes of which had been unseen for a long time. They married, and he purged any doubts from her mind. She didn't care for the greater good or the nonsense the man with the big hat preached, she cared about enjoying life and she enjoyed life when she was pleasing her husband.
Under their reign, the Irish Empire swallowed Scandinavia, purging the Norse religion from the world and slaughtering heretics en masse. Smaller nations disappeared in the Irish Sea as the Emperor marched alongside his Empress, his every wound healed only days after the fighting would end. The Romans were helpless as the Irish onslaught reached them from the rear, as they could only watch their forces drown in the sea of Irish invaders and Aztec heretics, so they called upon an unsuspected ally: the Orthodox Byzantine Empire, who they had warred with for generations.
The Byzantines were hardened from crusades against their Muslim neighbors, and their army was more than prepared to "liberate" Rome from its invaders. Vendrik was surprised when the Byzantine forces tore through the Irish armies like a knife through butter, carving their way through the European Ireland territories and turning it all into Byzantine land. Even the Aztecs were forced back to the coastline as Paris was liberated by the Orthodox Christians, and the Romans reeled as their liberators became their conquerors. The Catholic church reeled in humiliation as the Orthodox faithful proved far more powerful than the strongest Catholic nations, and the Pope helplessly watched his followers convert to the stronger religion. Even Vendrik was impressed by the ferocity of the Byzantines.
The Aztecs fled the European shores and were content to stay in Africa, and the HRE was but a tiny shell of its former self. The Muslim nations fell under the flag of the Arabian Empire, and most of Asia had fallen in line. The Aztecs butchered the rest of France and enjoyed half of Spain while the Byzantines controlled the other half and maintained most of the HRE's former lands, while the Satanic Irish Empire loomed over the north. For years a cold war raged through the land, each side waiting for the other to make a move, but not brave enough to do something of their own. The Byzantine Emperor died and was succeeded by even even better Emperor, the Muslim Caliph dealt with a few revolts, and the HRE tried to reclaim some territory but met miserable failure. In Ireland, the balance of power was upset when three powerful witches arrived in court, alongside a massive army of loyal followers. Emperor Vendrik V, done waiting around, invaded Byzantine and began pushing through their lands, taking piece by piece with his powerful military.
In the south, the Muslims called for a Great Jihad against the northern infidels, hoping to bring order to the chaos, but the Aztecs enjoyed other ideas, choosing to invade from Africa and strike the Middle East. The Byzantines, though at first powerless against the Irish, saw a rapid turnaround when they slaughtered one of the witches in combat and took the only Irish heir hostage, and Vendrik became enraged.
His son was meant to inherit all that he was creating. His God told him that this would be the way of things, but now the Byzantines had taken him, and Ireland lost its foothold outside Scandinavia and was forced to retreat. Vendrik tried ransoming for his son, but the Byzantines denied every request, choosing instead to just outright execute him. Only days later, Vendrik's wife died of the flu, and Vendik lost his mind.
As his empire collapsed into rebellion, and the Byzantines claimed Scandinavia for themselves, Vendrik V couldn't hear his God's voice anymore. His mind shattered and he became depressed as he isolated himself from his nervous court, hoping to hear the voice again. He was the Chosen of Satan! He was to conquer the world and bring down the false gods! But now he was watching everything fall to ruins. No, he was falling into ruins. No, he was falling.
He was falling, the ground before him becoming closer and closer, and he hit the ground with a loud thud. Only for a few seconds was he able to see his martial on the balcony above, staring down with an expressionless face. Vendrik V died to the tune of cheering masses and the sight of his killer being hailed a hero.
What came of the Irish Empire is not something the Vendrik line ever found out, as there were no children of the dynasty to live and see it. The tiny duchy with three cities grew into an Empire to rival even the greatest of nations, swallowing up the great nations of its time to become what it was, only to fall to a nation once considered declining. Perhaps the Byzantines would go on to conquer the rest of Ireland, destroying what remained of the Empire, like it had with the Romans. Or perhaps the Muslims got the better of the world, their tidal wave signalling the future. If only we knew.
So that got out of hand faster than I anticipated. Originally I intended for it to be a small overlook of how my game went, but you can see when I ramped it up into a full story. If a Satanic Irish Empire and a Norse Scottish Kingdom are usual results of this game, I think I'll be playing this for a long time.
submitted by Windows_Update to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

all ireland hurling outright odds video

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