Up close and personal with the women of the Yakuza

yakuza tattoo female

yakuza tattoo female - win

Yakuza Makoto

Yakuza Makoto submitted by royalxassasin to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Just finished Kiwami 2. Thoughts. Starts off okay, brilliant middle. Terrible, terrible ending. (Spoilers.)

So just finished Kiwami 2. That sure was a trip.
Start of the game Started pretty badly. The first game ended with Kiryu leaving Yazuka to raise Haruka. And instantly Haruka excuses herself so Kiryu can go back to Yakuza stuff. Which seemed like a regression.
Then the first villain is just the mirror version of Kiryu. Which was super uninteresting when compared to Nishiki.
Almost gave up shortly after when they cut to the police saying they had to bring in Kiryu. Who will they send? Old cop? Fat cop? Ugly cop? Or stunningly attractive beautiful female cop? Gee I wonder.
Then of course they reveal that stunningly beautiful cop is an orphan! What a mystery!
So... shes the baby at the start of the game right?
Instantly knew the game would descend into a love story and Kiryu proving himself the one true dragon.
Which was... mostly right.
Middle of the game
Loved it. As soon as Jingweon is mentioned the game picked up massively. Ryuji mentions hes an orphan which put a spanner in the works.
You're battling Korean and Japanese mafia, everyone wanting something else, tracking down the three survivors as you try to put it together yourself. Trying to figure out which orphan was the baby. Trying to figure out what's going on with the police. Absolutely amazing stuff.
Although, kind of odd that the Florists son and the Tattoo apprentice was part of the main story. Unsure why they weren't side stories.
And everything with Majima- I hate.
Also, seemed somewhat contrived that Kiryu was also at the massacre. That seemed forced.
But yeah, throughly loved the middle.
It's all set. Ryujis clan is riding in, you see them in the motorway with like 300 cars. AND theres 31 bombs. AND theres another survivor. Tense stuff, all set for a (literal) explosive finale. Many mysteries left unsolved.
And then it begins- you have to deal with the Yakuza, Diago and Date will get the bombs. And three of your friends are being roughed up!
So you save your friends in those three locations and you get set for the next wave of troops- and that's it. Thats the Ryu Ga invasion dealt with. About 10 people attacked 2 pubs and a clinic. Apparently that fleet of cars only had 10 people in them. Japanese self driving cars, apparently.
Maybe I'll have to deal with the bombs- nope. Done. Date, Diago and Majima have it. I'm all for NPCs doing stuff, but seemed anticlimactic.
A large part of the game was how the Tojo had no footsoldiers. It must have been bad because presumably it's less than 10?
So that plot was wrapped up kind of anticlimatically. And now I have to fight Ryuji, even though Kiryu has no reason to, and neither him, Sayama or Date seem to care about the final Jingweon survivor.
Whatever, you fight him, then the final survivor turns up. I was wracking my head. Who could it be? All the old people were accounted for or dead. And it turned out to be someone who faked their death. So it's a mystery you can't solve. Great.
Whatever, beat him, another betrayal. And a bomb.
And rather than evacuate and settle this later, Kiryu and Ryuji decide to settle the battle now.
Why? Do it tomorrow. Do it at the base. Why here and now? I can kind of get hot headed Ryuji, but Kiryu is logical, and he has a surrogate daughter to raise. And Sayama, why are you here? I understand your sad your family and guy you have a crush on are here. But to become suicidal?
I'm guessing the ending was meant to be a super sad affair where two tragic lovers accept death willingly. But I was just thinking they were fucking stupid (and also selfish) to die that way.
And the bomb wasn't real anyway so why even bother?
Other thoughts
So... Date is still wanted for murder right? The only CCTV was him pulling the trigger, and the only witnesses are either dead or suspects.
Bomb was fake and Sayama had flowers... so Kiryu killed Ryuji? So hes back off to jail.
Did Sayama hand herself in as she said she would? I'm assuming not.
Loved it, but my god the ending was rushed. Not like Xenogears or FFXV where you can see the missing pieces, but being released a year later I'm surprised it's as complete as it is. But yeah... ending left a sour taste in my mouth.
Off to 3. I've heard it's the worst of the mainline series...
submitted by Blaxorus to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

"Oh, so you're an SMT fan? Name every demon, atma avatar, and persona then." Alright, challenge accepted...

Fog, Demonic Shrunken head, A Bao A Qu, Myconid, Poltergeist, Looper, Will o’ Wisp, Blob, Slime, Megaplanaria, Mad Slug, Chatterskull, Mummy, Isma’s Ghost, Skeleton, Ghoul, Ghost, Zombie, Cockatrice, Scylla, Serpent, BUG, Tammuz, Tarantella, Apep, Basmu, Troll, Oni, Cyclops, Edimmu, Ogre, Gargoyle, Orc, Shadow, Mephisto, Loa, Succubus, Incubus, Kyme, Rangda, Taraka, Druj Nasu, Furiae, Arachne, Harpy, Hakuma-Bhuta, Black Knight, Daeva, Akhkharu, Dullahan, Vampire/Upyr, Pharaoh, Tiamat, Hydra, Gorgon, Balaur, Typhon, Fenrir, Orthrus, Manticore, Nue, Asura, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Baal Zebul, Zoma, Tara, Behemoth, Baal, Minotaur, Medusa, Loki, Hecate, Seth (Egyptian), Lucifer, Werewolf, Lamia, Girtablulu/Sasori Otoko, Werecat, Orias, Siren, Lemurian, Stolas, Heqet, Giant, Lakhe, Dwarf, Fungus, Viy, Yomotsu Shikome, Gnome, Fomorian, Puka, Elf, Goblin, Bogle, Dryad, Wyvern, Purski, Quetzalcoatl, Dodongo, Basilisk, Stonka, Varaha, Bander, Nekomata, Cerberus, Cancer, Salamander, Pazuzu, Kwancha, Kelpie, Ketam, Treant, Gdon/Dawon, Sobek, Bastet, Apis, Lagoon, Baku, Hanuman, Jinn, Cu Chulainn, Tsukuyomi, Lakshmi, Alraune, Kali, Thor, Yaksa, Susano-o, Naga, Kohryu/Huang Long, Barong, Sphinx, Anubis, Chimera, Krishna, Odin, Ganesha, Dream Kiss, Pyro Jack/Jack O’ Lantern, Backbeard, Bone Golem, Man Eater, Kurabebi/Takuroubi, Ascomid, Interipelli, Redrum, Metal/Heavy Metal, Dr. Bacta, Junkie, Assassin, Mutant, Fallen Monk, Friday, Highway Star, Kin’s Head, Punks, Spartoi, Spectre, Pisaca, Chon Chon, Sakasakubi, Bodyconian, Corpse, Talos, GDR1000, LB-501A, Azazel, Berith, Fleurety, Golem, Aim/Harborim, Bugbear, Wendigo, Fafnir, Dragon/Wurm, Valac, Ladon, Humbaba, Orobas, Garm, Jabberwocky, Wyrm, Dead Lobster, Girimehkala, Utukku, Vetala, Lich, Biwa Hoshi, Mudman, Nosferatu, Wight, Sawo Bhaku, Celuluk, Succubus, Amdusias, Phantom, Leonard, Larvae, Nebiros, Lemures/Lemur, Tamamo-no-mae, Volvo, Rarung, Kiyohime, Leviathan, Nidhoggr, Vritra, Apollyon, Belphegor, Geryon, Chronos, Echidna, Mammon, Arioch, Balaam, Sargatanas, Satan, Mitra, Moloch, Belial, Asmodai/Asmodeus, Bael, Legba, Rusalka, Celaeno, Aello, Ocypete, Apsaras, Merrow, Pixie, Ubelluris, Sallos, Atlas, Tsuchigumo, Tan-ki, Bugaboo, Kobold, Sword Knight, Wand Knight, Gemori, Valkyrie, Houri, Hannya, Amy, Okuninushi, Cup Knight, Morgan, Kushinada-Hime, Jack Frost, Coin Knight, Centaur, Coatlicue, Bai Long, Kitsune, Gryphon, Yatagarasu, Pegasus, Choronzon, Mezuki, Gozuki, Arahabaki, Sytry, Momunofu, Gaap, Forneus, Kimaris/Cimeies, Carbuncle, Vepar, Undine, Sylph, Flaemis, Aquans, Aeros, Erthys, Phoenix, Rakcarango, Pabilsag, Genbu/Gui Xian/Xuan Wu, Unicorn, Gandharva, Qilin/Kirin, Focalor, Agares, Kikuri-Hime/Shirayama-Hime, Damballah, Baphomet, Kinnara, Eligor, Aiwass, Ukobach, Michael, Gabriel, Nike, Cherub, Raphael, Uriel, Amon, Bishamonten, Ifrit, Jikokuten, Rakshasa, Koumokuten, Zouchouten, Seiryu/Qing Long, Garuda, Zeus, Shiva, Apollo, Ahura Mazda, Leto, Artemis, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, Brahman, Fudou Myouou, Freyr, Urd, Sarasvati, Verdandi, Skuld, Ame no Uzume, Mahakala, Wu Kong/Seiten Taisei/Son Goku, Indrajit/Meganada, Yama, Ravana, Agni, Niou, Take-Mikazuchi, Hino Kagutsuchi, Nagasunehiko, Take-Minakata, Kotoshironushi, Hitokotonushi, Taotie, Orcus, Tezcatlipoca, Mishaguji, Hariti, Hel, Dakini, Satanachia, Surt, Mara, Dagon, Tengu, Ongkot, Watcher, Isora, Kinnari, Lilith, Calon Arang, Lilim, Nightmare, Cyak, Imp, Oberon, Senko, Tam Lin, Senri, Hobgoblin, Banshee, Cait Sith, Throne, Dominion, Virtue, Power, Archangel, Angel, Flauros, Abaddon, Samael, Marchosias, Ose, Decarabia, Gamigin, Andras, Ananta/Shesha, Maya (Mayan), Baek Yong/Pek Yong, Ganga, Pendragon, Yamata no Orochi, Itzamna, Yurlungur, Raja Naga, JormungardMidgardsormr, Worm, Tuofei/Takuhi, Jatayu, Feng Huang/Ho-oh, Badb Catha, Gu Huo Niao, Hresvelgr, Gurr, Fuxi, Narasimha, Nandi, Bai Ze/Hakutaku, Pascal, Cu Sith, Shanhui/Sanki, Kraken, Souyou/Atsuyu, Nezha/Nata Taishi, Zenki and Goki, Yaksini, Shuten Doji, Turdak, Ibaraki Doji, Azumi, Sarutahiko, Fachan, Knocker, Brownie, Barbegazi, Tun Kou, Gremlin, Sanni Yaka, Baykok, Oshichi, Preta/Gaki, Legion, Shade, Army Zombie, Zombie Cop, Obattarion, Zombie Lady, Black Ooze, Mou-Ryo, Yakuza, Hoodlum, Weredog, Scanner, Magus, Holy Knight/Temple Knight, Fanatic/Zealot, Dark Priest, Oni Jorou, Fallen Monk, Death Rider, Suicide Unit, T95D, T95C/P, T93G, Bit Ball, Bigfoot, Kugutsu, David, Pale Rider, Daisoujou, Creature, Suzaku, Wings, Nymph, Gomorrah, Tsu, Ix Owl, Rafflesia, Zord P, Guy, Zord H, Buster, Zord M, Zordon, Zodia, Killer Bee, Sol Cat, Jabba, Morrigan, Isis, Zarathustra, Kether, Lasobelak, Universe Will, Rakucha, Shisochou/Pteros, Raven, Jyukuko, Velg, Shitori/Vulture, Rukh, Titan, Usas, Chakra, Hibakara, Alcyoneus, Kumbhanda, Tagon, Element, Chibiryu/Tinygon, Skyjaki, Shutenku, Shuragi, Raou, Gaia, Izanami, Empusa, Porewit, Kazfiel, Aniel, Ardha, Virochana, Kalki, Atavaka, Ashtar, Horus, Parvati, Freyja, Arianrhod, Amaterasu, Omoikane, Tajikarao, Ameno Torifune, Chernobog, Ares, Ishtar, Durga, Taueret, Onamuchi, Sukuna Hikona, Ouyamatsumi, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Nalagiri, Haokah, Mercurius, Nyx, Alp, Titania, Nadja, Dark Elf, High Pixie, Helel, Metatron, Camael, Sariel, Kushiel, Ophanim, Raguel, Tzaphkiel, Remiel, Principality, Betelgeuse, Gagyson, Rahabh, Otohime, Mizuchi, Nozuchi, Kingu, Tarrasque, Suparna, Macha, Nemhain, Bennu, Anzu, Byakko, Selket, Black Widow, Gyu-ki, Bicorn, Duergar, Sudama, Ihika, Cailleach Bheare, Hag, Hecatoncheir, Zombie Priest, Workaholic, Zombie Dog, Yaka, Ghoulette, Inferno, Depth, HangedMan, Old One, Doppelganger, Chris the Car, Jack the Ripper, Franken, Demi-Nandi, Heracles, Slave, Oracles, Spartan, Terminator, Gyrator, Executioner, Neophyte, Butcher, Kamen-Hijiri, Ashura, Onmyoji, Jiraiya, Kugutsushi, Yggdrasil, Mandrake, Audrey, Rabbi, Junk, Iron Maiden, Crazy Dummy, Police, Jaws, Andromeda, Spider, Moebius, Sage of Time, Matador, Hell Biker, Alice, Ghost Q, Norn, Hathor, Amon Ra, Belobog, Thoth, Vesta, Holy Ghost, Faunus, Melusine, Muspell, Buer, Vine, Bushyasta, Chefei, Apaosha, Parasite, Zombie Teacher, Zombie Girl, Zombie Boy, Angra Mainyu/Ahriman, Aka Manah, Dahaka, Kuchisake-Onna, Hanako, Jelly Man, En no Ozuno, Little Lama, Otsuki, Stomach Flower, Soldier, Chief, Perun, Marduk, Verethragna, Futsunushi, Sleipnir, Gullinbursti, Balor, Anahita, Konohana Sakuya, Kundali Vidyaraja/Gundari Myouou, Vajrayaksa, Ildanach, Lugh, Kvasir, Deirdre, Diarmuid, Airgetlam/Nuadha, Fir Bolg, Urvashi, Tilottama, Sventovit, Tyr, Triglav, Vayu, Brigid, Brynhildr, Illuyanka, Huitzilopochtli, Belberith, Sargasso, Langsuir, Freserai, Raniel, Paurus, Feldi, Lister, Toifel, Bolshuta, Roehm, Faustman, Deitel, Clay, Calypso, Gedou, Ocpa, Olberg, Feist, Thief, Robber, Bandit, Defenser, Stras, Alta, T, Vivahti, Bible?, Another Bible, Calydon, Svadilfari, Atsuyu, Hargest, Ragon, Purshi, Fugi, Nuwa, Meshitori, Ariel, Audumbla, Raoh, Mushiki, Fighter, Barbarian, Executor, Knight, Io, Ganymede, General, Pitekanboss, Grostar, Satyr, Beowulf, Briareus, Ent, Siegfried, Hippopotamus, Horkos, Bufu Dragon, Borou, Karasu Tengu, Roy, Fairy/Fey, Marshal Tianpeng/Tenhou Gensui, Utgard, Antares, Helldog/Hellhound, Kyuki, Nikaron, Death Tail, Zagan, Balrog, Mora, North Wind, Mokkurkalfe, Fuu-Ki, Hachiman, Prometheus, Inti, Anat, Pallas Athena, Erzulie, Scathach, Nakisawame, Kama, Jarilo, Neko Shogun, Kanbari, Kartikeya, Ogun, Cybele, Black Maria, Sedna, Sekhmet, Marici, Zhong Kui/Shouki, Otogo-Douji, Pales, Kanaloa, Pachacamac, Mot, Guedhe, Thanatos, Ixtab, Heimdall, Kresnik, Maui, Jambavan, Ictinike, Khonsu, Peri, Xiuhtecuhtli, Maruts, Shaytan, Agathion, Spriggan, Lorelei, Domovoi, Kijimuna, Hypnos, Hinoenma, Sandman, Kikimora, Nacht Kobold, Chi You, Nergal, Rahu, Sraosha, Sandalphon, Azrael, Lailah, Victor, Abraxas, Botis, Barbatos, Purson, Bifrons, Nisroc, Melchom, Zhu Yin, Patrimpas, Ouroboros, Culebre, Vouivre, Yato no Kami, Vasuki, Mushussu, Python, Uwabami, Asp, Toubyou, Vidofnir, Hamsa, Da Peng, Holawaka, Caladrius, Yamachichi, Ba, Huoniao/Kau, Zhen, Stymphalides, Itsumade, Moh Shuvuu, Hippou, Ukano Mitama, Kamapua’a, Airavata, Yatsufusa, Xiezhai/Kaichi/Cai-Zhi, Shiisaa, Ammut, Hsing Hsing/Shoujou, Katakirauwa, Hairy Jack, Kabuso, Hare of Inaba, Aerophant, Mamedanuki, Oliver, Taown, Catoblepas, Suiko, Afanc, Waira, Gogmagog, Oumitsunu, Ribhu, Koropokkuru, Berserker, Yomotsu Ikusa, Tokebi/Dokkaebi, Yamawaro, Amazon, Yuki Jyourou, Todomeki, Leanan Sidhe, Grendel, Gashadokuro, Ocelot, Asinaga, Tenaga, Haoma, Kukunochi, Daphne, Oshira-sama, Es, Zaccoum, Jubokko, Saki Mitama, Kushi Mitama, Ara Mitama, Nigi Mitama, Kudlak, Dzolob, Enku, Obariyon, Patriot, Agony, Rastaman, Waxwork, Scarecrow, Macabre, Torso, Quicksilver, Tattooed Man, Killer Chopper, Hooligan, Mothman, Myrmecoleon, Okiku-Mushi, Yowie, Ubu, Rama, Guan Yu, Fariedone/Fereydun, Yoshitsune, Jeanne D’Arc, Fugurama, Yakou, Platoon Soldier, Inui, Gargantua, Sid Davis, Shiki Ouji, Strigoii, Strix, Kashiyama, Dantalion, Julia, Speedy, Mikiya, Orgone Ghost, Tenzan Tendou, Demiurge/Yaldabaoth, Yaso Magatsuhi, Ou Magatsuhi, Inaruna, Lord Nan Dou/Nanto Seikun, Hokuto Seikun/Beiji Weng, Enoch, Skoll, Tenjiku Tokubei, Narukami, Kamakura Gongorou, Hermod, Varuna, Maso, Sati, Tensen Nyannyan/Taishan Niang Niang, Mokosh, Xi Wangmu/Seioubo, Seimen Kongou, Aizen Myouou, Ogma, Fuhedi Mergane, Gozu Tennoh, Fuutai, Aonbharr, Ankou, Bres, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Janus, Phaleg, Armaiti, Yamaoka/Alfred, Vohu Manah, Mucalinda, Jahi, Tlazolteotl, Pairika, Cupid, Sumizome, Polisun, Adramelech, Paimon, Alastor, Malphas, Crom Cruach, Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera, Genkurou, Mangadhai, Tesso, Cath Palug, Salome, Nemesis, Iwate, Picollus, Leprechaun, Yog Sothoth Jr., Sarashina-Hime, Miyasudokoro, Carrie, Fuji Musume, Bukimi, Dribbler, Zombie Painter, Zap, Teketeke, Zombie Nurse, Mr. Zombie, Grimies, Mr. Bear, Anatomy, Kokkuri, Lady Masquerade, Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Lust, Kandori, Men In Black, Harem Queen, Takeda, Agent, Secret Police, Pandora, Lady Snow, Saurva, Kenta, Shikijirou, Ninhursag, Suseri-Hime, Yamato-Takeru, Priyankara, Hatsuse Ou no Mikoto, Asherah, Cthugha, Azathoth, Ithaqua, Phanuel, Abdiel, Daniel, Cassiel, Shamshel, Morax, Haagenti, Pucel, Leraje, Vapula, Valefar, Murmur, Allocen, Ipos, Bune, Sabnock, Marbas, Halphas, Raum, Freezer, Lion Head, Boogeyman, Evil Spirit, Minor Devil, Messenger, Naga Kanya, Hong Long, Yinglong/Ouryuu, Nagi, Ikazuchi, Kinshichou, Podarge, Nicothoe, Boogie Raven, Moruto, Atropos, Lachesis, Clotho, Hakuei, Shirohebi, Shirogitsune, Kuzunoha, Gabriel’s Hound, Osaki Gitsune, Okon Kitsune, Kuda Kitsune/Kudagitsune, Phantacat, Boogey Dog, Eros, Ville, Psyche, Keukegen, Nereid, Mab, Mabel, Abaddons, Beelzebub's Servants, Shikigami, Familiar, Astarte, Baalzephon, Lamashtu, Buddha Dharma, Goho Douji, Akura Ou, Nurikabe, Silenus, Leshy, Saturnus, Night Stalker, Karuyaka, Ririyaka, Amanojaku, Orc Chief, Red Cap, Shikijo Innen Rei, Entity, Jibakurei, Fuyurei, Onibi, Stomper, Mommy Dead, Crispy Dead, Zombie Lady, March Hare, Card SoldieTrump Soldier, Darkness, Splatter, Critter, Plasma, Gyspy Rose, Bluebell, Primrose, Dark Willow, Holy Element, Adonis, Demon Student Akira, Demon Student Hiroko, Demon Student Yoshio, Demon Student Miki, Mother-Child Fusion Demon, Innsmouth, Ishtar Shinja Guardian, Ishtar Shinja Sistrum, Bael Shinja Kurare, Bael Shinja Tarantella, Bael Shinja Baal Soldier, Cranky, Resistance, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Type 9x Mobile Infantry, Highball, Gate Robot, Eye Ball, Shingetsu no Inu, Mangetsu no Inu, Houjou no Yagi, Marcol, Alkeroke, Ankaroke, Merlion, Gulltoppr, Hildisvini, Dilu Horse, Demeter, Aphrodite, Erinyes, Hippolyta, Medea, Togyuu, Ton, Charybdis, Einherjar, Alberich, Hrungnir, Mimir, Seiren Taisho, Fergus, Kiichi Hougen, Niu Mowang, Zhu Baije, Merfolk, Tsurubebi, Chupacabra, Broken Scepter, Blue Man, Jalandhara, Gucumatz, Huli Daxian, Ame no Fuchikoma, Shiranui, Munin, Rashnu, Aegir, Apsu, Simurgh, Kyourou, Gespenst, Silky, Hugin, Aeshma, Mastema, Osiris, Saturday, Satoshi, Cassius, Shemhazai, Asha, Ameretat, Khshathra, Mohammed, Zarik, Nanauatzin, Hades, Manco Capac, Benkei, Mahamayuri, Fortuna, Kangiten, Kinmamon, Futotama, Billiken, Alilat, Albion, Ometeotl, Dionysus, Attis, Aramisaki, Zaou Gongen, Tonatiuh, Diana (Roman, the one with tits), Dzelarhons, Pele, Mada, Cernunnos, DB Busters, Persephone, Tlaloc, Ba Da Wang, Bes, Tschaggatta, Rolwoy, Shiwanna, Vodyanik, Setanta, Vivian, Penanggal, Kaiwan, Black Frost, Wild Hunt, Mokoi, Mithras, Tzitzimitl, Lucifroz, Israfel, Melchizedek, Shax, Seere, Makara, Hoyau Kamui, Ym, Tuna Roa, Bai Suzhen, Zhu Tun She, Thunderbird, Tangata Manu, Camazotz, Onmoraki, Kaiming Shou, Qing Niuguai/Seigyuukai, Buraq, Kaso, Dormarth, Cunhur, Gally Trot, Cabracan, Peallaidh, Jersey Devil, Jueyuan, Chagrin, Tlaltecuhtli, Tednong Cut, Puts, Nyalmot, Galley Beggar, Bilwis, La Llrona, Acheri, Lham Dearg, Ippon Datara, Greyman, Churel, Wicker Man, Dybbuk, Garrote, Cosmo Zombie, Headless Rider, Padlock, Drag Queen, Facebind, Mayahuel, Narcissus, Erlkonig, Skogsra, Shan Xiao, Urban Terror, Douman, Mad Gasser, Purple Mirror, Red Cloak, Reiko Kashima, Turbo Granny, Kamiotoko, Huang Di, Saladin, Masakado, Longinus, Hagen, Lanling Wang, Frost Five, Milky Frost, Strawberry Frost, Lemon Frost, Melon Frost, B. Hawaii Frost, Moowis, Speedy Demon, Winpe, Juggler, Snappy, Omphalos, Erika, Lukoje, Goggie, Mayone, Romero, Shemyaza, Malsum, Satanael, Kadokura, Manitou, King Frost, Lucifuge, Soulless God Oumagatsu, Sarutobi Sasuke, Tobi Katou, Fuuma Kotarou, Agrippa, Abe no Seimei, Manannan, Sif, Huracan, Xuanzang/Genjou, Umayadono-Ouji, Sakya/Shaka, Robin Goodfellow, Eros Prime, Venus, Taranis, Longma, Taksaka, Kinich Ahau, Hermes, Mars, Skanda, Kabandha, Rhadamanthus, Rhadamanthus Prime, Charon, Fjalar, Seker, Iris, Juanlian Dajiang/Kenren Taishou, Hoenir, Maia, Maia Prime, Nanna, Vulcanus, Surya, Kinich Kakmo, Vulcanus Prime, Njord, Hunab Ku, Fukurokuju, Ebisu, Galahad, Bacchus, Dagda, Arthur, Futsuno Mitama, Budai, Shou Shen, Crowley, Rasputin, Faust, Puck, Cwn Annwn, Ratatoskr, Wanyudo, Xaphan, Ah Puch, Kisin, Hunhau, Vucub-Caquix, Demon King/Dairoku Tenmaou, Wraith, Shoggoth, Ochre Jelly, Metal Drache, S.S., Metal Zentaur, Hellsehen, Kommandant, Maschinen Kommando, Sharf Shutze, Virulenz Kraft, Maschinen Soldat, Sturm Soldat, Taurus Mask, Leo Mask, Scorpio Mask, Aquarius Mask, Zombie Junkie, Zombie DJ, Kudan, Cursed Escort, Cursed Taxi, Dresser Hag, Jumping Geezer, Linda, Junnosuke Kuroda, Rinok, Helios, Hyperion, Tishtoriya, Gyoukukou Joutei, Odysseus, Hastur, Callisto, Astria, Maihime Amano, Tatsunoshin Suou, Nodens, Matsuo-sama, Kanshou and Bakuya, Saji, Waitry, Metal Guru, Yog Sothoth, Byakhee, Shub-Niggurath, Tenchu Akatsuki, Tenchu Myojou, Tenchu Mochizuki, Tenchu Hekiun, Red Beret, Garrison, Ryuman, Fang Leng, SAT, 200km/h Fogey, Red Cape, Blue Cape, Mussie, Tsuchinoko, Black Mask, Umr At Tawil, Tatari Mokke, Nekhbet, Kotodama, King Deva, Komainu, Canhel, Tanuki no Namamono, Bahan, Clock Rabbit, Hippogriff, Bathin, Azoth, Black Raja, Van, King Van, Grigori, Koakuma, Skull Crown, Raziel, Arche, Exousia, Kuriotes, Galgalim, Seraph, Merkabah, Ego, Yeti, Issun-boshi, Rasetsu, King Rasetsu, Nitanita, Pifrus, Toushin, Robot, Yamanba, Android, DB-kun, Caladbolg, Counting Sheep, Makura-gaeshi, Melissa, Persona, Gingitsune, Namtar, Nessie, Sand Dragon, Svafnir, Rox/Hei Long, Wadjet/Vaget, Petit Frost, Yukinko, RazoKamaitachi, Yuki-onna, Neko no Namamono, Frost Ace, Hundun, Daji, Paramese, Mechi, Shock, Gris gris, Kappa, Lynx, Diana (Petit Frost), Vibhishana, Demogorgon, Dephinx/Death Sphinx, Helphinx/Hell Sphinx, Neuphinx/Neo Sphinx, StarhaiHoshigami, Death Cerberus, Neo Nex/Hell Cerberus, King Nex/King Cerberus, Meta Gef/Death Gryphon, Neo Gef/Hell Gryphon, King Gef/King Gryphon, Ikkaku Dragon, Bakemogura, Kami wo Kure, Nautilus, Bunbuku Chagama, Moai, Rokurokubi, Cyborg Deka, Paramecium King, Excalibur, Kaguya-Hime, Shura-Ou, Dunamis, Meta Kem/Death Chimera, Neo Kem/Hell Chimera, King Kem/King Chimera, Denix/Death Phoenix, Helnix/Death Phoenix, Neonix/Neo Phoenix, Nathanael, Midir, Stribog, Dian Cecht, Lindwurm, Furfur, Bran, Jashin, Frost Trio, Tankororin, Umibozu, Hiruko, Homunculus, Elphine/Zashiki Warashi, ThundaKaminari-sama, Iron Kitsune, Kyuusupaa, Kamazaru, Heart, Indy, Sweet, Aquacloud, Pluto, Green M, Flower Killer, Chiruchiru, Viking, Kirudante, Lemonchi, Kurodanshaku, Okubyou Tamago, Kinoko Houshi, Lost, Requiem, Gilgamesh, Idaten, Poseidon, Shukuyuu, Barchiel, Gambiel, Adnachiel, Zuriel, Verchiel, Hamaliel, Haurvatat, Muriel, Ambriel, Malchidael, Barbiel, Kintaro, Sakata no Kintoki, Argos, Skinfaxi, Hrimfaxi, Selkie, Raijuu, Nemea, Aianga, Issitoq, Daidara-bocchi, Ginkaku, Cho Hakkai, Sa Gojo, Kinkaku, Gyuu Maou, Aker, Earth Element, Aqua Element, Air Element, Flare Element, Mermaid, Mokele Mbembe, Kesaran Pasaran, Etain, Angrboda, Kaos Cat, Dred Rox, Rune Cat, Arch Rox, Pyro Cat, Giga Rox, Luna Cat, Mega Rox, Mega Cat, Wing Rox, Ogre Cat, Blazron, Dark Cat, Solron, Doom Cat, Doom Rox, Dred Cat, War Rox, Kibra, RoksauIwasaurus, Raykon/Devil Reikon, Wyregg, Rudra, Coppelia, Mad Hatter, Skyfish, Ikonda, Glasyabo, Andromus, Grevir, Forlo, Empio, Empra, Tokisada, Samejima, Green Bear, Miura, Gaian Believer, Seri, Hayashi, Wakazou, Gyaru, Yojinbo, Maximan, Herunaasu, Feji Adonis, Bucchi, Idea Angel, Tsuzumi, Mubiora/Miranda, Adam Kadmon, Eve, Maria, Sakahagi, Alciel, Makami, Kurama Tengu, Futomimi, Skadi, Inugami, Ongyo-Ki, Sui-Ki, Kin-Ki, Datsue-Ba, Hua Po, Kodama, Dis, Koppa Tengu, Dante, Raidou (if the previous two count), Trumpeter, Mother Harlot, Black Rider, Red Rider, White Rider, Kagutsuchi, Manikin, IzFanagi, Artio, Dain, Olgoi Khorkoi, Ovinnik, Volos, Bannik, Korred, Guiafairo, Hati, Annaberge, Jarovit, Polevik, Gurangatch, Harut and Maroth, Harmil, Paku, Derii, Dorun, Clocks, Rasen, Gaan, Raruu, Oojita, Amphiptere, Hadarniel, Dobiel, Isaac, Iblis, Tecciztecatl, Flame Apostle, Ice Apostle, Olofat, Shugoshin, Dyaus, Hayagriva, Prithivi, Harihara, Ramedo, Blazron, Varnani, Karma Soldier, Tribhvana, Raiho, Oboroguruma, Ichimokuren, Shouten, Utai-Gaikotsu, Abihiko, Zombie Officer, Zombie Guard, Orpheus, Orpheus Female, Orpheus Telos, Trismegistus, Lucia, Juno, Penthesilea, Artemisia, Polydeuces, Caesar, Castor, Palladion, Kala-Nemi, Moros, Messiah, Tharmas, Urizen, Urthona, Luvah, Baby Goldfish, Abel, Aditi, Cain, Devi, Gozanze, Guukyou, Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, Qin Shubao, Seth (Abrahamic), Spartacus, Utnapishtim, Yuchi Jingde, YHVH/God, Elohim, Sabaoth, Shaddai, True, Sanctity, Lie, Sin, Twin Sister, Takehaya Susano-o, Sumeo-Okami, Takeji Zaiten, Himiko, Kanzeon, Kouzeon, Tomoe, Suzuka Gongen, Haraedo-no-Okami, Yamato Sumeragi, Kintoki-Douji, Kamui, Kamui-Moshiri, Magatsu-Izanagi, Izanagi-no-Okami, Chou-keshin, Jorougumo, Binbou-gami, Yakubyou-gami, Yomi-Kugutsu, Nesting Doll, Nesting Skull, Soldier Bug, Luck Locust, Clarion, Ame no Ohabari, Kuzuryu, Fake YHVH, Zeed, BeldBaldur, Jezebel, Ose Hallel, Flauros Hallel, Demonica-L, Demonica-N, Demonica-C, Demonee-Ho, Bagaboo, Bogaboo, Maya (Hindu), Dummy, Jimenez, Shekinah, Ariadne, Asterius, Ancient of Days, Sanat, Masakado’s Shadow, Oread, Napaea, Kuebiko, Koga Saburo, Chemtrail, Michizane, Tenkai, Pluto Soldier, Gaea Woman, Ashura Woman, Ashura Man, Gaea Man, Samurai Zombie, Al-mi’raj, Maitreya, Cleopatra, Mitra-Buddha, Inanna, Chironnupu, Arsene, Orpheus Female Picaro, Orpheus Picaro, Crystal Skull, Raoul, Zorro, Diego, Johanna, Agnes, Koh-i-Noor, Milady, Lucy, Queen’s Necklace, Goemon, Kamu Susano-o, Gorokichi, Regent, Carmen, Celestine, Captain Kidd, William, Athena Picaro, Robin Hood, Hereward, Necronomicon, Al Azif, Stone of Scone, Ariadne Picaro, Asterius Picaro, Orlov, Emperor’s Amulet, Hope Diamond, Thanatos Picaro, Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro, Kaguya Picaro, Tsukiyomi Picaro, Messiah Picaro, Cendrillon, Ella, Orichalcum, Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro, Pithos, and Valjean
Edit: For those of you wondering, I counted specific enemies as demons as well, as some of the demons in the old persona games were enemy only. But I did take some out.
And that equates to... 1905 demons
I have finally done it. Or at least I think I have.
Boogie Raven
submitted by Link_KurusuToaster to Megaten [link] [comments]

Rise of Hellion ch15 ( Barry Pepper fanart fiction inspiration)

Rise of Hellion ch15 ( Barry Pepper fanart fiction inspiration)

Rise of Hellion ch15 ( Barry Pepper fanart fiction inspiration)
previous: https://www.reddit.com/BarryPeppecomments/l2xuj4/rise_of_hellion_ch14_barry_pepper_fanart_fiction/
“Well, I’m now a hundred percent certain he swallowed it,” Baron said. We had been searching for Tony’s mystery coin for well over an hour before I allowed him to use his custom hand-held metal detector on my infant son.
“Can you see what it is?” I asked, holding my baby’s tiny hand as he laid on the changing table. Abby seemed calm, even happy, making me seem like an overanxious parent. “Do we need to get him to a doctor or will it pass through his poop?”
Baron didn’t answer. his focus was on the baby’s limbs. He appeared to be following something. “This is strange.”
“What is?”
“The metallic material is dispersing into his bloodstream, focusing on the muscle tissue of his arms legs and head.”
Could you sound any more terrifying? “Is it hurting him?”
“No, he seems ok, but the way it’s dispersing is odd. Do you have access to a scanner with a visual output?”
“Not without Dr. Toki’s help,” I replied nervously.
“I’m sure she’s already well aware of your nighttime visit. And Axel will probably have your back.
Abby wiggled his arms giggling with glee.
“I was planning on going down to see Tony, anyway. I’ll just take him with me.
I got dressed and made my way to Dr. Toki’s lab. Walking downstairs I knew the door would be locked and I would need to ask the guard to be let in. Yet something felt off. Looking through the textured glass window of the guard office I could see the entire facility was dark.
“What the-? Dr. Toki? Hello?” I knocked on the door while smushing my chest against the window, desperate to see anything.
Abby was squirming.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie” I took a moment to remove Abby from his carrier, bouncing him in my arms.
He was looking me in the eyes. I never took a parenting class, but I knew that at his age he was not supposed to be able to lift his head. “Mama!”
I did an involuntary jolt, nearly tripping over my own feet. “Did you just talk?” I had no idea of Abby’s actual birthdate but I knew for a fact he was too young to be speaking. “This is insane. I’m hallucinating.”
As I took a step forward to regain my balance, a light came on somewhere deep in the room. “Hello?”
Within seconds, the door unlocked and Dr. Toki appeared. “Hello Nicki.”
Before I could respond Abby lifted his arms, “Toki!” he was facing my chest, unable to turn his head completely around. “Toki?”
My focus was on my child, so When I finally looked up at Dr. Toki her face had been frozen in a look of shock (and perhaps terror) for a good five seconds. “Dr. Toki?”
“Tony gave it to you,” she said in a whisper.
“Gave me what?” Other than feeling the shape of the item in my palm I had no idea what the item even looked like. “The coin shaped thing?”
Dr. Toki took a deep, calming breath. “come inside.” She held the door open, allowing just enough light in.
The room was empty. “Where’s Tony?
“Come in, take a seat at the table.”
“You mean the coffin?”
“It was never a coffin.” Dr. Toki took a seat on the opposite side, flipping a few switches. “Regardless you are correct; Tony passed away last night, a few hours after your visit.”
“Oh.” I felt a sharp pain in my chest like a blowtorch drilling in to my organs. I removed Abby, instinctively placing him on the floor before doubling over in pain. I felt like I needed to vomit. “Why?”
“Tony was becoming too physically weak, or at least that’s what I have to assume. Like I told you before, I could have kept his physical body on life support for as long as it took to digitize his mental, emotional and genetic data. However, he seemed to have beaten me to it.” She turned to her laptop, pulling up a single image. Tony was inside the coffin, pinching the skin of his hands.
“What’s he doing?”
“Somehow Tony created a sample of his genetic enhancements and kept it hidden on his person until he was given the opportunity to pass it along to you. And you fed it to your baby.”
I noticed she was looking down at the spot where I placed Abby. “That was an accident.”
“No, it was fate.”
I felt two little hands touching my leg. My son was standing on two strong, steady legs. “Mama!”
“If you leave him with me, I will be able to evaluate the extent of his changes.”
“Ok,” I squeaked. “Abby, do you want to spend some time with Dr. Toki?”
My small baby turned to Dr. Toki. “To-ki!” Abby lifted his arms in her direction for a hug.
I felt more than a little hurt. “I guess that’s that.”
“Not quite; you and Baron need to return to Beloit, Wisconsin. I have reason to believe that’s where Faust will strike next.”
‘Because he’s looking to start a war.’ I went back to Baron and the three of us (four if you count Abby) held a strategy meeting. Baron agreed to fly us back to Beloit where we would reunite with the gang that we stayed with prior.
When we were on the plane, seated and comfortable, I got up the courage to ask the question that was burning in my mind. “Do you know a girl named Diamond?”
Baron laughed so hard he spit out a mouthful of coffee all over the steering wheel. “Oh, you mean Lucy. Yeah, she’s a flirty little shit. You actually met her?” Baron wiped the panel with his sleeve, still amused at what was clearly an inside joke. “What did she tell you?”
“She told me your real name is Leo.”
“oh, that’s it?” he pursed his lips. “did she know you were pregnant with Noah’s kid?”
“Yes….” I suddenly recalled what Diamon/Lucy said about Noah; he was sexy, fine, and I must have been a side chick. “Is Noah the father of her kid?
“Oh, fuck no!” Baron’s laughter started all over again. “I wonder if Noah ever thought about her…”
“They were together?”
“Not sexually,” Baron said as he cleared his throat. With a few calming breaths he managed to regain his composure. “Here’s the deal. Once upon a time there was a 15-year-old girl. This girl came from a long line of gang members; drug runners, smugglers, dealers and killers, but she had a secret talent; she was one hell of a hacker. It started as a way to download free games and movies for herself and her friends, but by high school she was like a mad scientist and the internet was her unwilling victim.
Noah took her under his wing, but let’s just say she wanted to be someplace entirely different.”
“But Noah didn’t sleep with her?”
“Hell no,” Baron paused, tilting his head. “Well, I think he let her give him a blowjob, after a night of doing meth.”
“A blowjob while on meth?”
“That’s hackers for you. As a weapons expert I prefer coke.” He pushed a few buttons, pulling up a digital map. “Anyway, little Lucy made it known that’s she wanted Noah’s beautiful blonde babies. That was when we headed out, taking a job in Venezuela. By the time we got back she was knocked up by whatever high ranking leader took her virginity.”
“She had a baby out of spite?” I could see why that was so unbelievably funny.
“I think it was a powerplay.” With the flight details set, he kicked up his legs. “Why are you thinking about Lucy?”
I told him about the woman in my dreams, the female soldier who appeared to be Lucy’s granddaughter. “She had a tattoo, Lucy’s dark skin and curly hair, and she had your…”
“My what?”
“She was wearing a variation of your hover boots.”
“There’s something you should know about Lucy. She co-authored the contents of the battery.”
“Is it possible she brought the idea to life?”
“Maybe, I mean anything’s possible but the idea that she had a granddaughter who perfected the system. That actually seems like something that could happen.”
“So, if the future granddaughter perfected the technology, it would be registered under her name?”
Baron shrugged. “I guess. If this future individual is affiliated with the military…”
“Faust could go back in time to target Lucy directly.” That made perfect sense. If Lucy was as brilliant as Baron claimed, she would make an ideal hostage. And a perfect replacement for Feng.
Baron’s hands froze, his face went pale. “I need to make a call.” He checked a few more controls. “the system is on autopilot for the next hour. I should be back before then.”
“Sure, sounds good.” I crossed my arms over my chest. Every part of my body felt unbearably cold.
I’m not sure how long Baron had been gone for, but according to the map we were nearly in Wisconsin by the time I opened my eyes. He took out his phone (an onboard device that was meant to be used while in the air) and connected it directly into a port.
“It’s what I was afraid of,” he explained. “You can see for yourself.”
Baron brought up a series of security camera footage. From what I could tell, Faust had teleported in with just a large knife. He then proceeded to cut down various gun turrets, and slice down guard after guard on his way to the kitchen area.
“Oh, God, no.” I could already see his plan; Faust was going to target the children and the elderly; he needed a hostage to force Lucy to come with him willingly. And that’s exactly what happened. He somehow knew exactly which child was her son. He held the blade to Denny’s neck, even making a show of slicing the little boy’s shirt. Lucy dropped her weapon and approached Faust. A swap was made; Faust threw the boy to the ground, and grabbed Lucy, teleporting away to God knows where. This was bad.
We landed in Beloit, parking in the secret underground lot. Baron exited the aircraft, shaking hands with someone named Jesus. The tall muscular Hispanic man was accompanied by two bodyguards, but my eyes went straight to the small figure gripping his shoulder. “Denny?”
The boy’s eyes lit up. “Ms. Ironman!”
I covered my mouth, trying not to cry. “Yeah, it’s me.”
The tall man put Denny on the floor, letting him run to my arms. “I missed you!” he turned to the man. “Grandpa this is Ms. Ironman, she’s a superhero!”
I reached out my hand. “I’m Nicki, or Hellion.”
The man smiled kindly as he shook my hand. “Yes, Leo told us all about you. I trust you’re as good as he says you are.”
With Denny in my arms, I felt confident and strong. “Thank you, sir, I won’t let you down.”
Jesus nodded, taking a step back. “So, what’s the plan? What are you going to do to get my daughter back?”
Baron answered for both of us. “Whatever it takes.”
We got in an SUV. Baron rode up front, speaking in Spanish to the gang leaders, while I rode in the back. With plenty of room to stretch out, I went to sleep with Denny in my arms (like a teddy bear.)
In my dreams I awoke on the roof of Walmart, overlooking the night sky. “You really think Faust is still in the area? How dumb are you?”
I turned to see Sundra wearing her full armor and she looked angry. “Look, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“Yeah, you don’t mean for a lot of things to happen.”
“What does that mean?”
“What do you think it means?” Sundra stood up, walking around while muttering in Spanish.
I did not feel like being bullied by a teenager from the future. “Speak English or shut the hell up!”
“Did you just tell me to speak English?” she asked with a look of violent hatred in her eyes.
“I’m sorry, ok!” I held up my hands in surrender. “I’m not a brave bad-ass like your grandmother or even your father. I’m not brilliant like Noah,” or any of the people who’d taken me under their wing.”
Sundra snickered, “Are you trying to talk your way out of getting punched in the face?”
“I just need a hint to solve this bullshit.”
“Such as?”
“What did you invent with the technology created by Lucy and Noah?”
Sundra paused, biting her lip as she smiled. “Wake up and find out.”
I awoke with a jolt. Baron and his friends had arrived back at the compound and apparently, I had been left to sleep. I sat up, looking out the window. People were hard at work repairing the buildings and cars.
Suddenly a face splatted against my window. “Hi!”
I held my breath to avoid screaming. “Sundra?”
“Yup, it’s me.” Her image flickered like television static (or a buffering internet connection.)
“Are you real?”
“I’m more than real, I’m everywhere.” She flickered again, reappearing inside the vehicle by my side.
I touched her arm; she was a solid, physical form. “It was you.” My eyes lit up with a realization. “You were the one fighting Faust in the sky over New Jersey! Are you traveling on the same frequency as his teleportation?”
“See, you’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.” Sundra patted my back with her armored hand.
“So, um, I am the only one who can see you?”
“Honestly, I don’t know for certain. As far as my missions are concerned, I locate my target and attach myself to their signal.”
“Electromagnetic pulse; every living creature emits one, some cultures refer to it as a soul. The difficult part is latching on to the correct timestream, especially with people like Faust moving shit around all the time.”
“Is he from your future, or your timeline?” I gripped my head in pain. I was too dumb for this level of science.
“I believe so, but according to recorded sightings, he’s well over a thousand years old. He’s using a version of the time travel technology that’s been perfected in a way I can’t even comprehend.”
“Do you think he’s working with Kitsune and the Yakuza?”
“He’s either working with or for her organization,” Sundra explained with a tired sigh. “In the future there’s a massive war brought about by the Euro-Asian Alliance of Power; Russia, china, Japan, North Korea, working together to create a new superpower similar to the USSR. Where I come from, it’s believed that Faust is a Russian operative, with a primary mission of setting a specific timeline into reality. Then you came along and…”
Tap, tap, tap. We turned to see Denny looking in at us with his big innocent eyes. “Ms. Ironman, who is that lady?”
Sundra’s mouth hung open as she stared in shocked silence.
“You can see her?” I asked Denny through the closed window.
The little boy nodded. “She’s pretty, like the sunshine.”
I turned to see Sundra’s reaction. There were tears in her eyes. Before she could speak, an elderly woman swooped up Denny.
“There you are, you naughty little boy.” The woman started to carry Denny back in the direction of the kitchen.
Denny started to squirm and cry, “I wanted to see the sunshine lady!”
“You and your imaginary friends.” She shook her head before opening the door. “Ms. Hellion, the rest of the team is waiting for you in the basement bunker.”
“The massive computer room; yeah, that makes sense. I’ll be right there.”
My confidence seemed to be enough to convince the woman to leave. When Denny was out of sight, I returned my focus to Sundra. “You coming with?”
She nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. That was just a little intense, even for me.”
I walked in front of her, leading the way to the home of the supercomputer. Walking down the stairs I could hear Sundra’s footsteps (further proof she was real.) Baron was leading the meeting, going over a map of Faust’s recent movement. He then pulled up a second set of coordinates overlaying the two maps.
“…and that’s why I think Kitsune is arranging a meetup.”
“A meetup?” I asked.
“Yes, that’s why there is a possibility Faust is still in the immediate area, awaiting further instructions or perhaps even monetary compensation.”
“You think he’s looking to sell Lucy?” The idea made sense; Faust could not teleport through the timeline with Lucy, he would need a way to hand her off to Kitsune before making his escape.
“It’s just a matter of where they could meet up, for a trade off or even a demonstration.”
Sundra tapped my arm. “Check out Lake Michigan, near Kenosha.
“Is that in island?” I asked out loud. Baron and the other men looked at where I was pointing. “There’s a structure in the middle of the lake, but it doesn’t seem like a boat or any kind of small watercraft.” That, and the signal was too strong.
Baron agreed, that was where we needed to go. We headed back to the plane, with the group leaving in the opposite hidden tunnel (so, no one had to pass by where Sundra stood.) I moved to follow, keeping a close distance as to not be left behind.
Jesus briefly turned to me. He paused, before blinking his eyes and shaking his head.
“Everything okay?” Could he see Sundra? Did he assume it was a hallucination, brought on by his concern for Lucy?
“Yeah, fine,” the older man patted my shoulder. “We must hurry.”
“How do we know this isn’t a trap?” asked one of the other men. It was a good question.
Baron turned as we reached the plane. “It doesn’t matter; if we’re flying into a trap, we’ll fight our way out or die trying. Either way Faust must not be allowed to leave the country with Lucy.”
His confidence gave me strength, as did the fact that my baby son was safely back with Dr. Toki. I would be willing to die, to assure my son’s happy future with Sundra.
As we approached Lake Michigan, I looked out the window desperate to locate any kind of man-made structure. Among the sea of boats and watercrafts, there was a barge ship, the kind that carried cargo across oceans.
“Is it just me or is that not supposed to be there?” I asked, moving closer to Baron, to get a better look at the guidance system. The barge was radiating energy, like a giant yellow chunk of cheese just waiting for a mouse to take the bait.
“Looks like a siren with her tits hanging out,” said Lucy’s father.
“Well, we’re going to play it like a Tom and Jerry cartoon,” Baron explained. “First I’m going to drop the bait, then with all of their focus on her…”
My ears perked up. “Did you say her? As the only female on this plane, I’m assuming you mean me?”
“Yes, you. If this was a wedding Faust would’ve addressed the invite to ‘Hellion, plus one.” I knew he was correct. Faust would focus on me and (hopefully) while we were talking things out, the rest of the team could rescue Lucy. “Get ready to jump in thirty,” Baron added. “You won’t need a parachute, just pencil dive. And don’t forget to grab a weapon first.”
“Ok,” I said nervously. I selected a knife from the weapon cabinet (assuming water would damage a firearm.) I prepared to make my exit, with my blade secured at my waist.
“Door opening in 3, 2, 1,” his voice drifted away as I found myself falling.
I pulled my arms and legs into a pencil dive position, narrowly avoiding the roof of the barge. Two hands grabbed me, directing my body for a perfect two-foot landing. “Sundra?”
“You think I’d let you wiggle on the hook by yourself?”
“Can Faust see you?” I asked. “I know he did earlier, when you were targeting him.”
“Let’s just assume he can and will see me.”
We stuck together as we walked around to the front of the barge. If this was a normal watercraft this would be where the driver would be. There was no driver, no steering wheel, just an open trap door with a metal ladder. “Kind of on the nose,” I muttered.
Sundra jumped down before I could. At the bottom of the hole was a long hallway. There was no source of light but somehow, I could see the walls clearly. I guess that could be credited to night vision? Still, after a few minutes of walking in a straight line, I was beginning to feel claustrophobic. I pulled out my knife, hopeful that I could carve my way out of the enclosed space. ‘Tap, tap, tap…swish?’ The wall was not completely solid.
Sundra turned and gasped. “We were never meant to go in a straight line.” She kicked the wall in a few different places until she found a large enough space to jump. Once again, she vanished into the shadows before I could even respond.
I had no choice but to follow, sliding down a short drop before narrowly avoiding an electric fence.
“Stop!” shouted a familiar voice.
Pulling myself to my feet, I found myself face to face with Lucy. She was bound to a chair, with her wrists secured to a keyboard. And on top of all that she wore a necklace of explosives like something out of a horror movie.
“Of course, they sent you,” Lucy muttered. “I’m going to die here.”
The walls shook, as the sound of villainous laughter echoed through the room. “Yes, you are, but at least you’ll have company.”
Lucy blinked tears from her eyes. “Let’s get this bullshit over with!”
In the middle of the room was a large dark pool. “Is that Lake Michigan?” No, of course it wasn’t. The area was much too smooth, like a liquid crystal display. This was the monitor connected to Lucy’s keyboard.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls!” Faust’s voice seemed to be coming from a distinct direction. “For your viewing pleasure, I present: the portal to Hell!”
In the corner of the room, I could see what appeared to be a viewing booth. Was Kitsune here? I turned to Lucy just in time to see her mouth the words, ‘I’m sorry.’
With a few clicks, Lucy seemed to be powering on the hole. The display flickered between images; the beaches of California, the mountains of France, the glaciers of Argentina, coming to rest at a war-torn South American city which I couldn’t identify.
Suddenly a figure appeared; a male body crucified in the middle of a demolished church. As the image came in to focus, I could see it was my son Abaddon in his middle-age battle weary state.
Sundra screamed, making her presence known.
Faust’s laughter played again. “Sundra, so glad you could join us. As you can tell I’m watching these events from a safe distance.” He was in an alternate dimension. “In my world I’m a king, sitting on a throne of blood and bone. With a raise of my hand, I can and will eradicate my enemies, unless one of you ladies thinks you can stop me. Go to him, you know you want to.”
Who was he talking to? I glanced at Sundra. “What happens if one of us enters the pool?”
“That’s not a pool!” Sundra shouted in anger. “It’s a rip in the fabric of time itself!”
That answered my question. I placed my hand on Sundra’s arm. “Do me a favor, save Lucy.” I took a running leap, diving into the rift before I could change my mind.
My world went black.
“What are you doing!” my adult son shouted.
“You’re safe with Dr. Toki. You’re going to survive!” That was my logic; it didn’t matter what happened to me, because I didn’t play a role in this future war.
“Open your eyes! You’re now trapped in this reality.”
‘Oh, right.’ This could be a problem.
submitted by dourdan to BarryPepper [link] [comments]

[japan-uary] prisoner #46920, yomi island <2020-01-07>

Thinking about Japan-Uary and a lomng-scheduled yomi island extraction!
Runners met Tako at the Parlour of 1000 Needles, a tattoo parlor located in Little Tokyo, downtown Seattle.
Runners are contracted to extract a prisoner - a female Oni caught up in a yakuza street-fighting ring and sentenced to death on Yomi Island for being an immigrant combatant in a prison cleanup sweep. With an execution at the end of the month, she's been forced into a series of death-matches to get to the bottom of the prison and depose the 'king of hell' - the current leader of the underwater-arcology open-pit geothermal plant that is the prison structure itself, where lawlessness is only cordoned and fed by a series of automated freight elevators. and heavy JIN presence.
The team goes so far as to track down escapee survivors, locating a little old kung-fu martial arts master believed to be an immortal buddhist saint living in a storage container left on a rooftop in Tacoma's sprawling dockside commercial district. After paying a consultation fee and getting a little alter memory mind magic, Havoc conveys the interior layout of the prison to the team - and they proceed to start loading up their boats.
Carefully navigating a web of kraken swarms and water spirits, the team reels out datalines like lifelines to their retrans units and satellite links while Bantam leads some heroic swimming efforts to get into the underwater airlock at the bottom of the facility scouted out by Deli with some reconnaissance. Making their way inside while Deli stays at the sub, the team begins spreading out as Havoc and Tide cover the retreat while Bubblegum, ZDT and Bantam advance into the prison proper, breaking through the secret airlock and passing through the prison's NOC-escapee room into the main show: the thunderdome-esque murder cage located on the basement-80th floor of Yomi Island's prison complex.
Havoc does the Cyrano-de-Bergerac through the voice modulator on Bantam's suit after Bantam sneaks up to the fighting line with their subject, Ikura, who's busy in a brawl with her ally spirit. It takes a little convincing, but the deranged and drug-addled Ikura believes her invisible mentor spirit is guiding her out - while the big baddie troll of the prison attempts to challenge her, and is met by ZDT blasting his shin out. His fucking shin. He's still in there wheezing and crying and rubbing that shit.
They set off a seized pipe-bomb in the airlock after clearing the chamber and swimming back out to their Barca-submarine, detonating the airlock's escape chamber to distract the nearby security fleets while they make their escape, stopping in Oahu to meet with the Oni-Do ninja ring operating there and receiving a free week in the lovely Sandals vacation resort. Filthy yuppy runners.
Partial flooding of the lowers levels of Yomi Island covered up by the IJC.
Extensive drug usage, purchased swim suits, consultation fee to 'milarepa' for intels (5k).
submitted by coy-coyote to NeonAAR [link] [comments]

The General's Successors: My idea for a unique "rerun".

I'm going to be blunt right here and now, I despise Warmonger and am not really looking forward to Holden Cross partly due to all the reused animations they have, but mostly because they're adding nothing "fresh" in regards to gameplay. In other words... quoting a certain critic, even if they add in something we're already familiar with, they can AT LEAST do something new with it, and that's what I'm going to do with the moves of a man who spawned a meme.
Forewarning like with all my ideas, I am not fluent at all in the other languages the Heroes' speak, so all translations are rough ones at best with the exception of some Japanese words I actually know the meanings of.

General Info.

Name: Susanoo.
Class: Vanguard.
Sub-Categories: Adaptable, Harasser.
Faction: Samurai.
Can be Both Genders.

Health: 130.
Stamina: 150.

Weapon, Tachi: The predecessor to the famous Katana, the Tachi was the first type of battlefield sword wielded by the Samurai, boasting a blade length of 70-80cm, usually 75cm on average, the Tachi is longer then the Katana's average length of slightly over 60cm with a blade that curves much closer to the hilt as opposed to the tip of the sword. Originally used as a Cavalry weapon on Horseback, many a trained samurai found it to be an equally useful weapon on foot, though older makes of the blades were notorious for being rather brittle in long term engagements, the Susanoo have since vastly improved the make of the weapon, bringing a blade of the past back into the battlefields of the present.
As the Susanoo uses a Static Guard with a blade that isn't as long as an Odachi, their Stances are slightly different from the Orochi and Kensei. In their Side stances, the Susanoo uses the Seigan-No-Kamae Stance, with the Right Side having them lead with their Right Foot with their Right hand further up the sword's hilt and the Left Stance being the inverse. For their Top Stance, they use the Hasso-No-Kamae stance, which visually is similar to Kensei's Side Stances, but standing more straight up and actually being used in the way it was intended, to prepare for Downward strikes.

Armor and Height: With the forming of the Chimera alliance, Metal has become a much more common sight in the Mire, and as such, the Susanoo have access to, and have outfitted themselves with proper Metal Armor. Their Default set and its variations are based off a "Gusoku", a full suit of Japanese Plate Armor composed of a Dou, Kusazuri, Sode over both shoulders, Kote sleeves, a Steel Kabuto, a Metal Mengu to protect the face, iron plated Haidate and iron Suneate around their shins.
Their first "Different" set trades out the Iron pieces of the armor for Leather, which was another design of the Gusoku, with the individual pieces looking less "Bulky" and more lightweight, the Kabuto is also replaced with an Iron Jingasa hat, with some sets having the Susanoo's face revealed while others have their nose and mouth covered by a long cloth. Tozen's Set is found among these.
Their 2nd Set completely forgoes the armor in exchange for attire commonly seen in Samurai movies, a Yoroi Katabira Jacket and Yoroi Hakama pants along with a variety of Hairstyles and faces, some sets even give the Susanoo Body Tattoos akin to the Yakuza. Tozen's Alternate Set is found among these.
In regards to their Heights, the Male Susanoo stands at "Above Average" along the likes of Centurion and Valkyrie where as the Female Susanoo stands at the Male Average along with fellow Vanguards Warden, Tiandi and Kensei, and even female Hitokiri.

Backstory: The history of the Dawn Empire, is one akin to a violent tempest. Their homeland lost, their people outnumbered by their unwanted neighbors, theirs is an existence of survival, to push themselves beyond their limits so they may live to see another day. Considered among their greatest were the Orochi and even greater then them was the famed General Tozen, who was not simply content to master the blade, he had intended to redefine it, utilizing techniques that blended power and speed to devastating effect. Taking the Empire's best under his wing, Tozen was aiming to bring the Samurai's swordsmanship to new heights, until he had met his untimely demise on the capital's bridge.
Though their master had perished, the students vowed to continue his legacy, realizing their swords as they were were ill-suited to this new way of fighting, they began to reforge the predecessor of all the Samurai's blades, a weapon that could be both fast and powerful in equal effect, the Tachi. Its length at the medium between the mighty Odachi and the nimble Katana, it allowed these warriors to be powerful with their swings while having enough lee-way to allow for fast, precise strikes, emulating the speed and fury of a mighty storm. Standing in direct contrast to their former brothers and sisters among the Orochi, these warriors renamed themselves to something more apt for their new way of combat, naming themselves after the Kami and hero that slew the 8-headed serpent, Susanoo.
Though an art was invented, it was yet to be perfected, and the now formed Susanoo saw little to be gained in perishing on the field of battle so soon when there was so much to be done, but now war once more threatens to wrench away everything the Samurai hold dear, as the Horkos and their demented crusade tore down the peace the factions were so close to establishing. Now they could no longer afford to stay in seclusion, and so the Susanoo have joined their cause with the Chimera Alliance, to do what their Champion had done so long ago, they would take the head of a tyrant so that Peace may finally reign, and their Master's legacy would be remembered.


Art of the Storm: Landing Lights or Heavies or Deflecting attacks with "Mind's Eye" will "charge" the Susanoo's blade, upon landing and/or deflecting 5 attacks they gain the "Charged Blade" effect, causing their next attack that hits an opponent to "Jolt" them.
Jolted enemies will have all Lights they block be treated as enhanced, take twice as much chip damage and will gain Half as much Revenge when blocking attacks.
Charged Blade Duration: 10 seconds.
Jolted duration: 10 seconds.

Merciful Eye: The Susanoo can cancel the Recovery of their Lights and Heavies with "Mind's Eye".

Calm Skies: (Light, Light, Light (500ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 500ms))
Damage: 14, 13, 16.

Parting Seas: (Light, Heavy (Infinite) (500ms, 600ms-1000ms)
Damage: 14, 21-24.
Fully Charged Heavies gain Hyper Armor once the attack can no longer be feinted.

Rising Winds: (Light, Light, Heavy (Infinite)) (500ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 600ms-1000ms.)
Damage: 14, 13, 21-24.

The Storm's Path: (Heavy (Infinite) (700ms-1100ms (Opener)/600ms-1000ms (Chain))
Damage: 24-27, 21-24

Receding Rain: (Any Heavy, Light, Light (700ms-1100ms/600ms-1000ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 500ms.))
Damage: 24-27/21-24, 13, 16.

Twice Stricken: (Any Heavy, Light, Heavy (Infinite)) (700ms-1100ms/600ms-1000ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 600ms-1000ms)
Damage: 24-27/21-24, 13, 21-24.

Typhoon Kick: (Guardbreak after a Heavy or Chain Light (500ms (Bash))
500ms Whiff Recovery.

Typhoon Kick Alternate: (Guardbreak during a Side Dodge (500ms (Bash))
700ms Whiff Recovery.
Can be done 200-500ms into the dodge.

Surging Tempest: (Heavy after landing Typhoon Kick (600ms))
Damage: 17.
Leads back into the Infinite Heavy chain.

The Coming Storm: (Hold Dodge during a Forward Dodge)
The Susanoo breaks into a sprint while still locked onto their opponent, quickly closing any gaps the foe may have made. The Susanoo will stop running automatically when they get within Guardbreak range.
Can be stopped early by releasing "Dodge".
Drains 8 Stamina for every 900ms the Susanoo spends running.
Triggers 400ms into the Forward Dodge.

Crashing Waves: (Guardbreak during the Coming Storm (400ms (Bash))
The Susanoo performs a dashing Knee strike, knocking the opponent back a fair distance.
Guarantees nothing normally, but gives the Susanoo Frame Advantage and can potentially Wallsplat.
Drain 30 Stamina from the opponent.
700ms Whiff Recovery.

Sky Splitter: (Forward Dodge Heavy (700ms (Unblockable))
Aims at the Top Guard.
Travels far and tracks rolls.
Can be done 100m-400ms into the Forward Dodge or at any point during The Coming Storm.
Can be feinted.
Leads into Chains.
Damage: 20.

Stone Cutter: (Zone Attack (500ms))
Aims at the Left Guard (Player's Right)
Leads into Chains.
Damage: 16.

Mind's Eye: (Full Block (Unique))
The Susanoo briefly assumes a Defensive Stance that lasts for 200ms, if ANY ATTACK other then a Guardbreak hits the Susanoo during this period, they deflect the blow while stepping slightly to the side, causing the attack to be treated as a Whiff and giving the Susanoo Frame Advantage if they act immediately.
Starts at 100ms.
Has 800ms of total Recovery if nothing is deflected.


Common/Default, (Devourer): Executions restore an additional 10 Health.
Common, (Remedy): Restore 10 Health on Hero Kill.
Common, (Feline Agility): Gain a permanent Movement Speed Buff when you obtain renown levels. (Max: 10%)
Rare, (Vengeful Barrier): Gain a 25 Health Shield when you exit Revenge.
Heroic, (Clever Tactics): You capture Zones and use Banners/Offerings 15% Faster.
Epic, (Fresh Focus): When you're OOS, Blocks, Parries and Counter Guardbreaks restore 20% of your stamina.
Legendary, (Rapid Refresh): Upon killing a Hero or reviving an Ally, all active Feat cooldowns are reduced by 5%.


Level 1.
Raikiri (Passive): You deal 15% more Damage to Jolted opponents.

Tireless (Passive): Gain 16.67% Stamina Cost Reduction once unlocked.

Speed Revive (Passive): You revive allies 50% faster.

Level 2.
Raijin's Fang: Throw a dagger that Jolts the enemy it hits, deals extra damage if the enemy is already Jolted.
Normal Damage: 20.
Jolted Damage: 35.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Juggernaut: Gain constant Hyper Armor and a 50% Defense Buff for 10 seconds at the cost of being unable to run when Out-of-lock.
Cooldown: 90 seconds.

Inspire: Gain an Aura that increases the Attack of yourself and allies within it by 20%, and causes friendly minions to fight faster.
Radius: 5m.
Duration: 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 2 minutes.

Level 3.
Conduction (Passive): Your Attacks chain a bolt to the closest enemy near a Jolted foe and continues to chain to successive targets.
Bolt Damage: 75% to 1st, 50% to 2nd and beyond.
Chain Radius: 6m from the Jolted enemy and each victim of the Bolt.
Does not affect Minions or Pikemen.

Nukekubi (Passive): Gain Stamina on successful Attacks.
9 for Lights.
15 for Heavies and each enemy hit by a Zone Attack.

Punch-Through (Passive): Doubles your Chip Damage inflicted to Blocking Opponents.
Adds onto the Chip Damage Bonus on Jolted Enemies.

Level 4.
Ama-no-Habakiri: Deliver a Devastating Attack in a wide radius around you, Jolting every target hit.
2 second wind-up before the attack.
Has hyper armor during the wind-up.
Radius: 10m.
Damage: 60.
Cooldown: 160 seconds.

Stalwart Banner: Place a Banner that heals you and any ally inside it.
Heal: 84 HP over 20 seconds.
Radius: 4m.
Cooldown: 200 seconds.

Morale Booster: You and All living allies gain a 30% Attack Buff for 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 3 minutes.


To the Edge (Default): The Susanoo pulls their Tachi from the foe who tries to throw a punch at them only to have their arm deflected as the Susanoo delivers a clean cut through the opponent's neck, who doesn't even realize they've effectively been decapitated until they try to strike the Susanoo again, only for their head to fall off the moment they make the sudden move forward.
Health restore: 50.
Heal/Death Point: When the opponent's head falls off.

Gutless (Default): The Susanoo pulls their weapon from the foe and quickly after delivers a a Side Kick with so much force behind it that their foot punches through into the opponent's stomach, the Susanoo then retracts their leg, pulling it free and leaving the victim to collapse in a heap with a giant hole in their body.
Health Restore: 35.
Heal/Death Point: When the Susanoo kicks a hole in the opponent.

Tenka Goken: The Susanoo kicks their foe back before delivering a series of 5 slashes to their dazed adversary, ending with a Downward slice that goes straight down the center of the victim who collapses backward in a burst of blood.
Health Restore: 35.
Heal/Death Point: After the 5th and final slash.

At Both Ends: The Susanoo quickly tosses their Tachi towards their dazed foe who catches it with the blade facing towards them, immediately after the Susanoo kicks the foe across the face, making them fall over with the Tachi landing in such a way to where the opponent's neck is dangerously close to its edge. The Susanoo then steps on the victim's upper back to keep them from getting up and begins to apply more and more force against the struggling victim until they are forced down onto the Tachi's edge, decapitating them.
Health Restore: 50.
Heal/Death point: when the opponent is decapitated.


(Reminder, I do not know fluent Japanese.)

"Saa, Mairu!" ("Now, Here I come!") Sky Splitter (Male).

"Nigashimasenu!" ("I will not let you escape!") Sky Splitter (Female).

"Nurui!" ("Easy!") Typhoon Kick (Both).

"Osoi!" ("Too slow") Crashing Waves (Male).

"Tsumaran!" ("Useless!") Crashing Waves (Female).

"Sore o mita!" ("Saw that!") Landing an Attack after successful Mind's Eye (Male).

"Mada Mada!" ("Not good enough!") Landing an Attack after successful Mind's Eye (Female).

"Hanase!" ("Let go!") Counter Guardbreak (Both).

"Kogeki!" ("Strike!") Raijin's Fang (Both).

"Kirisake!" ("Tear apart!") Ama-no-Habakiri (Both).

"Munen da..." ("It's mortifying...") Dying (Male).

"Munen..." ("Regrettable...") Dying (Female).

"Waruagaki datta na." ("That was a futile struggle.") At Both Ends (Male).

"Minohodo shirubeki de atta na." ("You should have known your place.") At Both Ends (Female).

"Watashi o mata senaide kudasai." ("Don't keep me waiting.") Locked on Banter.

"Anata ga kōdō shinai baai. Shimasu." ("If you will not act. I will.") Locked on Banter.

"Nanigadekiruka misete kudasai." ("Show me what you can do.") Locked on Banter.

"*sigh* Jikan'nomuda..." ("A waste of time...") Locked on Banter (Large Health Lead.)

"Motto kitai shite imashita." ("I expected more.") Locked on Banter (Large Health Lead.)

"Karada ga shibireru no o kanjite kudasai." ("Feel your body go numb.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent.)

"Anata wa hangeki suru no ga yoideshou." ("You'd do well to fight back.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent).

"Kore wa sugu ni shūryō shimasu." ("I'll end this quickly.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent).

"Katajikenai." ("I'm in your debt.") Revived.

"Mada shinu tsumori wanai." ("I don't plan on dying yet.") Revived.

"Tatakau ishi wa orete wa oranu." ("My will to fight is not broken.") Revived.

"Mada waraneba naranu koto ga aru." ("There is still something I must do.") Revived.

"Kasurikizu da." ("It's but a scratch.") Revived.

"Sawaruna." ("Don't touch me.") Revived (Warmonger).

"Watashi no shikai kara hazurete, akki." ("Out of my sight, fiend.") Revived (Warmonger).

And... finished. Now, I highly doubt Ubi is going to do anything like this given the direction they've been going with their hero design lately, but hey, who knows. Anyways, what are your thoughts?
submitted by Oddly_red47 to forhonor [link] [comments]

My Take on Rivals: Bastard Edition

I thought it would be fun to do a take on rivals that really leaned into all of the awful parts of the game. This can also be titled 'poor taro is surrounded by maniacs'
Osana: Taro's childhood friend, just like before. Her biggest flaw is that her tsundere nature is somehow even more pronounced. She can't bring herself to admit that she has a crush on Taro at all, and tends to reference him in conversation tend to be how annoyed she is about the super cute way Taro walks, reads, anything. Her elimination method is getting the bullies to post about how hateful she is towards him on their blogs. She no longer is a fanfic writer, but instead is a full blown furry. The cat aesthetic? Not random. She's bullied after her InkBunny account is discovered.
Amai: Amai's head is full of cupcakes. She treats pinterest like a full time job. She's all smiles, sugar, and giggles. However, she sees Taro as an accessory, her version of a mannequin. By tueday of her week, she already has a board for couple costumes, a page of notebooks for wedding hashtags, wedding cake designs. She's only vaguely aware of what Taro looks like. Her elimination method is slowly feeding senpai the "obsessive" look books she's made. Her reputation elimination includes things like a video of her dropping a bowl of frosting onto the school floor, doing a double take, then putting it back in the bowl, and texts telling Yui Rio that she can't join the club because she doesn't fit the aesthetics.
Kizana: She's a theater kid. But like, one of those (tm) theater kids. She's on TikTok more than she's practicing her lines. She has a youtube vlog channel where she clickbaits like a motherfucker. She's the center of attention, all the time. She wants Taro to be her boyfriend because they like, Really need more male actors if they're going to put on book of mormon by the time she graduates. Don't forget, she also needs to have a second for cosplaying! Her elimination method includes mixing wheat oil and cocoabutter into her night cream, causing her to break out and subsequently switch to homeschooling while it clears up. If her channel gets discovered, finding titles like SHE SUMMONED A DEMON? *NOT CLICKBAIT* *SCARY* and SEDUCING MY BULLY *GONE SEXUAL* (ad) make her reputation plummet, especially once they find her crying, makeupless apology video.
Oka: Ruto. She's back from her mysterious break. She's into senpai because he looks just like her sleep paralysis demon, who she's had a crush on for years. She's paranoid, mysterious, and a little creepy. classic oka. However, Her obsessive nature includes stalking senpai and the Basu sisters, picking hair off of senpai's chair and around his locker for a voodoo doll, and walking in circles while she schemes. Her elimination method includes revealing her creepier aspects, like the voodoo doll, the recipe for her love potion (classic love potions involve period blood, honey, mandrake, and worms). Her expulsion method includes fake tripping, pulling down Oka's tights to reveal.... full sleeve stick n poke tattoos of lovecraftian scenes. She's expelled, but her work is so bitchin she gets recruited by the Yakuza's brother, giving her a steady supply of black magic material.
Asu: How does she manage to be so energetic all the time? She's energetic, and so bawdy about sports and seizing the day that she resembles a motivational page on facebook. She's going after Taro because she sees the turbo depressed nobody as a fixer upper. Her secret? She's not only juicing like she's making a mixed drink, but she's also selling some of the stimulants she's getting from her athletic director. Exposing her seedy drug dealings will be the hard part. Other elimination methods include rubbing her swimsuit along the locker room floor, giving her full body foot fungus, or stealing her stimulants enough that she crashes at the swim meet, drowning like a rock.
Muja: She's so done with this shit. Between bandaging Osoru's knuckles again, changing bandages on occult member's eyes, and treating the most.... disturbing case of athlete's foot she's ever seen, she has the most perfected customer service persona. Everything is "hi sweetheart, nice to see you again" and smiling and impeccably fake laughing at the principal's frankly disgusting jokes. Don't mistake her sweet smile and eye contact, this is a woman on the fucking brink. Senpai now has to report to her for panic attacks, and, like some men do, mistakes her over the top fakeness for her flirting. On friday, he'll confess to her, causing her to finally break character and kick him where it counts while berating him- causing him to go to homeschooling (he can't handle the social humiliation!!). Her elimination methods include bombarding her with increasingly minor and strange injuries (being bitten by the god turtle, nausea from drinking mop water, dosing five plus students with emetic via the cooking club), causing her to lose her cool, sweating, shouting, and having a full blown meltdown. Other elimination methods include leaking her "I hate my fucking boss" facebook posts and revealing she breaks HIPPA to gossip with her best friend who works at a lingerie shop (Yikes, poor Oka was out of school from using an unsafe tattoo needle).
Mida: Yikes. What can we say about her? She's like a female onision. She wants a teen, and senpai is the only one who isn't skeeved to hell about her (He's... different these days). She's a grade A creep whose background on her laptop is of a boy from stranger things. Not only is she a creep, she's also a HUGE Karen. She wants things her way, now. It's why she chases teens. Her elimination method is planting bugs around her desk to reveal her lewd and inappropriate behavior, finding her shota rp twitter, and tipping police to talk to senpai (they're on first name basis now) to reveal some of the things she's said. Other elimination methods include filming her overturning magazine racks at the convenience store because the clerk said they were out of condoms "some girl came by and bought them all, what can I do about it?" and shouting like a lunatic.
Osoro: She is literally a lesbian. She thinks she's being really upfront with senpai without explicitly stating it but the guy just is not picking up on the signal ("Geez, she and Raibaru sure are good friends, I even saw them holding hands at lunch!") Like how she treats the delinquents, she views Taro like a wounded baby bird she needs to protect, barely one step better than a literal baby. She even carries him around sometimes, it's kinda weird. When Taro confesses to her, Raibaru will go full yandere on Taro and break his elbow once she sees his hand touch her bicep. Her elimination methods include discovering that she caused her mother's death in a sparring accident, and has a criminal assault record. Other elimination methods include bribing a bully to read her mushy, adorable diary over the intercom ("Ru-chan is so beautiful, her hair is the tender yellow color of a blossoming daffodil. I wish I could plant a garden of her.... And her tender smile melts the ice of my heart, My aphrodite~!"), and increasing her reputation to the point that she joins the martial arts club and gets to kick ass to her hearts content.
Hanako: She's.... How did she manage to get into highschool.. She's so unbelievably empty headed and clumsy that senpai needs to spend all day protecting her from herself. She's always been like this until she recently transferred schools. Her elimination methods include placing things like baseball bats on the ground in front of her, distracting senpai, and letting her faceplant, influencing her to join the cooking club where she is expelled after serving medium rare chicken cutlets, cleaning the club room by mixing bleach and ammonia, microwaving a tinfoil covered mixing bowl, and blowing out the pilot light once she's done with the stovetop. After a week, senpai will be expelled due to skipping his classes to ensure Hanako doesn't accidentally trip and break her neck over a chair, staple her fingers again, having a tragic sewing machine accident, or lighing her pigtail on fire during chemistry (again).
Megami: She's actually really into Taro. In a wholesome, loving way where she listens to his classical music, writes him sweet encouraging notes, and tutors him in math. She's strict, but soft in an older sister way, and has a bright smile and loving demeanor when she's around Taro. Her big secret iis that she fucking HATES everyone at school. She thinks the student council members are playing baby police brutality, that the light music club are attention whores, that the cooking club are future teen moms, really judgemental nicegirls shit. Her elimination methods include revealing that she has an extremely lucrative onlyfans where she posts ASMR big sister roleplays. The shame of having a Saikou post big sister ASMR causes her to lose her lofty position. Alternately, she can be exposed to be extremely paranoid. She knows there's a yandere afoot, but everyone just sees her writing down people's details, checking security footing, and treating the school like a game of among us. Eventually her rich genuis persona wears off and everyone sees her like a richer Oka without the cute factor.

(LMK what you think!)
Edit: holy fuck, silver!?!? Thank you guys so much. This has done so much for my confidence 😭 this is incredible
submitted by pinkgobi to Osana [link] [comments]

The Dragon

I was raised as a Jehovahs witness and I remember being taught that the dragon in the Bible is also the Devil. Later I asked them about is the dragon in the Bible and Revelation and the cultural Chinese Dragon. I got the answer that the Dragon was a symbol for the Chinese emperor but now it is just a symbol for good luck. Apperantly the asian chinese cultural dragon has no connection to the devil-dragon in the Bible. But I clearly remember being taught in childhood that the Devil is also a Dragon.
I have to admit my JW upbringing legit convinced me as a child that chinese culture is kind of satanic.
The Kpop artist G-Dragon legit rubs me to this day the wrong way and make me feel strange.
Plus the fact that the dragon is a symbol among asian mafia in tattoos and amwf porn (which makes
me feel at the same time cringe as f and mildly irritated)
When I read Wild Swans by Jung Chang where she basically wrote her mother had an abortion because she felt she could better serve the Communist Chinese government. That moment I got
"child sacrifice for Communist Party" vibes. And I remembered all the stories from the Old Testament about the caananites sacrificed their children to their gods.
Being raised as a JW by former atheist parent from communist countries as refuges and immigrants
in Sweden , and reading the whole Bible legit fucked me up.
Because according to JWs fetus=child.
My parents were atheist raised during Communism. They only got into Jws after coming to Sweden after my birth because they both studied in Moscow.
But our life did not turn out good and I legit think the JWs are an organization to hunt down communists around the world and reeducate communists children into christianity.
My parents got threathened by social services and mm and my mother fled to Russia.
I still think all of this happened only because of my grandfather being a cuban diplomat in North Korea. My father also never baptised himself into the Jws unlike my mother.
Yes I have read the book by Yeonmi Park "To be able to live" and I can sympathise with her.
But what concerns me more is my grandfather who lives very poor in Cuba and despite being on pension he continues to work. No matter how much I sympathise with Yeonmi Park I am more concerned about Cuba and Russia and why the main population is so poor there.
I am also concerned with the artificial milk-producing companies invading republics not so far from my mothers republic only employing chinese from the mainland and producing crap unhealthy products to sell in Russia.

I remember the JWs literature having the focus on prozelyting "worldly" people especially Chinese in China.
I remember the literature where we were encouraged to "take the step over to Macedonia" where two girls prozelyted to two chinese.
I especially think of this when I discovered the book and movie The Bitter Tea of General Yen.
I also think of it when Jws get jailed for prozelyting in China.
Also I remember in the book "What does the Bible really learn?" there was this picture with an asian woman reading the Bible.
I feel that I have a weird relationship to Asians even thought I am half asian myself. I am half Cuban ,half Tatar. Tatars ara considered minority asians in Russia.
It started with when my blonde best swedish friend Hulda (fake name) father got divorced (the family were JWs) to his swedish wife and married a Thai woman. The swedish wife married an african refugee.
That legit made me start feeling doubt in my religion.
I used to go with my famly to a chinese traditional doctor who was very kind who gave my parents a traditional chinese cooking utensil.
My mother is best friend with a woman from Tajikistan that is Uzbek who was a wealthy woman during communist regime. We also know another woman from Kazakhstan whose dad was a politican but
who seems to have gotten some grudge against my mum. She also did a really mean joke after my fathers death about him being behind the Chernobyl accident just for being a nuclear engineer who worked there at one point.
Only after my fathers death have I seen really how nasty Huldas mother really is when she claimed my mother did wrong by escaping from social services with me to Russia. I told her she was bullshitting and lying. I also hate the posh polish JW woman who claimed I stole her daughters jacket in childhood. Now they just ignore us. I am really disappointed with the Jws and legit think they contacted our family
only to destroy my dad and make his daughter anti-communist.
I also really hate how poorly my parents got treated here despite their higher educations

My parents used to help a Vietnamese family with documents and helping them not getting scammed into laundering money . They were very kind but shortly abrupted our relationship and talking after the wifes vietnamese friend started talking about JWs being bad.
But I remember going to a school where a filipina girl hated me and used to put dirty water in my water drinking bottle. She was in love with a swedish boy from a nationalistic swedish party and was jealous because he showed interest in me. Btw the boy said he was a satanist when I told him I was JW.
Once I tried to make friend s with a Thai boy at school but it did not work out.
When I heard a higher educated russian man on Youtube complain about the asians and their cliques
and how we russians and cenral asians dont have our cliques the same way and how the west hates us russians I have to agree. I relly recommend everybody to listen to the Youtubers Revengestar, Vovan Japan 0.2 and Nazar Ilishev.
I some time read the manga Rosario Vampire with the vampire girl Moka Akashiya and when the russian youtuber Ashiya popped up with the same name it made me feel weird.

I was also really into Vampire knight but then I stumbled upon the website NihongoNews where
they exposed the dark side of Japan and all the red sun flag dark history so I remember when waiting outside a grocery store alone for my mother in Russia I saw an asian dude walking past me with red sun tattoos it made my stomach churn in discomfort. I also remember when I was lying in the hospital in Russia I got harassed for taking communist books from the hospital library to read.
There was this asian dude laughing at me for being shy and not used to talking to guys there.
Also once I got submitted into a psychiatric hospital alone and some asian girl and dude had sex behind a sliding wall while I was tied to bed. I am still angry on my mum for focing me in psychiatic hospitals 2 times just because I could not sleep at night. At the hospital there was also an asian nurse forcing a pill that fell to the floor into my mouth by force.
Also at the endocrinological hospital there was an really gruff , rough, hoarse main doctor without one finger (yakuza sign anybody?) that was really rude to my mum.
These are the 4 weird asians I cant forget. The one with the red sun tattoo ,the rude one ,the one behind the sliding wall and the one missing finger doctor. Watching japanese visual kei videos with the red rising flag makes me SO uncomfortable. I constantly remeber that guy who walked past me when I see that.
Also I got an operation on my stomach. While I was lying in the endocrinological part of the hospital I overheard old babushkas talking about the main doctor and his daugher ruling the hospital being very affluent poeple making the hard working babushkas pretty salty. They also insiniated I had had an abortion even thought I explained it was only the appendix that got removed.
I confronted my mum about it but she stands by that it only was the appendix.
Later I got maredreams and strange thoughts if maybe I was raped during sleep in the other hospital because I remember one day waking up and seeing a weird condom lying in the corridor (I slept in the corridor) and the asian guy quickly moving out after that. I also remember the nurses choosing especially him to once deliver me some pills I had to swallow.
But the most horrifiying memory I have is when the asian guy rolled me in a wheel chair and I remember him whispering some strange words I dont fully remember (dont be afraid?) when they transferred me from hospital to hospital.
I also read about Japan and China and the yakuza from books in the library while I was in my mothers hometown but later strangely these books disappeared.
I also I remember the constant flower kiosk named Sakura and tokyoflower in my city the sudokus selled in every kiosk and after reading all those horrible things about what the japanese did ww2 it just puts bad taste in my mouth.
I really find visual kei intersting with how they portray themselves as demons and its interesting to me that all the foreign visual kei arists are thai swedish, english and from the western world.
Especially SekimaII and their "demons" concept. They remember me of the female russian band U-kei.
I have been watching Kazakh pop the latest years and its unsettling to watch them don kimonos.
I have even seen tatar musicians do it.
I may be revealing to much of my life. But the internet has opened my eyes to how asian diasporas absorb everything around themselves. Reading asian supremacist subreddits here on reddit makes me even more uncomfortable. But my biggest beef that I have is when I read that chinese hate europeans and central asians but then I remembered the traditional chinese doctor named Pan who was so kind
and dismissed it.But there is tons of anti-asian ,anti-chinese info on russian Youtube.
But it is true that ex-communist immigrant dont support and band together judging by all the chinese shops,thai massage salons, indian resturants in my swedish town but no russian or central asian resturants. Even in Cuba I saw a Chinese resturant and saw the stories of the chinese residents in Cuba and the store selling asian, anime and K-dramas in Havana. Also the new Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan movie compared to the Borat movie reminded everyone that the new Han Chinese supremacist narrative is being pushed.
I was always so amused by the fact that Cinderella called the cat Lucifer in the cartoon and the pet dragon in Mulan and speculated over Disneys satanism.
My question is with the chinese dragon in the Bible.
My second question is with contemporary Israel and why is lbgt and femenism and abortion so accepted there if it is prohibited in the Bible. Like doesnt it bother anyone at all that the non-israelite people in the book of Joshua worship the sun and to me they SO much wakes up associations of the red rising sun flag to me ?
Because of this seeing the jewish star in japanese visual kei videos also makes me feel strange.
My father always had a negative opinion on Japan and Israel.
My second is when I saw the music video Ai-dolls -Ai-dolls (kyrgyz pop). Ai means moon in kyrgyz but means love in japanese so that reminded me of the manga Princess Ai and made me uncomfortable.
My cousin studies in China but refuses to tell me how he has it. He had a chinese girlfriend but broke up with her.
His father had a company named Thanks (Rahmat) Tea but his son got brutally murdered so the company died but strangely enough some weird product with the same name started selling while I lived with my mother in Russia. My mothers last name consists of the word Thanks (Rahmat).
My uncle got a sexual disease while flying to buy Indian Tea in India so that really got me thinking.
I dont shame Indian people ,my mother is friends with one.

But I clearly see that chinese culture is anti-Bible. I remember watching the tv-series Empress of China.
There Wu Ruyi (Meiniang) kills a girl named Gaoyang. Later I watched an Youtube video of a chinese man claim that the god in the Bible is the same as the ancient chinese God and he said that Gaoyang means lamb. It felt like deja vu.
I also remember watching a japanese Youtuber in russian talking about japanese mythology that it goes like this: The Japanese god fell in love and procreated with humans and from there went all people. I had biblical deja vu when I heard of this and remembered the band Seikima II.
The thing is: I remember a russian girl magazine adverising the Hinamatsuri , Japanese girl fashion and "The land of the rising Soul" to russian young girls I cannot phantom the sneaky evilness of the japanese people propagating and advertising their culture to young girls only for the young girls to fly to Japan only to realize that Japan is like Saudi Arabia only more advertised and pink.
And I know that japanese culture is actively advertised in Russia.
I remember liking anime ,Sailor Moon and manga and wanting to translate manga into minority language in Russia but when I understood how dark and twistedly obsessed the japanese are with demons it made me think twice. Also 4chan anyone?
Some Youtuber said that if you learn japanese and start reading 4chan you will regret you learned japanese.
What I have learned from the russian Youtuber VovanJapan is 1:Japanese people love themselves very much. I have read traditional japanese poetry and I think it is true judging by the poem "Loving Oneself" I read.
Also remember reading the japanese poem wher the man tells the women "Dont think you cant be replaced and are unique". That kind of attitude also is a turn-off to me.
And asian people reading this and hating me:I dont care.
My uncle was very kind and always gave left-over food to his north koran servants while being a diplomat.
But I really hate all the toxic, hating and bullying by asian and especially japanese people online.
I really dislike their feudalistic ,passive-agressive hating on the Internet.
Just look at all the hate Blinchik in Japan , lolcow farm, pretty ugly little liars , Yoo Lana and other
pretty non-asian ,non-japanese females get. It is sickening.
It is also sickening seeing how russian-speaking men praise japanese women and shit on russian women under Sergey Kuvaevs videos.
I just dont think rasistic, imperialistic, rising red sun-wearing tattooed asians should be walking around in my mothers home town and make innocent girls like me feel unsafe.
I see VovanJapans YT channel get taken down and it makes me think he speaks the truth.
The film Interdevochka also got a price in Japan I think that talks about something.
You can read my post as fiction from planet X.
I have read beutiful japanese traditional poetry and japanese mythology.
But I have also read ugly japanese comment hidden by anonimity on the internet and it makes me disgusted.
Like the only thing I can think of is the son Katoosha by AKB4.
But I have read russians saying it is very had to talk to japanese people because they are so quiet
and you have to force words out of them.
I think Japan is like the dentist clinic in Sailor Moon :Kawaii -Hawaii on the outside but horrifying on the inside.VovanJapan said that they do medical experiments on foreigners in Japan. I always think of Viagras music video Anti.-Geisha where a japanese girls shoots at you throught the TV.Or In-Yans music video Kamikaze.
I saw japanese hair salons and a sushi shop in my mother russian hometown.
I know a mongolian woman that works in a sushi shop here in sweden that has two married mongolian relatives living in japan working for a japanese car company.
Why do we russians celebrate the Victory over Germany , but not over Japan?
Why is there a monument remembering the japanese soliders in Russia?
Why do we Russians allow this to happen?
Why do we russians not stand up for ourselves?
I have watched DenTV and they tell about how the japanese think we russian dropped the bombs on them.It makes me sick.
I think that in japanese culture the concept conscience does not exist. At least judging y russian DenTV that is the case. They have shame culture but dont have the concept of sincere regret.
Of course I have never met japanese people in real life.
But I dont intend to try to Skype to a silent robot and try to force words out of them forcefully.
If any japanese think otherwise they can comment below.
I probably wont comment anyway as I am sick of seeing americans shit on Cuba and Russia in general.
So I am preparing for the communist haters!
I have teo questions:
1.Did the japanese ask forgiveness from Russia for their war crimes occuping Russia up tot the Uralic Mountains?
2.If not , What do they want from us crating Youtube channels saying they are proud of their forefathers who were soliders doing their duty in (Tatarstan) and marrying russian women?
Showing the monument commerating japanese soliders?
But the think making me most angry is when DenTV said japanese spies create anime communities in russian on the internet telling russian youth to commit suicide. That is the definition of going over all

The japanese really are Jorogumos on the World Wide Web searching for naive innocent flie-like russian youths to ensnare and push to sucide!
submitted by TatarCubanGirl to u/TatarCubanGirl [link] [comments]

The success of Setsuka's new design

So I'm a lore nerd that just graduated with an art degree and minors in history, and writing, and since I'm not working in a museum... or any relevant field for my degree, love a recession and a pandemic. I thought I'd dig into why this design of Setsuka is so successful. This will dig into her backstory a little bit.
First of all Setsuka is quite a bit younger in this game, assuming that she interacts with Mitsu during his storyline (1584-85) she'd be about six years younger then her original appearance putting her at 18, or a teenager (which is important to her new design). Setsuka's design has always been based around strong female characters present in Japanese media based in the 70's and 80's, originally based on the revenge (and sexploitation) femme yakuza films, this was particularly noted in her SC4 design with the exposed tattoo and singular arm, and the "tits out" look. She particularly takes note from a manga (which had a movie adaptation) popular at the time "Lady Snowblood" which is a fun little look into her name as hers is also based on snow, who just so happened to use an umbrella that hid a blade. Also from Oiran's but that's mostly from our good Lady Snowblood's influence. (source)) (source)) (source)
Setsuka's new design is also a homage to 70's and 80's media, but they took into account her younger age, and instead based her design on a sukeban or "girl boss" that would be present in a highschool, particularly of note is how she is covered, her hair, and how she is wearing her master's kimono over her shoulders like a cape (this is a more contemporary take on the sukeban archetype). These girls also made a pretty big surge in the 70's, and have stayed relatively popular in contemporary seinen (and some shojo) manga. (source) (source)
Now let's dig into the more specific parts of her design, specifically her hair, her shorts, her master's kimono, and her godforsaken shoes. (high res source photo thanks to u/Ramusu20)
Setsuka's hair is probably one of my favorite parts of this new design, it's disheveled, still partially dyed and mostly just put up so she can see. This is a really good insight into her character due to her being younger, she is clearly distressed due to the passing of her master, and it shows here. In her original timeline Setsuka was 24 at the time of her master's passing (and realized some very unhealthy feelings for him that I hope they eradicate in this retcon), this change is a very strong way of showing how grief effects one based on maturity. In SC3 Setsuka still looked very put together, and still dyed her hair fully black. This new design shows that Setsuka has stopped dying her hair actively, and caring for her appearance as directly as she did prior to this, she is distraught and she is young, she is so heavily focused on her revenge that she is letting her appearance go. Setsuka is also hyperaware of her appearance, she isn't from Japan she's blonde, blue-eyed, probably from Portugal, and doesn't look like anyone around her. She changed how she looked as much as possible to fit in (which is a really fun look into why she based her look on an Oiran originally because they were considered the most beautiful women in Japan!) Anyway her hair is great and the hairpiece is also a homage to her original design while actively keeping in line with her character and redesign!
SHE HAS SHORTS, like actually functional athletic shorts so she's comfortable and can move well, which is an idea present in her SC4 design; the "tits out" look was based on the ability to move her sword arm without restraint from the kimono her master gifted her (and was a popular visual in the 70's femme revenge yakuza films). I just really appreciate this on a practical level mostly.
(Also the rope tying she has around her legs, and upper body is very reminiscent of shibari style rope ties, which originated in Japan and I know about for... reasons.)
Her Master's Kimono, originally before he died Setsuka's master had gifted her a kimono, which is the one she wears in her P1 of SC3 and 4, it appears in this timeline he didn't get to do that, so she took his for (I hope to god) sentimental reasons, and not (I HOPE TO GOD) romantic ones. Setsuka's master acted as a parental figure to her, seeing as she was an abandoned foreign girl in Japan, and took her in and taught her to defend herself (this uh, this sounds like Amy's story a bit, and I'm just realizing this... anyway revenge). The act of wearing his kimono as a cape both adds to the contemporary sukeban visuals, and also, as ironic as it may be, show's that he's got her back (ooooooooh pun).
Anyway I hope they kill her romantic attraction to her master and push the parental one, as it'd make a lot better story since she's younger :)
Now her shoes, I don't like them, the rest of her design is an amazing homage to 70's, 80's and contemporary Japanese femme based media, and then there's the shoes. These four to six inch drag queen heels that have no basis in Japanese fashion, and (from experience) are fucking hard to walk in. On top of all this because they're chunky they don't even elongate her legs or add to her design. She should be wearing geta, she's always had geta before, why change this it does nothing, it's disjointed, it takes away from her design (if anyone can find sources on these shoes ANYTHING please let me know to ease my pain). The only remissible part of the shoes is the traditional way they are attached to her feet. I hate them.
TL;DR (closing words): Setsuka's new design is overall incredibly successful and stays true to her original concepts of classic Japanese media, while bringing in the fact that she is younger in a strong and meaningful way, the added layers of story-telling in her hair and master's kimono also give a good look into her character, and her shoes are terrible.
Edit: u/toymanjr31 has pointed out the east vs. west design concept present in Setsuka as well that I didn't really touch on, while this does explain the shoes I still have an internal bias against them.
submitted by Raggel_Muffin to SoulCalibur [link] [comments]

Smite God Skin Concepts Part 2: One for Everyone (I Hate Myself)

This was a massive undertaking the first time, the second time upped the ante. Check whatever gods you want, I'm tired.
Achilles - Trojan Horse (Wooden Armour.)
Agni - Greek Fire (A more green approach to agni.)
Ah Muzen Cab - Satyr Swarm (Blow dart type auto and tree based everything else with faeries instead of bees.),
Order of the Bat (Vampire skin replacing bees with bats and honey with blood.)
Ah Puch - Mariachi Madness (Spanish Dia de la Muerte skin, death mask and a maraca.)
Amaterasu - Solar Winds (Solar panel-like armour and a solar surfer a la Treasure Planet.)
Anhur - Ben Anhur (Charioteer skin like Ben Hur.)
Anubis - High Priest (Jackal Hooded Priest.)
Ao Kuang - Protector of the Eastern Sea (A Chinese Imperial type armour.)
Aphrodite - Beauty Queen (Beauty Pageant skin.)
Apollo - Soothing Voice (Therapist skin (pencil projectiles and therapy couch for ult.)), White Rider (A sickly man with a cold that never fades and a horse white as snow, he apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Apollo brings an unending plague.)
Arachne - Fate Weaver (Ethereal type skin (Think Osiris passive.))
Ares - Consuming Flames (Flame effects from any gaps in his armour ie top of boots or out of his shoulder pads.)
Artemis - In The Bushes! (Gillies suit and compound bow.)
Artio - Wild Woman/Druid (Feral Bear and disheveled clothes and hair.)
Athena - Brutal Warlord (Wasteland skin, tire pauldron, spike shield, rebar spear.)
Awilix - Moon.jpg (Dot skin ie Crit.dmg, Tron type ride. If anyone can suggest a better name for this one, that’d be great.)
Baba Yaba - Mortar & Pestle (Poison type skin.)
Bacchus - Lumbersmashed (Axe and Jug of Maple Syrup.)
Bakasura - Death Mantis (Self-explanatory.)
Baron Samedi - Chill Saturday (Stoner type skin, Saturday an allusion to Samedi meaning Saturday in french.)
Bastet - Bast (A dark fur, more sleek design with a classic style cat o’ nine tails whip.)
Bellona - Warrior Priestess (Classic rpg paladin/priestess type skin.)
Cabrakan - Spacial Rift (Galaxy Skin, Swirling nebula for his 3.)
Camazotz - Fruity Bat (Crazy Bat with a white beard and differently sized eyes.)
Cerberus - Turtle of Terror (Turtle stuff and water effects.)
Cernunnos - Outback Tour Guide (Australian kangaroo with boomerang.)
Chaac - Rain Bringer (Gambler type skin, rains money with 3.)
Chang’e - Lounge Singer (Flowing red dress, feather boa.)
Chernobog - Rainbow Raider (Multicoloured crystals, ult surfs in on a rainbow.)
Chiron - Follower of the Sphinx (Horse half is now lion, egyptian garb for human half.)
Chronos - Chronological (Chronos is now a know-it-all scholar.)
Cthulhu - Scientific Abomination (Partially human transforming into tentacle monster.)
Cu Chulainn - Ink Freak (Tattoo artist with a giant tattoo needle.)
Cupid - Humming Hearts (Hummingbird skin.)
Da Ji - Cake Topper (Like the other dessert type skins, ult is a narrow multi tiered cake.),
City Slicer (Kaiju type skin where she sits on a skyscraper.)
Discordia - Tarot Reader (Magician skin, 1 Ball of cards that scatter, 2 the death tarot card below them etc.)
Erlang Shen - Illusory Sage (Holographic armour and pet that's a drone in disguise, illusions flicker.)
Fafnir - Fear-ocious Greed (A Xing type skin where Faf’s head is a void and his armour is spiked and has a face, dragon form and armour are black and red with a similar fire.)
Fenrir - Bloodthirsty Beast (Fire replaced with blood, fur matted and lighter fur to show the blood better.)
Freya - Queen of Blades (Armour with sharper edges, bladed gauntlets etc.)
Ganesha - Club Bouncer (Ult is velvet rope, weapon is a nightstick.)
Geb - Lead Lined (Geb is like a nuclear bunker.)
Guan Yu - Savannah Strider (Guan Yu as an african warrior riding a zebra.), Red Rider (A burly, fiery armoured man with a blood red horse, the apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Guan brings the horrors of War.)
Hachiman - Black Rider (A thin ragged man with tattered clothes and an emaciated horse, the apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Hachiman brings with him a wave of Famine.)
Hades - Killjoy (Bat who laughs type skin with a more yellow colour scheme.)
He Bo - Cumulous Rider (He Bo rides a cloud and fires electricity.)
Heimdallr - Heim Dolly (Cutesy or female skin.)
Hel - Hel & Gel (Wateslime effects.)
Hera - Casting Stones (Hera is a living statue and Argus is more humanoid but also a statue.),
Year of the Jaguar (Hera takes on a mayan appearance and Argus a jaguar.)
Hercules - Zero to Hero (Possibly a Tier 5 where he’s scrawny but as he levels he becomes more buff and develops a godly glow.),
All Rocked Out (Hercules has a guitar, throws a spherical speaker.)
Lernaean Venom (Poison type skin with a hydra head in place of the lion on his arm.)
Horus - Lord of the Air (Horus takes a more regal form with darker feathers and air particles swirling his wings.)
Hou Yi - Sun Kissed (Beach skin with a more tanned mans.)
Hun Batz - Howlin’ Good Time (Party skin, Hun wearing an ironic tee.)
Isis - Mistress of Magic (Isis takes on a more magician look, flourishing with attacks and wings only appearing when she does.)
Izanami - Shrieking Banshee (add screams and a white tattered dress.)
Janus - Dodgeball Champ (sporty skin, 2 and ult dodgeballs, 1 hula hoop portals.),
SWAT Bot (police skin, 3 is a spike strip.)
Jing Wei - Eternal Oath (Jing Wei’s oath continues even if she does not, zombie skin)
Jormangandr - Leviathan (Jorm takes a more sea serpent/dragon appearance, slick instead of scaly.)
Kali - Body Built (either a frankenstein type skin or a bodybuilder, bodybuilder holds barbells and kettlebell.)
Khepri - Pyramid Protector (a sandstone statue skin with sand effects.)
King Arthur - Kingdom Defence (An Imperialistic red and gold arthur with a helm and castle inspired designs for his armour ie. guard tower pauldrons.)
Kukulkan - Firestorm (takes on a phoenix look with fire effects.)
Kumbhakarna - Instiller of Nightmares (Kumba takes on a Chern like appearance, creepy and dark with more spikes.)
Kuzenbo - Swamp Lurker (Creature of the Black Lagoon type skin perhaps with sludge dripping from him.)
Loki - Devious Mugger (an anarchy adjacent skin, mask, switchblades.)
Medusa - Stheno (Medusa takes on the appearance of her sister with bronze claws and tusks.)
Mercury - Speed of Light (Angelic skin with light effects.)
Merlin - King’s Steward (Merlin is dressed like an advisor of sorts, alternate name Elemental Advisor.)
Marlin (Merlin is now a swordfish man.)
Mulan - Chi Master (wears a DBZ style Gi.)
Ne Zha - Blazing Lotus (Beach skin shorts with flame design and a fiery lotus tattoo on his back.)
Neith - Longstockings (Pippi skin.)
Nemesis - Divine Retribution (Purple spiky skin, reference to her shield.)
Nike - V for Victory (V for Vendetta but a woman and colour swapped (white clothes, black mask.))
Nox - Aetherial/Night’s Sky (Wind effects with a toga. This is a reference to her being the mother of Aether, god of the upper atmosphere.)
Nu Wa - Prison Warden (Prisoner minions. In an ideal world, she would have a whip to replace her auto attacks but that's just me. Bastet could get a similar skin but with attack dogs(or cats) and could be her lieutenant.)
Odin - Rune Reader (Magical odin with a conjured Gungnir.)
Olorun - Stairway to Heaven (Heavy metal skin.)
Osiris - Uris (Osiris in all his buff, pre murdered glory, reference to his local name meaning mighty.)
Pele - Vesuvius (Pele takes on a more greek appearance.)
Persephone - Asphodel’s Keeper (An almost lifeless appearance with white birch like tree plants.)
Poseidon - Broseidon (frat bro skin with beer visuals.),
Posei-Don (Mafia skin.)
Ra - Burning Light (Opposite of a void skin, like a sentient ball of light in a vaguely human form)
Raijin - Djembe Destroyer (African inspired drummer.)
Rama - Phantom Arrow (Rama, like his one, can (theoretically) go through walls, ghost skin.)
Ratatoskr - Tree Crawler (Squirrel costumed superhero.)
Ravana - Cyber Stiker (Cyborg skin.)
Scylla - Kylla (Jack the Ripper from Fate skin.)
Serqet - Mantiqet (Manticore skin.)
Set - Emissary of Chaos (Set’s armour resembles Discoria’s wings and looks like a more wild beast.)
Skadi - Cyro-Mech (Skadi takes on a cyborg look and controls a robot dog with her watch. Kaldr’s fangs release liquid nitrogen.)
Sobek - Nile Crocodile (Plushy Sobek.),
Fish Bait (Angler skin.)
Sol - Pyromaniac (Part of a prisoner theme set with Nu Wa.)
Sun Wukong - Delusional Illusionist (Sun Wukong uses his “power of Illusion” to appear as animals and create a decoy. To get to his cloud he climbs a chain link fence, cloud is a bed of barbed wire. Also a part of the Nu Wa Prison set.)
Susano - Manslayer (Susano takes the form of a wandering samurai in the new Meiji era.)
Sylvanus - Call of the Wild (Sylv takes the form of a satyr and treeboi a more Ent-like look with more bramble.)
Terra - Metallic Monstrocity (Terra controls all the earth, including metal ore, which she coats herself in. She takes a similar look as Kevin from Ben 10.)
Thanatos - Pale Rider (An enigmatic figure with an obscured face riding a horse so white, it is nearly translucent. The apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Thanatos brings a wave of extinction as Death. He takes to the sky on the back of his noble beast.)
The Morrigan - Morgana (King Arthur’s sis and a powerful mage.)
Thor - Frost-slayer (Thor has a reputation for killing frost giants, this skin would reflect that. His hair is tied up, his armour more streamlined and in line with typical viking armour, a gambeson and chainmail.)
Thoth - Knowledge Seeker (A professor with a voracious appetite for knowledge and a tiny pet ibis on his shoulder, brown suit and all that.)
Tsukuyomi - Yakuza Enforcer (Tsuki uses giant tonfas, or nightsticks, and wears black trench coat hanging from his shoulders, anime style.)
Tyr - Morally Absolute (Compass design on his breastplate (moral compass lol) and as much symmetry as possible including a double edged blade.)
Ullr - Odin’s Successor (Ullr takes his place as Odin’s chosen successor, he would take on kingly attire, including a crown.)
Vamana - Sakura Shogun (Vamana dons a Japanese yukata and umbrella with cherry blossom designs.)
Vulcan - Trapmaster (As revenge for being tossed off of Olympus, Vulcan creates a golden net to ensnare Juno. This would be a younger Vulcan with net launchers on his back.)
Xbalanque - Outback Tracker (Australian hunter skin.)
Xing Tian - Relentless General (The Great General Xing Tian will not be conquered. He faces down armies with his armour donning the face of a demon to strike fear in their hearts. Basic idea is that Xing is still alive and had a face on his chest even before he was decapitated.)
Yemoja - Waves of Darkness (Void effects.)
Ymir - Nordic Earth (As Odin carved earth into existence from Ymir’s body, shouldn’t his body reflect the entire earth? I propose that Ymir have ice at his head and feet and become more tropical in the middle like the actual earth.)
Zeus - Ladykiller(Loverboy?) (Zeus' reputation as a prolific lover is one of his defining traits. As such, he should have a skin that’s younger and more alluring.)
Zhong Kui - Shinto Priest (Japan and China both use paper talismans to ward off evil so I figured why not give him a Japanese skin.)
Everything from here on is just some of my thoughts on this project, so if you don’t care, you can ignore this and stop reading.
This took me a bit longer than last time, but I figured I’d do it again but make it more pleasing to look at. This took a surprising amount of research and effort and I appreciate you taking a gander. I also wanted to put a brief synopsis of group skin ideas at the end and an explanation of some of the skin ideas in part 1.
Prison Escape - This would be an event or battle pass. Nu Wa and Bastet would be the jailors and Sol and Sun Wukong would be the escapees. This roster of escapees could always be expanded later ie, the Devious Mugger Loki skin.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - This would also be an event or battle pass. I picked the gods mostly based on if they had a horse or ult that could work well. Apollo, among other things, is a god of plagues and healing so he fit well for Pestilence. Guan is a war god and fits in similarly well. Hachiman is the outlier for not having any relation to famine, but had a horse so in he goes. Thanatos, as Death, was the most obvious choice but the troubles in animating him a horse to fly on would make him the final tier reward.
Gambler’s Paradise - The first gambler skin I thought of in the first part of this came long before I knew Hera was going to get just such a skin. They would likely come out individually, much like said Hera skin. They include; Game Master Ullr, Death Dealer Hades, High Roller Baron Samedi, Lounge Singer Chang’e and Rain Bringer Chaac. I was also hoping they would take on a prohibition or fifties vibe.
Divine Masquerade - I took a real liking to Isis’ Midnight Raven skin and figured a few more gods could look good in a similar style. These were; V for Victory Nike, Undead Masquerade Ah Puch, Jazz Musician Heimdallr and Night’s Mistress Nox.
Coincidentally, I had a lot of African themed skins. I wanted to give the Yoruba Pantheon more representation because it’ll probably be a while until they get their next rep in Smite. Same goes for Japan, as I took heavy inspiration from anime for a couple of the skins.
Now for things I’d like to expand from the first part of this. DJ Persephone would be better as Underworld Meistro. Golem Tamer Sylvanus would make more sense as Troll Tamer with Vanus remaining a goblin. Vamana’s Beach Bash was mostly because of beach umbrellas and he’s mostly shirtless anyway. Ratatoskr’s Nidhogg’s Vassal was a reference to the dragon at the base of Yggdrasil. Odin’s All Seeing Eye would have two pillars projecting a flaming head with one hole where his working eye is, not just a straight Eye of Sauron rip. Jing Wei’s Sea Tamer was either supposed to be a pirate or a Nereid though I wouldn’t mind both. Izanami’s Portal Mistress was inspired by her ult being a portal and that being Janus’ sphere of influence. Monkey Business Hun Batz was inspired by Punkduck’s Overwatch video.
submitted by RootZepplin to Smite [link] [comments]

Stolen from the fb subreddit f/that’s it, I’m inkshaming

Stolen from the fb subreddit f/that’s it, I’m inkshaming submitted by lekker_ding to ATBGE [link] [comments]

Q&A with Ursa Rysina

Many of you know that Ursa likes to communicate with her fans and often answers their questions, but since there are always hundreds of comments under her posts it's quite tiring to search them all. So, the enthusiats have gathered all her answered questions and posted them in the vk group related to Chasing you.
That's gonna be a long post. And spoilers are ahead.
General answers.
  1. Where does the story take place? England.
  2. What's time of year the events take place? Spring, end of April.
  3. How many seasons do you plan? At the moment we plan 3 seasons.
  4. Why not 5 or 6 seasons? Why to drag out the good story when we can write a new one?
  5. Who's the murderer? The murderer is a person who commited a murder. Wait for the logical resolution.
  6. How many episodes do you plan to release in the update? The amount of episodes depends on their difficulty. Sometimes even a month isn't enough for one chapter, sometimes not.
  7. Why do the first episodes promise us "the real detective" but in the other we've got more romance? Because the main suject of our app is in its name "Romance club". We can't leave romance without attention.
  8. Where does the title "Chasing you" come from? The detective and romantic parts of the story are interwined there.
Questions about working process.
  1. How do you create the characters? The designers create characters based on authors' description. Sometimes it turns out better than you expect, sometimes otherwise.
  2. The authors only write the text, afterwards there's a whole other process of a teamwork.
  3. Why do we have to replay the whole season in order to replay one episode? Sadly, technical limits.
  4. Who makes the translations to other languages? Full-time translators.
  5. How do you create soundtracks for the stories? The sound engineer creates them from scratch.
  6. Where's your office? Moldova, the main bulk of team is from Chisinau.
  7. Does Play Market stand in light of the writers with their demands by creating some kind of restrictions? PM has its rating limits and they can block the app if there are a lot of complaints about the content, but the main part of censorship that we have is inner.
Main questions about the story.
  1. How many Lis are in the story? Two main Lis (in the 1st season) - Sam and Alexander. There will be more Lis further ahead and Ellia is one of them.
  2. How long will we be able to fool around with different LIs? You'll have a choice to choose one LI. Until this choice pops up you are free to fool around with anyone you want, wherever you want.
  3. Stats are not connected with the Lis, choose the path you want.
  4. Is there a point to gather the stats equally? You can do as you like, but you must understand that there will be a point when it will not be possible to choose the answers with equally distributed stats.
  5. Yes, we have collaboration with HS, but we don't have a possibility to make it more significant as it takes a lot of strenghs and resources.
  6. Will we go to a different city/country? Yes.
  7. Agatha's surname is just a popular English surname, no other references. But her name - yes, and I advise you to get acquainted with Agatha Christie's books.
  8. Will the murder be stretched out through 3 seasons? By the end of season 1, the plot will be more clear.
  9. Could Annett stage her death? No.
  10. What did Annett want to change in her will? Our characters will guess about it, but I don't want to tell about it now as it will kill the part of the intrigue and you don't need that.
  11. How will the female LI influence the will? You'll get the clear answer in the game, somewhere by the 3rd season so that you could make your choice having all the information.
  12. Should we wait for a wedding? The ending is very controversial, there are moments which are not evident right now. Also the plot development after the wedding usually stucks and maximum that we can allow ourselves to do - one single episode to connect all the dots. Thus we can say, that the finale we will "sculpt" as the problems arise.
  13. If the MC decides to stay single, what will happen with the inheritance? Depends on your choices.
  14. Will the guys' outfit change? Yes, from time to time we will change them.
  15. Will we see more Swedish words from Alexander? Should we expect the same from Sam? Not necessarily, as I don't have anyone around who could consult me in Japanese.
  16. What does "lilla katten" mean? Little cat/kitten.
  17. Should we expect threesome with Alex and Sam? No.
  18. If we choose Sam/Alex, won't the other one stay single? Don't worry, the first one is a grown up and self-sufficient boy, the second one will always have those who hunt him.
  19. Will the other person disappear from our life if we don't choose them? (Like Adam in Q30>! if you choose Richard!<). I haven't thought about that yet, let's cross this bridge when we come there.
  20. Does winning or losing in the casino influence the story somehow? It does, but how much you'll find out in future.
  21. Was it intentional that the date on the ultrasound scan was torn away? No, just usual negligence.
  22. Will Agatha get the make up? We'll try her to have one.
  23. A tattoo/BDSM outfit from Alexander? It's the same situation as with the make up, we'll try to get her one, because the situation with the outfits isn't an easy moment.
  24. Will Agatha really get into prison? Yes, pack your suitcases.
  25. Will someone try to save her? Yes.
  26. Is it true that Alexander will have eyes for someone else apart Agatha? Or can we avoid this stranger if we have good relationship with him? Yes, Alexander will have one more object to put his eyes on. The girl will appear regardless of your relationship with him but the size of catastrophe will depend strictly on your choices.
  27. If we have bad relationship with the guys, will they save us anyways? Yes.
  28. When will be said about the relationship with our LI? As soon as it will make sense in the plot.
Questions about Agatha.
  1. What's her height and age? She's 175 cm, 22 yo.
  2. When's her birthday? Her birthday is your birthday.
  3. What's her breast size? 18-20 cm breast cup size D.
  4. When did she lose her virginity? At the age of 17, it was a big love.
  5. Will her sleep-walking play any role? Yes, a little bit.
  6. What was her mom's name? Irma. She's 7 years younger than Annett.
  7. Will we learn more about Agatha's past? We don't plan to pay attention to it, because it's not goint to influence the story.
  8. Why did Agatha gift two tickets to her aunt and not a single one? Will we use this gift? It's bad manners to gift one ticket anywhere, we need to assume that the person whom we make a gift has a companion. It's not known yet if we're going to use it.
  9. Is Agatha an athletic girl? Agatha is an athletic girl, she tried power lifting and did some track and field athletics in her childhood, sadly, because of her breast size it was quite hard for her. She does jogging. She often tries new things and never rejects adventures.
Questions about Alexander.
  1. What's his height and age? 180 cm and 25 yo.
  2. When's his birthday? 14th of August. Leo.
  3. Does he have a prototype? He was designed from the sratch, but his character is based on someone close to Ursa.
  4. Will we learn the story of his scar on his body? Yes, this scar is a part of significant event in his life.
  5. Did Alexander have a hard childhood? I wouldn't say so.
  6. When did he lose his virginity? He successfully stopped being an innocent boy at the age of 15.
  7. What kind of girls does Alexander like? Smart, a bit cynical, the ones who can put him in his place.
  8. Could Alexander hit Agatha in a burst of tempeemotions or go too far during sex? He would never hit Agatha, he could immobilize her - yes, but no beating. In intimate relations - strictly controlled pain according to safety rules and discussed in advanceю He's pretty responsible, Rachel was wrong saying otherwise.
  9. What does Alexander feel for Agatha? He thinks about his feelings for her.
  10. Where did he learn to steal so craftily? He has stolen several times from the MC! He always thought that the good detective should know how to expropriate daintily here and there.
  11. Why didn't we have actual sex with him? He doesn't throw himself at every girl he sees right away.
  12. What did Alexander think about their attic scene? He thinks their sex will be good.
  13. What will be his reaction if he finds out he's going to be a father? He'll need time to acknowledge what happened but in any case he'll take responsibility for his actions and will make everything in order to stay with the future mother and his child.
  14. Will we see his family? You'll see his mom for sure.
  15. Will he change his hairstyle? In nearest time - no, maybe we'll do something with it in season 2.
  16. Will we have normal sex with him by the end of season 1? Yes.
  17. What's his favourite colour? He doesn't have a favourite colour. He likes pineapples and girls without make up.
  18. Does he like reading? What genres? Yes. Detectives, crime novels and sci-fi, documentaries.
  19. What about his music preferences? He likes classical music, he'd like to listen to more of rock, but his strict upbringing makes him go back to Bach.
Questions about Sam.
  1. What's his height and age? 178 cm and 24 yo.
  2. When's his birthday? 9th of September. Virgo.
  3. Sam is Japanese.
  4. Does he have brothers and sisters? Yes, a brother and a sister.
  5. When did Sam lose his virginity? He's a decent guy, so at the age of 18.
  6. If we don't pursue him as a LI will he try some dirty tricks on us during investigation? No.
  7. Will he open up more to our MC? Yes.
  8. Yes, Sam is a "bad boy" inside, but he self-consciously goes to the image of "dandelion", not very successfully though.
  9. Can they become friends with Alexander and stop teasing each other? I think there's a possibility for it.
  10. Will we lose Sam? This blasphemy won't be forgiven, so we're not going to kill him off.
  11. Will Sam react to our infidelity like Alexander? The relations with Sam will develop in its own way, which is different from Alexander's. Every LI has his unique scenes and if Alex is attentive, notices every detail and shows up jealousy that Sam might not notice. And vice versa can happen.
  12. Can Sam be jealous? Yes, Sam can be jealous, but he thinks it's inappropriate right now and secondly he's Japanese, it's typical for them to hide their feelings up until the certain moment.
  13. Will there be another girl for Sam that we'll have to fight with? There will be something worse and deadlier.
  14. What about his music preferences? Sam respects Japanese yakuza and often secretely listens to some hard/rough music, which is popular among their kind, but in public he pretends that likes Japanese, Korean and American rock.
  15. When will he and Agatha start serious relations and will they show it? Sam is a well-brought-up boy. Agatha is a girl who recently lost her beloved guardian, got accused in the murder and got into lots of "adventures". Will gentelmanlike Sam force himself on her with the serious relations or will he sit and torment himself with the thoughts like: "We fucked, does it mean we have a relationship? Or not? Or yes?"
Questions about Rachel.
  1. What's her height and age? 165 cm and 24 yo.
  2. When's her birthday? 12th of October. Libra.
  3. How long does she know Alexander? Since childhood.
  4. What's wrong with her health? You'll find out in the next update.
  5. Did she have sex with Alexander? You'll find out in the next update.
  6. Will we be able to become friends with her? Yes.
  7. If we become friends with her, won't she need Alexander? No matter who is your endgame, those two will not have a falling out.
  8. AlexandeSam can be with Rachel? That's a very spending event, after the update many things will become clearer to you.
Questions about Dylan.
  1. What's his height and age? 180 cm and 20 yo.
  2. Will we become friends with Dylan? Good relations with him is still in doubt, but if everything goes according to the plan, he will initiate a very interesting turn of events and will appear at the very same moment when everyone forgets about him.
  3. Is Dylan really Annett's son? Yes. He isn't a doorbell baby and wasn't stolen from some playground. He's Annett's son for sure.
  4. What kind of relations does he have with Ellia? They are friends.
Questions about Ellia.
  1. What's her height and age? He's 2 metres high and 25 yo.
  2. Will we have a branch with him? Yes.
  3. What did his phrase about "the challenge" mean? The same thing it means in life. He's not going to back down.
Questions about Dante and Eliza.
  1. Will you change their outfits? Unlikely.
  2. Why did they stop appearing? They receded into the background, as their alibi have been discovered. They will still appear, but later. And now in the foreground there is something more important... an arrest, well, or the same killer.
  3. What's with their branches? The fate of branches is still under consideration because a lot of people are prejudiced against them and we have a plan to add more LIs soon, and it's really hard to write 5-7 LIs per episode.
Questions about Frederick.
  1. How old is Frederick? He's 54 yo.
  2. Where's he from? He's Norwegian, but got to live in Sweden and England and other places as well.
  3. What kind of business did he have? We'll find out in 2nd season.
Questions about Annett.
  1. How old was Annett? She was 52 yo.
  2. When's her birthday? 21st of April.
  3. Can we expect to see her funeral? Yes, we have in plans to arrange her funeral in the last episode of the season.
  4. What kind of business did she have? You'll find out in season 2.
Questions about other characters.
  1. Has Martha played her role? Not yet.
  2. Will we see Egor again? Egor is an episodic character, but anything can happen.
  3. Who do you like more: Sam or Alex? In the game - Alex, in life - Sam.
  4. If your characters would have graduated from Angels and Demons Academy from HS, which side would Alex and Sam they pick? That's a hard question. Both of them have enough of angelic and demonic points in their souls. We need a bigger story to understand it. What do you think?
  5. If your characters would study in Hogwarts, to what faculties would you send them? Agatha - Ravenclaw, Alex - Gryffindor, Sam - Hufflepuff.
  6. Can we combine Adam and Alex in one story? Adam is too dumb for Alex, he would mock the barbarian up until the moment he would have shot him.
  7. What do you think of SIF? That's the first RC story which made the first audience to the app. I appreciate and respect that talent of its writer to create complicated and far-ranging branches.
  8. Do you read fan fiction? I read one, you can see it on my wall. I don't have time for it.
  9. Will you write a book about the fate of your characters? All the characters and stories, published in the app, are the intellectual property of the company and cannot be used by me in commercial activities. I can promise you: if I write a book in my free time, it will have other characters, a different plot, a lot of bad humor and a disregard for PG, PR and so on. And yes, I will announce this on my page.
  10. What's your personal take on Sam and Alexander? Are they like your “virtual children” once they are out of your pen? Or do you treat them only as LIs, like any other Agatha? Are you jealous of them? Each and every one of my characters is more or less a child, only I have the right to love someone more, and someone less. All LIs - without an exception, are my little crushes, and again, someone more, and someone less. I don’t know how to write about love for a person if I’m not in love with myself, therefore I religiously fall in love with my LIs and joyfully root for everyone. And I'm not jealous of them, no. I am pleased to see falling in love with my LIs, because, damn, that means I have a good taste X))))
That was long!
submitted by MandragoraFlower to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

Goro Majima: Character discussion and the significance of his tattoo

Get ready for a massive fucking wall of text built with my feels. I just finished Yakuza 0--so far, the only Yakuza game I've played--and promptly spoiled myself on the rest of Goro Majima's anti-hero arc throughout the series due to a combination of a quarantine situation and my unhealthy obsession with his lore, which I'm purging by writing this. While somewhat inconsistently written over the years, his transformation between Y0 and Y1/Kiwami 1 and ensuing characterization carries undiscussed literary depth within the context of details like his tattoo. It goes without saying that spoilers follow in the discussion, though I've blacked out some character reveals or deaths in the main post.
Biography/Character Development As series fans are aware, at some point between the end of Yakuza 0 (1988) and the start of the first Yakuza game/Yakuza Kiwami (1995/2005), our favorite one-eyed boi's personality does a 180 from a calm, collected gentleman to the Joker counterpart to Kiryu's Batman--at least, from the point of view of someone who started with Yakuza 0. Hell, Mark Hamill even voiced him in the English dub.
Fan discussion varies on whether Majima's crazy side (shown in most of the series and around the other yakuza post-Y0, and particularly in Kiwami 1) is an exaggerated defense mechanism for him to operate efficiently in the yakuza underworld, if his sane side (shown around civilians and occasionally Kiryu/Saejima, particularly in Y0 when he's imprisoned in his 'gilded cage' in Sotenbori) is a repressed/depressed act, or if both represent him accurately (à la Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde) and he's not acting. The only consistencies in his character seem to be his loyalty and his respect for people who display courage, honor, and independence. Out-of-universe, he debuted as an insane character who was later given backstory and depth; in-universe/in-game, chronologically, his seemingly gentle nature gives way to a maniac with touches of sanity. It is worth noting that the lead English translator for the game, Scott Strichart, has said that Majima "makes a conscious choice to... let loose," though this is never alluded to in-game.
To recount the rest of Majima's history: 1985 - We are unaware of how he acted pre-Yakuza 0, but know that he endured a year of isolated torture for insubordination to his superiors out of concern for his oath brother. 1988 - Yakuza 0 takes place. Even in Y0, Majima acts a little crazy at times in karaoke and in his Breaker Style, more so than Kiryu would. Additionally, during Y0, we see the loss of people he admires or who died to defend him, including Lee, Awano, Sagawa, and especially Nishitani--all of who contribute to his later personality. His wild persona is partially inspired by how he's treated while he's acting like a gentleman, including him being used by Sagawa and Shimano throughout the game--hence the 'dog' part of his 'mad dog' title--and giving up Makoto so she can have a happy life, both of which could have their own textposts. 1992 - As revealed in Yakuza 5 in 2012 anecdotally by his pop idol/superstar ex-wife Mirei Park: sometime between Y0 and Y1/Kiwami 1, he goes through an ill-fated marriage at 28 with a then-18-year-old, hits her after finding out she aborted their child without telling him, and divorces her in part to save her career. 2005 - The original Yakuza game/Kiwami 1 takes place. Majima stalks Kiryu every chance he gets. 2006 - After the events of Kiwami 2, Majima also temporarily leaves the yakuza to begin a construction company--a venture that recalls his business acumen and many dualities (civilian/criminal, destruction/construction, and the ultimate duality of the Yakuza series itself: strategic management minigame set against a lighthearted story/cartoonishly violent beat-em-up set against a serious story). (Majima continues to show up in future Yakuza games, but I haven't seen any character development easter eggs in his reactions to major game events like his oath brother Saejima being released from prison. Every biographer is biased, though--I believe I've underplayed Saejima's role in Majima's motivations simply because I've only played Y0, a game in which Saejima was barely mentioned. See character analysis by Scott Strichart in an AMA here) (contains major Y5 spoilers).
I argue that Majima's tattoo, which existed pre-1985, foretells his arc and represents the conscious dualities of his nature.
The Tattoo Concept art of Majima's tattoo Y0 Majima wearing the tattoo on his front Y0 Majima wearing the tattoo on his back
Every Yakuza (game) character's tattoo has an animal or figure that symbolizes them to some extent, but I believe Majima's has a deeper connection to his story arc as opposed to just his personality. (The same could be argued for Nishikiyama's koi in relation to Kiryu's dragon and Japanese folklore, or how four of the protagonists' tattoos from later games represent the four Eastern Guardians, but those are their own walls of text.)
According to the Yakuza fandom wiki (emphasis mine):
[Majima's tattoo] covers his biceps, upper chest, and stretches from his neck to the back of his thighs. It consists of a floral motif (similar to Shimano's), with a Hannya on his back, and twin snakes wrapped around his arms and chest.
I'm going to analyze Majima's tattoo in two parts: the symbology of the twin snakes in relation to his arc and the symbology of the Hannya.
Snakes - Analysis Why the snake, of all animals, to represent Majima? Why not the dog, given that his nickname is 'The Mad Dog of Shimano'? While Majima matches the energy and loyalty of a dog, a dog would represent only the acted, artificial facets of his personality: him being 'leashed' in Sotenbori or 'barking' at thugs. Even this nickname is a red herring; if he were called 'The Serpent of Shimano,' that'd ruin the point of his entire façade(s). The serpent, in addition to a plethora of more specific cultural and historical symbologies associated with it, is hidden, agile, flexible, cunning, and deadly. This suits both of Majima's personalities more completely--even as his 'Lord of the Night' persona, in his Y0 introduction, he uses calculated, indirect methods to deal with a disruptive customer as the manager of The Grand. (In my opinion, all of the Youtube video clips of this introduction leave out the best part: the end of the night, when the player controlling him returns to a tiny, bare apartment on the trashy side of town after having just made 100 million yen managing his lavish cabaret, and collapses sleeplessly on a bare mat on the floor for another night of PTSD flashbacks.) In battle, especially in Y1/Kiwami onwards, Majima's style is quick and knife-like, relying on his speed and agility rather than brute physical force. We also see in multiple cutscenes, especially in Y0 (if you don't already believe he's acting most of the time either way), that he's capable of deception and guarding secrets when needed.
This begs the second question--why twin snakes? As you can see in the concept art linked above, one of the snakes--the one prominently displayed on his chest--has its mouth open as if to strike, whereas the other--less visible and hanging off his shoulder--does not. They may represent the series' recurring theme of the Yakuza way of life being a dichotomy between criminality and civility. The snake alone represents the infinite cycle of death and rebirth in the classic symbol of the ouroboros, where it eats its own tail, and also has been portrayed for the dual contrasts of medicine/poison and good/evil. Whenever Majima embodies one of his personas, he 'sheds' the skin of the other, because much like pedestrian life (blood/married family, legitimate business, honesty, civility, tuxedo used for work, and long hair tied back) and Yakuza life (crime/sworn family, illicit business, manipulation, violence, snakeskin jacket that he chose, and loose short hair), the two are incompatible. His eyes are also symbolic in this way: one eye sees normally, while the other is mutilated and covered with a black eyepatch. This duality is displayed in Majima's many "snake skins," for (minor Kiwami 1 spoilers ahead) Majima is neither female (Goromi), lawful (Officer Majima), dead (Zombie Majima), a beloved celebrity (in-universe, anyway--Everyone's Idol Goro), nor a domestic service worker (at least in Kiwami 1--Taxi Driver Majima). We'll cover his last persona, Hannya-man, in the next section. The reason for Majima's duality existing is that psychologically, Majima needs both in order to be healthy and true to what he is: he needs to ground himself on occasion so he doesn't totally fly off the handle, and inversely, he needs to let his 'crazy' out in order to stay sane.
Hannya - Analysis According to the Wikipedia article for Hannya:
The Hannya mask is said to be demonic and dangerous but also sorrowful and tormented, displaying the complexity of human emotions. When the actor looks straight ahead, the mask appears frightening and angry; when tilted slightly down, the face of the demon appears to be sorrowful, as though crying.
The original Japanese legend of the Hannya tells the story of a jealous, hideous she-demon-slash-beautiful woman twisted by betrayal. The 'frightening' side of the Hannya is Majima's crazy side that he shows in battle and when dealing with other yakuza, whereas the 'sorrowful' side is Majima's life outside of the yakuza. In real-world Japanese culture, the face of the Hannya is a mask used in kabuki theatre; Majima is wearing a mask at all times (both figuratively, and also on the tattoo on his back). There is no one in the world whom Majima can show both his sensitive/caring side without being hurt or manipulated, and his bloodthirsty/criminal side (he joined the yakuza of his own free will multiple times and seems to enjoy the thrill of a fight) without being feared or putting others in danger, to except for possibly the powerful but righteous and emotionally-balanced Kiryu, which helps explain why Majima's so drawn to him.
We now focus our attention on Hannya-man, one of Majima's masks that he literally wears in a battle against Kiryu. In Kiwami 1, the main reason he fights Kiryu, despite threatening to kill him, is conversely to make Kiryu stronger after Kiryu gets out of ten years of prison. At the end of Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 2 (this entire section is gonna be one big spoiler about Majima's personal life through Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 5 - I wouldn't click past the next spoiler if you haven't played Kiwami 2), Majima goes out of his way to avoid revealing who he is to Makoto in-person, even though he loves her; his ignorance of her in order to shield her from the yakuza life is his greatest act of love. It's interesting how much Makoto and Mirei compare and contrast in their personalities and relationship with Majima. This addresses the question of why the Hannya mask appears "sorrowful, as though crying" from a different angle. Majima never fully got over Makoto, the only character who understood what his year of torture and losing an eye was like; when Makoto gives him a massage and some closure by chance at the end of Kiwami 2 after she reveals that she ended up having a son with the doctor who saved her, Majima mutters to himself that by thanking him and telling him that she's been happy, she's untied some loose knots he's had "for 18 years." He's kept count of this in his head. The game executes the 'show-not-tell' rule of storytelling masterfully here--Majima never directly shows her nor tells anyone that he's in love with her. We only get this impression by his body language, actions, and dialogue from other characters like Shimano. Majima doesn't discuss his civilian life, at least in-game. We wouldn't even know about (major Y5 spoiler) his failed marriage and dead baby from 1992 if it weren't for another character's dialogue in Yakuza 5. For all we know, Majima could really want to become a father, but can't--in addition to his actions (again, Y5) towards Mirei upon finding out what she did, he displays fatherly instincts multiple times during Y0's civilian substories/hostess training, especially towards Yuki, and throwaway lines of dialogue during those trainings indicate he's not completely averse to having a kid. Unlike the Hannya in her jealous fury, Majima accepts that he would never receive a 'happy ending' from his relationship with Makoto, only a bittersweet one. Yes, that was a symbolic massage pun. His civilian life is, in some ways, ironically more tragic than his yakuza one.
To conclude, Majima's tattoos tell their own lore--that of the multiple dualities of his story and character arc.
I'll wrap up with a quote from Kurt Vonnegut, a 20th century writer who turned to the absurd to sculpt the effects of PTSD:
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
Additional miscellaneous credit for this writeup goes to commenters on Youtube, Tumblr, Reddit, and various gaming forums.
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