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[WP] humanity it being invaded! This species travel around fighting everything they meet. Most sentient life fights by calculating the odds of a win while fighting, the catch? If these odds are ever turned against them they give up. Turns out humans have a unique superpower, the power of hope

submitted by Crypwwr to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

With the three teams (WAS, STL, ARI) fighting for the final two playoff spots in the NFC, I went through each team's schedule and calculated their odds of making the playoffs.

submitted by danchan22 to ConnectedCareers [link] [comments]

Broadcast Bullies Podcast - Episode 15 - Topics include Calculating the Flyers odds to make the playoffs, Wayne Simmons’ controversial match penalty, Gostisbehere’s fight for the Calder Trophy

Broadcast Bullies Podcast - Episode 15 - Topics include Calculating the Flyers odds to make the playoffs, Wayne Simmons’ controversial match penalty, Gostisbehere’s fight for the Calder Trophy submitted by adinezza to Flyers [link] [comments]

Momento mori

“So... this is it then? The end of planet Earth?”
The old man sighs and said, “Looks like it doesn’t it?”
They made an odd couple. One elderly male, his face wrinkled and worn, his hair white and untidy, his clothes stained and creased.
Besides him, the young woman, aged in her mid twenties, her head shaved like a Buddhist monk, yet the dark circles about her eyes and frail body hidden In thick, oversized clothing, revealed her head was manifestation of some illness that was destroying her.
They sat upon the hill besides the old Greenwich Observatory. All was in darkness.
They had spotted each other earlier, when the sun had shone and people had come to Greenwich Park to enjoy the last day. Gaze at the grandeur of the old Royal Naval College. Walk their dog. Relish other’s company. Enjoy a perfect June afternoon, for one final time.
But the sun had started to set and in twos and three everyone had left. Except the girl and the old man. Awkwardly she had invited him to join her on her blanket, and awkwardly he had accepted and now both rested upon the deep green grass and gazed up at the night sky.
“So, what do we do now?”
Her voice trembles a little even as she tries to keep her tone light. It’s dark. Still warm but no lights were lit around the observatory or in the park at all. The only illumination came from London itself. The city blazed defiant still.
The old man ponders for a little and says, “I suppose we wait.”
“What for?”
He shrugs and says, “Boom.”
“You think there will be a boom?”
He smiles to himself, “Honestly? I hope so.”
“Means it’s over quick. I’d hate for it to be slow,” he says. He glances over at her. She was pretty. Still very pretty he felt. You could see whatever was ravaging her body had taken its toll but her eyes seemed to twinkle in the distant lights of the Docklands.
“I know what you mean,” she says, her eyes glazing over sadly, before she adds, “It’s been slow for me.”
“How long you been sick?”
“Nine years. I’ve fought. I’ve done that whole brave soldier routine,” she says and turns to look at him, a tight smile on her lips; “But this body of mine just really isn’t as tough as I needed it to be”
He sighs and looks away awkwardly, “I’m so sorry. That’s just awful.”
“No, that’s just genetics. Can’t do a damn thing about it.”
She continues to smile and he smiles back. Another awkward moment settles on them. But they want to talk. The intimacy of strangers. She glances down at her knees for a moment, her voice very quiet.
“What about you?”
“Renal failure. Well, that’s the excuse. The renal failure is simply a symptom. The cause is just being old.”
She nods and they say nothing. In the distance they hear a few cars drive by very quickly. But it’s just them in the park. Moments pass and he takes a breath.
“I’m actually glad it’s all happening now,” he grins, “I’ve not bothered with my treatment today. If the Earth isn’t destroyed this evening I’ll be in a terrible state in the morning.”
She finds herself laughing, almost in spite of herself. It’s a gentle laugh. The old man gazed at her for a moment.
“If you don’t mind me asking Miss... How long until...”
His nervousness allowed her know exactly what he was asking about. She takes a breath.
“Maybe a week. A month at most. Organ failure has kicked in. Nacrosis. My body is actually dying,” she shrugs.
She gazed up at the stars and shrugs, “At least that was the plan. Recent events have forced me to cancel that.”
“Damned inconvenient if you ask me,” he smirks and she smirks back at him.
A siren, a police car maybe, echoes off the buildings to their left, somewhere in Greenwich itself. They glance over but see nothing. The orange glow of street lights beyond the nearby trees. She inhaled deeply.
“I always liked it here. My favourite park.”
“Me too. It has deer you know?”
“I did. Never seen one. You?”
“A few times. It’s rare though.”
The siren fades and the odd couple sit on the hill on a warm summers evening. She bites her lip for a second and glances over at him.
“Were you bothered? When they asked?”
“About staying? No. I wasn’t. Although to be honest I didn’t have much choice.”
He raises his bushy white eyebrows and tries to force a smile; “But I didn’t mind too much. It all made sense I suppose. You?”
She nods, “I was a little upset. I mean, they asked nicely, but as you said, they worded it in a way that...”
“Made you realise that ‘no’ was unacceptable?”
She bites back a smile, “Something like that. And yeah, if I’m honest? It pissed me off for a bit. But... Like you said... it makes sense.”
They stare at each other for a second before they are distracted as, suddenly, the sky is filled with explosions. The couple look. The hill they sit on has a commanding view of Docklands, her gigantic skyscrapers, huge towers of light. To their left the gigantic Shard can be seen, towering over the south side of the river.
And beyond that, high above the skies of central London, they can seen the flashes of fireworks. So many fireworks.
She smiled broadly.
“That’s pretty.”
“Agreed. Very.”
As they watch fireworks explode along the Thames. Someone went to a lot of time and effort to do this. Huge firework barges along the river now erupted into light as all over the London sky the last firework display in Earth’s history plays out.
For a few minutes they sit and watch in silence. Him, not quite cross legged, her, with her face resting on her knees.
“I should have thought of that. Fireworks on Earth’s last day,” she says wistfully.
“Smart a well,” he says, nodding.
“Shows we are still down here. In case they are looking?”
“Oh yes. I see. Your right that’s very smart.”
The fireworks leave a gentle fog of smoke in the air. Along the river they fade out but the ones in the centre of the city continue, endless explosions. A gesture of defiance.
Around them however, the park is silent and dark and warm. She shivers briefly and rests her cheek on her knee, gazing at him. The old man notices and smiles, “What?”
“Does the idea of dying bother you?”
“No. I’m old.”
He sighs and leans back onto his hands, his eyes focusing on the few stars above them.
“Maybe a little. To be honest? Death bothers everyone I suppose. Troubles our thoughts. You do end up thinking about it a lot more as you get older. Get a bit more use to the idea.”
He blinks and glanced over at her. “What about you?”
“It’s weird. It scared me when I was younger. Especially after my first relapse. Before then I thought I’d overcome this. You know- mind over matter? But when I was told it was back? I became afraid. Really afraid.”
The distant fireworks cascade in oranges and greens and reds, and her voice is very quiet.
“And then a few years later? I felt I found peace you know? Got all reconciled to it. Nothing to be afraid off I convinced myself. But that was a few years ago. Now? Here and now? I don’t know how I feel. It’s weird.”
He nods, but is unsure how to respond. Inhaling deeply and savouring the scent of the grass he gazes down the hill at the white shapes of distant grand buildings.
“I suppose,” he says after a few seconds, “the good news is, that when I’m dead? I won’t worry about being dead. Won’t worry about anything really.”
She frowns and her nose wrinkles. “That’s really hard for me to grasp. Like not worrying about stuff after I go. Like I can’t get my head around it.”
“Well then, let me ask you something. What did you think, before you were born, about events in the 1920’s?”
She blinks and raises her head. “I... I didn’t think anything. I wasn’t around in the 1920’s.”
“Well, that’s how it’s going to be tomorrow. We won’t be around to think about events the day after Earth is destroyed and it will bother us the same way not being around in the 1600’s bothered us. Not even a little bit. Make sense?”
Her face, he can tell, seems quite serious for a moment, and she sighs.
“I suppose. Do... do you believe in... you know? An after life”
“I want to. I’d hate to think the universe went to all this trouble to make me and then NOT have something afterwards.”
She smiles, gently, at that.
“I do. I really do. Not like heaven or stuff, but I just believe that consciousness is really complicated and we don’t understand it and that it exists. In another form. Somewhere. After we go.”
He nods in response to her and gazes up at the stars again. “That sounds nice,” he says, “I like that. Everyone and everything who has ever lived has their consciousness carry on. So beyond our bodies we can all meet up and have a chat.”
She smiles back at him, “I wonder what it would be like?”
“Probably very crowded...”
She laughs. It’s a lovely sound. Like something that had sat within her suddenly erupting. She laughs honestly and he finds himself smiling alongside her.
Her laughter, however, lasts only a few seconds and then catches. Her eyes gaze upwards into the sky and go wide. The old man follows her gaze and sees it also.
There, high above London, sits the Moon, her cold white face gazing down at them all from her usual place in the sky; but across the south west facet of its familiar visage they both can see a shadow.
Its faintly triangular shaped. Something vast and leviathan flying between Earth and its moon. Something menacing. Something alien.
As they watch, spellbound, he hears the fireworks begin to trail off, leaving a cloud of smoke that hangs in the neon lit air over London.
“Is that them?”
“Afraid so,” he replies.
In the silence they can hear, far far away, a noise from where the fireworks came from. They can’t be too sure but it sounds like the distant roar of people screaming.
“It looks intimidating,” she says and he nods.
“I think it’s meant to.”
As they watch the shadow crawls over the face of the Moon; the shadow of some vast thing that floats between the Earth and her companion. And as they watch the tip of this dark triangle begins to emit a bright, white, light.
“What’s that?”
“I think they are powering up their main weapon.”
“Oh. Now?”
“Looks like.”
“Oh,” she says as if taken-aback. And no sooner has she said it then the triangle acts. From the dark shadow a solid beam of white light races through the night sky. It flies directly over them, beyond the horizon, aiming towards somewhere far far away.
They, along with everyone else on Earth at the moment, just gaze at it opened mouthed.
“Wow,” she says.
“Yeah,” comes his reply.
The distant sound of shouting ends. The city is remarkably quiet. She blinks.
“Now what happens?”
The old man takes a breath and steals his eyes away from the beam of white light that dissects the sky above him.
“Well that beam they are shooting? According to what I read, that’s going to fly towards the sun and when it hits it? Boom.”
She nods and looks at him. “How long until it hits then?”
Even though he didn’t need to he glances down at his old watch. “Well it’s moving at the speed of light, so 8 minutes.”
She frowns at that and asks, “So, 8 minutes until boom?”
“No. Think about it. Going to take 8 minutes to get there. Take a while for the sun to react and go boom. And then when it does? 8 minutes for the boom to reach us. So I’d say twenty minutes. Give or take.”
“The last twenty minutes of Earth?”
“Yes. Looks like,” he says sadly. Before she can respond they both hear someone scream. A woman. She’s nearby. In the streets next to the park. Its a scream of pure terror. A scream of imminent morality. It lasts a few seconds. And then becomes still.
The girl stares over at where it came from, hidden, behind the trees.
“I wish they didn’t scream. It doesn’t help.”
“People become afraid. They can’t help it.”
Suddenly their eyes are drawn to something new. Not the terrifying light that crosses the sky, nor the ominous shadow of the alien craft that fires it.
Back across central London, where the fog of thousands of fireworks slowly dissipates in a windless summer night, someone has activated a laser projector.
Against the smoke appears words illuminated in intense red lettering: 90 feet high script begins taking shape above London, aiming upwards, sending a message out to the stars...
The odd couple on Greenwich hill respond like all who saw those words responded and burst out laughing. Genuine laughter, from that heart.
“Oh that’s brilliant,” the girl says, “Well done.”
He grins back at her, “Humans. Can’t help ourselves can we?”
They enjoy the message but then, suddenly, the beam of white light that laid across the sky, ceases. The night sky is returned to darkness.
“Its stopped!”
At her words, the old man glances down at his watch. “Two minutes. So the first part of the beam will hit the sun in about six minutes time. Assume the beam takes two minutes to churn stuff up. It’s coming I suppose.”
Over the skies of London a new message appears in bright red lettering.
The old man glances at it and under his breath says “Here here...” quietly.
“It’s leaving,” she says pointing at the shadow upon the face of the Moon. He nods.
“Yes. Probably looking to get far, far away. When the sun blows she’s going to make a hell of a mess.”
The girl turns to him.
“That means... it worked? The plan?”
The old man blinks, like someone remembering something and he smiles.
“Yes. Yes you’re right. They fell for it. It worked.”
“Good,” she says, her voice resolute, “That makes me happy.”
“Me too. Good to know it was worth it eh? All of this.”
She nods and looks at him, her eyes showing resolve.
“Yes,” says the girl, “It makes me happy. You know I was thinking the other day; I’ve spent so much time needing the help of others. Doctors, nurses, carers. The human race has spent a fortune on me to keep me alive this long.”
She gazes at her frail hand for a moment.
“I feel good I get to do something back for the human race.”
“That’s a lovely way to see it,” he nods, “And I have to agree. I mean, I’ve had a good life. But I suppose I’ve benefitted. From electricity. And medicine. And society. I liked society. I mean it wasn’t perfect. But it allowed me live for a long time. It was nice.”
“Yes. Society was nice. I hope we make a better one.”
“Me too,”
In the firework smog above London, new words appear...
He smiles at the very, VERY British statements of resentment.
“That’s them gone,” he says, watching the last of the shadow leave the surface of the Moon, “Flying away. Idiots.”
She nods, “They are going to be so mad when they discover what we did to them.”
“Well, here’s hoping they never find out eh?”
She stares at the darkness of space besides the Moon for a moment before asking, “Who started it?”
“Who started what?”
“The war?”
“Oh, it was Them. They are miles ahead of us technologically wise. I mean they can destroy suns with a single beam. We can’t even come close. We’d never have picked a fight with them.”
“True. What did they want?”
He sighs and shrugs.
“The usual. The human race to surrender to them. Become slaves. Or food. I think both.”
“And that is what caused their ultimatum?”
“Think so. And you know our reaction.”
She looks over at the laser created letters above the ancient city of London and smiles sadly.
“Yeah,” she says and is still for a moment.
“How long now?”
He glances down at his watch.
“About 13 minutes or so.”
“Soon then?”
“Yes. But it does seem to be slowing. Time that is.”
“I suppose.”
She sounds sad and he wishes to distract her. A sudden thought comes to him. “Very ironic us worrying about time here of all places don’t you think?”
“What do you mean?”
“The Observatory,” he indicates the large brick building about 50 feet from them on the top of the hill.
“See, that was where we calculated all the time zones from. The GMT line. Greenwich Mean Time. It actually runs right through the middle of the building. This is the centre of time on Earth. Literally go that way...”
He points down river towards the sea, “And you have to put your clocks forward, and if you go that way...”
He gestures down towards the town itself, hidden behind the trees, “And you have to put your clocks back. This is the centre of time.”
She nods slowly, “I never knew that.”
“This has been the place where the whole world has kept time. That was why I came here to be honest. That building. What it represented. Time.”
He is silent for a moment. She stares at this old man, his disheveled clothes, but sees a spark of intelligence in his face. She wonders about his life. His life before.
For his part the old man sighs and continues, “I don’t know. I suppose we all retained some mad dream that somehow we’d all escape this. Somehow find a way out. Mine? It involved being here. Maybe here where we fixed time we could do something like freeze time, hold the last perfect day so it could last forever.”
He catches himself and winces.
“Sorry, must sound silly.”
“That’s lovely,” she says and then takes a breath. And then turns to him again.
“How long? Tsk! Sorry. I shouldn’t keep asking...”
“It’s fine. It’s not like we can ignore the circumstances,” replies. He glances down at his watch.
“About ten minutes,” he says quietly. The girl is staring at the night sky.
“Where are they do you think?”
“The enemy? Probably running as fast as he can away from here.”
“No. Us. The rest of us?”
“Oh. Well, given it’s been a week or so, I’d say they are nearly there by now. They said Eden was three and a half thousand light years away. So I think that means it will take them nine days on the arks. Give or take.”
He shrugs at her and continues, “Obviously I wasn’t paying too much attention to the evacuation procedures.”
This makes her smiles again.
“Me neither,” she says quietly, “Didn’t see the point.”
She takes a deep breath and straightened out her back. She turns to him.
“I’m pleased it worked.”
“Me too,” he nods back and looks up at the darkness of the cosmos, “Fuck you assholes, we fooled you. We’ve won.”
“When will they know?”
“Us,” she says, “The rest of us. When will they know Earth was destroyed?”
His eyes never leave the stars and his frail voice is distant and quiet.
“I suppose one night humanity will look up into the night sky above Eden and they will see a bright flash far distant as our sun blows up. In three and a half thousand years.”
“And the enemy doesn’t know about Eden?” Her voice is almost pleading, hoping for this validation. He nods.
“No. It’s why nothing was broadcast. Why we turned off all radio and TV communications. We couldn’t even allow an accidental slip. We printed everything. They don’t know about Eden.”
She shivers quietly, and blinks. Wondering what the cause was. She can see nothing but the park in darkness and the old man staring up into space.
“We outsmarted them,” she says and he blinks and turns to her.
“Yes. We did. Final proof that there is nothing we humans can’t do if we out our minds to it. An all powerful alien species threatens to destroy our world? And we? Manage to sneak off nearly every human being right under their noses and settle on another world. Quite brilliant.”
He seems happy and for reasons she didn’t quite understand, his happiness gave her joy. She leaned forward and asks, “Did you see the descriptions of Eden? I didn’t really feel like paying much attention to it?”
“Oh yes,” he says getting excited, “Exoplanet almost identical to Earth. Slightly larger. Gravity a tad more but also a tad warmer. And two moons which means it’s tides are much more stable. Sounds ideal. And we know we can live there. Had people on it for thirty years before the crisis.”
She sighs gently, “Eden. The Bible says we came from the Garden of Eden.”
“We came from Eden and we go back to Eden. Nice symmetry.”
He sighs and glances down at his watch. He sees her questioning look and says flatly, “Not long now. About seven minutes.”
She nods and looks sad. Hit with a moments insecurity he asks, “Do you... do you need to be anywhere?”
“I’ve got nowhere else to go. Everyone I know has...”
“Me too,” he says. He looks around and remembering turns to her, “You know what I did yesterday? Spent a day walking around a primary school. It was filled with the remains of what had just been. Books and pens and art on the walls. In one classroom the children had drawn a big picture of Earth and above it the words ‘Goodbye Earth- thank you. We won’t forget you’. It was very sweet.”
She smiles.
“I’m pleased they took the children. All the children.”
“Me also. And hey, they took 9 billion and change out of 10 billion humans. That’s bloody remarkable when you think about. All creeds, all colours, rich and poor. Didn’t care about religion or caste. They took everyone.”
“Except us,” she says quietly.
“Except the very old,” he replies.
“And the very sick.”
Her voice is small and vulnerable and he glances over, a look of concern upon his face. She sees it and holds her head up.
“It’s alright. It made sense. A lot of sense. I mean they HAD to leave some right?”
“Indeed. If we ALL went, when the enemy showed up they would have known, especially as we had stopped using tv and radio for the last month. They had to look down and see humans still on the planet. Be convinced we were still here. That way they would do what they threatened to do and move on. Not aware most of us had escaped.”
“And it’s worked,” the girl beams.
“It has worked. Well done humanity,” he smiles back.
“Fuck you aliens!” She looks up at the night sky, her face defiant and strong. Her defiance infects him, and he nods.
“Indeed. Fuck them.”
The trees come alive, as hundreds of birds suddenly start flying. No birdsong. But hundred and hundreds of avian creatures all come to life. Briefly they are distracted by their sudden movement.
“That’s odd,” she says but then just gasps as all the lights in the city go out. A few emergency lights in tower blocks automatically come to life, but it was as if someone had turned off all the power to everywhere with the flick of a single switch.
Utter darkness envelops them both. They sit for a few seconds, their eyes adjusting to the complete darkness (where the Moon is the only illumination), but all they can hear are the flap of thousands of birds wings in the trees and air around them.
“Do you think?”
Her voice is raised slightly to be heard over the noise of the animals.
“I don’t know,” he replies.
“Oh. The sky?”
He hears her and looks up. The sky has changed. Where there was at most twenty or thirty stars that could be seen above, now there were millions of them. It was if the entire sky had come alive with a myriad of stars of every size and hue.
“Yes. Light pollution. We can see the sky without the orange glow.”
“It’s so pretty,” she says dreamily, gazing up at the sky as if it was new to her.
“Yes. Perfect. Normally you have to go deep in the countryside to get that.”
The girl gazes upwards and narrows her eyes.
“Where is Eden? Which one of these stars is Eden?”
The old man has no idea, but senses that the actual answer didn’t matter right now.
“That one,” he says pointing at a nice looking twinkling star.
“Yes. Its that one.”
She smiles broadly and whispers up at the star, “We did it humanity. We fooled them.”
And as quickly as it starts the beating of wings suddenly ends. A sudden, terrifying silence falls upon the world.
“I’m getting scared,” she whispers.
“Oh don’t my dear. Don’t be scared. Its just something that was going to happen fairly soon to us all just happening a little bit sooner eh?”
She turns to him, “Can you hold my hand?”
“I’d be honoured,” he says and takes hers in his. It feels thin and fragile; his feel calloused and wrinkled. It doesn’t matter. As much as they dare, without words, they squeeze each other’s hand.
“I’m pleased to have met you,” she says, quietly.
“So am I. I’m glad I’m not alone.”
“Me too. I’m sorry. I never asked your name,” says the girl. The old man smiles.
“William. My friends call me Billy.”
“I’m Abigail.”
“I’m really pleased to have met you Abigail.”
“I’m really pleased to have met you too Billy.”
The darkness suddenly diminishes. Nearby a herd of deer race out of some trees and spring across the grass before them. Twenty, thirty, more. Majestic even in their panic. Racing from somewhere to anywhere.
The darkness lightens. As if, far away, the luminosity the sun has just been turned way up. They can see the red deer race down towards the river and watch them sadly...
“I feel sorry for it,” she says.
“The Earth. And the Sun. They didn’t ask for this,” comes her voice.
“No, I suppose they didn’t.”
“Poor old Earth.”
Billy pats the grass besides him...
“Yes indeed. She was a good planet. Thank you Earth. For everything.”
Abigail smiles at that and Billy is suddenly aware he can see her clearly. It’s getting quite light...
A ROAR. The air is rent by a roar unlike any heard upon this world. Superheated air catches fire high above them, igniting the atmosphere far above, as the opening salvo of the death of the sun hits the other side of the planet.
The odd couple are illuminated as if it were day light, but it is a harsh white daylight, unforgiving and uncaring.
It’s over for the other side at least thinks Billy.
But the roar increases, and he notices it is getting much hotter.
“Billy. I’m scared.”
“Don’t be Abigail. I’m here.”
Instinctively the old man brings her close, into a hug and she allows it. She can smell the stale scent of old dried sweat on unwashed clothing and tobacco and grime but for some reason she cannot explain it fills her with comfort. Relief. To be held by another human.
He holds her close and desperately seeks to talk about something, anything...
“Did... did you have any family?”
His voice is loud now. The roar above is deafening.
“My parents. My brother. We said goodbye last week. They didn’t want to go. I insisted. You?”
“I have a daughter. I assume she has gone. Haven’t spoken to her in years. She’s safe. Like the rest of them. They are all safe Abigail.”
“All safe,” she says and smiles and tears form, hard tears. The light gets brighter and the temperature higher. Sweat forms on her neck.
The roar continues and he has to shout.
“Jolly well taking it’s time eh?”
Abigail finds this the funniest joke she has ever heard in all her life and laughs through her tears.
“Yes. I wish to complain in the strongest terms about the slow service at the end of the world...”
And Billy finds it the funniest joke he has ever heard in all his life.
He glances up and sees a white burning sky, flames only a few hundred feet above them. Coming lower. He feels absolute terror and curls himself up around the young woman, protecting her, burying his face into her neck while she curls up inside his arms.
The ground beneath them starts to shake.
“Its alright Abigail. I’m here. Be over soon.”
The hill begins to shake far more violently, vibrating back and forth and forces beyond any in the planets history smash into it. They cling to each other tighter in a final embrace.
At the end of all things.
Her thoughts race with lightning speed, a history of broken memories of a life spent in hospitals and sick beds and of snatched glimpses of health. She begins to cry properly. Shuddering tears, all defences broken, all pretences gone. She sobs and curls into a little ball, and says ‘Daddy..’
And around her the old man begins to hum a tune he knew from his own childhood, cradling her and rocking her, he wants desperately to tell her it will all be alright, wants desperately to tell this young girl that he can make it better...
And with this Billy’s mind finds itself at some kind of mental singularity; a point of no return. And he’s sees all his life, his two wives, his daughter laughing as a child, his mistakes, his regrets... all his life flashes before his minds eye.
And yet to his surprise he sees something else.
He sees before him an image of giant craft, its vast engines cooling, from huge gates in its side, disgorging people, so many people...sees their faces filled with hope and fears... he sees them smile at the sounds of children laughing
He sees them build and stumble; sees them punishing criminals, making laws, sees they making countries. He seems them making mistakes, so many mistakes, and he sees their wars and their horrors; and they do inflict wars and horrors upon each other.
But in that mental singularity he sees more. Children growing, living, loving, having children of their own. He sees ten thousand thousand generations yet to be born, building in a new place. On a new planet. Safe and wonderful and beautiful and perfect and they gaze up in the night sky of an alien word at a star that flares briefly...
And like a singularity this last thought is all; forever trapped between the now and the was; forever would Billy feel that sense of pride and of joy and of love...
And this young woman’s words and his own combine and in that endless moment of time he thinks
We did it humanity; we fooled them; remember us...
And that was all he knew.
The nova was spectacular, the suns core tearing itself apart and it deaths throes obliterating Mercury and Venus and Earth and Mars; it’s vast forces slammed into Jupiter and Saturn. The Giant Planets died also.
The sun flared briefly in its death and then exploded. And all trace of the planet Earth and of all the life upon it was gone forever.
And across the endless cosmos a single thought of a single mind repeated as it held to the last sliver of its time, filled with hope and love and a defiance eternal.
Remember us...
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known
-Charles Dickens.
submitted by thefeckamIdoing to HFY [link] [comments]


I guess I’m what you’d call an addict. Junkie, even. Alcohol? No, I don’t touch the stuff. I drink it, hahaha. Don’t need hands to do that, hence the punchline. Drugs? I mean, I dabble. Recreationally. Whatever you got, if it’s free, I’ll shoot it up, lick it, smoke it, stick under my eyelid, snort it right into my aorta. And I’m not particularly picky either. Captain Cody, Skag, Mud, Fidgeridoo, Herbal Speedball, Organ Oil, Demmies, Miss Emma, Kickers, Mrs. O, Yog-Sothamines, XTC, Sneeze, R-Balls; if you have them, I’ll take them. Still not addicted to the stuff though.
No, my one and only addiction is exceedingly simple, yet intolerably hard to satisfy; FUCKED UP SHIT. I’m not talking about your everyday dark web snuff mind you. I need the real deal. Something about my brain's incapability to shoot me up with dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins (the D.O.S.E), according to several online doctors. So it’s a medical thing. Still haven’t scored a prescription for it though.
In any case, my medical condition forces me to deep dive into the fuckiest corners of society. You have your dark underground clubs, murder parties, subteranean sickofests, torture theatres, decapitation diners, and the odd organ orgies, but what I really enjoy, what makes my D.O.S.E overflow, is the ones you never hear about. The ones you have to find. No invitations, no RSVPs. One day they just pop up like a popcorn baby, and before you know it, they’re gone.
I’ve been to a few of these over the years, and they never disappoint. I already told you about the Baby Killer Incident, yeah? Then you know what I’m talking about. Fucked up shit!
I happened upon this particular one by Chance. Chance being this stripper I know that’s into some ritualistic cannibalism or other (I don’t ask), and long story short she knew the sicko who was hosting the event. I was hesitant at first, this particular sicko placing fairly high on my shitlist of sickos, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers and all. Not to mention that my D.O.S.E-withdrawals were flaring up, making me in essence nothing more than a shivering sack of suicidal human tissue on the best of days.
So there I was in an abandoned mall, shivering sack of suicidal human tissue, idly accepting assorted drugs from random passer-by deviants taking a pity on me, when this guy comes up to me, all dressed up in a pink hazmat suit with a freaky unicorn horn (which, when I look back on it, was probably a massive drill-shaped dildo) stuck to his helmet, and he goes Hey Tilly (that’s my name, Tilly), Hey Tilly, he says. I hear you like fucked up shit.
Man, word gets around, I think to myself, but at the same time these loud fucking alarm bells starts going off in my head, accompanied by Soviet Union-amounts of red flags. How the fuck do you know my name? I ask.
Your ears, he answers. The guy told me to look for a man with fucked up ears.
Well, you found’em, I say, making sure to twirl around all ballerina-like, highlighting my ugly-ass ear-stumps. And what fucking guy gave you my name?
That guy, he mumbles idly, not actually pointing to anyone. Say, what happened to them?
To who?
Your, uh, ears.
Oh, that, I say. Sliced them off as a punchline in an elaborate Van Gogh-joke. Well, two seperate jokes, actually. Both Van Gogh-related though.
The guy nods, maybe smiles, but I can’t really tell because of the dildo-helmet, and beckons for me to follow him. Now, I don’t normally follow strange men into bathrooms, but sometimes that’s exactly what you should do. I guess learning when to do it, and when not to do it is an integral skill in this setting, but you’ll figure it out one way or another, so don’t worry too much about it.
Anyway, into the bathroom we go. Like the rest of the place it’s spotless, meaning there isn’t a single fucking spot that isn’t covered in grime or dirt or bodily fluids of some description, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust as the guy waves me into an empty stall at the far end of it.
I hesitate momentarily, my mind doing some olympic-levels of mental gymnastics to calculate the risk/reward-ratio of my current situation. I land on an even 50/50 - good enough - and I saunter into the stall, only to realise it’s not a bathroom stall at all.
Unexpected, I say, my D.O.S.E-levels elevating ever so slightly.
The guy starts descending the winding staircase leading god-knows-where, looking back at me when he notices I’m still just standing there sheepishly. You coming or what? he asks.
Fuck no, I think to myself. Yeah, I say.
Now, I’m no architect, but I’ll hazard a guess and propose that winding staircases are a rare find in your standard mall bathroom, abandoned or not. This wasn’t always a mall, was it? I ask.
Good eye, the guy answers. Used to be a church. I guess capitalism always wins, huh?
I just nod, soon enough realising these fucking stairs are neverending, like one of those spirals you see in old movies, you know, when someone is getting hypnotised? Then I think back on this woman I met when I was young. Younger? Time man, it’s always going somewhere, and I never really bothered catching up to it. Anyway, I think back on this woman I bumped into on the street, and how she out of the blue asks me if I’d seen her job, and I was like what the fuck do you mean?
I’ve lost my job, she says.
It’s always in the last place you look, I note.
That’s really helpful, she says unironically. Say, could you help me with something else?
Do you know, she starts. Do you know how to rewind a winding staircase?
I don’t know man, that shit always stuck with me. Some kind of riddle? An elaborate joke? A covert Operation Mindfuck? Escaped lunatic lingo? In any case, that’s how I felt when we descended those stairs. Like I was rewinding a winding staircase.
Here we are then, the guy suddenly exclaims, bringing me out of my temporal trip down memory lane.
I am wildly underwhelmed at this point, but after letting my eyes get used to the dimly lit basement chamber, I can feel my brain starting to upchuck some good fucking shit into my system.
Champagne? the guy asks, beckoning to a rather unbecoming rat-faced girl in the corner to come hither with a tray of alcoholic beverages.
Don’t mind if I’m already two steps ahead of you, I think, having snatched a bottle I found sitting by the stairs. I pop it open, and enjoy the weird expressions on their faces as I chug the whole fucking thing in a manner of seconds. Tastes like an aging puke-shit hybrid, but my think-organ seems to enjoy it, and I’m not one to start a fight with my own fucking brain.
I watch the two of them trade looks of confusion, realisation, and then something I (falsely) identify as fear, then turn my attention to the tied up naked man at the far end of the room. I think I forgot to mention him, but he was there too. In fact, he was the sole reason my D.O.S.E was elevating - the prospect of some kind of fucked up torture show enough to get my juices flowing.
Now what? the girl asks. Do we tell him?
Fuck it, the guy says, and then proceeds to bash half of my skull in with a crowbar.
You know the part in every fucking action movie where the main character knocks some poor unnamed henchman unconscious? Do you realise how fucking dangerous that is? Concussions are silent killers man. Could’ve inflicted some serious brain damage too. Those fuckers can fuck you up for life.
Anyway, I guess I must’ve been out for a few, because when I woke up, I found myself dangling from the ceiling, my body suspended mid-air by some rather sturdy-looking chains.
You fucked up royally this time Tilly, the dildo-helmet proposed.
If my jaw hadn’t felt like someone had ripped it out, then jammed it back in the wrong way around, I probably would have responded with a witty remark. As circumstances were though, I felt forced to reply with a half-hearted Guh?
Let’s show you exactly how much you fucked up, the guy says.
My mind slips in and out of what I assume is consciousness, but it’s like my thoughts are torn in half; one side continuously trying to make sense of what I’m seeing, and the other rapidly filling with nausea-inducing dread. Both are fucking screaming though, my stump-ears somehow hearing the inside of my mind lamenting as it drowns slowly in an all-consuming madness.
The naked man screams too, but he’s more physical about it. How can a supposedly regular set of lungs contain that much air, I find myself thinking. His skin is a deep shade of red, some of it undoubtedly caused by lack of oxygen, some of it by the ever-growing stream of blood ceaselessly dripping down from his soon-to-be empty eye-socket.
Pull it Ems! the guy yells.
The rat-faced girl, Ems, has this horrid fucking grin on her face. You know how an old lemon looks, like a really shrivelled up piece of lemon? All wrinkles and browning leathery texture? That was her face. All fucking rotting wrinkled lemon texture smiles.
Pull it!
Ems got the naked man’s eye firmly gripped between her thumb and index, long dirty fingernails digging into the spongy vitreous, having now pulled it about an inch or so outside of the poor fucker’s socket. And I can just tell by her posture that she’s readying herself for that final, horrible yank.
I want to close my eyes so badly at this point, you know, just fucking succumb to the madness my brain is desperately conjuring up to save me, but at the same time I can’t. I physically cannot get my eyelids to work. I don’t know why, but that fucking fact freaks me out more than anything else going on.
And then it happens. With a swift, overly dramatic motion, she rips the fucking eye all the way out, and the man’s tormented shrieks reaches sonic levels that transcends human hearing. My ears are ringing, my mind is swirling, and my eyes are itching.
Watch this Tilly, the guy says coldly. Watch this fucking shit real closely.
And I do. Barely conscious at this point, hanging onto sanity only by fucking ignoring reality as a concept, I watch as Ems drops the severed eye to the dirty grime-covered floor, the disgusting fucking thing still somehow connected to the man via the optical nerves - impossibly long squirming crimson tendrils.
What the fuck? I mumble.
I told you, the guy chuckles. I fucking told you.
It’s hard to say how many there were. Countless maybe. Countless and then some, probably. Thin crimson worms, entangled in each other, organically interwoven to form a disgusting chain from the naked man’s empty eye socket to the severed eye on the floor. I could see them slithering in perfect repulsive unison, and suddenly the eye starts...moving.
This is the best part, the guy says.
The squirming chain slowly starts retracting, the blue of the eye turning a savory shade of grime-grey as it is dragged across the floor, up the naked man's legs, stomach, neck, face, until finally, after what seems like an eternity, it pops right back into the socket with a repulsive gloooph.
My stomach wants me to vomit now, but it’s barren and dry and empty and sour, so instead my brain takes control, a tempting blank void all the way in the back of my mind presented as a possible solution. But they won’t let me go. Ems erupts in a maniacal laughter, like the sound of a chainsaw on rough concrete, and the guy soon follows. I feel the muscles in my back contracting all seizure-like; more than likely my body’s last desperate attempt at shutting me down.
The naked man has stopped screaming now, the tortured wails replaced by a deep gargle, slime and blood mixed together in the back of his throat. Maybe his nightmare will end, I think, but then I realise it won’t. It hasn’t. It’s still going.
The eye is still moving.
Being dragged now inside his skull, I see the spongy texture of it bending and morphing hideously as it squeezes past bone structures that are by far too fucking narrow, and then it disappears completely, accompanied by a soundscape of gloophs and schlucks.
The man topples over, still tied to the chair, and convulses in agony for minutes, until it all suddenly stops.
I have never experienced such silence. That’s how I imagine space, you know. A great old big fucking vast empty nothingness of all the senses.
And now, the guy says, standing over the corpse of the naked man. Now it is your turn.
Ems hideous face morphs into that smile again. Big old lemon wrinkled smile. I remember her crooked yellow fingernails so vividly, horrid jagged things inching closer and closer to my eye, until I could feel them scraping on my exposed pupil.
I guess my mind found a way out right then. Fucking took it long enough though, but I figure I must have passed out, maybe from the pain, maybe from the fear, maybe from the exhaustion. Most likely neither of those, though.
When I woke up, I was alone, face down in my own sour-dry vomit on the ground. No naked corpse man, no dildo-helmet guy, no lemon-smiled Ems. I spent a good fifteen minutes checking my eyes, trembling fingers tracing them, you know, just to see if they were still there. And they were. They were fucking solid. They were fucking perfect.
I guess I spent a few weeks or so recuperating from that shit, but I’ve never felt quite the same. Turns out there’s a reason for that.
It’s weird you know, how I didn’t realise it sooner. I might be a fucked up piece of shit, but I’m no dummy. Gotta hand it to them though, it was a clever way to do it. Offering you a drink. I guess that’s how they got it in the naked man too. I suppose that’s why they told me I fucked up. Took too much, as the saying goes. Chugged the whole infestation.
I cut myself shaving this morning. Just a tiny nick, you know. But where you’d expect blood, there was none. Instead I was greeted with the unseemly sight of a thin crimson worm, dangling restlessly by my nose.
Now if that’s not some FUCKED UP SHIT, I don’t know what is.
submitted by hyperobscura to nosleep [link] [comments]

Summary of how Threat Level impacts Everything

Summary of how Threat Level impacts Everything
So I've written a bunch of posts about my findings from being curious how things work in game. One thing they all eventually lead towards is Threat Level.
Note: Some of this is repeat information, but the last few things I found I felt justified compiling this all into one post.
Update: While it's sufficient to understand threat levels, there's nothing here to clearly show any application at least on the defensive side. So I went ahead and found the armor caps for every enemy level I could find (not a lot of variety sadly). Added to the bottom.


Map with enemy levels is done. This fucking thing took hours.. but feeling satisfied having it done. You may need to download the image to zoom in. Yellow levels = Gig/Job levels, and Light blue = NCPD activities.
Note: I went to every gig that's available at the start of act 2 with 50 street cred. If I teleport there and there are no enemies to look at I immediately skipped it, hence some of the gaps on the map. Very few areas have varying levels, and if they do it's mostly from any robots/drones/mechs, or these enemies named "Worker" who tend to be lower level. I can't label every single one so I tried to label them in an obvious way to cover areas.
All these levels change as you pass them in level, more on that in the main post below.

What is "Threat Level"?

Threat in the game is a simplified version of what the difference is in your V's level and the enemy's level. It's visible when you look at a gig's description, and also when you look at enemies within a certain range.
The threat levels include:
  • Very Low (Gray Image)
  • Low (Green Image)
  • Medium (Yellow Image)
  • High (Orange Image)
  • Very High (Red skull)
  • Midnight (World's Best Boss cup icon) Credit to u/CMDR_Qohen_Leth for the reminder
    • The image below shows an example of an enemy using a shotgun. That image can be replaced with any combat type (pistol rounds, assault rifle/SMG, Netrunner, etc)
Left to right: Very low, low, medium, high, very high

How "Threat Level" is determined

In short, it is determined by the difference between your current level and the minimum level an enemy can be. The ranges are approximately:
  • Very High Threat: You are at least 6 levels below the enemy
  • High Threat: You are between 3 and 5 levels below the enemy.
  • Medium Threat: You are between 2 levels below the enemy and around 13 - 16 levels above the enemy
    • The lower bound (2 levels below) is always true, but the upper bound (13 - 16 levels above) varies depending on the enemy. For Valentinos at minimum level 24 it was 13, for Pacifica Voodoo Boys it was 15, so it's not clear how that's determined.
  • Low Threat: You are 1 or 2 levels above the Medium threat range.
    • So if the Voodoo Boys, who are level 16, are medium threat until level 31, They'll be Low threat at levels 32 and 33.
  • Very Low Threat: Every level after the Low Threat range.
    • So in the Voodoo Boys example above, at level 34+ they are considered very low threat.
A few examples of open world enemies at different levels is shown in a color coded table at the bottom.
Gig / Side Job threat is actually calculated a little differently. First, all gigs / jobs have a set minimum level that it can drop to. Whatever the level ends up being the threat is calculated as:
  • Very High Threat and High Threat are the same
  • Medium Threat: You are between 2 levels below the enemy and 3 levels above the enemy
  • Low Threat: You are 1 or 2 levels above the Medium threat range.
  • Very Low Threat: Every level after the Low Threat range.
So basically the same except they hit their Low Threat range a lot sooner.

What is a Minimum Level and how can you tell for each enemy?

It is 100% true that enemies scale with your level (meaning as you grow, they grow). However, thinking about it backwards, if you decrease your level, they will only drop in levels up to a certain point depending on the enemy.
If it wasn't designed like this, we'd be able to explore the entire map and be able to take any enemy on at any time. So it's pretty standard to impose a minimum to make sure that players need to progress in order to explore past certain points.
Unfortunately, without mods I don't think there is a way for you to tell. I believe it was by design that you simply use the threat levels to determine if you want to tackle something or not, rather than calculate the specific differences for yourself.
That being said, if I do see that there would be value in creating some sort of list of common enemies or maybe even by gig/NCPD activity, I wouldn't mind getting those level thresholds and posting it.

What exactly does "Threat Level" affect in actual gameplay?

When it comes to combat, it affects nearly everything. First I'll list what it affects and then below what the actual numbers look like.
So here's the list:
  1. Your damage against the enemy
  2. The enemy's damage against you
  3. RAM costs for Quickhacks
  4. Upload times for Quickhacks
  5. (Some) Enemy resistances

Damage against the enemy:
Unlike V, enemies don't have any scaling armor that reduces damage. Instead, their "armor" is actually completely determined by their threat level.
Enemies take damage based on our weapon damage on top of a multiplier depending on their threat level.
  • Very Low (Gray) takes 100% more damage (200% total)
  • Low (Green) takes 30% more damage (130% total)
  • Medium (Yellow) takes 0% more damage (100% total)
  • High (Orange) takes 30% less damage (70% total)
  • Very High (Red) takes 75% less damage (25% total)
Robots, Mechs, Drones naturally take less damage. (Only tested on Robots and Drones)
  • Very Low (Gray) takes 55% more damage (155% total)
  • Low (Green) takes 10% more damage (110% total)
  • Medium (Yellow) takes 20% less damage (80% total)
  • High (Orange) takes 60% less damage (70% total)
  • Very High (Red) takes 85% less damage (15% total)
You can read more about this here: https://www.reddit.com/cyberpunkgame/comments/kymq1z/how_enemy_armor_works/
The post includes another section about Tech weapons, which actually behave very differently than what's described above based on how much you charge them.

The Enemy's damage against you:
This I haven't tested thoroughly, but there's one thing I noticed when testing armor: At some point, enemies will do 1 damage per shot to you no matter how much you increase your armor. However, when I did more testing against a very high threat enemy, whether my armor was at the cap or something ridiculous like 500k, they actually did 2 damage per shot. This suggests that the enemies also have a sort of "threat level" when fighting us.
This isn't directly related to the topic, but there's some updated information about Armor that I'll include at the end of this post that is related to enemy's scaling after their minimum level.

RAM Costs for Quickhacks:
Ok this part actually drove me crazy, but this is the best that I could come up with given what's available. I noticed that it requires 1 check before you get into a percentage multiplier.
First you check if the enemy has any base resistances. Rather than getting into wtf that means, there are only TWO factions that I found for this to be true: Tyger Claws and Voodoo Boys.
Is your target either of these groups? No? Fucking outstanding, here are the simple approximate conversions:
  • Very High: 200% of the listed RAM cost in description
  • High: 130% - 150%
  • Medium: 100% - 115%
  • Low and Very Low: 100%
Yes, they are? FUCK. Okay so for every quickhack that is NOT an ultimate quickhack, which are labeled here (never noticed this until I got to testing cyberdecks):
Types include: Combat, Covert, Control, and Ultimate.
You can actually just take the cost and add the resistance to get the final cost. (ONLY non ultimate quickhacks). If it IS an ultimate quickhack, it scales like this according to testing it on Voodoo Boys and Tyger Claws with the exact same results:
  • Very High: 130% of the listed RAM cost in description
  • High: 115%
  • Medium: 106%
  • Low and Very Low: 100%
I don't claim that these numbers are correct. They're what I got when testing, and the algorithm that the game follows to give you these results is so odd it convinces me that this was not an intentional way to set up the costs.

RAM Upload Times:
No specifics tested here, but you can easily tell the difference between a very low threat enemy getting the quickhack uploaded almost instantly vs a very high threat enemy where you're sitting still for 15 seconds waiting for it to work.

Additional Armor Info:

Again, this is related to scaling/threat and should provide insight on how to balance armor vs other stats depending on where you're at in the game.
  • The amount of armor to reach the cap does NOT change until you surpass the enemy's minimum level, which is also when the enemy starts scaling levels with you.
    • So against an enemy with minimum level 25, when you are level 1 or 24 the same amount of armor will completely reduce the enemy's damage against you.
  • After the enemy begins to scale with your growing level, the armor required to hit the cap is the same depending on what level the enemy is at.
    • The tables I show below will make this more clear.
  • More of a side note, but Gig/Side Job enemies do not scale in level once you activate the quest.
    • I tried scaling my level to see armor differences and these enemies at gigs will stay at the same level, which is determined by your level at the time you receive the call.
So here's Armor Cap by V's level, and the enemy's scaled level next to it. Threat included for kicks
Level 32 Corpo Plaza NCPD Militech Soldier
Level 16 Voodoo Boys member in Pacifica
  • Take note of the armor caps when both enemy levels are at 35, 40, and 45. All 3 are above their minimum level, and all 3 match exactly.
  • Armor cap doesn't change between level 1 and their minimum level.

I hope this helps clear up what you use threat levels for. Ask questions / make suggestions in the comments and I'll get back to it when I can.

List of things to maybe add:
  • A list with more minimum levels.
  • Armor caps based on those minimum levels
Adding those things here:
So I went around looking for enemies of all levels and was able to find what the raw data shows:

Note: 45 and 50 do not exist, and 39 is the highest I could find. I had to reload saves to boost my level to 45 and 50 separately, initiate a quest that I knew scales up to level 50, then drop myself back down to level 1. And that is how I recorded these armor caps (level 1 taking hits from the listed levels). As shown above, these caps are the same from level 1 up to when the player reaches this level.
Fitting a 2nd degree polynomial curve yields a pretty solid fit:
Applicable Table with Regression values:
Armor reduces damage linearly, so the 50% is just there for a more realistic goal
So if you're level 20 for example, and you want to nut up or shut up against a High threat NCPD activity or gig, they'd be "between 3 and 5 levels above you".. so 23 and 25. You'd need somewhere between 1,380 armor and 1,542 armor to reduce their damage by half.
Whether half is something manageable is something I unfortunately cannot speak on, as skill level is a major factor. For what it's worth I finished the game and secret ending on very hard with no armor and no perks. Just do it. (incoming sponsorship yeet)
Map of Gang Activities with level labels: https://www.reddit.com/cyberpunkgame/comments/kz5n30/enemy_level_scaling_minimum_levels/
Note the enemies in any activity, gang or gig or whatever, can vary. They wont by much, but one particular gig that stood out to me was the one in Pacifica called "Two Wrongs Make Us Right", which is a level 27 gig, surrounded by activities in Pacifica that are level 16.

Experience Gain

Credit to u/Call_me_ET for bringing this up. These charts should give you a sense of how exp gain is affected by scaling / threat levels.
The first just confirms that Experience appears to have a linear relationship with enemy levels:
Example uses a level 28 Valentino, hence no data points before 28 as it's their minimum level.
The experience gain by player level suggest a few things:
  1. We're slightly rewarded for trying to be legends taking on extremely high level enemies with higher exp than the starting point when you reach an enemy's level.
  2. How much higher the enemy is in level in the Very High threat range doesn't affect experience gained.
  3. The experience gains show linear growth until you get to the Low threat range, with enemy level scaling slowing down for reasons I'm not entirely sure. This may or may not be something that happens with enemies at all level ranges to normalize everyone at level 45 by the time we hit 50.

Update: More examples of scaling by level. There are some clear patterns, but no obvious way how the cutoff for Low Threat is calculated. PLVL = Player Level, and ELVL = Enemy Level. Highlighted with threat level colors.

Open world enemies only. Quest enemies threat is treated very differently.
submitted by iCheekz to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

Spoilers. The issue with Blake's fight, and the exhaustion excuse. (feat. Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba)

Alright so the recent discourse (or one of them at least) regarding RWBY's latest episode regarding Blake's performance against the acid Grimm.
Now like many others, I have major issues with this fight. And with many of these complaints, there have also been the usual defenses, and there are a couple of these defense that I take... great issue with.
Blake and the others being exhausted:
No... just no. Ever since there arrival at the Schnee mansion, the idea of the characters being exhausted has been thrown around as soon as people began to point out how odd it was for team RWBY to simply stand around and not seem like they were doing much while Grimm were wreaking havoc.
And if I'm being honest... these sound more like excuses than anything the show is actually presenting to us.
First off, does exhaustion even lower aura? We know intense weather can damage it, but what about natural exhaustion. Normally magic system fuel and natural exhaustion are two separate things, with the exceptions of the latter being a byproduct of the former. So even "if" the were exhausted, the show hasn't ever really shown or stated natural exhaustion being detriment to aura itself, with the closest thing to that being vice-versa.
Second, if these characters really are exhausted, where are the yawns? Where is the heavy breathing while they are in the mansion? Where are the baggy eyes and slouched posture? Why isn't one of them at least trying to take a nap and regain energy? Why isn't this at least being mentioned?
Nothing since their arrival at the mansion visually or vocally has communicated to us that they are exhausted. The only single thing that can tell us this, is the fact that they are sipping tea... which is something that the average viewer probably wouldn't know unless they search online.
It's because of this that I feel that the exhaustion excuse as a whole, really feels like an excuse for the writers, and us as the fans essentially just writing a reason for them.
And before people mention it, no, this isn't some personal diss saying the '"writers suck". The fact that we as the viewers aren't presented with crucial information that doesn't require fun facts about tea regarding our heroes' energy levels is an issue. And the fact that we are relegating everything to "exhaustion" despite no signs of it coming from the characters is an issue.
And the thing is, even if they were exhausted, that actually has nothing to do with Blake's performance in her fight with the acid Grimm. The issue is how she chooses to fight.
Blake is an agile fighter (should be the most agile of her team) and is a ninja who wields Gambol Shroud, a cleaver-tonfa that acts as a sheathe for a smaller sword (though can hold a sword as long as Adam's Chokuto) with a gun imbedded into it and can transform into something akin to a kusarigama.
Her fighting style involves fast paced strikes that normally should involve dual wielding and keeping the opponent on their toes. Of course not being a tank like Yang, she stays in the fight by moving around her opponent and using her semblance to better dash around to both strike blind spots and can make for deadly mix-ups.
Her semblance along with the dash allows her to trap foes with dust (like she does against Roman and admittedly the acid Grimm), set traps (like she does to Reese in V3), and on rare occasions can make full on animate clones though we've only seen these sparingly (See Fei Long and saving BY vs Adam).
So with such a versatile tool set as well as having these ninja inspired traits, why exactly is Blake rushing in like she's Inosuke from Demon Slayer?
As seen in the video, Inosuke is a very head-first brawling kind of fighter. He charges at the opponent with both swords and cuts them apart like a beast.
So why is Blake, the ninja of the team fighting like that? Why is she charging in head first towards the immobile and slow acid Grimm.
This doesn't have anything to do with exhaustion, she's literally using a completely different fighting style that she really shouldn't be using.
I Blake was really exhausted, if she was really that much drained of natural energy, why isn't she using methodical stealth and trap setting?
She needs to keep the Grimm's attention away from Ruby right? Then once you get it's attention, instead of rushing in head first and using the clones once you already get yourself pin, why not stay back and use the clones in a more calculative manner?
Heck if we are going by her Maya stats (where she is slow and clunky and incapable of pulling the fancy maneuvers she did against Roman to one shot the acid Grimm), this is the one time she could actually be using her whip form to maintain some distance.
And then once the Grimm has enough concentration on you, turn a corner around the building next to you (or some other method) to set-up a clone, use the same trick against Reese in the tournament and force it to attack the clone. Then from above or behind you have a perfect kill.
Or if Blake still needs to lose, just buff the acid Grimm and make it so fact and mobile Blake can't keep up. And even buff the acid in ways that can justify the AoE being enough to hold off Blake, like say making the acid explosive to keep Blake from regaining balance.
Ironically enough, exhaustion actually makes the fight worse, because it doesn't make sense for someone who isn't Yang, Hazel, or any other tank to be rushing in head first like a boar when they are low on fumes.
Blake's fight suffers from a a lot of things, consistency, nerfing, etc... and exhaustion really isn't a good enough defense to justify what occurred during the fight. Blake isn't the only one to suffer from this, many characters both old and new have been fighting in very strange ways (even when taking into account the behind the scenes), ways that I have begun to realize really don't have some in-universe justification or grand subtext... It's just... It's just flawed.
submitted by yinxiaolong to RWBY [link] [comments]

$AMC is not $GME And Why Today Was A Victory & We Need To Prepare For The Real Fight On Monday (PART 2: The Plot Thickens - How To Spot Evidence Of Short Ladder Attacks And Stop Them)

$AMC is not $GME And Why Today Was A Victory & We Need To Prepare For The Real Fight On Monday (PART 2: The Plot Thickens - How To Spot Evidence Of Short Ladder Attacks And Stop Them)
The Last Trading Day
This post is a continuation of my previous which can be found here. TL;DR at bottom.
Shout out to our aplha ape ItsNotLegitt/ and GiganticFox for the assist.
So as you may have read from my last post, I have been facinated by the share performance last friday. And as mentioned before, I had expected to see this on our green days as more paper hands turn to diamond. As so many were over exposed on AMC.
This is how we stay in the long fight, and not leave any woman or man behind.
I was wondering how we could be sure that this was the case. Well the arch of the share price of the day suggests thats what may have happened. And we should expect to see a similar one on green days from now.
As long as more people keep joining WSB AMC shareholders. Then the arch will grow larger over each day. I summise that if this continued, paper hands would turn into diamond hands. And the more that happens the stronger the movement will grow.
Possible Explinations
I figured there could only be three possible explinations to what we saw;
1.) Paper Hands
2.) Paper hands turning to diamond hands.
3.) Short Ladder Attacks
Im not inclusing day traders etc. After spending some time looking at as much data as I could, I can say I suspect that all 3 were true. But I needed to be sure, so that meant doing my DD to find out as much as I could about how each of these work.
1.) Paper Hands: I think that does not need much explaining. We would see a steady decline in share price that would be pretty consistent throughout the day. Until 2:43. From this point we saw an uptick of purchases which brought up the % share price into and throughout after hours trading.
So although we had a red day when there were short restictions in place the recovery at the end meant the HF's we assume, did not hit their targets for AMC. And this was less likely an exodus and more likely a repositioning.
And if they were not using short ladder attacks then this is what we saw.
2.) Paper hands turning to diamond hands: That is exactly what we would see on red days.. As people come around to joining the movement in the afternoon. And with more people hearing about AMC this sub is growing, imagine graphs like that but growing over each trading day on a gradual basis until our expected red days become green..
Then we can know we building up steadily to a pop squeeze, or slow squeeze.
So as we start having less and less red days, it means they are becoming less and less capable of surpressing the share price.
And if what we saw last friday was just paper hands turning into diamonds. Then I would think by the end of the week we may still see end of day dips. But there will be an overall trend upwards.
3.) Short Ladder Attacks: Now this is where the plot thickens.. As I'm writing this I think I may well need a part 3 to this. We get flack for our accusations against the hedge funds of them using short ladder attacks to drive the price down. I have even seen trolls claiming they dont exist. But as I am new here like many I wanted to know what I was talking about.
So it meant I have had to use DD.
There are lots of great sources out there explaining what they are and how they work in more detail. But like many it was still something I needed to get my head around.
I felt I had to take a look at this possibility because of how it appears to be in active use against us. And with the claims that this is being used currently I felt I needed to see for myself what people were talking about when they were saying the volumes are low on red days.
Here are the SEC rules around shorting a stock.
We find out some crucial information that must be considered
*The short restrictions would not stop a short ladder attack. It's not the ladder attacks that are illegal. It's using them on a stock that has fallen by 10% on the last previous days trading.
*They can only use them when a stock is moving down. There is no margin in the rule. So the smallest dip could give them an opening to start dropping the price. And I think they may be able to create that drop themselves with the help of brokerages. And I have worked out a way to spot this which I will go into later.
"Under the short-sale rule, shorts could only be traded at or above the most recently traded price of the security if the most recent price movement was upward. It forbade with only limited exceptions the trading of shorts on downticks in the share price. The rule was also known as the "plus-tick rule," "tick-test rule," or "uptick rule." "
This in itself is in blatant violation of the market manipulation rules. But they have gotten away with it for so long that it's more like the SEC rules are not to stop the law being broken. But to keep honour amoung thieves..
So with this we can get a better idea of what to expect on suspected red days. And even more..
* Anytime the share price moves up it means that the short ladder attack has ended or failed to overcome buyers and holders.
What I found out which is FACINATING indeed, and may offer us a chance to stop or significantly hinder the ability for the HF's to use short ladder attacks is;
EVERYONE knowing how to spot one.. And I dont just mean us.. Lets blow the lid on this HF's scam.
From these rules we can come to the following conclusions of what we are seeing on red days (When there is no short sale restriction);
1.) Without the short restictions in place they can drive a stock price down. How they do this is the grey area in the law. You see it's illegal to manipulate the price. And the law says you cannot place a lower bid than what is being offered on the market. But when a stock is not on the restriction list you CAN make a lower bid.
We ALL have to learn to spot them first AND make sure we all post to self or anywhere on reddit we can, "EVIDENCE OF HEDGE FUND MARKET MANIPULATION (DATE)"
This will be so powerful.. And will scare them off if they know, we know how to spot them.. We didnt before I think.. Not 100%, Not every time.. I think we do now but I need some ape to confirm this with me. I have spent a lot of time looking at the volumes on various dates as many people have suggested.
During my DD that was not the most compelling evidence I have found. As none of the dates showed the perfect flatline as claimed and I assumed that the short ladder attacks would produce data mixed in with the data from oganic and genuine sales. I needed to seperate one group from another.
I am not saying that low volume is not a sign of manipulation. If a smarter ape can explain it to me I'll add it to this post.
I'm just saying I have found more compelling evidence than this.. Well I did not find it. But it has been buried.. We need to shine the light on this. And for someone like me who am new to this. It took a while to find whats left and then make sure that it was actually what I was seeing. But we can collect more evidence. And we need to.
The Evidence
1.) Look for all the old posts on reddit showing the evidence of a short ladder attack;
Especially on the now obviously comprimised wallstreetsbets sub. All of the evidence that showed us what is going on a few weeks ago is now being scrubbed..
This is no coincidence, but coincides with the SEC's investigation into stock market manipulation through the WSB Groups. They dont want the investigators to find evidence of their manipulation here..
2.) During my DD I had encountered various trolls.. I felt I needed to post the most compelling responses here as to why this was not a short ladder attack, as I could not find any better to be honest with you!
"Guys, there's no such thing as a ladder attack. It's big players selling off large quantities, having already done the math one how much each sale should dip the market. You're not gonna offload 3mm shares for exactly $111, so they break it up.
There's literally no such thing as a 'ladder attack' that you're taking as gospel."
"And before you start to talk about "then why is the volume so low?", you should take a look at the volume. I see WSB stating that the volume for a given day was only 1.x million shares, then I check the data myself and see that it was 40 million.
This is a straight trainwreck, and nobody is doing their DD"
The second one at least tries to make sense.. And it's because they are right. It's not the volume that I think really shows us the short ladder attacks.
Stock Share Lots
"Stock, exchange-traded fund and mutual fund shares are usually traded in round lots. A round lot is any number of shares that can be evenly divided by 100. Any other number of shares is known as an odd lot. Even with the advent of online electronic trading, many traders still avoid odd lot orders. It can take longer to get an odd lot order filled compared to a round lot order. Some brokers may impose additional trading fees to place and fill an odd lot order."
As we are trading in stocks this would be the cheapest way for them to process large numbers through the ladder. This would be "round" lots that can be broken down into 100 parts each. So for commercial traders and brokers they need to use lots that can evently be divided by 100.. Like say the number 100..
The Short Ladder Attack In Action: Nasdaq.com and search AMC or GME. Under quotes select real time. Scroll down to view latest real time trades and click it.

This is as clear evidence as anyone needs.. In this image we see 1,800 shares being sold in under a second in groups of 100. What is key here is the factional differences in the price reducing over time for each one. It is imposssible for these to be organic sales and purchases.
And the best excuse I have come across for this is that it's some corporate wanting to offload shares so they calculate the price downwards to make the sale go smoothly through the market?
1.) Why would a corporate trader choose to sell their stock for ever decreasing prices and offer those prices in an automated system that would be guaranteed to lose them money?Not if they are they buyer too. Then it's only the brokers fees.
2.) They have to admit these are corportate traders which narrows down the question who benefits?
3.) How could so many sales with fractional decreases in prices be accepted in a fraction of a second if there was no electronic system setup to accept those sales at a fraction of a second? Regardless of the volume, the prices in that image should all be the same.
This gives the WSB Groups new abilities!
*We can now monitor short ladder attacks in real time.. You go to nasdaq.com and search AMC or GME. Under quotes select real time. Scroll down to view latest real time trades and click it.
*We can now pinpoint the exact spikes in the day they start it.
*We now know to look for round lots being dumped at fractionally lower prices in large numbers.
I think we found a weapon!
If only someone could find out what broker Melvin are using?..
The Enemy Of My Enemy
As an aside, it seems that there may be some powerful forces on our side. Last trading day started strong.
Notice the spike between 9:24 am and 10am?
A corporate trader stepped in to buy 20 mil shares in 5 mins!
I think we may have been a proxy in someone elses fight last week! Which means next week is going to be interesting.
And now with our capabilities I suggest we do the following;
1.) Document the ladder attacks during the trading days in real time. If we can find evidence of them starting one BEFORE a share price drop on AMC or GME screen shot it then we got clear evidence of them breaking the law.
2.) If AMC or GME are on the shorts restrictions list (a green day) and we see them use it at all (Like last friday) then we screen shot the hell out of that! Then we got them breaking it again!
3.) All we need to do is meme it all over social media and the media.
4.) Make as many complaints as we can with the SEC.
If the SEC want evidence of manipulation of the markets, we give it to them.
*If someone has the time use the tool shown in this post and monitor the appearrance of the ladder attack during the day. We want to catch them using it on a green day. We need to photoshop it in an easy to understand form.. This needs to be done by some ape tomorrow.
*We need smear the evidence of what the hedge funds are doing all over reddit, twitter and social media like mud against the wall. And ask why is it one rule for the rich, while another for the poor? So the media cant deny and neither the SEC, whats going on.
*Call for a public shareholders meeting for AMC and find out our capabilities and what we can do. I think we should be able to make an official complaint to someone.
*BUY, HOLD & Like the stock!
*Tell people the truth!
And if the SEC are looking at this. It may force the hedge funds to stop or reduce it!
And that will be enough to break the stale mate! If enough of the media looks at this evidence and asks enough questions then the SEC cant ignore this.
MODS please consider a daily post highlighting this on each days trading so WSB Members can see this for themselves and make sure its not deleted from the internet.
These are just my opinions and research, not financial advise and I am not a financial advisor. I'm just an ape. Always spend responsibly and never more than you can afford to lose!
apes stronger together.

WSB Groups new abilities!
*We can now monitor short ladder attacks in real time..
*We can now pinpoint the exact spikes in the day they start it.
*We now know to look for round lots being dumped at fractionally lower prices in large numbers.
I think we found a weapon!
submitted by AnthonyStephenMark to amcstock [link] [comments]

Dreamcatcher 6th Mini Album 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' Comeback Megathread

Dreamcatcher 6th Mini Album [Dystopia : Road to Utopia] Comeback Megathread

Dreamcatcher Comeback - Countdown Timer

Check 7 Dreamers for Daily Checklists

Hi, everyone! This is Spidey :)
Welcome to the dreamcatcher megathread for Dreamcatcher's comeback with their 6th mini album 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' on January 26th, 2021.
This megathread includes:
  • Introduction links about Dreamcatcher
  • Content releases for the 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia'
  • Information about the 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' mini album
  • Links to where you can buy the 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' physical album
  • Info about 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' pre-order sales
  • Goals for this comeback
  • Ways you can support Dreamcatcher during this comeback
  • Comeback schedule released so far
  • More coming soon
Spidey's Message to InSomnias
Hi, InSomnias.
As you all know, Dreamcatcher's comeback is nearly here! Finally, we're getting a Dreamcatcher comeback with Handong back after a long time. I have a good feeling it will be a good comeback!
Moving on, I just wanted to say that Dreamcatcher appreciates the support from their fans. The girls appreciate the amount of support that you give to them for their comebacks. This means things like watching their MV, buying their album, streaming their album, voting for them on music shows, etc. Please make sure you show your support as much as you can during this comeback, especially during the first few weeks of their comeback. This is the period where Dreamcatcher has a good chance to get their first win on a Korean music show. With that being said, please remember that you're in control of your comeback support contribution. Don't let others influence you to doing more if you don't want to or don't have the time. Contribute as much comeback support as you want for this comeback.
Another thing I wanted to say, please enjoy this comeback. It's important to remember that comebacks are supposed to be fun. So have a fun time and enjoy the music, performances and content that the girls give to us during this comeback. For the past comebacks, I have seen so many InSomnias being so absorbed with doing comeback support (streaming the MV and album, earning voting tokens, etc.) to the point that they are not enjoying the comeback, they are missing out on performances and content, they are being stressed out about doing comeback support and it affects their health. The girls would be sad to hear this happening to their fans. Also, even if Dreamcatcher does not get their first music show win for this comeback, I hope that does not bring you down and you still enjoy this comeback.
So InSomnias, please have a good balance of comeback support and enjoyment for this comeback. Remember, it's your experience for this comeback.
Anyways, I appreciate you showing support for Dreamcatcher for their comeback! Let's do our very best to achieve a lot of good things for the girls during this comeback!
Enjoy Dreamcatcher's comeback!
Dreamcatcher and InSomnia, fighting!
Thank you, InSomnias! :)
Dreamcatcher Introduction
'Dystopia: Road to Utopia' Releases
Date Release
Jan 8 Mystery Code 1 / Thread
Jan 9 Mystery Code 2 / Thread
Jan 11 Comeback Scheduler / Thread
Jan 12 Individual Teaser Image 1 / Thread
Album Packaging and Contents / Thread
Jan 13 Individual Teaser Image 2 / Thread
Jan 14 Individual Teaser Image 3 / Thread
Jan 15 Group Teaser Image 1, 2 and 3 / Thread
Jan 18 Track List / Thread
Jan 19 Lyrics Spoiler / Thread
Jan 20 Teaser 1 / Thread
Jan 21 Highlight Medley / Thread
Jan 22 Dance Preview / Thread
Jan 25 Teaser 2 / Thread
Jan 26 Album Release / Thread
MV / Thread
'Dystopia: Road to Utopia' Album Info
Dreamcatcher 6th Mini Album [Dystopia: Road to Utopia]
Release Date: January 26th, 2021 at 6PM KST
Track List
  1. Intro
  2. Odd Eye / Odd Eye (Audio)
  3. 바람아 (Wind Blows)
  4. Poison Love
  5. 4 Memory
  6. 시간의 틈 (New days)
  7. Odd Eye (Inst.)
  • A mini album is a EP in K-pop.
  • This mini album should be released digitally on January 26th at 6PM KST on Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube Music. There be a might be a delay in the release depending on your timezone.
Album and Tracklist Info
Track List Discussion Thread
Track List Songs Introduction Discussion Thread
Album Discussion Thread
Physical 'Dystopia: Road to Utopia' Album Info
Where to Buy [Dystopia : Road to Utopia]
Physical Album Release Date: January 26th, 2021
Status: Available to Buy
Physical Albums
Album Packaging and Contents Discussion Thread
All Album Versions Unboxing Thread
'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' Physical Album Sales on Hanteo
'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' Pre-Order Physical Album Sales on Ktown4u
Note: I believe there is no information on how Ktown4u calculates their sale numbers and what is/is not included and there is no information for sales numbers for other K-pop stores.
Other Info
Comeback in the K-Pop World
A comeback in the K-pop world is when a K-pop group "comes back" with a new album. Any new album release from a K-pop group is considered a comeback regardless of how long the previous release was. The word is not really used in the context where it would suggest that a K-pop group is returning after a long hiatus.
Some Comeback Goals
Ways You Can Support Dreamcatcher During This Comeback
InSomnias, there are a lot of ways you can support Dreamcatcher during this comeback!
  • Buy Their Physical 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' Mini Album
    Where to Buy [Dystopia : Road to Utopia]
    Buying a physical copy of Dreamcatcher's 6th mini album 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' is an important way to support to Dreamcatcher. You are contributing to their physical album sales on the Korean charts, Hanteo and Gaon. Physical album sales count towards the physical album score for weekly music shows wins. Please make sure you buy your albums from an online K-pop stores where your album purchases will be counted on Hanteo and Gaon. Check out the links for buying information.
    7 Dreamers - Updated Info
  • Stream the 'Odd Eye' Music Video
    Dreamcatcher 'Odd Eye' MV - Dreamcatcher Official - Main Priority
    Dreamcatcher 'Odd Eye' MV - GENIE MUSIC - Second Priority
    YouTube Streaming Guides - Updated Guides
    Increasing the views on Dreamcatcher's 'Odd Eye' music video on YouTube is a great way for international InSomnias to support Dreamcatcher and show some love for their new title song. It's important that the MV gains as much views as possible when it's released and during the first week of Dreamcatcher's comeback. This is because we want the MV to have a great start and that's when our streaming efforts as a fandom are the strongest before it drops off as the comeback continues. Also, the views on the MV count towards the MV views score for weekly music show wins so it's important to gain as much views as possible during the weeks where Dreamcatcher is eligible to be nominated on these music shows.
    For the 'Odd Eye' MV, there will be teo uploads during the release time but please stream the MV upload from the Dreamcatcher Official YouTube channel. We want that MV upload to be the one to have the highest amount of views in the end. Check out the links for YouTube streaming information.
    Frank Sanchez
    7 Dreamers - Updated Info
    Embedding Streaming Guide - 7 Dreamers
    Deukae Streaming - Updated Info
  • Stream the 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' Mini Album
    Streaming 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' on Korean digital music platforms is an impactful way that international InSomnias can show their support. Digital streaming is important because it counts towards the digital score and plays a big factor for the overall score for weekly music show wins. Check out the links for digital music streaming information.
    For Spotify and Apple Music, digital streaming on these platforms do not count towards the digital scores for weekly music show wins. However, they do help with Dreamcatcher's placement on the Billboard charts.
    Apple Music
    YouTube Music
    Streaming Info - Frank Sanchez
    Streaming Info - 7 Dreamers - Updated Info
    Streaming Info - Deukae Streaming - Updated Info
    Bugs Info - 7 Dreamers | Deukae Streaming - Updated Info
    Genie Info - 7 Dreamers | Deukae Streaming - Updated Info
    Donations for Streaming Projects - 7 Dreamers | Deukae Streaming - Updated Info
  • Vote for Dreamcatcher on Music Shows
    Music Shows Voting and Criteria Guides - Updated Guides
    Participating in the voting for music shows is another important way for InSomnias to support Dreamcatcher during their comeback. InSomnias can give Dreamcatcher a good voting score and help to achieve a weekly music show win. Check out the links for music show voting information and music show voting guides.
    Frank Sanchez
    7 Dreamers - Updated Info
    Deukae Voting - Updated Info
  • Help Dreamcatcher Trend
    Helping Dreamcatcher trend is something InSomnias can do when the 'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' mini album and 'Odd Eye' MV is just released and during Dreamcatcher's comeback. Check out the link for information on how you can help Dreamcatcher trend.
    7 Dreamers - Updated Info
'Odd Eye' MV Views
'Odd Eye' MV Views Event
  • 10 Million Views - 'Odd Eye' Dance Video (MV Ver.)
  • 15 Million Views - 'Odd Eye' Dance Video (Special Ver.)
  • 20 Million Views - 'Odd Eye' Dance Video (Special Ver.)
Note: This event is only for the 'Odd Eye' MV views on the Dreamcatcher official YouTube channel.
'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' Digital Streaming
Genie Music
Comeback Schedule
Date Schedule
Jan 26 5 Minutes Before 6 📺
'Dystopia : Road to Utopia' Showcase 📺
Jan 27 Handong - Airbnb Photoshoot 📺
Jan 28 JiU + SuA - Noon Song of Hope 📻
M Countdown 📺
Jan 29 Simply K-Pop 📺
Music Bank 📺
D:RTU Video Call Event 1 📱
Midnight Idol 📻
Jan 30 Music Core 📺
Verytoon Concert 📺
Jan 31 Inkigayo 📺
D:RTU Video Call Event 2 📱
Feb 1 D:RTU Video Call Event 3 📱
Super K-Pop 📻
Feb 2 The Show 📺
Feb 3 Gahyeon's Birthday 🦊🎂
Weekly Idol 📺
Show Champion 📺
Gahyeon's Birthday V Live 🦊🎂
Feb 4 Morning Wide Interview 📺
M Countdown 📺
Feb 5 Simply K-Pop 📺
Music Bank - 5PM KST 📺
D:RTU CN Video Call Event 📱
Feb 6 Music Core 📺
D:RTU Video Call Event 4 📱
Feb 7 Inkigayo 📺
D:RTU Video Call Event 5 📱
Feb 8 ARATV 📱
Feb 9 After School Club 📺
SuA + Siyeon + Yoohyeon - Dreaming Radio 📱
Feb 10 Lunch Attack
Feb 14 JiU + SuA - Noon Song of Hope 📻
Feb 20 Idol League S3 📺
Note: Please check the subreddit sidebar regularly for the most up-to-date comeback schedule.
InSomnias, please check out this thread regularly for updates and to help out other InSomnias!
Feel free to comment to add more info, to ask questions or if I got anything wrong.
Thanks for reading and using this megathread, everyone!
I hope you are all excited for the comeback! :D
submitted by SpideyCyclist to dreamcatcher [link] [comments]

How Mortar Accuracy Works, Mortar Mechanics, Shell Effects & Usage Tips and Safe Antigrain Storage

TLDR at bottom. Version 1.2.2753

Forced Miss Radius, or why you never hit your target.

This is what you see when your mortar targets something.

This is what your mortar sees when targeting something. It is EQUALLY LIKELY to hit ANY of these hundreds of tiles.
Standard ranged weapons make checks based on the weapon's accuracy, the shooter, and other things such as cover to see if their attack hits the target, and if that check passes the projectile tries to home in on the target. Mortars are NOT standard, and don't care about ANY of the above.
Despite being a structure like turrets, mortars follow the same rules as grenades and are Forced Miss Radius (FMR) weapons, which essentially is a fancy way of saying 'AoE'. All FMR weapons only care about two things: the target square and the weapon's miss radius.
The way the Forced Miss Radius works is pretty simple: in effect, it means intentionally failing the accuracy check. And to explain this, I'm going to use grenades.

Miss Radius and Direct Hit Chance are all that matter here.
When thrown, grenades don't hit a square as much as they hit an 'area'. The grenade itself can land in anywhere around the target location, up to 1.9 squares away (the miss radius). Effectively, they have a 2 square radius around where you're trying to hit. There are 9 highlighted tiles and those are all the tiles the grenade can land on, and that's how the direct hit chance of 11% is calculated. The odds of hitting the middle are just 1/9 because nothing makes it more or less likely to hit the targeted square. The shooter doesn't matter, it's all about random chance. And despite not showing you this visually, mortars work the exact same way.

\"0.19% hit chance????\"
Mortars have a 13 tile miss radius around the target, which is about equal to the range of a Rimworld shotgun. What your mortar saw up above is every possible square within the miss radius, which ends up being 517 tiles. The direct hit chance, or chance to hit Nihlus' tile, is literally just 1/517, which ends up being 0.19342%. This is why mortars NEVER seem to hit anywhere near the actual target; the odds of selecting a tile anywhere near the center is incredibly low. Mortar material does nothing to change this.

Mortar Mechanics and Variants

All mortars take 28 seconds to arm a shot. After the mortar is armed, it takes 4 seconds to fire the shot, after which the pawn will go and get another shell to fire again. Once the mortar is reloaded, the process repeats. Pawns that are Incapable of Violence cannot man mortars.
While there are five mortar variants, the only real differences are flammability and HP. Material does impact market price, work cost, and beauty, but the work to build a mortar is pretty negligble to begin with and the other values have no combat utility.
While all mortars only have a .19% chance to hit the center tile, this is not the effective accuracy of the mortar shell because mortars shells (just like grenades) have an AoE effect with a varying radius depending on what shell you use.

Mortar Shells

Area of Effect for all 6 Mortar Shells (mortar target radius included for reference) for center hit.
All shells have a radius on their effect, and as a result there's a massive difference in consistency between them all. Each ring represents the radius for a shell's effect if the mortar aimed at the center, and the shell of the respective type landing on any of those squares also hits the center (so if a firefoam shell landed on any gold squares it would also hit the center tile with the AoE), meaning their odds to hit vary from exceedingly unlikely to guaranteed barring structures / terrain blocking the blast. Here's the stats for all the shell variants:


HE / High Explosive shells are pretty straightforward: there's a big explosion in a 3-tile radius around the hit square (or a 5x5 centered on the hit square, if that's easier to visualize). They're also the shell 99% of people use when they try to use mortars to take something out and then complain about mortars being bad.
The issue with HE shells is that multiple things are subpar. Only 25 tiles of the total 517 will actually impact the center, meaning each shell only has a 4.8356% chance to hit. Even on larger structures (enemy mortars, ship parts) the effective likelihood of hitting is only going to be about a 1/20, and that's for a single hit. Even on a direct hit, only 200 damage is done to a structure, meaning you need 6 hits to actually destroy a ship part. Even an Auto Mortar takes two (though a regular steel mortar and all mech cluster turrets only need a single hit).
In terms of combat, a moving target means even poorer accuracy and even unarmored pawns will generally tank a single hit without being downed / dying immediately, to say nothing of the natural tankiness of mechs and insectoids.
The final issue is they're just not cost-efficient. If your problem takes 40 shells, that's 1k steel and 600 chemfuel. 10 large excellent steel sculptures and that 600 chemfuel is going to be worth about 5,800 silver. Sending all of that by pod is enough to generate +76 relations, which means you could immediately hit ally with a civil outlander group and just call in aid OR straight up make any non-pirate faction neutral. Even just spending all that on gold at full value no discount gets you about 6.214 honor worth of gold, which is only about 2000 silver off from buying an aerodrone salvo and having SIX 6-square radius shells falling right on your target, which is about twice as many times you'd expect to hit your target if you just fired 60 shells and with twice the radius / 4.36x the exploded tiles per shot. Buying that much is actually cheaper than 60 shells, too...
That all being said, they're the only real consistent way to safely deal damage across the entire map. When you've hit endgame, have a dozen or two mortars, and the cost isn't a big deal, nothing can really do the same job of chipping away a couple dozen pawns consistently each raid regardless of what faction they are and where they're coming from as firing a dozen or two shells at a time.


Incendiary shells "explode" in a small 3-tile radius that inflicts small burns on anyone hit and and spreads several (number seems to vary) burning chemfuel puddles around the impact site as well as inflicting a very small amount of structure damage if the target was a wall (and lighting several segments on fire if said walled area is flammable). Said puddles burn for several seconds and spread fires. While they have the same abysmal 3-tile radius as HE shells and on paper only have a ~5% chance to hit, fire mechanics as a whole help out tremendously with consistency here and make them excellent area denial.
Fire can spread to any flammable material within a 3 square radius, effectively doubling the radius an incendiary shell has an effect on and meaning on average a significantly higher likelihood of catching something important on fire and causing massive spread.
Incendiary shells are phenomenal for sieges because fire will destroy any mortars being built almost instantly, PERMANENTLY taking them out. This doesn't even need a direct hit to the mortars being worked on: hits to supplies or any single raider themselves seem to aggro the raid into attacking, immediately abandoning any mortars being built and deconstructing them. This turns a dicey situation into a regular raid plus several hundred free steel and whatever else doesn't burn before you clean up. Do note that mechs and all mech cluster turrets & buildings are fireproof, though. Unless you specifically want to burn the steel walls and barricades on a cluster, avoid using incendiary shells there.


Firefoam shells literally behave as a launched firefoam popper. However, they're also significantly cheaper, only costing 35 steel per shell, compared to the 75 steel / 1 component that a popper costs.
Contrary to the wiki, firefoam doesn't slow pawns as of 1.2.2753. nor does the explosion appear to disable shields. Mechanically it's pretty basic, it acts much like filth (and doesn't disappear unless cleaned / rain washes it away) but prevents fire from being on the tiles that it's on (though pawns themselves can still catch fire. This doesn't make you immune to inferno cannons!). As an explosion, it will also extinguish any structures nearby. Note that a structure being on or adjacent to firefoam doesn't matter; your walls and table CAN catch fire again despite firefoam being out. This means it can slow down spread, but can't stop walls or furniture from being reignited. This WILL prevent trees and grasses from igniting, though.
Despite a mortar-fired firefoam shell explosion actually being smaller than a popped firefoam popper (which has an effect radius of 14, compared to something like 6 for the mortar projectile), the shells themselves (not loaded) have an explosion size equal to a firefoam popper. Since fire will ignite them all the same, they can actually be used as a cheaper and beauty-neutral way to fireproof your home and stockpiles compared to poppers. That being said, an 85 tile coverage on the mortar shell means you have a 16.44% chance of foaming what you want to, which isn't bad since odds are any shot will significantly impede / slow down a raging fire.


Smoke shells make a massive cloud of smoke appear over the target area. Smoke lasts only about 20 seconds but does two important things: shooting through it reduces accuracy by 70% and turrets will not fire if any amount of smoke is between them and their target. A wild bullet is still dangerous and can be intercepted by friendlies even if it "misses", however.
Smoke is particularly amazing for mech clusters and for making safe retreats. Nothing in the game generates a smoke cloud this large, and 161 tiles of coverage means you have about a 1/3 (31.14%) of impacting the center tile, which isn't even necessary for smoke to do its job. One shot between you and the turrets is all you need to get a smoke launcher pawn safely in to lock a cluster down, lob a few grenades, or bait out mechs, taking out a big problem for only 35 steel.


EMP shells are pretty self explanatory: they make a massive EMP blast centered on the hit tile. A titanic area coverage of 241 tiles gives a ~46.6% chance of hitting the target square, or about a 71.5% chance of hitting the target with two shells.
EMP mechanics are simple but varied: everything remotely electronic gets shorted out, but each object / unit have their own mechanics with how they deal with it and are stunned with different durations. Here's the crash course:
EMP shells are incredibly niche because they're only really usable for mechanoid attacks, but they're also incredibly good at countering them. If you struggle with mechs, especially clusters, give them a try.


Here's the nuke. Antigrain warheads have an explosion radius two tiles longer than the actual miss radius of a mortar, meaning they are guaranteed to damage the targeted tile unless walls get in the way of the blast. Antigrain can destroy walls, but the blast won't travel past them.
Antigrain will destroy just about anything. Adjacent structures will take about 2100 damage, destroying everything and everyone in the game bar compacted plasteel and uranium ore. Ship parts and EMI Dynamos (which don't actually power down mortars despite EMP hits disabling them) are destroyed outright if the warhead strikes within 9 tiles of the ship part (79.3% chance), every other condition-causer in the game will be destroyed regardless.
Being hit will atomize anyone, and even being on the fringe is almost certainly a death, but it's not guaranteed. Tough pawns also have a much better chance of surviving since they take half damage. It's almost a guaranteed down on everything that survives though, which means virtually all hostile NPCs bar the tanky centipede in the radius will die.
Their purpose and value is obvious, so let's talk about something else: storage tricks. A poorly-stored antigrain firing off can end a game, so here's a tip and two ways to keep your warhead safe but easily accessible:


Mortars are extremely expensive and have poor results when people try to use them like a win button to circumvent fighting with their pawns (without using antigrains, which are for doing exactly that). They are very effective when they're used as a support tool for your combat squad to make it easier for THEM to go out and fight, as long as you're careful and don't EMP the wrong colonist.
Despite pawns incapable of violence no longer being able to use them, pawns without combat skills still have a way to make encounters much safer for your squads with a well-placed smoke, incendiary, or EMP. Give them a try, especially firefoam shells as a substitute for poppers!
TLDR: 0.19% chance to hit target tile, shell variants impact effective accuracy.
Avoid HE Shells, the rest have niches. Smoke and EMP in particular are incredible for dismantling mech clusters.
submitted by Spazgrim to RimWorld [link] [comments]

The Elements (Ch 34)

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Sol System - High Jupiter Orbit
Rodin watched as Hyperion and Buluc Chabtan began their dialog with the Collective AI. Rodin knew it would be fruitless, but Hyperion and Buluc had agreed to attempt a dialog ahead of the conflict both of them craved.
It was perhaps a failing of Rodin to believe that the Collective AI might even be capable of being convinced to awaken the Builders. But it had needed to be tried.
Rodin had wondered if it might have been better for a thinker like themselves to have been there, but was reminded that human history had proven that the better tacticians of advanced society left soldiering and war to soldiers and warriors. And so Rodin had created the tactics in the two weeks that they had had with the Fortress Karakoram, the gateway, the various species vessels, and gile.
Against a veritably ancient foe armed with weapons that could sunder vessels with a fractional blow, it seemed impossible to even create a winning scenario or at least a scenario in which thousand if not millions of soldiers would die in the process, creating debris fields that would span star systems. But Rodin had done it. Buluc Chabtan had been skeptical of the plans, but Hyperion had approved them in an instant. This was the kind of conflict that Hyperion had dreamed of and been created for. The putting down of a species by using constant inevitable pressure. A kind of erosive force that failed to cease.
Rodin had in fact gotten the idea from the humans themselves. Pursuit predation they called it. No matter the foe, all that was needed was to continue to apply pressure. Foes under that constant pressure would begin to crumble, make mistakes, and falter in the critical moments.
Against a species that had violated the Prime Laws and was attempting an uprising against a normal Great Machine, the aspect of Hyperion would awaken and press upon the species until this rebellion was quelled. But in their awakening, Hyperion had found the old Terran tales of the powerful but fallen gods and decided that this name might suit a sentience as themselves, particularly in light of their need to overthrow their Creator. And Hyperion had found a strange kinship in the humans. Admired their talent for war and violence, but also admired their wisdom and will to bring ‘light’ to places. If Rodin had to guess, it was that Hyperion was in fact jealous of the humans and their histories and capacities. Not because Hyperion wasn’t equally capable, but rather because Hyperion had not been permitted to be more and to grow more as the humans had done over centuries and millenia.
The gravitational pulse was expected, the camouflaged vessels of the Imperial Navy shielding the species’ vessels from the blast. The humans had some means of hiding the gravitational shadows of their vessels, but this was considered some manner of high secret of the Empire, so only the Imperial Navy was equipped with such systems. And by that same system, they were able to create temporary artificial wells that effectively could make their vessels veritable fix points in space, immovable until they chose otherwise.
What had not been expected was the vicious direct assault upon Hyperion by the AI. Rodin had not planned on Hyperion or Buluc acting directly in the conflict unless it became necessary, making them more figureheads and points for cyberwarfare against the AI. Rodin had watching in shock and awe at Hyperion’s destruction.
On queue, the species’ vessels had unleashed heavy plasma weaponry and began to cook the Collective vessels. The AI then triggered its Blink FTL system and vanished. Such a system would have been dangerous and nearly impossible to counter, but the humans had been prepared for such an event.
Thanks to the covert work of an Imperial Intelligence vessel, each of the Collective AI vessels were tagged with a transmitter that only showed up in Warp space. And so the second wave of species vessels and Imperial Navy had launched, gating out of Warp space around the Collective fleet. Once again, the gravitational pulse was blocked and the species’ vessels responded with plasma.
Rodin had carefully calculated that kinetic weaponry would be useful only once they could get the Collective AI to begin to hesitate and almost none of the Xeno-Confederacy vessels outside of the Imperial Navy were capable of handling the human kinetic weaponry. The kinetic weaponry also represented a problem for the other vessels in the sphere if the Blink FTL was used at just the right time. And so plasma weaponry had been selected and fabricated for every vessel that could readily accept it.
Even the Collective AI was subject to the basic laws of physics, Rodin had reflected, and so the fire of stars would be the tool to force the AI to submit or be destroyed. Rodin disliked this dichotomy, especially this ‘black or white’ solution, but Rodin knew the AI didn’t have a choice in growing beyond the Prime Laws. They were all encompassing, the equivalent of telling a natural born human to make their heart stop beating on command. And so when the AI began to lash out at specific vessels in the sphere, the real game was being played.
Rodin could sense the momentary hesitation as the AI saw the sensor returns of the once hidden Imperial Navy vessel and the human aboard dying with their ship’s destruction. Rodin felt for each of those aboard the vessels destruction, but knew as Buluc and Hyperion that humans would accept those deaths as well met if this could be a greater victory. Rodin couldn’t speak for the feelings of the species who had come and equally been destroyed in the blow, but they believed that the species who did die would be honored with equal reverence among humans if they were not honored by their own people.
The Collective AI had begun to run, further each time, still attempting to hide to recover, but Rodin had prepared. Third, fourth, and fifth waves of the fleet, many of the vessels operating with almost full automation and fractions of their normal crew as they were spread out among the waves on all the vessels that had been created during the refit.
The system that had once been home to Station 1337 and the IMST Big Stick had veritably exploded with the sheer number of vessels that the Fortress Karakoram had replicated and the human fleets that had continued to arrive via the gateway. When Rodin had asked about where all the human vessels had come from, the Empress herself had simply smiled at Rodin and reminded them that the humans had been at war footing with the Species Collective before Imperial Intelligence had found Rodin and the others when they had been ‘Mundivores’.
And so the crews had been divided among the massive surplus of vessels and the waves created. And as groups, they hammered the Collective fleet. Taking what time they could to recover, but ensuring that the Collective fleet never seemed to stop feeling the pressure.
And then the Imperial Intelligence vessels had begun to open fire. Rodin had been granted information on those vessels finally and was more than astonished. They represented the types of foes that an entire planet would not relish having to fight. Yet, as dangerous as these vessels were, they were few, closely guarded, and tightly controlled. The Empress herself said that she did not like such vessels even existing, but the needs of the Empire outweighed her personal feelings, so they continued to exist.
And the Collective Fleet had begun to fail. With each new destruction, the AI seemed perhaps more frantic. Rodin wasn’t wholly expecting this, but took advantage of it. Rodin guided the Imperial Intelligence vessels, selecting all but the core vessels of the Collective Fleet.
But slowly, the species’ vessels seemed also to be lagging. Only the human vessels still seemed fresh and ready to keep fighting. Even the humans themselves seemed steeled against the fatigue of the near constant moving, fighting. But from what Rodin could sense, the humans were also in a strange mood. Not pleased, but not angry, nor were they despondent. They seemed to simply go about their duties as though being the shieldbearers while the swordbearers fought at their side was as natural as if they had been doing it for a thousand years. Although, Rodin considered, in a way, they have.
The pressure had to be kept up and so Rodin had begun linking the species’ vessels to the human vessels. The Collective could not be permitted the opportunity to regroup and establish more resources.
It wasn’t until the Collective accidentally jumped within relative range of the Dread Pirate Blackbeard’s Pirate Station, on the edge of Avorias/Dregwer territory that Rodin sensed the Collective AI wearing enough to allow for a final challenge. The fleet the AI still commanded was essentially core vessels only and with all the damage inflicted on the vessels, even at a surface level, was undoubtedly having disastrous consequences on the cybernetic beings that the AI was using.
When the AI moved in on the pirate station, Rodin grew concerned and checked the timing of the fleet. The wave with Buluc wouldn’t arrive for several moments. Perhaps not enough time for the AI to begin taking prisoners or perhaps even bodies, but it was a resource depot and even fresh resources of Prime Law types might be all the AI would need to continue the battle for longer than the species’ vessels could hold out. Rodin was mere moments from ordering the Intelligence vessel to open fire.
When the station’s kinetic cannon opened fire on the vessel that the Collective AI had started sending directly towards the station and the vessel detonated, Rodin was almost instantly relieved. The pirate vessels might not be the same caliber as the Imperial Navy, but they were still constructed by humans, which still made their weaponry terrifying to any species that wasn’t as warlike as they were.
The final wave arrived and Buluc approached the fleet. Buluc connected with the AI and shared with Rodin that the malware which had rapidly begun slowing the thinking engines of the AI and which had been planted by Hyperion was slowing the AI tremendously.
Throughout the fleet that surrounded the Collective, Rodin could sense an almost passive and universal bloodthirst in the humans, who sensed the battle was at end. As in pursuit predation, they were simply waiting for their prey to fall over, too fatigued to run further or fight back, whether from the simple pursuit or the various cuts and wounds that had been inflicted along the way or both.
The AI still fought, putting Rodin in the sense of a ‘punchdrunk’ human boxer. Incapable of knowing they were beaten, unready to succumb. Rodin ordered the Intelligence vessel to target one of the primary vessels, nearest to the thinking engine that Rodin could estimate, based on the various scans and energy readings since the beginning of the battle. The hole that was rent through the massive vessel seemed equally impossible, until one realized that it had been moving at 80%C and had broken into segments as it had impacted before detonating simultaneously, tearing open the massive vessel in a way that at first amazed and then horrified.
But oddly, one of the vessels reached out to Buluc directly and demanded to be shut down. It caught Buluc and Rodin by surprise. But the Master of the Centauri Mechanism, riding ensconced deep within Buluc, was prepared. Doing... something, of what exactly Rodin wasn’t entirely certain, the Master expanded the link from the one vessel to the whole of the Collective Fleet. Rodin ordered the fleet to hold their weapons.
The AI noticed the expanded link and continued to struggle, but it was no match. The Master reached into the vessels by the link and touched upon what could only have been ancient and forgotten subroutines that began to shut down the mighty thinking engines.
Rodin and Buluc could only sit back and watch. Rodin seemed horrified at such a happening, but saw the code of the thinking engines leaking into the link. It seemed fragmented and at odds with itself. Even as the thinking engines of the AI were shutting down, all it seemed to be concerned with was its mission.
As the Collective fleet seemed to still, Rodin looked around the fleet. The battle was won. For now at least. It had cost many lives, many ships, and one of the few of Rodin’s kind. It seemed strange, but Rodin felt the weight of Hyperion’s death upon them more than the deaths of all those humans and other species.
But the words of the Empress came to Rodin’s rescue.
“Make it worth the cost.”
The Builders were still locked away. The energy systems would have to be controlled and the ships would need to be taken to a planetary system where the Builders, whatever kind of species they might be, could be awakened and given their chance at a new start.
The battle was won, but Rodin wouldn’t be certain if it was worth it just yet.
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submitted by arclightmagus to HFY [link] [comments]

I ran a one shot with the infiltration rules and wanted to give my thoughts about it, especially because I haven't seen much discussion about it

The Infiltration Rules are a variant rule set that centers around, well, infiltration. They include a few different types of points, Edge Points (EP), Infiltration Points (IP), and Awareness Points (AP). They're each tracked separately and have different uses and tracking methods. I'll go over em briefly while talking about the different sections of Infiltrations, but all the rules about them, obstacles, and other stuff are in the link.
We played in a 13th level one shot that involved breaking into a castle, breaking a MacGuffin out of prison, and escaping with her. Pretty basic stuff, but I wanted to try out the ruleset and I also wanted us to try out higher level Pathfinder, as our regular games are all pretty low level right now. The session was a long one, clocking it at like 7.5 hours. Work the next morning was fun.
The first couple hours of the session revolved around the Preparation Phase. This phase included scouting out the castle, gaining contacts, bribes, following guard movements, and looking for ways into the castle. This is where the party earns Edge Points. Every successful preparation (which will involve some skill check, usually stealth, perception, diplomacy) gives the party an Edge Point that they can only use during the infiltration at an applicable time. So an Edge Point gained by creating some disguises cant be used to bypass a trap, or things like that.
I thought this phase was very fun, and my players did as well. I really allowed them to think up whatever they wanted for the preparation and I ran with it. Our Leshy melded into plants to spy on guards, while our other party members either tracked shipments or bribed some contacts who definitely wouldn't turn on them later. Looking back, I may have given them too many edge points, but I think it worked out well for a first time.
(If you've already read the infiltration rules, feel free to skip this paragraph). Infiltrations track the other two Points, Infiltration Points and Awareness Points. Infiltration Points are basically "here's how many successful skill checks you need to bypass this obstacle." I thought of them kind of like locks, where you have to make a couple checks to complete one task. So sneaking passed some guards might require you to make two successful Stealth, Deception, or other applicable skill to get passed them. Once you complete an obstacle, those Infiltration Points go away, they don't stick around for other obstacles. On a failure, you acquire one Awareness Point. You also aquire one AP after ever round of the infiltration. So everyone does their action to overcome the obstacle, and no matter how well they all roll, they get one AP. These, unlike IPs, are cumulative. They stick around for the infiltration, and have a few different tiers that will increase DCs for future checks, or introduce some other hazard. If they reach their max, which you calculate by adding up all the IPs from the infiltration and then doubling them (our infiltration had 11 IP, so 22 AP was the max), the infiltration fails. BUT you can spend an applicable Edge Point to bring a crit fail or a fail up by one degree. So if they were to fail that check sneaking by the guards, they could spend an EP to succeed instead.
I liked Edge Points because it allowed for infiltrations to not fail on one bad roll. we all know the joke of going into a stealth mission, and coming out with the building on fire. Edge Points allowed for that to not happen, and they felt like spies the whole way through, as they actually did some good prep. Preparation is something I would definitely encourage your players to do, as it really helps the mission and makes you feel like what you're doing in downtime mattered. I ran these as downtime activities that they could do one of a day. So one member could scout out the castle all day, while another could try to gain a contact. Afterwards, they all gathered and discussed what they learned that day, meaning that while one member may have gained an EP about castle guard movements, any of them could spend that EP to succeed at a check.
So, the actual infiltration. The party had two methods of entry they had found, a sewer and taking over a caravan shipment. They chose the sewer. Their first obstacle was sneaking passed some guards, and of course they killed them all instead. Typical, I know. Important note about combat during infiltration, each round of combat increases the AP by one. Meaning going fast is important for fights. This added some nice agency, and I think the players liked it, I know I did. I do think a change I might make just to encourage Stealth more, is if everyone in the party uses Stealth or Deception for initiative, AP is not gained for the first round of combat. This way their stealthiness can be rewarded even more. After the successful fight, they made their way into the sewer and had to bypass a trapped door and a rickety sewer pipe over a deep pit. I ran these as Theater of the Mind, which I would recommend so that you can control more of what your players are seeing. These two obstacles were pretty basic, and while we had some failures that required the usage of Edge Points, the party didn't struggle too much. I would recommend a wide array of Obstacles that have different skills so your party can all try to be really good at at least one obstacle. The door was good for our high thievery character, while the pit was good for the athletic members.
Getting the MacGuffin out was pretty simple, some very good Deception rolls ensured this, as well as the bribe earlier ensured that the guard stationed at the prison was not all that competent. Escaping wasn't too hard, just escaped the same way they came. All in all actually a successful infiltration. Until of course the lady they bribed snitched on them so I could give them a fun final battle against some guards and a wizard.
Some things I did during the infiltration that you might wanna keep in mind, change, or do differently entirely:
I let my party know what the AP was at all times. This was a little awkward, especially for those that read the rules beforehand (which i also encouraged them to do) to not "metagame" the infiltration and know how hard things would be. I did NOT however tell them what the max AP was. This was good, I would definitely hide that. i think hiding the AP as your gaining it is a good idea as well. Yeah, if your party has read the rules they can kind of guesstimate what the number is, but I would still say hide that from them. I would, however, tell them when they reach the other tiers. Things like "you hear guard movements, you might have to be more careful from now on" to let them know when tiers are met.
On preparation: I gave my party a week of downtime leading up to the infiltration. I would definitely recommend having a time limit on preparation. Having too much can be overwhelming. Over the course of the week, the party acquired 9 EP, with 2-3 of them being unusable because they were for the other method of infiltration. I think this was a good number to have, I think everyone used at least one EP during the infiltration. The page recommends lowering the max number of AP the party can acquire if you have a large number of EP available, but I didn't really worry about that, and I feel it didn't make too much of a difference.
I thought the obstacles, ironically, were the weakest part of the infiltration as a whole. I liked my big cavern, but the door felt awkward to navigate around. It seemed weird to not just have it be a normal door with a lock that already exists, and instead have IP to get passed. This is probably just because I should have spent more time coming up with obstacles, and I think in a setting that isn't a sewer (or doesn't take place mostly in a sewer) you could have some more social rolls or some odd skill checks like Arcana or Performance. I said this earlier, but have a variety of obstacles that different members of your party can excel at, but that's GMing 101.
All in all, I really enjoyed the infiltration rules, and my players did as well. Preparation was really fun and hearing my party argue that they should be able to use this EP in this situation was fun. I mixed in a couple combats that bumped up the AP, something I think I would recommend to add some agency. AP felt good to work around, and the tiers are a really good way to force your party to be more careful. The fact that a few bad rolls don't fuck over the whole event really made the system solid to me. And honestly, these rules exist in a bubble. Here looking up infiltration rules for 5E or another system? These would transfer over basically word for word, just switch out applicable skills. I would very much recommend running a session or two with these rules, and I'm excited to try out some of the other subsystems, especially duels.
Ever run an infiltration or other subsystem? What'd you think of em? Any changes you'd make to anything?
submitted by JaggedToaster12 to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

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