Splendor Marvel (EN): Amazon.ca: Toys & Games

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Amazon Black Friday - Arkham Horror LCG $32, Mysterium $36, Pandemic $30 etc.

Games include;. Pandemic, Catan, Jaipur, Mysterium, Dixit, Splendor, Ticket to Ride etc.
Some great prices, especially if you're new to board games or want to get into Arkham Horror LCG.
Edit:. Keep in mind, Best Buy price matches Amazon, so if you would rather buy from them or you also want a game their selling, it's an option. Also, if you purchased any of these game from Best Buy during their last sale, you can apply for a price match up to 30 days after purchase.
submitted by Venny_Kazz to bgdealscanada [link] [comments]

[LFA] Scrit, 'Spell Sage' Ratfolk Wizard, for Pathfinder ('Return of the Runelords' AP)

I'll be starting a fresh game of Pathfinder in December, specifically the 'Return of the Runelords' Adventure Path. My character for this game will be a most unusual one - a male Ratfolk Wizard, of the Spell Sage archetype. He is a a mildly-crazy/manic rat-person with access to all sorts of strange magic and unusual mannerisms or habits, providing his party with helpful magical assistance, or destructively potent blasts of magic. As a spell sage, he can even mega-charge one of his spells to be extra potent, or perform a complex ritual to summon any form of magical spell - regardless of its source. Due to his 'dual' nature of being a tidy scholar of magic and ancient Thassilonian artifacts, as well as a borderline insane, manic ratfolk with an odd fixation on eyeballs (one of which he lacks due to backstory events). He is also a worshipper of Nethys, the god of magic, neutrality, destruction and creation - a god of duality.

Setting details: Pathfinder, 'Return of the Runelords' Adventure Path (medieval fantasy)
Name: Scrit
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
GendeAge: Male, 18 years old (adult/middle-aged by ratfolk standards)
Species: Ratfolk (antropomorphic rat). Here's a direct example.
Body type / proportions: - Small sized, with 3ft. 11in. / 1m 21cm of height - equivalent to a Halfling or Gnome in height.
- Skinny and weak, but dexterous and agile.
- Dark fur, of gray/black colors, with occasional mangy or 'burnt' patches, indicating injury or magical mishaps in his past.
- Has a long rat tail that sticks out from under his clothing.
Head details: - That of a rat (antropomorphic), with dark, gray/black fur, long whiskers. See the ratfolk example above.
- Facial expression is manic or kooky, smiling and showing off ratty buck-tooth teeth, giving the impression of someone who's mildly insane. Here are some examples.
- The fur around his right eye has a 'burnt' appearance, or has a scar.
- His right eye is missing. In its place is an ill-fitting, creepy-looking eye from a different animal/creature that he jammed into his eye socket, clearly looking out-of-place, bulging, oversized, icky, or uncanny.
- His left eye is normal for a ratfolk or rat - beady and black.
- He has cheek pouches - he can fit objects into them like a hamster would.
Clothes: I leave the clothes mostly artist's choice, with the following general guidelines:
- Robes that befit a scholar, magician, fantasy librarian or wizard - long flowing robes sized to a his small proportions, with a cape/cowl to cover his head with, possibly with fancy-looking trims.
- In contrast to the fancyness of his clothes, said clothes might be damaged, with holes, patchwork seams, burnt edges or stains.
- Colored mostly gray and with complementing colors - silver, light gray, dark gray, black...
- Bandages or simple sandals on his rat-like feet (if visible from his robe).
Accessories: - A simple traveler's backpack, with parchment, scrolls and writing supplies sticking out of it.
- A large, old/worn wizard's spellbook, with a cord attached to his clothing.
- A belt with a pouch full of spell components (fancy magic powders).
- Pockets filled with odd-looking trinkets, baubles or magical 'components'.
- A small dagger & club in a simple leather holster on his belt.
- A light crossbow and quiver with bolts, hanging on his back, backpack or other part of his clothes.
- A half white, half black, faceless mask (the holy symbol of Nethys), hanging on his clothes or around his neck.

**Backstory:**Scrit is an odd creature. Born to a Ratfolk family in the Boneyard district of Riddleport, the young rodent made a life out of collecting junk from the heaps of trash and junk that the citizens discarded daily, collecting whatever could be sold for food or for personal hoarding. He likely would have lived an uneventful life, had one his daily scavenging not led him to a most wondrous discovery - one that would introduce him to the world of the arcane.
Scouring the pools of muck and guided by his nose, the youngling chanced upon a body of a human - slain in cold blood by criminals and dumped to be forgotten, but adorned in the most unusual of clothing. Not one to waste an opportunity, Scrit searched the body, discovering wands, shiny pearls, and most intriguingly, a big, waterlogged book. Curious and excited, the rodent would quickly learn why one should not be careless with magic, as he triggered a warding spell the deceased wizard left behind in his book to punish thieves.
Whether by mental trauma, injury, or magic, the timid rodent returned home changed - giggling and excited, half-dead, missing an eyeball and unnerving, carrying home a spellbook and a little bit of madness. His subsequent years would be spent in a zealous pursuit of the arcane and morbid activites - scouring the streets for information on magic, scurrying into libraries, practicing with the dead wizard's possessions in the dead of night, as well as developing an unhealthy fixation on his injury and eyeballs.
What used to be a lowly scavenger had discovered a talent for magic, and would soon find himself among the ranks of Nethys's scholarly followers, what with his dual nature and arcane pursuits fitting neatly into their religious dogma. It would be there that his mania would be focused into scholarly pursuits, learning of the ancient relics of old Thassilon, of the wonders and splendors of the age of the Runelords. Just as he had scoured the dead wizard's remain, so too could he scour the ancient civilization of Thassilon, uncovering new wonders!
The rodent would soon travel to the town of Roderic's Cove, making a temporary home for himself there. He had a scholarly pilgrimage to prepare for...
submitted by Zarhon to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

A whole bunch of under $20 or relatively cheap game gift ideas for the holidays with lots of bang per buck.

Edit: More edits! Also, wsir is how I spelled edit when my hands went to the wrong keyboard position.
I posted this earlier as just a link to my site, which does use Amazon affiliate links - which is a no-no here. So I've reformatted it to point to BoardGameGeek for game descriptions.
I've also taken out most of the verbiage to make this fit here.
These are all games that I think give a lot of bang for their buck. For those games over $20 I try to keep as close to $20 as I can and also have a game that really plays well. I originally made this guide for someone looking to get their geeky friends or family something cool when they may not know what to get at all.
I know I've missed some though, so feel free to chime in with what needs to be on this list! I've got a family, so there are some family games in here as well - things that work well with kids ages 6+ or so.
I'll leave it up to all of you as to where you'd like to go to purchase these. If you want to support my efforts, go to trollitc.com and you'll find this post there, along with the non-board game ideas. To support BGG use their affiliate links. To support the charity of your choice, use Amazon Smile. I recommend either Smile Train or the Wayne Foundation.
Begin List
A few of my print-and-play titles that have given I and my friends a lot of enjoyment. Both at DriveThruCards.
submitted by xiaotianchun to boardgames [link] [comments]

Looking For A New Game (2-5+Players) Ideally Good For 2 Players

Recently I received a 35$ credit from Amazon.ca. I was looking for a new game to use the money on.
My Fiancé currently own and play:
Pandemic (Base, On The Brink, and In The Lab Expansions)
Betrayal at House on the Hill (Love it but not good for two)
Sushi Go
I was looking at Hive either Pocket of Carbon, or potentially Elder Signs (Although I played it at a board game cafe and wan't a huge fan of the dice aspect, Fiancé liked it though).
We often host friends parties and would like it if the game could scale but not mandatory.
submitted by heisen_burger to boardgames [link] [comments]

The Manifesto of Youth

I have recently come to appreciate Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's Futurist Manifesto again. It's easy to reject some of the ideals he proposed, especially with the knowledge we have today. We know today that speed is wasteful and that the machines cease to be fascinating and start to be bothersome when they dominate the landscape.
Still, the manifesto has to be understood and appreciated in its own context. Italy was the remnant of a former glorious civilization. Whereas England, the United States, France and increasingly Germany too were changing the world and entering unknown territory, Italy was clinging onto its past. It's stifling to the young to be forever living in the shadow of the accomplishments of their ancestors. To Marinetti, a country with too many museums becomes a graveyard.
Most interestingly perhaps, Marinetti argued that the young cling onto the past because the future is denied to them. I think this is more relevant today than ever before. It's especially true for Western Europeans. Whereas the Indians, the Chinese, even the Eastern Europeans to some degree, can look forward to a glorious future, as Western Europeans we grow up surrounded by a sense of former glory.
The cognitive coping mechanism for long has been to deny the glory ever existed. "No, we did not accomplish something amazing. The British empire left nothing but genocides behind and the fact that homosexuality was officially illegal until the latter half of the 20th century is an unspeakable atrocity." The man in denial will state. When you lose your girlfriend, the girl was a bitch all along. When you lose your empire, the empire was a racist mistake all along.
Simultaneously there has been a kind of guilty indulgence in the past, especially by women. Young women enviously watch television drama series about an era in which they would have been confined to the kitchen or expected to feign lightheadedness at the slightest upsetting incident. An era when wearing pants would have led people to think you've lost your mind and marriage was sufficient to rob you of any meaningful sense of autonomy. An era when men where vile, cruel, bigoted, jealous, authoritarian and possessive, rather than cowardly begging for the world's approval.
You won't openly acknowledge that this is the era you yearn back for of course. No, if pressed, you will readily claim to look forward to the glorious future when a woman earns as much money as a man for her meaningless cubicle labor and can walk around campus bent over spreading her asshole without any misogynist rape apologist daring to suggest that she's "asking for it". Only then can we rest.
The exact problem we're dealing with is that this era is never coming back. Some of you might be able to live as modern day hunter-gatherers scouring through the remnants of Western civilization a few decades from now, but what we had two centuries ago simply won't come back. When you can finally make peace with this simple principle, you can finally respond to the changes of your environment and begin to adapt to it.
Of course this isn't just true for lonely young women yearning for a Mr. Rochester to come sweeping them up. It's true for ponytailed intellectuals struggling to reconstruct the religion of their ancestors based on fragmentary writings by Icelandic bishops and Norwegian black metal lyrics too. Wodan lies dead in his grave next to Mr. Rochester. The thing to do is to take that impulse, to forget all context and to see where it leads you. The greatest art in history was created by people who raised a giant middle finger to the context they were born into.
The past stops being better than the present when you stop yearning for it. This is the 21st century and I'm glad to be a human being born today. I'm taller and healthier than any man in my family. I can become a secret millionaire by hacking a Bitcoin exchange, I can grow giant redwood trees in my backyard, I can take psychedelics to communicate with archetypal entities and I can simulate entire worlds through the press of a button.
It's a good thing that the stories we write today will not be the same as those written in the past. If this era was not meant to be, the laws of physics would have prohibited it from coming into existence. It's frightening, it's unprecedented and it's unbelievable, but if you can't deal with this phenomenon laid out in front of your eyes, then the error lies within you, not without.
The only thing I can think of that the past has to offer to the present is Marinetti's manifesto of youth. The Futurist Manifesto is a celebration of youth. We're no longer building on the foundations of the past, it's time to build something entirely new. I do not believe in the blind worship of science and technology. I only believe in science and technology infused by the audacity of youth.
Only a young man dares to ask why Neanderthal man has not arisen from his grave already, a question to which a conclave of stiff old men have nothing to offer but tiresome hesitation and doubt. Do you think we will use the tools you passed on to us to finish your simplistic humanist project? Are we but an extension of your self? No, we are beings of our own and we will build something entirely new with them.
We do not even fear the failure you have set us up for, because our goals are entirely different from yours. Peak oil, climate change? Ha! We scoff at your condolences old man! Success to us is when our emaciated corpses nourish the wolves and the Neanderthal man opens the oysters growing in our abandoned underwater office complexes with his bare knuckles! We do not fear destruction, we celebrate it! We are youth and we respond to every warning you have to offer with nothing but fearless audacity.
I see before me, a society that is entirely dominated by youth. We will do what nobody before us has done, which is to invade and colonize old age without mercy, until finally it loses its stranglehold over society. How will it be accomplished? You will not age. Two centuries ago, the thought that a thousand children could be born and only six would not live to see their first birthday would have been inconceivable. Today we take it for granted.
I do not preach the abolition of death, because we do not fear death. I see something much more realistic ahead of us, which is a society where we understand what causes us to age and choose to say no to it. Old age exists for a reason. It made sense when only a few of us lived to see it. It's fine to have a single wise patriarch in a village, it becomes oppressive when they form the majority of the population. Today we are brought into this world with a near guarantee that we will live to see old age ourselves.
I think old age is a folly. Around the age of thirteen there will come a time when you will be building a tree house with your friends, some younger children will pass by, you will feel embarrassed and return to loitering on the street. It is at this moment when you die. Everything from this point on is a shadow of your true self, a culturally sanctioned alternative for what it is you really hoped to accomplish in life.
Your true self still lives as a ghost within the unfinished tree house. If you listen carefully, you can hear his haunting cries when you stop playing video games because your girlfriend thinks it's for losers, or when you miss the bus because you're afraid of looking foolish by running. He struggled to breathe when he heard you enrolled in computer science. He always thought he would grow up to be a goat herder.
But youth doesn't die of old age. Youth dies of neglect. I can nourish my youth and I do so on a daily basis. Like a tropical animal brought back to a zoo, we are only just beginning to discover its diet. Psychedelics cause a lasting change in human personality, increasing our openness to experience to the degree that we appear decades younger. This isn't the end of what we can do, it is the beginning.
I will readily admit that I am a transhumanist. But my transhumanism isn't the blind worship of progress. Like the Aka pygmies of the Congolese rain forest, I believe that I can merge with Jengi, the spirit of nature. In the process, I become something more than merely human. A potato is not starch. What starch is, is a basic building block that a potato uses to amplify its own essence. We seize this starch and we use it to allow our own body to grow itself.
But what happens when we consume coffee, or cacao? The same can not be argued. It is clear the the coffee plants leaves its own fingerprint upon us. You can recognize a man under the influence of coffee quite readily, but you can not recognize whether a man has had a lifetime supply of potatoes pass through his intestinal tract. Some plants turn us into a composite organism, like a Lichen. As human beings we are defined by our minds, but what defines a plant? The essence of a plant is defined by the chemical substances it produces that set it apart from the other plants.
What you have to understand is that you are not in control over these organisms. They manipulate you. You are no different from the mouse infected with T. Gondii that seeks out the scent of cat urine for reasons he does not understand. The scent of freshly cut grass sends volatile compounds into the air that suppress anxiety in your brain in the same manner as it does in a rat. The toxic mold growing in your shower releases chemical substances that induce depression. So what are you then? Man the conqueror? You operate entirely within the constraints placed upon you by organisms around you and within you, like a puppet on an invisible string.
So my transhumanism is not a rebellion against nature, but a counter-revolution. I submit to the totality of the world around me and recognize myself as nothing more than its instrument, subject to an order too complex for me to understand. I merge with what I consume, whether I like it or not. If I consume the hopelessness and existential dread of a pig that has grown up without ever seeing mud or sunlight, I become its misery. Vitamin D, Omega 3 ratios, I don't care about the emotionally detached lexicon you use for it to give yourself an aura of credibility and professionalism. My understanding is the same as that of an African pygmy who worships the forest that lives on within him.
But how does this relate to youth? Because of their diet and lifestyle, Amazon men in their 80's have arteries of Americans in their 50's. Those who live in alignment with the natural world around them remain young. And what is the role of science and technology? Science and technology serve merely as instruments, to allow us to learn to live in alignment with the natural world.
Science is a tool, what matters are the goals it is used for. We can use science as one of many tools to become symbiotic organisms, integrated in nature. The reward we earn is the freedom to cast off the cloak of old age. What we have to understand and accept is that youth will not come to us through a techno-fix. You will not upload your mind to a computer. No, the organisms around you are the holy grail you yearn for.
I believe that ultimately, we will even push forward the very concept of menopause. The cultural revolution this entails is a spectacle to behold. Today all men around the world yearn for and compete over a woman roughly between the ages of twenty and thirty. It is their biological imperative. The woman does not understand the gift she is given, until her body eventually loses its splendor and she can merely look back upon youth with envy. We increased our life expectancy from around 40 in the 19th century, to almost 90 years today. But why? Why is a woman's reproductive window today the same as it was in 1800? We have merely extended senility. I would sacrifice every year after 65 without a moment of hesitation, if it would grant me ten more years of childhood.
Rhetoric is cheap, I understand. But I believe the possibility is there. Consider the case of Brooke Greenberg, who still appeared in every sense of the word as an infant until she died at age twenty. She still had her baby teeth and the size and mental age of a one year old. I'm not yearning to be an infant forever, but it reveals the untapped biological potential that exists. In theory, we can delay every step in the aging process. We already know how to accelerate these steps, you accelerate them yourself when you smoke a cigarette, inject steroids or eat a hamburger.
Rats have seen their hair regrow and muscles strengthen through chemical substances that kill their senescent cells. These substances can kill the cells that prohibit your fat cells from multiplying too, the consequence being that a forty year old woman could still have the full cheeks of a twenty year old. Stem cells injected into the hypothalamus allow the hypothalamus to rejuvenate and send a signal of youth to the rest of the body. The list of accomplishments booked in recent years is too long to bore you with here.
What I am arguing is as following: An extension of physical youth will bring about a cultural and political renaissance. I don't care what happens to retirement, raise the retirement age to a hundred years for all I care. Those who are truly intelligent and have a fiery untamable passion for life burning inside of them, who see a form of beauty around them so vast and all-encompassing that they could not begin to articulate it, will manage to extend their youth for decades. We will see women in their sixties conceiving naturally and seventy year old freegan crust punks hitching rides on freight trains. "But what about Down syndrome?" Down syndrome is not caused by old age itself, it's caused by a woman running out of high quality eggs and the body responding by resorting to whatever egg is still available.
The body is capable of a degree of regeneration that we do not recognize. It used to be thought that neurogenesis does not occur in adults. Then we discovered it happens in the hippocampus and the striatum. We now know that neurogenesis occurs in the hypothalamus too, from where the aging process is imposed upon the rest of the body. Similarly, we used to think a woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. We now know that certain conditions can cause a woman's body to spontaneously grow new eggs. Because of our modern healthy diets, the age of menopause is increasing across Europe.
The speed of aging is the speed at which we decay, minus the speed at which we regenerate. If the prior can be reduced and the latter increased, we bring about a dramatic decline in the speed of aging. We have known for years how to slow the decline, but now we are beginning to understand how to increase the speed at which we regenerate. Cannabidiol can be used to promote the differentiation of stem cells into neurons. It thereby rejuvenates the brain. What we have started exploring so far is merely the tip of the iceberg. Today we face the prospect of a revolution of youth. I can not think of a more exciting time to be alive.
submitted by sourdoughryebread to accountt1234 [link] [comments]

[Amazon] Deal of the Day - Today Only (Up to 50% off Select Family & Strategy Board Games)

Link to Deal
Official notice:
Today only, save up to 50% on select family and strategy board games, such as Spot it, 7 Wonders, Say Anything, and more. It's our Gold Box Deal of the Day. Also, for an even greater value, take advantage of FREE Shipping (restrictions apply) and Prime (restrictions apply).
This one-day offer is valid on December 16, 2014, or while supplies last. Discount is already included in the current Amazon.com price. Applies only to purchases made from Amazon.com and does not apply to products purchased from third-party merchants on the Amazon.com website.
Update: Some deals removed, added new deals: Dominion: Big Box, Fate: Core System (RPG Book), Guillotine, Love Letter, Power Grid, Redneck Life, Splendor, Spy Alley, Tales & Games: The Hare and the Tortoise, Ticket to Ride: USA 1910, Timeline
Update2: Removed many OOS deals
BGG Rank Title List Price Sale Price % Off
4402 Adventure Time: Card Wars – BMO vs. Lady Rainicorn $19.99 $9.99 50%
N/A Adventure Time: Card Wars – Princess Bubblegum vs. Lumpy Space Princess $19.99 $9.99 50%
10 (RPG) Fate: Core System (RPG Book) $24.99 $14.99 40%
1972 Going, Going, GONE! $49.99 $22.99 54%
89 Love Letter $11.99 $5.99 50%
4357 Shinobi Clans $24.99 $12.49 50%
160 Takenoko $49.99 $24.99 50%
605 Timeline $14.99 $6.99 53%
4409 The Walking Dead Board Game: The Best Defense $39.99 $19.99 50%
396 Zooloretto $44.99 $26.99 40%
Expired Deals
BGG Rank Title List Price Sale Price % Off
129 Acquire $29.99 $14.49 52%
3205 Adventure Time: Card Wars – Finn vs. Jake $19.99 $11.49 43%
1787 Battle Sheep $27.99 $13.99 50%
688 Jungle Speed $14.99 $8.49 43%
112 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Enhanced Edition (2nd Edition) $39.99 $16.49 59%
555 Spot It! $13.99 $7.49 46%
N/A Spot It! Freeze $25.99 $12.99 50%
169 (Original Ver) Survive Escape From Atlantis 30th Anniversary Edition $39.99 $19.99 50%
N/A Zombie-Opoly Board Game $24.99 $11.99 52%
18 7 Wonders $49.99 $24.99 50%
2001 Axis and Allies 1914 World War I $98.99 $41.49 58%
3036 Axis and Allies 1941 $29.99 $16.99 43%
591 Axis And Allies Europe 1940 $89.99 $40.99 54%
739 Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 (2nd Edition) $89.99 $40.49 55%
5932 Camelot: The Build $39.99 $19.99 50%
479 Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition) $39.99 $19.99 50%
108 Dixit (Cover Art May Vary) $34.99 $17.49 50%
24 (Base Game) Dominion: Big Box) $99.99 $53.99 46%
5155 Fiasco $29.99 $14.99 50%
781 Guillotine $14.99 $7.99 47%
10 Power Grid $44.99 $21.99 51%
9698 Redneck Life $29.99 $16.99 43%
1075 Relic Runners $59.99 $27.99 53%
106 Splendor $39.99 $19.99 50%
4771 Spy Alley $36.99 $12.99 65%
2211 Tales & Games: The Hare and the Tortoise $29.99 $12.49 58%
851 The Red Dragon Inn $37.99 $17.99 53%
696 The Red Dragon Inn 2 $37.99 $17.99 53%
N/A Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 $19.99 $10.49 48%
submitted by Seranth to GameDeals [link] [comments]

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