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Weekend Reader: Two Haralabos Voulgaris Gambling Stories From The Past. (Very long).

[Note to this sub: Here are two gambling stories involving Haralabos Voulgaris. Two things you should know. 1) I originally wrote this for a completely different, anonymous audience and not for all the wonderful "Shoe Fitness Architects", "Pizza Delivery Engineers", Overnight Security Enforcers, and DMV Workers that I've gotten the pleasure of meeting on here during my time on /billsimmons. Instead, it will seem like I'm talking to a room full of strangers, and for the first time. So if you read something that you've already seen me say on this sub, you know the reason. I also sound “different” in this.
2) It's long. You've been warned, I don't want to hear shit about it being so damn long. Think of this as a throwback to the Page 2 days, when you knew a guy was going to take a huge, extended shit because he just printed out Simmons' latest article and ran into the bathroom. You know, the “glory days”.
If you read this on Friday, you can save this for your afternoon work shit. Read it on your phone though, because it's got a short YouTube clip in it that helps tell the story.
If you read it over the weekend, I suggest smoking a bowl beforehand, especially to our Canadian friends up North. Doesn't have to be Top Shelf, just something to buzz you going in.
That's it. Enjoy.
The recent news of the Dallas Mavericks hiring Haralabos Voulgaris as Director of Quantitative Research and Development recently blew my mind. I knew it was Bob's goal to be an NBA GM, and this job isn't quite on the GM level, but I still can't believe he's made it onto a real NBA organization. I still think of him mostly from his early 2000's poker and sports betting days, and I never imagined he'd be able to hold down a real job someday. I didn't think anyone from the gambling world ever could.
I was heavily into sports gambling and poker at the same time as Bob was ascending as a sports gambling force, from the late 80's until well into the 2000's. I didn't know Haralabos well, yet I heard about or saw him all the time. This pretty much describes all relationships in gambling to be honest. But I did make sure to hear all the stories about Haralabos back then, because they always made the gossip rounds and were usually funny.
I'm here to share two of Haralabos' famous gambling stories, to give you a little insight into the man. If you are an Old School gambler, you've already heard them. But they are now 15 years old, and I couldn't find a good telling already on the Internet, so new people might get a kick out of these. Sources are at the bottom of this post.
People need to understand that, back then (early 2000s), Bob was best known for two things: betting the NBA, and being a smart ass trash talker at the poker tables. Bob was a world class needler that people highly resented because he had “Fuck You” kinds of money and he sure lorded that fact over everybody. He found everyone in the gambling world incredibly stupid compared to himself, and wasn't afraid to let people know it. I guess that's not much different than his Twitter in 2018, except he's learned to be more polite about it.
It was amusing being in a poker room with Bob in it, unless you were the focus of his remarks. He did not have any boundaries and was merciless, and really went after people “Micheal Jordan style” with the ferocity of his put-downs. Asked to describe him, I'd say 98% of players back then would call him an “arrogant dickhead” (including me at that time), while 2% would say “really sharp guy who doesn't tolerate fools” (including me now). We would all agree that he could be hilarious.
With that set-up, here are two Haralabos Voulgaris gambling stories that let's you know what he was like back in the early 2000's.
Story #1
My favorite Haralabob story, which long time 2+2ers have already heard about and whose legend has grown over the years, is the infamous Freddy Deeb story. If you know it, you are already nodding your head. But hopefully it's new to you. It's a classic.
Freddy Deeb was a rich business man from Lebanon, but a lot of people thought he was Egyptian (close enough for poker players). “Fast Freddy” was a decent if unspectacular poker player who pre-dated the poker boom. So Freddy was a legit and well known regular even before TV got involved with the game, and parlayed that “real, genuine poker player” label into appearances on TV when the poker boom happened. He had strong credibility.
Freddy is probably most famously remembered for being accused of “Going South” by Johnny Chan on an episode of High Stakes Poker. Freddy handled that accusation in typical Freddy fashion – making a big deal about this small joke insulting his integrity, aggressively confronting everyone about it and challenging them to heads-up poker matches to prove his manhood. The dude could be a hothead. (“Going South”, which was more commonly called “rat-holing”, is when a player sneaks high denomination chips off the table undetected after winning a big pot, so he has no possibility of losing them back in a later big hand. It's a unethical way to play “hit and run” if you win big quickly, without the “running” part being as obvious as picking up and leaving immediately.)
The two things you needed to know about Freddy: 1) He was short. I mean really short, like 5'1” or less. Not to play Freud too much, but you can probably guess that the reason he spent all his time in poker rooms was because of this physical limitation. Poker attracted the social rejects like no other activity in the 1990's, and welcomed the physically and mentally defective in droves. It was a haven almost exclusively for nerds and losers, before TV made it cool for everyone to play No Limit Texas Hold'em, The Cadillac of Gambling Games (so hip!).
2) Stemming from #1, Freddy could have a short temper. If you are jumping straight into a “Napoleon Complex” accusation for Freddy, well, in this case you're the heavy favorite. Freddy was a quiet, nice guy for 90% of the time he played. But Freddy was quick to act like a gangster you didn't want to fuck with if you ever gave him the chance, with that persistent shoulder chip that will never go away. Everyone let him play gangster without comment as long as he still had a bankroll to gamble with.
Here is a YouTube video that illustrates both points perfectly. Watch the whole thing to the end for maximum comedy – it's fucking hilarious:
Here's Freddy acting like a super tough guy, and – in the moment - you can believe it too. Until the camera pulls back and shows the other players at the table, and then you get a height perspective of the whole scene. It's unreal funny at that point. Gus Hansen sitting next to him looks like Yao Ming by comparison.
So when this first HBob story happens, poker is just about to really take off. My guess is that it was around 2003-4, so the hype around poker was growing fast but still not close to the peak yet. The first Season of the World Poker Tour (WPT) had already aired, and it was a cultural phenomenon. Poker players were speculating already that WPT tournament champions were going to be as famous as top professional athletes, and with the same kind of ultra-lucrative sponsorship opportunities and endorsement deals. A very common topic at the table was how much getting to the final table at a televised WPT event was worth in fame, above and beyond any of the listed prize money. Perhaps a few million? It was a crazy time, and being on TV was all anyone cared about back then. Seems a bit silly now.
Freddy had been on TV a few times with some respectable runs in some bigger tournaments. The WPT and ESPN featured him in a few “flavor of the game” clips during their early poker broadcasts, and that seemed like a pretty big deal, especially to Freddy. TV Poker was grooming narratives and trying to create presentable, relatable stars in the poker world and weren't above adding in some artificial flavor to an otherwise unremarkable cast of characters.
Being a legit long time poker player was enough for Freddy to get some screen time – the TV producers could take it from there. I think the narrative was along the lines of how anyone – all ages, ethnicity, shapes and sizes could find a home in the poker world, and Freddy exemplified all that. It all went directly to Freddy's head, and he was not alone during this time.
Anyway, the story goes like this. Haralabos is playing in a very juicy high stakes poker game in a California casino, most likely the Commerce. The game was already full with 9 players, which is the max in most California rooms.
Haralabos himself was very new to poker at this time. He dabbled previously, but only started playing for big stakes in the past year or two because of the huge influx of new poker players, who watched the WPT on television and flooded into casinos, chasing riches. Thus there was easy money to be made. Before then, of course, he was focused on his NBA gambling. He was very near the height of his powers as an NBA sports bettor, and known pretty damn well in the sports betting world, if not the general public yet. Far more people in poker knew about Bob than he knew about them, though. He was just starting to get serious about playing poker. Bob knew about some of the bigger poker names he gambled with betting sports together in the past, but knew almost none of the newly (and artificially) created TV “poker stars” that ESPN / WPT had chosen to promote.
So Freddy walks into the Commerce one day and sees the high stakes poker table, and eyes the line up. Freddy knows this “Main Game” is incredibly juicy, and wants in – immediately. He calls the floorman over and insists they create an extra space at the table for him and for the game to be played 10-handed. 10-handed was actually the common number of players in Las Vegas poker tables at the time, and Freddy was usually based there. Freddy is sort of 'big timing' the floorman, reminding him how much he's played there over the years, how much rake he's given that casino, and how all these new poker players want to play with someone like himself, a big-shot, old school, now famous poker player.
There is nothing that poker players like more than poker room drama (except maybe comped food), so this commotion has drawn the attention of every table within earshot. Everyone near by was focusing on the Main Game with Haralabos in it. Drawn from many accounts, here is a recreation of what happened:
Freddy (accented, slightly broken English)(to Floorman): Johnny, there's no board. Just put me in big blind right now and we can play with ten.
Floorman Johnny: Table's not big enough for ten, Freddy. This isn't Vegas. Our players will object. Everyone wants their space.
Freddy: Just ask then. If there are objections then Freddy will wait. But no one will object! C'mon Johnny, how much action I give to you? Freddy is “action player”. Everyone wants to play with Freddy. They see me, they know “That's Freddy” and they want to play.
[Yes, Freddy was talking about himself in the Third Person. What can I say?]
Floorman Johnny (reluctantly, to Main Game): Guys, Freddy wants to sit and play 10-handed. There is no board an he doesn't want to wait around for nothing. Any objections?
Haralabos (immediately): I object. Who the fuck is this guy? [To Freddy] Buddy, you're not special. What makes you think you control this game? If more people come, then you can start a “Must-Move” game and play in that. Otherwise, wait your fucking turn like everyone else. Ok, buddy? [To Floorman, incredulous] What the fuck?
Freddy (heated at Haralabos): Listen, buddy. Everyone here know Freddy. Floorman. Dealer. Players. All know Freddy, love Freddy. Who the fuck are you? In Vegas, Freddy wants a game, the manager come running to help Freddy! They bring in best table to start new game for Freddy! They get best dealer on break to come deal! They bring in new chips, new cards for Freddy! They bring special chair for Freddy to sit in!
Haralabos: Oh yeah, Freddy? Is it a high chair?
A thunderclap of uproarious laughter rang out from all who were listening in, perhaps fifty people or more, all rubberneckers from other tables drawn in by the drama. There was no denying the spontaneity, no denying the reason, and certainly no denying the focus of who the laughter was directed at. Fast Freddy, all five feet zero inches of him, with the hair-trigger anger and never lacking words, was truly stunned and humiliated into silence. His eyes became squinted and his face was stuck in a wince of pain, his whole head turning as red as a stubborn, two-week old pimple that just wouldn't pop. He rocked back and forth as if recovering from a physical punch, not knowing what to do as a second, smaller wave of laughter began because it was just that funny, and now the story was being instantly re-told.
The few that were present and could actually feel sympathy quickly stifled their laughter, feeling the guilt of knowing the guy just got hit in his most sensitive area in front of a very large audience, and was truly wounded. They were hoping Freddy would finally say something, anything, to show that he wasn't completely crushed inside, that he wasn't as hurt as he seemed. Instead, Freddy walked away silently, his decades of “bluster armor” built protecting his sensitivity about his height laid on the ground, smashed.
Souls are crushed all the time in poker rooms. You think you've seen it all, and you just grow immune. But this one stood out, as almost a warning. You just don't want to get into a verbal war with Haralabob.
There is an addendum to this story.
A year or so later, and strictly by chance, Freddy and Haralabos found themselves at the same table during a big tournament. Neither man had forgotten their previous encounter (how could they?). By this time, poker was being covered in real-time by a fleet of new poker reporters and journalists, and, by all accounts, Haralabos was riding Freddy hard that day, with verbal put-downs and jokes at Freddy's expense non-stop. Freddy tried to play it cool, knowing he was no verbal match for HBob.
Until this happened. There was a Random Guy sitting directly on Freddy's left hand side who was new, didn't know anyone at the table (or their past history with each other) and who politely told Freddy this (recreation):
Random Guy (to Freddy): Hey man. You need to protect your cards better. I can see your hole cards flash sometimes when you look. I saw you had paint last hand. You need to learn to peek without flashing.
Freddy: Buddy, do you know who I am? I'm playing this game since before you were born! I win more money this year than you will have in your whole life! They ask me to write new poker book, that is kind of player I am! Buddy, I'm writing now, next time I see you I bring you a signed copy of my poker book!
Haralabos: Next time you should bring a phone book instead so you can sit on it and see your cards better.
Well, Freddy was playing it cool with HBob until then, but that last comment instantly set him off. Again, by the written accounts of the poker reporters live blogging the event, Freddy shot straight up out of his chair (though you probably couldn't tell...) and challenged HBob to a fist fight, screaming expletives at him and demanding a duel. Haralabob just sat in his chair laughing, saying he didn't want to go outside and fight Freddy because he didn't want to get arrested for child abuse.
Famous poker player Daniel Negreanu witnessed this incident live, and blogged about it at the time. I remember that he thought that Freddy would be a decent favorite in a fight between Freddy and Haralabos. But I have my doubts about that. Negreanu disliked Haralobob personally, like many poker players who ever faced him at that time, because HBob could be so vicious. So he was biased in his fight assessment, IMHO.
HBob was not a figher at all - more of a jester than a knight – but I thought he could always just stiff-arm Freddy by the forehead and then Freddy would be left with that cartoon 'swinging of the arms trying to reach him' thing while HBob could just jab him with his other arm. I would have made Haralabos the -200 favorite.
Story #2
This happened in the early 2000's, during Season 3 of the World Poker Tour, just a year or so after Story #1.
Haralabos had played in one of the WPT's big televised tournaments and made the Final Table. Not only that, but he ultimately came in Second Place, meaning he was going to get a LOT of TV time, which, again, most players thought was worth more than the actual prize money. Poker by now was white hot in America and was bringing so many people instant overnight fame. Players were resorting to obnoxious table antics and hyper displays of “personality” just to get a few seconds of screen time. Everyone was trying to create a “brand”.
Not to belabor the point, but before television made poker cool and respectable, it was filled with 95% scumbags and degenerates with almost no white-collar, working professionals. But TV poker didn't want to portray that sordid image. In the very early days, the WPT actually had a “dress code” for appearing on the televised Final Table, where a sports jacket and collared shirts were required and would be provided for you if you didn't own them yourself (in other words, for everyone).
Even the long time “Old School” gamblers were cleaned up and presented as daring adventurers instead of leather-assed angle-shooters they (we) really were. Known broke degenerates like T.J. Cloutier was turned into worshiped, heroic figures instantly, romanticized by television producers as sharp equity traders who practiced at the table instead of on Wall Street. The reality was that guys like Cloutier were hanging around poker rooms mostly to shamelessly beg recent winners for a buy-in, or even just a meal.
Under this ethos of “cleaning up poker players' images”, players were allowed to manufacture any kind of image they wanted if they were going to be on the WPT TV show. Producers for the WPT would ask each finalist for a biography, but did absolutely no fact or background checking at all intentionally, mostly out of fear of what they might find if they actually did do so. So with all that in mind, here is the official bio for Haralabos that appeared on the WPT website before his televised event, almost certainly written by HBob himself:
"Haralabos Voulgaris is a 29-year-old professional sports bettor from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This poker tyro brings a lot more to his first WPT final table than meets the eye. He is a playwright, holds a degree in philosophy, and his goals reach far beyond the green felt. His plans for the next 5 years include learning to play the piano, to have one of his plays performed on Broadway, and to win a WPT title."
I'm not sure how much of this was an inside joke, how much was just the pressure to appear white-collar in order to attract advertisers (remember, poker players were all thinking about future endorsement deals at this time), and how much of this was HBob's ego run amuck.
BUT COME ON! “Playwright”? Has Haralabos ever gone to a play yet, even in 2018? But that wasn't enough; he wanted to have one of his many, many written plays performed on Broadway very soon, because that's how dedicated he was to this art form! Just remember, this is the guy who widely known throughout the poker world for using his mastery of language to mercilessly torture midgets and other unfortunates at the poker table. Not exactly Tennessee Williams. Add in the piano lessons and the PhD in philosophy (philosophy!), and the fact that the WPT didn't bat an eye in putting this up as his bio, and the unintentional comedy is off the charts.
Haralabos claimed to friends at the time that it was mostly a joke, but as we will now see, he seemed to really care about this false image.
As you probably well know, there is a gap between when the WPT Final Table was played, and when the show based off of it is actually aired. By the time Haralabos' episode was about to air, he was staying as a guest in the house of a former poker pro named Paul Phillips, who only the most dedicated and old players will remember. (Paul Phillips won 2 WPT titles in the very early seasons, took the prize money, and pretty much disappeared from poker, going on to live a “normal” life. One of the few gambling success stories, IMHO).
Well, Paul was a practical joker himself, and he had found a way to hack his DVR and change the description of recorded programs, including Bob's WPT episode. Knowing that Haralabos was coming back soon to watch it, Paul changed the description on the DVR to fuck with him. The original show description was something like this:
“Six new players vie for the title of Champion of the LA Poker Classic Tournament. Players include movie star John Smith, astronaut Mark Hunt, playwright Haralabos Volgaris, undercover international spy Chris Jenkins, the crown prince of Wakanda Jerome Jones, and the inventor of the Internet Joe “Man Tits” Mande.“
Obviously the other names and titles were made up by me, but you get the picture. Anyway, Paul made one small adjustment, knowing Haralabos would see it:
“Six new players vie for the title of Champion of the LA Poker Classic Tournament. Players include movie star John Smith, astronaut Mark Hunt, uptight playwright Haralabos Volgaris, undercover international spy Chris Jenkins, the crown prince of Wakanda Jerome Jones, and the inventor of the Internet Joe “Man Tits” Mande.“
Paul then waited for Haralabos to return so they could watch the episode together, leaving up the modified description of “uptight playwright” on the TV and making sure HBob was in the room alone for a few minutes before starting the show, so he had no choice but to stare at the phony description.
Bob noticed it immediately. According to Paul, HBob started to get really worried, thinking that the show was going to portray him in a terrible light and edit him to look dumb and foolish, just because of that one word “uptight” in the description. Before even starting the show, HBob was already making excuses, telling Paul that he forgot they kept his microphone on at all times, and he said some critical things about the WPT's production crew, and now they were getting their revenge by calling him uptight. He kept bringing up ways he might have acted uptight during the Final Table and was pre-rationalizing them for Paul, who was enjoying it all.
This went on for the first 15 minutes or so of the show, with Haralabos worrying and moaning non-stop about being called “uptight” and wondering how they were going to edit him to look that way, until Paul finally let him off the hook. According to Paul, Haralabos didn't believe it was a practical joke and kept worrying and griping longer, until he saw for himself that it was just a standard WPT show with no unfair editing involved.
I'm not going to put too much on Haralabos for being so worried about his portrayal. Players really did believe that a good edit was the difference between a lucrative endorsement deal with Budweiser or Nike and getting nothing. The sky seemed to be the limit. BUT... the notion that Bob was just playing an inside joke and didn't really care about being known as a “playwright, piano player, and philosopher” didn't quite match up with his defensive and concerned attitude that day.
Source for Story #1: This is a very famous poker story that was talked about amoung players live and on 2+2 (the dominant, high-traffic poker forum back then and perhaps now) a lot when it happened. You can find snippets and references on twoplustwo.com. I'm sure other long time and knowledgeable players will verify hearing a version of this story before.
An account of it was given by Haralabos himself on the podcast “Big Poker Sundays” which he used to co-host with Scott Huff, but has long since disappeared. It was a part of Poker Road Radio, which was run by Barry Greenstein's asshole son before closing. As this story is now close to 15 years old and poker media is on life support, many previous accounts from blogs and recording are now gone, and thus a lot of it had to be reconstructed from memory. Part of the reason I'm re-telling it is because it was gradually being lost in time, and that is a motive to re-tell it now, for a new generation.
Source for Story #2: I got the exact WPT description of Bob's bio from the 2+2 Archive (http://archives1.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=5504109&page=0&fpart=all&vc=1). The story of the altered DVR description and Paul Phillips came from the memory of Paul's old blog on LiveJournal (“extempore”), which has long been deleted, and from my own correspondence with Paul Phillips at the time (we were pretty good “online friends” before the invention of Social Media. Anyone remember r.g.p. on Usenet?). Again, unfortunately memory had to play a large role.
I by no means want to pretend Haralabos and I were close. I knew about him and tracked him more than most poker players due to my sports betting background, but Bob was just one of a hundred different and strange characters in the gambling world that you'd recognize daily, none of whom you'd want to spend a lot of time with. We had some mutual friends, that's about it.
Both stories were written under the Geneva Convention rules, which explicitly states that all gambling stories worldwide may contain up to 15% of exaggerations in order to make the story more entertaining or dramatic and still be called “truthful”. Like all good gambling stories should be told. But the core elements are as faithful a retelling as I could make it, including the WPT description, and the key dialogue by Bob that was quoted the most at that time. It's the dates and locations I'm least sure about.
submitted by mcribgaming to billsimmons [link] [comments]

Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State & How To Break Free From The Slave Matrix

I wanted to make a post to demonstrate how the Deep State controls the world through Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery which is a major leg of Babylonian Money Magic.
Money really started in Babylon. They ruined the entire country & everyone became debt slaves. Back then, they used look at the King like an inspired God so it was easy to fool the people. They presented money as a useful tool but it was more like a siphon that would allow the Deep State to milk everyone. The basic premise is that make the people think money makes life better, get to to use it, and vacuum it all up. It is extremely easy to vacuum it all up when one prints money. The head of the Deep State has always been the money printing bankers.
Babylon was a Idol Worshiping hell hole with slaves, people sacrificing kids to Lucifer, and all kinds of sick stuff. The Deep State had the entire game rigged in their favor and the people were totally brainwashed. They always wish it was like this for us today but we are WAY smarter in modern times and more aware. Babylon was so evil that it was overrun in a war so they moved to Rome & convinced Julius Ceasar to work with them to enslave the masses with Debt Slavery. In exchange, Ceasar would make a fortune. He was an egocentric piece of shit like many politicians so he easily agreed. Overtime, Rome was completely bankrupted and that is the reason it fell. They convinced the invading Army to let them keep Rome & Rome was used to spread Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Slavery worldwide. Before Babylon, the entire planet was in a phase called the Golden Age when nobody used money.
This is the gist of it all. These bankers are basically the Khazarian Mafia. Their official title is called the 'Saturn Death Cult'. They worship Saturn as part of their religion & they sacrifice many to Lucifer including children, soldiers, civilians, and others. They are a Cult. These aren't just rogue businessmen that ruined the world. These are a religious cult with the religion being Lucifer. They are decepted into thinking that Lucifer will exalt them as Slave-Masters where each Khazarian gets 3000 civilian slaves. To them, they are the chosen people of Lucifer just like the Jews believe they are the chosen people of God. We are all equal so both are wrong. They keep wondering why Lucifer doesn't show up and fulfill the process like we wonder why Christ hasn't returned yet. I have dug into over 10,000 pages of research plus have read over 10,000 in college over 9 years studying Business Psychology. I know a little bit but I am in no way trying to brag. My only concern is a good future for us all. In my research, I have dug into books full of spiritual secrets. Just like the Luciferians have their evil book of secrets, we have our good book of secrets. Through digging, I found that Jesus has been waiting at the door for us to stop crying & start practicing the only 2 things that will bring a Utopia to the world (Love & Forgiveness). Once we practice this on a planetary scale, Jesus will arrive. I am afraid we were mislead into believing we have to wait for the world to get so bad that Jesus feels sorry for us and saves us. This is a great manipulation because it caused us all to want death & destruction because we think Jesus will come back. The truth is, the death & destruction is what motivates us to finally stop doing what we think is right, and start doing what the ingenious Jesus knows is right. Love builds planetary wealth because love means wanting to do good things for other people. When we are in a constant state of love, we are constantly channeling love in our local environment which makes it better even when we don't do anything! Here is a man who channeled love to 1 jar of rice vs hate to a 2nd jar of rice to prove the point:
Still, when people channel love, it means they want to do good things to other people or things. This causes them to improve their local reality. When everyone is improving their local reality at the same time or at least most people are, the world improves and becomes wealthier. A Wealthy Planet looks like a Utopia. Money has nothing to do with it. We can have all the money imaginable but if the planet looks like shit, it means its poor.
Forgiveness on the other hand ends revenge or negative Karma. By ending revenge/negative-karma, we stop destroying the world. Wars, infighting, ect.. all destroy the planet and make us poorer. Forgiveness ends the destruction. For this very reason, Jesus explained that if we want to live in a Utopia, all we have to do is love & forgive all people including those Khazarians. If a mass murder is caught, he can be forgiven, but he has to be quarantined for the sake of the other people. Its too risky to keep him free. Love means love to all people equally not just the mass murderer. Now, when we jail a man for 60 years just for selling crack cocaine, that's brutal. That's not showing any love at all. Putting him in a cage for 60 years causes much more harm than good. As you can see, the lack of love is harmful. Anyone can end up in jail. Almost 1% of America is in jail but guess who makes all the money from our criminals? The Deep State runs all business including corporations, the Government, & illegal businesses like human trafficking.
By the way, all these tips are good for all religions including muslims, Jews, ect... Religions are all controlled by the Deep State from the top. All Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect.. leaders are all Deep State Luciferians fooling us all. For Christians, they tried to make religion as cheesy and non-nonsensical as possible so that we would be repulsed and become atheists. They also made every action into a sin to imprison us. Sex, for example, is no sin. The idea that we have to be perfect is a Deep State plant to confuse the masses. Its about growth, not perfection. Religion doesn't matter. Religions are just cults trying to tell us how to think. We don't need them or their priests to reach God. All of life is God.
Some may be wondering why this economic post has shifted to religion, it is because religion is a key part of it. The Khazarian Mafia isn't like a TV mafia that robs everyone. They are a religious cult worshiping Lucifer. If anyone wants to know more about Lucifer & his direct connection to the cult who is milking the world, you can read it here: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing_how_archons_are_milking_humanity_for_an/
So this is the Deep State. They created Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery strictly to ruin the world by transferring all the wealth from the 99.9% to them. They do this for various reasons, not just money. They want to breed misery & suffering for all kinds of reasons but one of them is to cripple humanity so that we can't help ourselves or progress in life. This way, we stay low & easily exploitable. The only reason we are piercing through their iron grip as we speak is because we are mentally evolving beyond their control. Its like if a man keeps pigs within a fence. The pigs want to be free but they don't know how to be free. Eventually the intelligence of the pigs evolves to the point that they realize they can just ram the fence & run off into the woods where they will be free & happy. We are doing this as humanity right now. Mark my words this is true. It's not a matter if "if" but "when". This is why they are quickly trying to raise the level of tyranny with their attempts to start WW3 to create the Socialist, Luciferian NWO complete with Concentration Camps, genocide of non-Luciferians including atheists, 5G kill grid genocide to depopulate the world, legalize pedophilia & bestiality, sacrifice children to Lucifer openly, and all kinds of sickening things. Some of us here have been awake since 2016. It took us many months of ass busting work just to convince the sleepers that HRC was a pedophile or that the Deep State even exists. Later the woke ones pushed the fact they worship Lucifer. Keep in mind, we were laughed at, cussed out, called names, & all kinds of stuff when we were opening people's eyes but eventually, they woke up & started listening to all that is simply but the truth veiled in incredible secrecy. Now that people believe the world is run by a Luciferian cult, the next step is to understand that Lucifer is the leader of the intergalactic deep state but even Lucifer is in its final days. No matter what happens, just know this story will end good for all of us. That is guaranteed except if we do nothing but I can see all the woke people are working. The idea is to speed up the process so we can enjoy life. I won't go through all the Lucifer stuff here, but here is the link again: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing_how_archons_are_milking_humanity_for_an/
After the Lucifer stuff is understood, the final frontier is God. That area of things is utterly magical and I can in no way explain how magical it is in human terms nor can the human mind imagine it. Once the God element is understood, all of life makes perfect sense. Imagine if someone took you to an underground prison & said this is your new home for the rest of your life. You would probably panic, kick, scream, and get hysterical but then imagine if all your friends & family came in and said it was all big practical joke. You would calm down and shrug it off. That is the secret behind life itself. None of this is real. Its all a matrix video game of our own making but we have to agree to erase our old memories before birthing into this place. We are all incredibly high powered, totally evolved perfect being running this matrix for a long list of complicated reasons which will all make sense in the future when the worldwide Spiritual Awakening hits. The Deep State knows all about this but they are hiding the truth from us because the truth will set us free. It's too complicated to explain right now but if anyone wants to learn more about this, you can read "Conversations With God" trilogy but its really a 9 book set. Q even mentions stuff about this here and there. Here is Q mentioning how the Luciferians are milking us for LOOSE energy which is created out of Misery itself:
He is just hinting at it but it looks to me like he's warming up for the bombshells. If Q was really part of a fake show, which nobody knows for sure, then he is appealing to the really woke people who know what's up to convince us that he is real. Either way, considering the Khazarians have fooled us since the age of Babylon, we can never underestimate them. These people are Master manipulators using all kinds of technology to manipulate including AI tech.
So lets get back to how Babylonian Money Magic works.
  1. The top of the Deep State are banks because banks control the money printing machines. This means banks are infinitely wealthy. There is not a year that goes by when banks don't print a bunch of money for selfish reasons like to buy Corporations, to bail out their bankrupted Banks, to bribe 3rd world tyrants, to pocket in their own accounts, to fund the drug trade, to fund child trafficking, to fund ISIS, to fund gangs, & pretty much all kinds of very sick things. Banks literally own everything in the end. They are the secret hand behind every Corporation, Mafia, large Gang, Education Centers, & pretty much all things related to power. Who controls the banks? The "Saturn Death Cult". The "Saturn Death Cult" is the official name of Earth's Deep State. So now we can see why Banks are so utterly powerful. Not only do they control the money printing machines but they also control our money because we deposit all of it in their banks. From there, they constantly have 95% in use to produce more wealth. They hand your money out in loans, invest in new businesses like Uber, buy Bitcoin, or whatever they want. No matter what happens, they keep getting richer and richer and richer while we all keep getting poorer and poorer. Btw, when they claim the richest people are Billionaires, that is a total lie. I spoke to a very rich man who told me they have Trillionaire's, Quadrillionsiares, and beyond. Ultimately the banks are the richest. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the world! We have to share the other half and the rest of the Deep State hogged up most of the other half.
  2. Lower level controllers of money are also making a fortune. They always have. These are the people who rig the Stock Market to guarantee they make money, they get a cut of the money every time it goes from one country to the other, & they have an infinite amount of other ways to play us for fools behind closed doors. When they print money to pocket it, they reduce the value of our dollar. That is why a movie used to cost a nickel and now it costs $20. Imagine how much money they have been printing? They even control all the 3rd world countries because they give them money masked as "humanitarian funds" but its actually being pocketed by the tyrants, who in exchange serve the Bankers like slaves. Its very sad because the locals never see a dime. It all ends up in the 3rd world Deep State's pockets. Even in Jesus' time, they were making 40%-80% by exchanging money into shekels so that it could be used to purchase animals for sacrifice. Jesus got so upset at seeing this con-operation, he let the animals out and flipped over the money-changing tables. The Sanhedrin Group, a Deep State element that worked for the Roman Empire, already wanted to kill him but now they lost their money-changing business. Nobody dared change money while Jesus was still alive after that. They waited a long time before resuming operations. A group of Hebrews created an anti-banking league which went all the way to 33AD when the Romans came in and slaughtered them all in Jerusalem where they destroyed the Temple and all that. They wanted to make an example of that group. The Roman Empire & the Pope figurehead killed many, many people just to make themselves a lot richer. Eventually they bankrupted Rome causing it to fall. This is why empires fall. It is because the Bankers are milking it for all its worth. They are also harvesting money out of all the Corporations they own (they own most), their criminals empires like human trafficking, drugs, ect.., taxes, high education costs, and pretty much anyway they can vacuum up our money. They control the speed of the vacuum so the vacuum can go fast, or it can go so slow that money increases in the economy. The reason the economy improves is because the elites have to use that money to hire us to do their dirty work. So they are giving us money which improves the economy, but their high powered vacuums are sucking it all back up. They have many, MANY vacuums running all at once. Meanwhile, we are here doing all their dirty work as slaves for chump change. They pay us as low as possible because the more they pay us, the more they have to vacuum up all the money.
  3. All those taxes that are said to go to helping us are actually used to harm us. Less than 5% helps us. The rest funds child trafficking, drug trafficking, bribing politicians, and whatever is needed. If our taxes aren't enough to fill their greed, they just print money which is also a tax. Inflation is a tax. When people print money, the value of your money goes down so its theft. If your 5 cents buys you a movie ticket but then the banks print so much that you need $20 to buy a ticket, that means you have to really work hard to catch up. Its just like getting robbed. No different at all.
  4. They create a serious lack of money in society for a few reasons. One, it keeps everyone busy running menial jobs so that we don't have time to do stuff that matters like spend time with the kids, raise them well, collaborate online to discuss strategies for the future, exercise, or do jobs that matter like removing graffiti from our streets, figuring something out for the homeless, beautifying the city, ect... Instead, we stand like fools at Walmart taking people's money only to hand it to the Corporate Slavemasters who are controlled by the Bankers. Do you see how it all works? You spend an entire 8-10 hours just standing there and doing the same thing over and over again until you go crazy! How does this help the world? I would much rather have you clean up street graffiti to be honest. All a Walmart worker does is collect money for the Deep State in exchange for people picking up way overpriced products. The products are overpriced because they keep the amount of resources they have a highly guarded secret from us. They have such oceans of resources, if a 90 year old man even saw a glimpse of it, he would start doing backflips. That amount of resources is so insane that it would justify dropping the price of everything by over 95! Its like sand. We say sand is worthless but its only "worthless" because we have a seemingly endless supply of it. Nobody would pay me anything if I tried to sell them sand but it is a useful thing to have on the planet and we have so much that its free. The Corporations were unable to harvest all of our sand, and then sell it back to us for high prices. They do that with other stuff like oil, metal, wood, plastics, aluminum, ect... They just harvest everything in site, hoard thousands of years worth, and then pretend we have a shortage to justify high pricing & poverty. It's all a big gimmick folks. So they keep society as poor as possible to not only freeze us in place since we are busy trying to get money from their corporate slave jobs, but also to prevent us from making any progress due to all the lost time. Also, when people are desperate, they are ripe for Bribery so they bribe the shit out of us whether we are bribed with $11 an hour to stand for 8 hours collecting money for Walmart or if we are Bribed $100,000 a month to run drugs for them. They abuse the shit out of their black hat criminals btw. They jail them, juice them for whatever they can, & endlessly abuse the shit out of them demanding more and more. If they don't give them more, they jail them to punish them. It's completely sick. Those criminals acted out of desperation & they get sucked into the deep state whirlwind of hellish suffering. So they have us poor, extremely busy doing boring shit, and cornered. There is no other way to get money. The only way to get money is if the Deep State gives it to us or if we share what we have with each other. They have most of the money though. Even the money we deposited into banks is being used. If more than 5% of society was to withdraw, the banks would say they don't' have it because they don't. It's all invested in making them richer.
  5. To further the damage, they no longer use these corporations normally. A real hospital is totally different than what we see today. A real hospital is way more human and cheaper. The Rockefellers changed all that. They made hospitals expensive and barbaric. They hid all the cures. They make more money that way. They even poison all the air, water, and atmosphere because it makes you see more Doctors meaning more money for them. This is another money vacuum. They do this with so many things. They sell you addicting sugary bullshit all the time so you get addicted and unhealthy meaning you buy more snacks and go to the Doctor more. They run fake wars. They just pretend the 2 presidents can't get along and then they tell the tax payers to pay the gigantic bill to the corporations who create all the weapons, ammo, and gear. Dick Cheney made a fucking killing out of the Iraq War! I think he is running Haliberton. Obama ran the heroine fields of Afghanistan where he important all that shit and got all the kids addicted to heroine in our neighborhoods plus through pharmaceuticals. George HW Bush, aka Poppy because he's addicting to his own heroine, is the leader of the worldwide drug trade. We had the drug Kingpin of the world as our President. He started in Texas in 1957 with the CIA. What a joke. All these poor drug addicts got all fucked up for nothing. We blame the drug addict but I am showing you a vision of what's beneath the veil of illusion you are seeing in the world today. This is just about the most transparency as one can get because they will never give us transparency. Doing so would mean they cannot conduct all kinds of evils which they do behind closed doors. We can beg all we want. It will never happen. They printed out all the money and stole whatever they could to buy everything on the world and they have weaponized it against us. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the planet! When I tell people we need a max wage of maybe 25 million, they argue with me because they assume they will one day have more than that and they don't want any restrictions on their path to billion. Can you imagine how brainwashed Americans have become. We aren't seeing what is right in front of us. They broadcast the message of a good hard working American who goes to College and accomplishes all his dreams but this rarely every actually happens even for people with Master's degrees because they have Bankrupted America so badly, even Degree holders don't make much. The PhD college professors make $5 when they add up all the on and off hours they work. The university gives them a set amount of hours but overload their work so that they are forced to work past hours of pay or they are severely punished. Its disgusting. When its all said an done, they work 80 hours a week for $5 an hour. So basically thinking of it like this. They are destroying the planet and making a fortune out of doing so. We are the slaves doing it for them because we run all the businesses they claim to own. The only reason we do it is because they control us with fear. If we don't do shitty things on their behalf, they say they will cut us off. To say something to that the a population of people who are already financially desperate is a cold thing to do but they don't care. They are competing with each other to see how has the most Quadrillions. A desperate population is ripe for bribing. The man at Walmart doing repetitive movements is being bribed. The drug dealer is being bribed. Everyone loses but the Deep State wins. The House always wins.
  6. When the population is so desperate to survive, they just loan money at high interest rates. This is where Debt Based Slavery comes in. Once you owe money to someone, you become their slave. They are printing our own money at 13 cents a bill and loaning it to us at high interests rate so a $100 dollar bill costs 13 cents to make but they loan it to us for $100 plus interest. Rothschild, a foreign British James Bond like villain owns the Federal Reserve. He's not even American. He just made a giant straw to suck all the money out of America and put it in his bank accounts. Sure, he owns half the planet, but some people are ambitious you know. That's the magic of opportunity! I'm only joking but how many people do you know are so brainwashed that they think like this.
This is a gist of how Babylonian money magic works. Debt Based Slavery is the final element. It is the banks saving us from bankruptcy while putting us in this place to begin with. It's all big game and the 99.9% are the brunt of the joke. Even the politicians, Hollywood deep staters, MSM media, and other low level Deep State goons are part of the slave hierarchy. The only slavemasters are the banks. The rest of it operates as top down slavery. Everyone is a slave. Even if Rachel Maddow is making a lot of money by being a good slave, they force her into humiliating things like eating shit, fucking animals, and all kinds of horrid things because it pleases their Lucifer. The filthiest human beings on Earth who worship Lucifer are making the most money out of all of us because they rigged the system like a Casino and in a Casino, the House always win. The players always lose.
The only way to not lose in a Casino is to walk out. We can beg and beg century after century that they unrig the system but every time we do, they just point and laugh at our faces. They laugh all the way to the bank! No amount of begging or crying will help.
Do you know how they have stopped 7 billion people from standing up to the banks? Simple. They just put on a fake WWE show where seemingly benevolent forces are fighting the Deep State so that we end up being pacified and do nothing to help ourselves. This is called the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We see both White & Black squares but never realize all of them are on the same team. To us, its like a football game that never ends. The game just keeps going and going. Sometimes its between Republicans and Democrats. Sometimes its between the US and USSR. Sometimes its between the US and Nazi Germany. The Nazis are part of the same deep state as our very Government is. Those US & USSR were allies the whole time. They just used each other as bogeymen to trick us all into paying more tax dollars to expand the military. The military is not for our protection. It is to protect the Bankers from us but the soldiers who are inside the military are completely unaware of this. They think they are doing an honorable thing for us. You should see how shitty they are treated inside of the military. If you think we are slaves, they are the real slaves. I know because I did 3 years. Cops are another group of hardcore slaves who think they are helping the people but are really there to prevent the people from going against the Bankers and to milk us with fines. They don't pull us over because they care about us. They pull us over to give us a bill. No matter what we do, we are milked endlessly.
This is a general idea of how Babylonian Money Magic works. The House always wins. The people always lose. To create Socialism in America, they not only important a lot of the Nazi Party members like John Podesta or Rod Rosenstein or even Merkel in Germany, but they also are desperately trying to bankrupt America as fast as possible until we are standing in 4 hours lines for break and soup. Once this happens, they will rig up an emergency to suspend the constitution, install Socialism, open the concentrations camps, and prepare the world for the NWO with the Pope as the anti-Christ. Why are we using this system? Because we are brainwashed that with enough slave labor, we will become billionaires. It's all bullshit. The players never win in the casino. Only the Casino wins. Nobody else.
But, what if I told you there was a way to disconnect ourselves? What if we can just walk out of the Casino and be free? As in the example before, the poor pigs want their God given right for freedom but the little wooden fence is blocking their path. They don't realize they can use their combined strength to just ram the fence, leave, and be forever free. In the pigs mind, he is hopelessly stuck as a prisoner who is being fed only to be eventually slaughtered. It's not hopeless though, the pig will one day evolve to be smart enough to realize he can combine forces with the other pigs and break down the fence. That is exactly what we are facing here. The humans don't know what to do to break the cycle of slavery because people are seeing an illusion instead of the grim truth beneath the illusion. I have pretty much explained the grim reality here but there is a way of breaking out of the fence and freeing ourselves as a people. I spend 2 years studying day and night to figure this out. It's so easy. Not only will we be forever free, the Deep State will lose all of their power at the same time. To top things off, all crime related crimes will disappear, poverty will disappear, fake wars will disappear, everyone will be relieved of the insane amount of responsibilities we are put under, life will improve, planetary wealth will increase, freedom will be attained, peace will be established, the human trafficking trade will die alone with all money based crimes, transparency would be established, poverty would be erased, income inequality would be erased, the future NWO plans would be erased, and pretty much every aspect of life would improve.
If the Secret to our enslavement is that the House, who controls all the money including what we deposit in the banks, is money itself, then we should simply change the world system from a money-trade based system, into a gifting based system. To get a gist of the gifting based system, see the 12 minute video here:
The strategy is this: We already run everything including the banks. They just run the highest positions is all. The rest of the businesses, power centers, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, NATO, McDonalds, Apple, the Police, the Military, ect.. is all run by us. We make up 99.9% of the work force so we basically run it. The Deep State is the one who gives us orders from the top down slave-system they made. We do as we are told because we don't know any other way to survive without their money. Since we run the entirety of the system, lets just keep running it without the money element.
This basically means the bus driver refuses to accept payment, the deli guy makes free sandwiches, the police patrol the streets for free, the furniture maker makes stuff for free, the wood chopping company chops wood for free, ect... We all do the same exact thing we are doing now but take the middle man, money, out of the equation. This will instantly free us up. No longer are jobs held up because of money problems. We can just keep moving without stumbling due to a lack of funding. We can hire more help without worrying about the costs. Everybody would not only work for free, but we would also consume for free. The world itself would pay for the consumption. As long as we keep moving, the machine keeps feeding us instead of the Bankers. When we use money, we are feeding the bankers, not ourselves. When we dump money, we are feeding ourselves therefore we are instantly a LOT more richer as a community.
As far as ownership, we can no longer consent that the Rothschild family owns half the world and the rest of the Deep State owns the other half while the 99.9% are stuck fighting over the pennies. No fucking way. This isn't working for me. It's not working for the people on this board. Its not working for people in Africa, Russia, China, or nowhere else on the planet. The only ones benefiting from this are the bankers. Once in a while we all get a good run where we do OK but that can change overnight. Some people are wrecked. They have a criminal background or a lot of debt or child support or whatever it is that is wrecking them. Many are homeless even though we have more than enough homes but the bankers want more money which we don't have because they stole it all. Even if we give away our restaurant food, the Deep State plants little trouble makers who are hired to claim they were poisoned by the food so they can sue the restaurant owner as punishment for benefiting society. Now the restaurant owner is forced to dump all of his food in the trash because he is afraid of getting sued. Again, he is controlled by money. Fuck all this bullshit. All we need to do is stop using their money and SHARE all businesses, education centers, Government buildings, and whatever the hell else is an institution means to serve society. All of that shit becomes equally all of ours. We would make it totally transparent so anyone can go into the back offices of Apple and inspect it for evil. Do you know how much evil, diabolical shit is going on now without transparency? Its disgraceful and sickening. These bankers & their Deep State minions have shows where children are murdered in savage wage right on stage just for their own entertainment. Some of these ritual slaves escaped and blew the whistle. They take people, put them in a cage, and burn them for their Satanic Rituals. These people are seriously fucking demented & they claimed ownership of the entire planet! We are sitting here just waking up to our own slavery. We didn't even know we were slaves just 3 years ago. So we would share all of the businesses & power centers. Our own homes and stuff would belong to us only. Anything personal is our own. Anything that serves society belongs to us all. All the hoards of resources, tech, and knowledge belong to us all. We just share everything as fairly as possible in our local realities.
Finally, we just work like regular and that job pays for our consumption. Anyone raising kids, going to college, watching a sick elderly person, or anything like that is already working so they don't need to find a 2nd job. That is a job. A lot of the women who wanted to go back to raising kids can finally do so. Rockafeller fooled women into thinking corporate slaves was a good thing. This way, the women get taxes and used as slaves while the kids find a new parent which is the government teacher once again controlled by the banking class. Then they lowered wages so that 2 people have to work just to survive. Having kids is so overwhelming, I seriously, and I mean seriously recommend not having kids right now. Either way, we need to naturally depopulate over the next few generations. 4-5 billion is good but 7 billion is too heavy. The Deep State wants us down to 500 million for control reasons while good people assume 4-5 billion is fair. Deep State does this through wars and mass murder. Good guys do this with education. As long as we work at least 25 hours a week, I think we will all be OK. All those boring, menial jobs where we collect money for walmart will be gone. All accounting jobs gone. All banker jobs gone. We want them gone. This way, we free up the people to do the more important work like finding homeless people homes, removing graffiti, destroying the drug factories, upgrading the hospitals, rebuilding war torn cities, and much more valuable thins. There is nothing valuable about some spending all year collecting money for Walmart. There is nothing valuable about running mathematical numbers to process taxes for the Deep State. The world isn't actually improving. We can really improve the world in an ocean of ways. That's real MAGA. That's fun MAGA and we would all be doing our own thing to MAGA. The world would very quickly build up in wealth so we can all enjoy planetary wealth.
So we end the use of money, share all things that serve society while keeping our private property (home, car, stuff inside house), and work/consume for free. This will knock out 2 birds with 1 stone. First, we will no longer be slaves. We will be completely liberated. There is no way to enslave us without the money. 2nd, we will pull the rug up from under the Bankers feet. Goldman Sachs execs will no longer be Gods among men, they will no be men among men. The new system would basically create a world of true equal opportunity. If I can do it, then you can do it. In this work, they say if Rothschild could own half the planet, everyone can own half the planet. That is complete bullshit and nobody should believe this shit. They laugh in backrooms as they puff on their cigars that we all seem to believe that we will be rich if we slave hard enough. All that happens is that we become slaves and stay poor with stupid pipe dreams. We would enrich the entire planet and level out the playing field at the same time!!! Who wouldn't want this except for the bankers of course or maybe extremely brainwashed people who cannot see through the illusion.
One last thing, I hope that Trump & Q are ready but considered we have been fooled since the age of Babylon, I wouldn't be surprised if we are fooled again. What they always do is put a seemingly benevolent force against the Deep State. They beat the shit out of each other on TV so we think good forces are fighting for us. This can be republicans VS democrats, the US vs Nazis, or whatever it may be. We end up rooting for the good guys without realizing they are all bad guys putting on a fake WWE show where the banker is Vince McMann. This is call the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. This is done so we end up being pacified and do nothing. For this reason, we have to do something as an insurance policy in case we are being bamboozled again.
We have a perfect plan to fix it all of the world's problems & shut down the NWO in 1 foul swoop. If we don't do it, God knows how many more generations will have to suffer before the woke population musters up enough courage to do it. Its better just to do it now and get it over with so we can reap all the many rewards, save our futures, and save the future generations. All it takes is loving cooperation just as Jesus said. We have to be united. Either unite or die. They push "Divide & Conquer" hard for this reason. We hold unspeakable power when united. Everyone will see that once we unite. They are afraid of a united people.
All we have to do is meme the shit out of this idea until enough people hear about it and see through the fake illusions the bankers setup for us. Once we think we can get 5% of the population to act, we just do it. 5% is critical mass. When 5% does something beneficial, the other 95% follow. We can do all this very quickly.
Think of us like a sports team VS the bankers who are another sports team. We were a disunited group of 7 billion VS a very united group of 8500. Once we unite, we will outpower them like crazy and this is done inside the mind so it doesn't take more than a second to do. Everyone is only responsible for their own mind. If you can do it, you have achieved success. Next, we push the idea non-stop until the masses find out just like we pushed the idea that HRC was a pedophile. It isn't really hard. It just requires persistence. Once we feel comfortable with our numbers, we push to stop using the money and just do it. We can do it nationwide but if people see us doing it here, they will be quickly inspired to do it in their own countries so I have no doubt this will become a worldwide event.
We are like the pigs who are upset about being fenced in. We found out in 2016 but now, after a lot of thinking and brainstorming, figured out we can push ourselves past the gate and be forever free. We can do this ASAP instead of waiting for decades for the Deep State to free us which will probably never happen to be honest. i think we are the hero of the story. The Deep State things we are the hero which is why they use the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We have to realize that we are the hero. We have to unite. We have to break through the gate together as a team. We will be free, NWO plans will be canceled, and life will become fun again.
Honestly, this is the most pivotal point in human history. Should we walk out of the Banker Casino and be forever free or do we keep trying to beat the rigged games even though we have been on a non-stop losing spree since the age of Babylon?
—————————————— More ideas for the future:
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Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State & How To Break Free From The Slave Matrix

Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State & How To Break Free From The Slave Matrix
Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State & How To Break Free From The Slave MatrixI wanted to make a post to demonstrate how the Deep State controls the world through Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery which is a major leg of Babylonian Money Magic.Money really started in Babylon. They ruined the entire country & everyone became debt slaves. Back then, they used look at the King like an inspired God so it was easy to fool the people. They presented money as a useful tool but it was more like a siphon that would allow the Deep State to milk everyone. The basic premise is that make the people think money makes life better, get to to use it, and vacuum it all up. It is extremely easy to vacuum it all up when one prints money. The head of the Deep State has always been the money printing bankers.Babylon was a Idol Worshiping hell hole with slaves, people sacrificing kids to Lucifer, and all kinds of sick stuff. The Deep State had the entire game rigged in their favor and the people were totally brainwashed. They always wish it was like this for us today but we are WAY smarter in modern times and more aware. Babylon was so evil that it was overrun in a war so they moved to Rome & convinced Julius Ceasar to work with them to enslave the masses with Debt Slavery. In exchange, Ceasar would make a fortune. He was an egocentric piece of shit like many politicians so he easily agreed. Overtime, Rome was completely bankrupted and that is the reason it fell. They convinced the invading Army to let them keep Rome & Rome was used to spread Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Slavery worldwide. Before Babylon, the entire planet was in a phase called the Golden Age when nobody used money.This is the gist of it all. These bankers are basically the Khazarian Mafia. Their official title is called the 'Saturn Death Cult'. They worship Saturn as part of their religion & they sacrifice many to Lucifer including children, soldiers, civilians, and others. They are a Cult. These aren't just rogue businessmen that ruined the world. These are a religious cult with the religion being Lucifer. They are decepted into thinking that Lucifer will exalt them as Slave-Masters where each Khazarian gets 3000 civilian slaves. To them, they are the chosen people of Lucifer just like the Jews believe they are the chosen people of God. We are all equal so both are wrong. They keep wondering why Lucifer doesn't show up and fulfill the process like we wonder why Christ hasn't returned yet. I have dug into over 10,000 pages of research plus have read over 10,000 in college over 9 years studying Business Psychology. I know a little bit but I am in no way trying to brag. My only concern is a good future for us all. In my research, I have dug into books full of spiritual secrets. Just like the Luciferians have their evil book of secrets, we have our good book of secrets. Through digging, I found that Jesus has been waiting at the door for us to stop crying & start practicing the only 2 things that will bring a Utopia to the world (Love & Forgiveness). Once we practice this on a planetary scale, Jesus will arrive. I am afraid we were mislead into believing we have to wait for the world to get so bad that Jesus feels sorry for us and saves us. This is a great manipulation because it caused us all to want death & destruction because we think Jesus will come back. The truth is, the death & destruction is what motivates us to finally stop doing what we think is right, and start doing what the ingenious Jesus knows is right. Love builds planetary wealth because love means wanting to do good things for other people. When we are in a constant state of love, we are constantly channeling love in our local environment which makes it better even when we don't do anything! Here is a man who channeled love to 1 jar of rice vs hate to a 2nd jar of rice to prove the point:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DcyDKW-V4AI0Z44.jpg:largeStill, when people channel love, it means they want to do good things to other people or things. This causes them to improve their local reality. When everyone is improving their local reality at the same time or at least most people are, the world improves and becomes wealthier. A Wealthy Planet looks like a Utopia. Money has nothing to do with it. We can have all the money imaginable but if the planet looks like shit, it means its poor.Forgiveness on the other hand ends revenge or negative Karma. By ending revenge/negative-karma, we stop destroying the world. Wars, infighting, ect.. all destroy the planet and make us poorer. Forgiveness ends the destruction. For this very reason, Jesus explained that if we want to live in a Utopia, all we have to do is love & forgive all people including those Khazarians. If a mass murder is caught, he can be forgiven, but he has to be quarantined for the sake of the other people. Its too risky to keep him free. Love means love to all people equally not just the mass murderer. Now, when we jail a man for 60 years just for selling crack cocaine, that's brutal. That's not showing any love at all. Putting him in a cage for 60 years causes much more harm than good. As you can see, the lack of love is harmful. Anyone can end up in jail. Almost 1% of America is in jail but guess who makes all the money from our criminals? The Deep State runs all business including corporations, the Government, & illegal businesses like human trafficking.By the way, all these tips are good for all religions including muslims, Jews, ect... Religions are all controlled by the Deep State from the top. All Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect.. leaders are all Deep State Luciferians fooling us all. For Christians, they tried to make religion as cheesy and non-nonsensical as possible so that we would be repulsed and become atheists. They also made every action into a sin to imprison us. Sex, for example, is no sin. The idea that we have to be perfect is a Deep State plant to confuse the masses. Its about growth, not perfection. Religion doesn't matter. Religions are just cults trying to tell us how to think. We don't need them or their priests to reach God. All of life is God.Some may be wondering why this economic post has shifted to religion, it is because religion is a key part of it. The Khazarian Mafia isn't like a TV mafia that robs everyone. They are a religious cult worshiping Lucifer. If anyone wants to know more about Lucifer & his direct connection to the cult who is milking the world, you can read it here: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing\\_how\\_archons\\_are\\_milking\\_humanity\\_for\\_an/So this is the Deep State. They created Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery strictly to ruin the world by transferring all the wealth from the 99.9% to them. They do this for various reasons, not just money. They want to breed misery & suffering for all kinds of reasons but one of them is to cripple humanity so that we can't help ourselves or progress in life. This way, we stay low & easily exploitable. The only reason we are piercing through their iron grip as we speak is because we are mentally evolving beyond their control. Its like if a man keeps pigs within a fence. The pigs want to be free but they don't know how to be free. Eventually the intelligence of the pigs evolves to the point that they realize they can just ram the fence & run off into the woods where they will be free & happy. We are doing this as humanity right now. Mark my words this is true. It's not a matter if "if" but "when". This is why they are quickly trying to raise the level of tyranny with their attempts to start WW3 to create the Socialist, Luciferian NWO complete with Concentration Camps, genocide of non-Luciferians including atheists, 5G kill grid genocide to depopulate the world, legalize pedophilia & bestiality, sacrifice children to Lucifer openly, and all kinds of sickening things. Some of us here have been awake since 2016. It took us many months of ass busting work just to convince the sleepers that HRC was a pedophile or that the Deep State even exists. Later the woke ones pushed the fact they worship Lucifer. Keep in mind, we were laughed at, cussed out, called names, & all kinds of stuff when we were opening people's eyes but eventually, they woke up & started listening to all that is simply but the truth veiled in incredible secrecy. Now that people believe the world is run by a Luciferian cult, the next step is to understand that Lucifer is the leader of the intergalactic deep state but even Lucifer is in its final days. No matter what happens, just know this story will end good for all of us. That is guaranteed except if we do nothing but I can see all the woke people are working. The idea is to speed up the process so we can enjoy life. I won't go through all the Lucifer stuff here, but here is the link again: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing\\_how\\_archons\\_are\\_milking\\_humanity\\_for\\_an/After the Lucifer stuff is understood, the final frontier is God. That area of things is utterly magical and I can in no way explain how magical it is in human terms nor can the human mind imagine it. Once the God element is understood, all of life makes perfect sense. Imagine if someone took you to an underground prison & said this is your new home for the rest of your life. You would probably panic, kick, scream, and get hysterical but then imagine if all your friends & family came in and said it was all big practical joke. You would calm down and shrug it off. That is the secret behind life itself. None of this is real. Its all a matrix video game of our own making but we have to agree to erase our old memories before birthing into this place. We are all incredibly high powered, totally evolved perfect being running this matrix for a long list of complicated reasons which will all make sense in the future when the worldwide Spiritual Awakening hits. The Deep State knows all about this but they are hiding the truth from us because the truth will set us free. It's too complicated to explain right now but if anyone wants to learn more about this, you can read "Conversations With God" trilogy but its really a 9 book set. Q even mentions stuff about this here and there. Here is Q mentioning how the Luciferians are milking us for LOOSE energy which is created out of Misery itself:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DV2aUkkVMAAxx50.jpgHe is just hinting at it but it looks to me like he's warming up for the bombshells. If Q was really part of a fake show, which nobody knows for sure, then he is appealing to the really woke people who know what's up to convince us that he is real. Either way, considering the Khazarians have fooled us since the age of Babylon, we can never underestimate them. These people are Master manipulators using all kinds of technology to manipulate including AI tech.So lets get back to how Babylonian Money Magic works.The top of the Deep State are banks because banks control the money printing machines. This means banks are infinitely wealthy. There is not a year that goes by when banks don't print a bunch of money for selfish reasons like to buy Corporations, to bail out their bankrupted Banks, to bribe 3rd world tyrants, to pocket in their own accounts, to fund the drug trade, to fund child trafficking, to fund ISIS, to fund gangs, & pretty much all kinds of very sick things. Banks literally own everything in the end. They are the secret hand behind every Corporation, Mafia, large Gang, Education Centers, & pretty much all things related to power. Who controls the banks? The "Saturn Death Cult". The "Saturn Death Cult" is the official name of Earth's Deep State. So now we can see why Banks are so utterly powerful. Not only do they control the money printing machines but they also control our money because we deposit all of it in their banks. From there, they constantly have 95% in use to produce more wealth. They hand your money out in loans, invest in new businesses like Uber, buy Bitcoin, or whatever they want. No matter what happens, they keep getting richer and richer and richer while we all keep getting poorer and poorer. Btw, when they claim the richest people are Billionaires, that is a total lie. I spoke to a very rich man who told me they have Trillionaire's, Quadrillionsiares, and beyond. Ultimately the banks are the richest. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the world! We have to share the other half and the rest of the Deep State hogged up most of the other half.Lower level controllers of money are also making a fortune. They always have. These are the people who rig the Stock Market to guarantee they make money, they get a cut of the money every time it goes from one country to the other, & they have an infinite amount of other ways to play us for fools behind closed doors. When they print money to pocket it, they reduce the value of our dollar. That is why a movie used to cost a nickel and now it costs $20. Imagine how much money they have been printing? They even control all the 3rd world countries because they give them money masked as "humanitarian funds" but its actually being pocketed by the tyrants, who in exchange serve the Bankers like slaves. Its very sad because the locals never see a dime. It all ends up in the 3rd world Deep State's pockets. Even in Jesus' time, they were making 40%-80% by exchanging money into shekels so that it could be used to purchase animals for sacrifice. Jesus got so upset at seeing this con-operation, he let the animals out and flipped over the money-changing tables. The Sanhedrin Group, a Deep State element that worked for the Roman Empire, already wanted to kill him but now they lost their money-changing business. Nobody dared change money while Jesus was still alive after that. They waited a long time before resuming operations. A group of Hebrews created an anti-banking league which went all the way to 33AD when the Romans came in and slaughtered them all in Jerusalem where they destroyed the Temple and all that. They wanted to make an example of that group. The Roman Empire & the Pope figurehead killed many, many people just to make themselves a lot richer. Eventually they bankrupted Rome causing it to fall. This is why empires fall. It is because the Bankers are milking it for all its worth. They are also harvesting money out of all the Corporations they own (they own most), their criminals empires like human trafficking, drugs, ect.., taxes, high education costs, and pretty much anyway they can vacuum up our money. They control the speed of the vacuum so the vacuum can go fast, or it can go so slow that money increases in the economy. The reason the economy improves is because the elites have to use that money to hire us to do their dirty work. So they are giving us money which improves the economy, but their high powered vacuums are sucking it all back up. They have many, MANY vacuums running all at once. Meanwhile, we are here doing all their dirty work as slaves for chump change. They pay us as low as possible because the more they pay us, the more they have to vacuum up all the money.All those taxes that are said to go to helping us are actually used to harm us. Less than 5% helps us. The rest funds child trafficking, drug trafficking, bribing politicians, and whatever is needed. If our taxes aren't enough to fill their greed, they just print money which is also a tax. Inflation is a tax. When people print money, the value of your money goes down so its theft. If your 5 cents buys you a movie ticket but then the banks print so much that you need $20 to buy a ticket, that means you have to really work hard to catch up. Its just like getting robbed. No different at all.They create a serious lack of money in society for a few reasons. One, it keeps everyone busy running menial jobs so that we don't have time to do stuff that matters like spend time with the kids, raise them well, collaborate online to discuss strategies for the future, exercise, or do jobs that matter like removing graffiti from our streets, figuring something out for the homeless, beautifying the city, ect... Instead, we stand like fools at Walmart taking people's money only to hand it to the Corporate Slavemasters who are controlled by the Bankers. Do you see how it all works? You spend an entire 8-10 hours just standing there and doing the same thing over and over again until you go crazy! How does this help the world? I would much rather have you clean up street graffiti to be honest. All a Walmart worker does is collect money for the Deep State in exchange for people picking up way overpriced products. The products are overpriced because they keep the amount of resources they have a highly guarded secret from us. They have such oceans of resources, if a 90 year old man even saw a glimpse of it, he would start doing backflips. That amount of resources is so insane that it would justify dropping the price of everything by over 95! Its like sand. We say sand is worthless but its only "worthless" because we have a seemingly endless supply of it. Nobody would pay me anything if I tried to sell them sand but it is a useful thing to have on the planet and we have so much that its free. The Corporations were unable to harvest all of our sand, and then sell it back to us for high prices. They do that with other stuff like oil, metal, wood, plastics, aluminum, ect... They just harvest everything in site, hoard thousands of years worth, and then pretend we have a shortage to justify high pricing & poverty. It's all a big gimmick folks. So they keep society as poor as possible to not only freeze us in place since we are busy trying to get money from their corporate slave jobs, but also to prevent us from making any progress due to all the lost time. Also, when people are desperate, they are ripe for Bribery so they bribe the shit out of us whether we are bribed with $11 an hour to stand for 8 hours collecting money for Walmart or if we are Bribed $100,000 a month to run drugs for them. They abuse the shit out of their black hat criminals btw. They jail them, juice them for whatever they can, & endlessly abuse the shit out of them demanding more and more. If they don't give them more, they jail them to punish them. It's completely sick. Those criminals acted out of desperation & they get sucked into the deep state whirlwind of hellish suffering. So they have us poor, extremely busy doing boring shit, and cornered. There is no other way to get money. The only way to get money is if the Deep State gives it to us or if we share what we have with each other. They have most of the money though. Even the money we deposited into banks is being used. If more than 5% of society was to withdraw, the banks would say they don't' have it because they don't. It's all invested in making them richer.To further the damage, they no longer use these corporations normally. A real hospital is totally different than what we see today. A real hospital is way more human and cheaper. The Rockefellers changed all that. They made hospitals expensive and barbaric. They hid all the cures. They make more money that way. They even poison all the air, water, and atmosphere because it makes you see more Doctors meaning more money for them. This is another money vacuum. They do this with so many things. They sell you addicting sugary bullshit all the time so you get addicted and unhealthy meaning you buy more snacks and go to the Doctor more. They run fake wars. They just pretend the 2 presidents can't get along and then they tell the tax payers to pay the gigantic bill to the corporations who create all the weapons, ammo, and gear. Dick Cheney made a fucking killing out of the Iraq War! I think he is running Haliberton. Obama ran the heroine fields of Afghanistan where he important all that shit and got all the kids addicted to heroine in our neighborhoods plus through pharmaceuticals. George HW Bush, aka Poppy because he's addicting to his own heroine, is the leader of the worldwide drug trade. We had the drug Kingpin of the world as our President. He started in Texas in 1957 with the CIA. What a joke. All these poor drug addicts got all fucked up for nothing. We blame the drug addict but I am showing you a vision of what's beneath the veil of illusion you are seeing in the world today. This is just about the most transparency as one can get because they will never give us transparency. Doing so would mean they cannot conduct all kinds of evils which they do behind closed doors. We can beg all we want. It will never happen. They printed out all the money and stole whatever they could to buy everything on the world and they have weaponized it against us. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the planet! When I tell people we need a max wage of maybe 25 million, they argue with me because they assume they will one day have more than that and they don't want any restrictions on their path to billion. Can you imagine how brainwashed Americans have become. We aren't seeing what is right in front of us. They broadcast the message of a good hard working American who goes to College and accomplishes all his dreams but this rarely every actually happens even for people with Master's degrees because they have Bankrupted America so badly, even Degree holders don't make much. The PhD college professors make $5 when they add up all the on and off hours they work. The university gives them a set amount of hours but overload their work so that they are forced to work past hours of pay or they are severely punished. Its disgusting. When its all said an done, they work 80 hours a week for $5 an hour. So basically thinking of it like this. They are destroying the planet and making a fortune out of doing so. We are the slaves doing it for them because we run all the businesses they claim to own. The only reason we do it is because they control us with fear. If we don't do shitty things on their behalf, they say they will cut us off. To say something to that the a population of people who are already financially desperate is a cold thing to do but they don't care. They are competing with each other to see how has the most Quadrillions. A desperate population is ripe for bribing. The man at Walmart doing repetitive movements is being bribed. The drug dealer is being bribed. Everyone loses but the Deep State wins. The House always wins.When the population is so desperate to survive, they just loan money at high interest rates. This is where Debt Based Slavery comes in. Once you owe money to someone, you become their slave. They are printing our own money at 13 cents a bill and loaning it to us at high interests rate so a $100 dollar bill costs 13 cents to make but they loan it to us for $100 plus interest. Rothschild, a foreign British James Bond like villain owns the Federal Reserve. He's not even American. He just made a giant straw to suck all the money out of America and put it in his bank accounts. Sure, he owns half the planet, but some people are ambitious you know. That's the magic of opportunity! I'm only joking but how many people do you know are so brainwashed that they think like this.This is a gist of how Babylonian money magic works. Debt Based Slavery is the final element. It is the banks saving us from bankruptcy while putting us in this place to begin with. It's all big game and the 99.9% are the brunt of the joke. Even the politicians, Hollywood deep staters, MSM media, and other low level Deep State goons are part of the slave hierarchy. The only slavemasters are the banks. The rest of it operates as top down slavery. Everyone is a slave. Even if Rachel Maddow is making a lot of money by being a good slave, they force her into humiliating things like eating shit, fucking animals, and all kinds of horrid things because it pleases their Lucifer. The filthiest human beings on Earth who worship Lucifer are making the most money out of all of us because they rigged the system like a Casino and in a Casino, the House always win. The players always lose.The only way to not lose in a Casino is to walk out. We can beg and beg century after century that they unrig the system but every time we do, they just point and laugh at our faces. They laugh all the way to the bank! No amount of begging or crying will help.Do you know how they have stopped 7 billion people from standing up to the banks? Simple. They just put on a fake WWE show where seemingly benevolent forces are fighting the Deep State so that we end up being pacified and do nothing to help ourselves. This is called the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We see both White & Black squares but never realize all of them are on the same team. To us, its like a football game that never ends. The game just keeps going and going. Sometimes its between Republicans and Democrats. Sometimes its between the US and USSR. Sometimes its between the US and Nazi Germany. The Nazis are part of the same deep state as our very Government is. Those US & USSR were allies the whole time. They just used each other as bogeymen to trick us all into paying more tax dollars to expand the military. The military is not for our protection. It is to protect the Bankers from us but the soldiers who are inside the military are completely unaware of this. They think they are doing an honorable thing for us. You should see how shitty they are treated inside of the military. If you think we are slaves, they are the real slaves. I know because I did 3 years. Cops are another group of hardcore slaves who think they are helping the people but are really there to prevent the people from going against the Bankers and to milk us with fines. They don't pull us over because they care about us. They pull us over to give us a bill. No matter what we do, we are milked endlessly.This is a general idea of how Babylonian Money Magic works. The House always wins. The people always lose. To create Socialism in America, they not only important a lot of the Nazi Party members like John Podesta or Rod Rosenstein or even Merkel in Germany, but they also are desperately trying to bankrupt America as fast as possible until we are standing in 4 hours lines for break and soup. Once this happens, they will rig up an emergency to suspend the constitution, install Socialism, open the concentrations camps, and prepare the world for the NWO with the Pope as the anti-Christ. Why are we using this system? Because we are brainwashed that with enough slave labor, we will become billionaires. It's all bullshit. The players never win in the casino. Only the Casino wins. Nobody else.But, what if I told you there was a way to disconnect ourselves? What if we can just walk out of the Casino and be free? As in the example before, the poor pigs want their God given right for freedom but the little wooden fence is blocking their path. They don't realize they can use their combined strength to just ram the fence, leave, and be forever free. In the pigs mind, he is hopelessly stuck as a prisoner who is being fed only to be eventually slaughtered. It's not hopeless though, the pig will one day evolve to be smart enough to realize he can combine forces with the other pigs and break down the fence. That is exactly what we are facing here. The humans don't know what to do to break the cycle of slavery because people are seeing an illusion instead of the grim truth beneath the illusion. I have pretty much explained the grim reality here but there is a way of breaking out of the fence and freeing ourselves as a people. I spend 2 years studying day and night to figure this out. It's so easy. Not only will we be forever free, the Deep State will lose all of their power at the same time. To top things off, all crime related crimes will disappear, poverty will disappear, fake wars will disappear, everyone will be relieved of the insane amount of responsibilities we are put under, life will improve, planetary wealth will increase, freedom will be attained, peace will be established, the human trafficking trade will die alone with all money based crimes, transparency would be established, poverty would be erased, income inequality would be erased, the future NWO plans would be erased, and pretty much every aspect of life would improve.If the Secret to our enslavement is that the House, who controls all the money including what we deposit in the banks, is money itself, then we should simply change the world system from a money-trade based system, into a gifting based system. To get a gist of the gifting based system, see the 12 minute video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEZkQv25uEsThe strategy is this: We already run everything including the banks. They just run the highest positions is all. The rest of the businesses, power centers, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, NATO, McDonalds, Apple, the Police, the Military, ect.. is all run by us. We make up 99.9% of the work force so we basically run it. The Deep State is the one who gives us orders from the top down slave-system they made. We do as we are told because we don't know any other way to survive without their money. Since we run the entirety of the system, lets just keep running it without the money element.This basically means the bus driver refuses to accept payment, the deli guy makes free sandwiches, the police patrol the streets for free, the furniture maker makes stuff for free, the wood chopping company chops wood for free, ect... We all do the same exact thing we are doing now but take the middle man, money, out of the equation. This will instantly free us up. No longer are jobs held up because of money problems. We can just keep moving without stumbling due to a lack of funding. We can hire more help without worrying about the costs. Everybody would not only work for free, but we would also consume for free. The world itself would pay for the consumption. As long as we keep moving, the machine keeps feeding us instead of the Bankers. When we use money, we are feeding the bankers, not ourselves. When we dump money, we are feeding ourselves therefore we are instantly a LOT more richer as a community.As far as ownership, we can no longer consent that the Rothschild family owns half the world and the rest of the Deep State owns the other half while the 99.9% are stuck fighting over the pennies. No fucking way. This isn't working for me. It's not working for the people on this board. Its not working for people in Africa, Russia, China, or nowhere else on the planet. The only ones benefiting from this are the bankers. Once in a while we all get a good run where we do OK but that can change overnight. Some people are wrecked. They have a criminal background or a lot of debt or child support or whatever it is that is wrecking them. Many are homeless even though we have more than enough homes but the bankers want more money which we don't have because they stole it all. Even if we give away our restaurant food, the Deep State plants little trouble makers who are hired to claim they were poisoned by the food so they can sue the restaurant owner as punishment for benefiting society. Now the restaurant owner is forced to dump all of his food in the trash because he is afraid of getting sued. Again, he is controlled by money. Fuck all this bullshit. All we need to do is stop using their money and SHARE all businesses, education centers, Government buildings, and whatever the hell else is an institution means to serve society. All of that shit becomes equally all of ours. We would make it totally transparent so anyone can go into the back offices of Apple and inspect it for evil. Do you know how much evil, diabolical shit is going on now without transparency? Its disgraceful and sickening. These bankers & their Deep State minions have shows where children are murdered in savage wage right on stage just for their own entertainment. Some of these ritual slaves escaped and blew the whistle. They take people, put them in a cage, and burn them for their Satanic Rituals. These people are seriously fucking demented & they claimed ownership of the entire planet! We are sitting here just waking up to our own slavery. We didn't even know we were slaves just 3 years ago. So we would share all of the businesses & power centers. Our own homes and stuff would belong to us only. Anything personal is our own. Anything that serves society belongs to us all. All the hoards of resources, tech, and knowledge belong to us all. We just share everything as fairly as possible in our local realities.Finally, we just work like regular and that job pays for our consumption. Anyone raising kids, going to college, watching a sick elderly person, or anything like that is already working so they don't need to find a 2nd job. That is a job. A lot of the women who wanted to go back to raising kids can finally do so. Rockafeller fooled women into thinking corporate slaves was a good thing. This way, the women get taxes and used as slaves while the kids find a new parent which is the government teacher once again controlled by the banking class. Then they lowered wages so that 2 people have to work just to survive. Having kids is so overwhelming, I seriously, and I mean seriously recommend not having kids right now. Either way, we need to naturally depopulate over the next few generations. 4-5 billion is good but 7 billion is too heavy. The Deep State wants us down to 500 million for control reasons while good people assume 4-5 billion is fair. Deep State does this through wars and mass murder. Good guys do this with education. As long as we work at least 25 hours a week, I think we will all be OK. All those boring, menial jobs where we collect money for walmart will be gone. All accounting jobs gone. All banker jobs gone. We want them gone. This way, we free up the people to do the more important work like finding homeless people homes, removing graffiti, destroying the drug factories, upgrading the hospitals, rebuilding war torn cities, and much more valuable thins. There is nothing valuable about some spending all year collecting money for Walmart. There is nothing valuable about running mathematical numbers to process taxes for the Deep State. The world isn't actually improving. We can really improve the world in an ocean of ways. That's real MAGA. That's fun MAGA and we would all be doing our own thing to MAGA. The world would very quickly build up in wealth so we can all enjoy planetary wealth.So we end the use of money, share all things that serve society while keeping our private property (home, car, stuff inside house), and work/consume for free. This will knock out 2 birds with 1 stone. First, we will no longer be slaves. We will be completely liberated. There is no way to enslave us without the money. 2nd, we will pull the rug up from under the Bankers feet. Goldman Sachs execs will no longer be Gods among men, they will no be men among men. The new system would basically create a world of true equal opportunity. If I can do it, then you can do it. In this work, they say if Rothschild could own half the planet, everyone can own half the planet. That is complete bullshit and nobody should believe this shit. They laugh in backrooms as they puff on their cigars that we all seem to believe that we will be rich if we slave hard enough. All that happens is that we become slaves and stay poor with stupid pipe dreams. We would enrich the entire planet and level out the playing field at the same time!!! Who wouldn't want this except for the bankers of course or maybe extremely brainwashed people who cannot see through the illusion.One last thing, I hope that Trump & Q are ready but considered we have been fooled since the age of Babylon, I wouldn't be surprised if we are fooled again. What they always do is put a seemingly benevolent force against the Deep State. They beat the shit out of each other on TV so we think good forces are fighting for us. This can be republicans VS democrats, the US vs Nazis, or whatever it may be. We end up rooting for the good guys without realizing they are all bad guys putting on a fake WWE show where the banker is Vince McMann. This is call the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. This is done so we end up being pacified and do nothing. For this reason, we have to do something as an insurance policy in case we are being bamboozled again.We have a perfect plan to fix it all of the world's problems & shut down the NWO in 1 foul swoop. If we don't do it, God knows how many more generations will have to suffer before the woke population musters up enough courage to do it. Its better just to do it now and get it over with so we can reap all the many rewards, save our futures, and save the future generations. All it takes is loving cooperation just as Jesus said. We have to be united. Either unite or die. They push "Divide & Conquer" hard for this reason. We hold unspeakable power when united. Everyone will see that once we unite. They are afraid of a united people.All we have to do is meme the shit out of this idea until enough people hear about it and see through the fake illusions the bankers setup for us. Once we think we can get 5% of the population to act, we just do it. 5% is critical mass. When 5% does something beneficial, the other 95% follow. We can do all this very quickly.Think of us like a sports team VS the bankers who are another sports team. We were a disunited group of 7 billion VS a very united group of 8500. Once we unite, we will outpower them like crazy and this is done inside the mind so it doesn't take more than a second to do. Everyone is only responsible for their own mind. If you can do it, you have achieved success. Next, we push the idea non-stop until the masses find out just like we pushed the idea that HRC was a pedophile. It isn't really hard. It just requires persistence. Once we feel comfortable with our numbers, we push to stop using the money and just do it. We can do it nationwide but if people see us doing it here, they will be quickly inspired to do it in their own countries so I have no doubt this will become a worldwide event.We are like the pigs who are upset about being fenced in. We found out in 2016 but now, after a lot of thinking and brainstorming, figured out we can push ourselves past the gate and be forever free. We can do this ASAP instead of waiting for decades for the Deep State to free us which will probably never happen to be honest. i think we are the hero of the story. The Deep State things we are the hero which is why they use the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We have to realize that we are the hero. We have to unite. We have to break through the gate together as a team. We will be free, NWO plans will be canceled, and life will become fun again.Honestly, this is the most pivotal point in human history. Should we walk out of the Banker Casino and be forever free or do we keep trying to beat the rigged games even though we have been on a non-stop losing spree since the age of Babylon?—————————————— More ideas for the future:https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8brj5t/positive\\_systems\\_to\\_replace\\_our\\_corrupt/Submitted May 10, 2018 at 12:53AM by lightmakerflex1 https://www.reddit.com/C\\_S\\_T/comments/8icd73/babylonian\\_money\\_magic\\_the\\_secret\\_power\\_of\\_the/?utm\\_source=iftttvia /C_S_T
Submitted May 10, 2018 at 02:00AM by peterboykin https://www.reddit.com/MagaFirstNews/comments/8icoqu/babylonian\_money\_magic\_the\_secret\_power\_of\_the/?utm\_source=ifttt
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Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State

Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State
Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep StateI wanted to make a post to demonstrate how the Deep State controls the world through Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery which is a major leg of Babylonian Money Magic.Money really started in Babylon. They ruined the entire country & everyone became debt slaves. Back then, they used look at the King like an inspired God so it was easy to fool the people. They presented money as a useful tool but it was more like a siphon that would allow the Deep State to milk everyone. The basic premise is that make the people think money makes life better, get to to use it, and vacuum it all up. It is extremely easy to vacuum it all up when one prints money. The head of the Deep State has always been the money printing bankers.Babylon was a Idol Worshiping hell hole with slaves, people sacrificing kids to Lucifer, and all kinds of sick stuff. The Deep State had the entire game rigged in their favor and the people were totally brainwashed. They always wish it was like this for us today but we are WAY smarter in modern times and more aware. Babylon was so evil that it was overrun in a war so they moved to Rome & convinced Julius Ceasar to work with them to enslave the masses with Debt Slavery. In exchange, Ceasar would make a fortune. He was an egocentric piece of shit like many politicians so he easily agreed. Overtime, Rome was completely bankrupted and that is the reason it fell. They convinced the invading Army to let them keep Rome & Rome was used to spread Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Slavery worldwide. Before Babylon, the entire planet was in a phase called the Golden Age when nobody used money.This is the gist of it all. These bankers are basically the Khazarian Mafia. Their official title is called the 'Saturn Death Cult'. They worship Saturn as part of their religion & they sacrifice many to Lucifer including children, soldiers, civilians, and others. They are a Cult. These aren't just rogue businessmen that ruined the world. These are a religious cult with the religion being Lucifer. They are decepted into thinking that Lucifer will exalt them as Slave-Masters where each Khazarian gets 3000 civilian slaves. To them, they are the chosen people of Lucifer just like the Jews believe they are the chosen people of God. We are all equal so both are wrong. They keep wondering why Lucifer doesn't show up and fulfill the process like we wonder why Christ hasn't returned yet. I have dug into over 10,000 pages of research plus have read over 10,000 in college over 9 years studying Business Psychology. I know a little bit but I am in no way trying to brag. My only concern is a good future for us all. In my research, I have dug into books full of spiritual secrets. Just like the Luciferians have their evil book of secrets, we have our good book of secrets. Through digging, I found that Jesus has been waiting at the door for us to stop crying & start practicing the only 2 things that will bring a Utopia to the world (Love & Forgiveness). Once we practice this on a planetary scale, Jesus will arrive. I am afraid we were mislead into believing we have to wait for the world to get so bad that Jesus feels sorry for us and saves us. This is a great manipulation because it caused us all to want death & destruction because we think Jesus will come back. The truth is, the death & destruction is what motivates us to finally stop doing what we think is right, and start doing what the ingenious Jesus knows is right. Love builds planetary wealth because love means wanting to do good things for other people. When we are in a constant state of love, we are constantly channeling love in our local environment which makes it better even when we don't do anything! Here is a man who channeled love to 1 jar of rice vs hate to a 2nd jar of rice to prove the point:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DcyDKW-V4AI0Z44.jpg:largeStill, when people channel love, it means they want to do good things to other people or things. This causes them to improve their local reality. When everyone is improving their local reality at the same time or at least most people are, the world improves and becomes wealthier. A Wealthy Planet looks like a Utopia. Money has nothing to do with it. We can have all the money imaginable but if the planet looks like shit, it means its poor.Forgiveness on the other hand ends revenge or negative Karma. By ending revenge/negative-karma, we stop destroying the world. Wars, infighting, ect.. all destroy the planet and make us poorer. Forgiveness ends the destruction. For this very reason, Jesus explained that if we want to live in a Utopia, all we have to do is love & forgive all people including those Khazarians. If a mass murder is caught, he can be forgiven, but he has to be quarantined for the sake of the other people. Its too risky to keep him free. Love means love to all people equally not just the mass murderer. Now, when we jail a man for 60 years just for selling crack cocaine, that's brutal. That's not showing any love at all. Putting him in a cage for 60 years causes much more harm than good. As you can see, the lack of love is harmful. Anyone can end up in jail. Almost 1% of America is in jail but guess who makes all the money from our criminals? The Deep State runs all business including corporations, the Government, & illegal businesses like human trafficking.By the way, all these tips are good for all religions including muslims, Jews, ect... Religions are all controlled by the Deep State from the top. All Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect.. leaders are all Deep State Luciferians fooling us all. For Christians, they tried to make religion as cheesy and non-nonsensical as possible so that we would be repulsed and become atheists. They also made every action into a sin to imprison us. Sex, for example, is no sin. The idea that we have to be perfect is a Deep State plant to confuse the masses. Its about growth, not perfection. Religion doesn't matter. Religions are just cults trying to tell us how to think. We don't need them or their priests to reach God. All of life is God.Some may be wondering why this economic post has shifted to religion, it is because religion is a key part of it. The Khazarian Mafia isn't like a TV mafia that robs everyone. They are a religious cult worshiping Lucifer. If anyone wants to know more about Lucifer & his direct connection to the cult who is milking the world, you can read it here: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing\\_how\\_archons\\_are\\_milking\\_humanity\\_for\\_an/So this is the Deep State. They created Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery strictly to ruin the world by transferring all the wealth from the 99.9% to them. They do this for various reasons, not just money. They want to breed misery & suffering for all kinds of reasons but one of them is to cripple humanity so that we can't help ourselves or progress in life. This way, we stay low & easily exploitable. The only reason we are piercing through their iron grip as we speak is because we are mentally evolving beyond their control. Its like if a man keeps pigs within a fence. The pigs want to be free but they don't know how to be free. Eventually the intelligence of the pigs evolves to the point that they realize they can just ram the fence & run off into the woods where they will be free & happy. We are doing this as humanity right now. Mark my words this is true. It's not a matter if "if" but "when". This is why they are quickly trying to raise the level of tyranny with their attempts to start WW3 to create the Socialist, Luciferian NWO complete with Concentration Camps, genocide of non-Luciferians including atheists, 5G kill grid genocide to depopulate the world, legalize pedophilia & bestiality, sacrifice children to Lucifer openly, and all kinds of sickening things. Some of us here have been awake since 2016. It took us many months of ass busting work just to convince the sleepers that HRC was a pedophile or that the Deep State even exists. Later the woke ones pushed the fact they worship Lucifer. Keep in mind, we were laughed at, cussed out, called names, & all kinds of stuff when we were opening people's eyes but eventually, they woke up & started listening to all that is simply but the truth veiled in incredible secrecy. Now that people believe the world is run by a Luciferian cult, the next step is to understand that Lucifer is the leader of the intergalactic deep state but even Lucifer is in its final days. No matter what happens, just know this story will end good for all of us. That is guaranteed except if we do nothing but I can see all the woke people are working. The idea is to speed up the process so we can enjoy life. I won't go through all the Lucifer stuff here, but here is the link again: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing\\_how\\_archons\\_are\\_milking\\_humanity\\_for\\_an/After the Lucifer stuff is understood, the final frontier is God. That area of things is utterly magical and I can in no way explain how magical it is in human terms nor can the human mind imagine it. Once the God element is understood, all of life makes perfect sense. Imagine if someone took you to an underground prison & said this is your new home for the rest of your life. You would probably panic, kick, scream, and get hysterical but then imagine if all your friends & family came in and said it was all big practical joke. You would calm down and shrug it off. That is the secret behind life itself. None of this is real. Its all a matrix video game of our own making but we have to agree to erase our old memories before birthing into this place. We are all incredibly high powered, totally evolved perfect being running this matrix for a long list of complicated reasons which will all make sense in the future when the worldwide Spiritual Awakening hits. The Deep State knows all about this but they are hiding the truth from us because the truth will set us free. It's too complicated to explain right now but if anyone wants to learn more about this, you can read "Conversations With God" trilogy but its really a 9 book set. Q even mentions stuff about this here and there. Here is Q mentioning how the Luciferians are milking us for LOOSE energy which is created out of Misery itself:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DV2aUkkVMAAxx50.jpgHe is just hinting at it but it looks to me like he's warming up for the bombshells. If Q was really part of a fake show, which nobody knows for sure, then he is appealing to the really woke people who know what's up to convince us that he is real. Either way, considering the Khazarians have fooled us since the age of Babylon, we can never underestimate them. These people are Master manipulators using all kinds of technology to manipulate including AI tech.So lets get back to how Babylonian Money Magic works.The top of the Deep State are banks because banks control the money printing machines. This means banks are infinitely wealthy. There is not a year that goes by when banks don't print a bunch of money for selfish reasons like to buy Corporations, to bail out their bankrupted Banks, to bribe 3rd world tyrants, to pocket in their own accounts, to fund the drug trade, to fund child trafficking, to fund ISIS, to fund gangs, & pretty much all kinds of very sick things. Banks literally own everything in the end. They are the secret hand behind every Corporation, Mafia, large Gang, Education Centers, & pretty much all things related to power. Who controls the banks? The "Saturn Death Cult". The "Saturn Death Cult" is the official name of Earth's Deep State. So now we can see why Banks are so utterly powerful. Not only do they control the money printing machines but they also control our money because we deposit all of it in their banks. From there, they constantly have 95% in use to produce more wealth. They hand your money out in loans, invest in new businesses like Uber, buy Bitcoin, or whatever they want. No matter what happens, they keep getting richer and richer and richer while we all keep getting poorer and poorer. Btw, when they claim the richest people are Billionaires, that is a total lie. I spoke to a very rich man who told me they have Trillionaire's, Quadrillionsiares, and beyond. Ultimately the banks are the richest. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the world! We have to share the other half and the rest of the Deep State hogged up most of the other half.Lower level controllers of money are also making a fortune. They always have. These are the people who rig the Stock Market to guarantee they make money, they get a cut of the money every time it goes from one country to the other, & they have an infinite amount of other ways to play us for fools behind closed doors. When they print money to pocket it, they reduce the value of our dollar. That is why a movie used to cost a nickel and now it costs $20. Imagine how much money they have been printing? They even control all the 3rd world countries because they give them money masked as "humanitarian funds" but its actually being pocketed by the tyrants, who in exchange serve the Bankers like slaves. Its very sad because the locals never see a dime. It all ends up in the 3rd world Deep State's pockets. Even in Jesus' time, they were making 40%-80% by exchanging money into shekels so that it could be used to purchase animals for sacrifice. Jesus got so upset at seeing this con-operation, he let the animals out and flipped over the money-changing tables. The Sanhedrin Group, a Deep State element that worked for the Roman Empire, already wanted to kill him but now they lost their money-changing business. Nobody dared change money while Jesus was still alive after that. They waited a long time before resuming operations. A group of Hebrews created an anti-banking league which went all the way to 33AD when the Romans came in and slaughtered them all in Jerusalem where they destroyed the Temple and all that. They wanted to make an example of that group. The Roman Empire & the Pope figurehead killed many, many people just to make themselves a lot richer. Eventually they bankrupted Rome causing it to fall. This is why empires fall. It is because the Bankers are milking it for all its worth. They are also harvesting money out of all the Corporations they own (they own most), their criminals empires like human trafficking, drugs, ect.., taxes, high education costs, and pretty much anyway they can vacuum up our money. They control the speed of the vacuum so the vacuum can go fast, or it can go so slow that money increases in the economy. The reason the economy improves is because the elites have to use that money to hire us to do their dirty work. So they are giving us money which improves the economy, but their high powered vacuums are sucking it all back up. They have many, MANY vacuums running all at once. Meanwhile, we are here doing all their dirty work as slaves for chump change. They pay us as low as possible because the more they pay us, the more they have to vacuum up all the money.All those taxes that are said to go to helping us are actually used to harm us. Less than 5% helps us. The rest funds child trafficking, drug trafficking, bribing politicians, and whatever is needed. If our taxes aren't enough to fill their greed, they just print money which is also a tax. Inflation is a tax. When people print money, the value of your money goes down so its theft. If your 5 cents buys you a movie ticket but then the banks print so much that you need $20 to buy a ticket, that means you have to really work hard to catch up. Its just like getting robbed. No different at all.They create a serious lack of money in society for a few reasons. One, it keeps everyone busy running menial jobs so that we don't have time to do stuff that matters like spend time with the kids, raise them well, collaborate online to discuss strategies for the future, exercise, or do jobs that matter like removing graffiti from our streets, figuring something out for the homeless, beautifying the city, ect... Instead, we stand like fools at Walmart taking people's money only to hand it to the Corporate Slavemasters who are controlled by the Bankers. Do you see how it all works? You spend an entire 8-10 hours just standing there and doing the same thing over and over again until you go crazy! How does this help the world? I would much rather have you clean up street graffiti to be honest. All a Walmart worker does is collect money for the Deep State in exchange for people picking up way overpriced products. The products are overpriced because they keep the amount of resources they have a highly guarded secret from us. They have such oceans of resources, if a 90 year old man even saw a glimpse of it, he would start doing backflips. That amount of resources is so insane that it would justify dropping the price of everything by over 95! Its like sand. We say sand is worthless but its only "worthless" because we have a seemingly endless supply of it. Nobody would pay me anything if I tried to sell them sand but it is a useful thing to have on the planet and we have so much that its free. The Corporations were unable to harvest all of our sand, and then sell it back to us for high prices. They do that with other stuff like oil, metal, wood, plastics, aluminum, ect... They just harvest everything in site, hoard thousands of years worth, and then pretend we have a shortage to justify high pricing & poverty. It's all a big gimmick folks. So they keep society as poor as possible to not only freeze us in place since we are busy trying to get money from their corporate slave jobs, but also to prevent us from making any progress due to all the lost time. Also, when people are desperate, they are ripe for Bribery so they bribe the shit out of us whether we are bribed with $11 an hour to stand for 8 hours collecting money for Walmart or if we are Bribed $100,000 a month to run drugs for them. They abuse the shit out of their black hat criminals btw. They jail them, juice them for whatever they can, & endlessly abuse the shit out of them demanding more and more. If they don't give them more, they jail them to punish them. It's completely sick. Those criminals acted out of desperation & they get sucked into the deep state whirlwind of hellish suffering. So they have us poor, extremely busy doing boring shit, and cornered. There is no other way to get money. The only way to get money is if the Deep State gives it to us or if we share what we have with each other. They have most of the money though. Even the money we deposited into banks is being used. If more than 5% of society was to withdraw, the banks would say they don't' have it because they don't. It's all invested in making them richer.To further the damage, they no longer use these corporations normally. A real hospital is totally different than what we see today. A real hospital is way more human and cheaper. The Rockefellers changed all that. They made hospitals expensive and barbaric. They hid all the cures. They make more money that way. They even poison all the air, water, and atmosphere because it makes you see more Doctors meaning more money for them. This is another money vacuum. They do this with so many things. They sell you addicting sugary bullshit all the time so you get addicted and unhealthy meaning you buy more snacks and go to the Doctor more. They run fake wars. They just pretend the 2 presidents can't get along and then they tell the tax payers to pay the gigantic bill to the corporations who create all the weapons, ammo, and gear. Dick Cheney made a fucking killing out of the Iraq War! I think he is running Haliberton. Obama ran the heroine fields of Afghanistan where he important all that shit and got all the kids addicted to heroine in our neighborhoods plus through pharmaceuticals. George HW Bush, aka Poppy because he's addicting to his own heroine, is the leader of the worldwide drug trade. We had the drug Kingpin of the world as our President. He started in Texas in 1957 with the CIA. What a joke. All these poor drug addicts got all fucked up for nothing. We blame the drug addict but I am showing you a vision of what's beneath the veil of illusion you are seeing in the world today. This is just about the most transparency as one can get because they will never give us transparency. Doing so would mean they cannot conduct all kinds of evils which they do behind closed doors. We can beg all we want. It will never happen. They printed out all the money and stole whatever they could to buy everything on the world and they have weaponized it against us. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the planet! When I tell people we need a max wage of maybe 25 million, they argue with me because they assume they will one day have more than that and they don't want any restrictions on their path to billion. Can you imagine how brainwashed Americans have become. We aren't seeing what is right in front of us. They broadcast the message of a good hard working American who goes to College and accomplishes all his dreams but this rarely every actually happens even for people with Master's degrees because they have Bankrupted America so badly, even Degree holders don't make much. The PhD college professors make $5 when they add up all the on and off hours they work. The university gives them a set amount of hours but overload their work so that they are forced to work past hours of pay or they are severely punished. Its disgusting. When its all said an done, they work 80 hours a week for $5 an hour. So basically thinking of it like this. They are destroying the planet and making a fortune out of doing so. We are the slaves doing it for them because we run all the businesses they claim to own. The only reason we do it is because they control us with fear. If we don't do shitty things on their behalf, they say they will cut us off. To say something to that the a population of people who are already financially desperate is a cold thing to do but they don't care. They are competing with each other to see how has the most Quadrillions. A desperate population is ripe for bribing. The man at Walmart doing repetitive movements is being bribed. The drug dealer is being bribed. Everyone loses but the Deep State wins. The House always wins.When the population is so desperate to survive, they just loan money at high interest rates. This is where Debt Based Slavery comes in. Once you owe money to someone, you become their slave. They are printing our own money at 13 cents a bill and loaning it to us at high interests rate so a $100 dollar bill costs 13 cents to make but they loan it to us for $100 plus interest. Rothschild, a foreign British James Bond like villain owns the Federal Reserve. He's not even American. He just made a giant straw to suck all the money out of America and put it in his bank accounts. Sure, he owns half the planet, but some people are ambitious you know. That's the magic of opportunity! I'm only joking but how many people do you know are so brainwashed that they think like this.This is a gist of how Babylonian money magic works. Debt Based Slavery is the final element. It is the banks saving us from bankruptcy while putting us in this place to begin with. It's all big game and the 99.9% are the brunt of the joke. Even the politicians, Hollywood deep staters, MSM media, and other low level Deep State goons are part of the slave hierarchy. The only slavemasters are the banks. The rest of it operates as top down slavery. Everyone is a slave. Even if Rachel Maddow is making a lot of money by being a good slave, they force her into humiliating things like eating shit, fucking animals, and all kinds of horrid things because it pleases their Lucifer. The filthiest human beings on Earth who worship Lucifer are making the most money out of all of us because they rigged the system like a Casino and in a Casino, the House always win. The players always lose.The only way to not lose in a Casino is to walk out. We can beg and beg century after century that they unrig the system but every time we do, they just point and laugh at our faces. They laugh all the way to the bank! No amount of begging or crying will help.Do you know how they have stopped 7 billion people from standing up to the banks? Simple. They just put on a fake WWE show where seemingly benevolent forces are fighting the Deep State so that we end up being pacified and do nothing to help ourselves. This is called the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We see both White & Black squares but never realize all of them are on the same team. To us, its like a football game that never ends. The game just keeps going and going. Sometimes its between Republicans and Democrats. Sometimes its between the US and USSR. Sometimes its between the US and Nazi Germany. The Nazis are part of the same deep state as our very Government is. Those US & USSR were allies the whole time. They just used each other as bogeymen to trick us all into paying more tax dollars to expand the military. The military is not for our protection. It is to protect the Bankers from us but the soldiers who are inside the military are completely unaware of this. They think they are doing an honorable thing for us. You should see how shitty they are treated inside of the military. If you think we are slaves, they are the real slaves. I know because I did 3 years. Cops are another group of hardcore slaves who think they are helping the people but are really there to prevent the people from going against the Bankers and to milk us with fines. They don't pull us over because they care about us. They pull us over to give us a bill. No matter what we do, we are milked endlessly.This is a general idea of how Babylonian Money Magic works. The House always wins. The people always lose. To create Socialism in America, they not only important a lot of the Nazi Party members like John Podesta or Rod Rosenstein or even Merkel in Germany, but they also are desperately trying to bankrupt America as fast as possible until we are standing in 4 hours lines for break and soup. Once this happens, they will rig up an emergency to suspend the constitution, install Socialism, open the concentrations camps, and prepare the world for the NWO with the Pope as the anti-Christ. Why are we using this system? Because we are brainwashed that with enough slave labor, we will become billionaires. It's all bullshit. The players never win in the casino. Only the Casino wins. Nobody else.But, what if I told you there was a way to disconnect ourselves? What if we can just walk out of the Casino and be free? As in the example before, the poor pigs want their God given right for freedom but the little wooden fence is blocking their path. They don't realize they can use their combined strength to just ram the fence, leave, and be forever free. In the pigs mind, he is hopelessly stuck as a prisoner who is being fed only to be eventually slaughtered. It's not hopeless though, the pig will one day evolve to be smart enough to realize he can combine forces with the other pigs and break down the fence. That is exactly what we are facing here. The humans don't know what to do to break the cycle of slavery because people are seeing an illusion instead of the grim truth beneath the illusion. I have pretty much explained the grim reality here but there is a way of breaking out of the fence and freeing ourselves as a people. I spend 2 years studying day and night to figure this out. It's so easy. Not only will we be forever free, the Deep State will lose all of their power at the same time. To top things off, all crime related crimes will disappear, poverty will disappear, fake wars will disappear, everyone will be relieved of the insane amount of responsibilities we are put under, life will improve, planetary wealth will increase, freedom will be attained, peace will be established, the human trafficking trade will die alone with all money based crimes, transparency would be established, poverty would be erased, income inequality would be erased, the future NWO plans would be erased, and pretty much every aspect of life would improve.If the Secret to our enslavement is that the House, who controls all the money including what we deposit in the banks, is money itself, then we should simply change the world system from a money-trade based system, into a gifting based system. To get a gist of the gifting based system, see the 12 minute video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEZkQv25uEsThe strategy is this: We already run everything including the banks. They just run the highest positions is all. The rest of the businesses, power centers, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, NATO, McDonalds, Apple, the Police, the Military, ect.. is all run by us. We make up 99.9% of the work force so we basically run it. The Deep State is the one who gives us orders from the top down slave-system they made. We do as we are told because we don't know any other way to survive without their money. Since we run the entirety of the system, lets just keep running it without the money element.This basically means the bus driver refuses to accept payment, the deli guy makes free sandwiches, the police patrol the streets for free, the furniture maker makes stuff for free, the wood chopping company chops wood for free, ect... We all do the same exact thing we are doing now but take the middle man, money, out of the equation. This will instantly free us up. No longer are jobs held up because of money problems. We can just keep moving without stumbling due to a lack of funding. We can hire more help without worrying about the costs. Everybody would not only work for free, but we would also consume for free. The world itself would pay for the consumption. As long as we keep moving, the machine keeps feeding us instead of the Bankers. When we use money, we are feeding the bankers, not ourselves. When we dump money, we are feeding ourselves therefore we are instantly a LOT more richer as a community.As far as ownership, we can no longer consent that the Rothschild family owns half the world and the rest of the Deep State owns the other half while the 99.9% are stuck fighting over the pennies. No fucking way. This isn't working for me. It's not working for the people on this board. Its not working for people in Africa, Russia, China, or nowhere else on the planet. The only ones benefiting from this are the bankers. Once in a while we all get a good run where we do OK but that can change overnight. Some people are wrecked. They have a criminal background or a lot of debt or child support or whatever it is that is wrecking them. Many are homeless even though we have more than enough homes but the bankers want more money which we don't have because they stole it all. Even if we give away our restaurant food, the Deep State plants little trouble makers who are hired to claim they were poisoned by the food so they can sue the restaurant owner as punishment for benefiting society. Now the restaurant owner is forced to dump all of his food in the trash because he is afraid of getting sued. Again, he is controlled by money. Fuck all this bullshit. All we need to do is stop using their money and SHARE all businesses, education centers, Government buildings, and whatever the hell else is an institution means to serve society. All of that shit becomes equally all of ours. We would make it totally transparent so anyone can go into the back offices of Apple and inspect it for evil. Do you know how much evil, diabolical shit is going on now without transparency? Its disgraceful and sickening. These bankers & their Deep State minions have shows where children are murdered in savage wage right on stage just for their own entertainment. Some of these ritual slaves escaped and blew the whistle. They take people, put them in a cage, and burn them for their Satanic Rituals. These people are seriously fucking demented & they claimed ownership of the entire planet! We are sitting here just waking up to our own slavery. We didn't even know we were slaves just 3 years ago. So we would share all of the businesses & power centers. Our own homes and stuff would belong to us only. Anything personal is our own. Anything that serves society belongs to us all. All the hoards of resources, tech, and knowledge belong to us all. We just share everything as fairly as possible in our local realities.Finally, we just work like regular and that job pays for our consumption. Anyone raising kids, going to college, watching a sick elderly person, or anything like that is already working so they don't need to find a 2nd job. That is a job. A lot of the women who wanted to go back to raising kids can finally do so. Rockafeller fooled women into thinking corporate slaves was a good thing. This way, the women get taxes and used as slaves while the kids find a new parent which is the government teacher once again controlled by the banking class. Then they lowered wages so that 2 people have to work just to survive. Having kids is so overwhelming, I seriously, and I mean seriously recommend not having kids right now. Either way, we need to naturally depopulate over the next few generations. 4-5 billion is good but 7 billion is too heavy. The Deep State wants us down to 500 million for control reasons while good people assume 4-5 billion is fair. Deep State does this through wars and mass murder. Good guys do this with education. As long as we work at least 25 hours a week, I think we will all be OK. All those boring, menial jobs where we collect money for walmart will be gone. All accounting jobs gone. All banker jobs gone. We want them gone. This way, we free up the people to do the more important work like finding homeless people homes, removing graffiti, destroying the drug factories, upgrading the hospitals, rebuilding war torn cities, and much more valuable thins. There is nothing valuable about some spending all year collecting money for Walmart. There is nothing valuable about running mathematical numbers to process taxes for the Deep State. The world isn't actually improving. We can really improve the world in an ocean of ways. That's real MAGA. That's fun MAGA and we would all be doing our own thing to MAGA. The world would very quickly build up in wealth so we can all enjoy planetary wealth.So we end the use of money, share all things that serve society while keeping our private property (home, car, stuff inside house), and work/consume for free. This will knock out 2 birds with 1 stone. First, we will no longer be slaves. We will be completely liberated. There is no way to enslave us without the money. 2nd, we will pull the rug up from under the Bankers feet. Goldman Sachs execs will no longer be Gods among men, they will no be men among men. The new system would basically create a world of true equal opportunity. If I can do it, then you can do it. In this work, they say if Rothschild could own half the planet, everyone can own half the planet. That is complete bullshit and nobody should believe this shit. They laugh in backrooms as they puff on their cigars that we all seem to believe that we will be rich if we slave hard enough. All that happens is that we become slaves and stay poor with stupid pipe dreams. We would enrich the entire planet and level out the playing field at the same time!!! Who wouldn't want this except for the bankers of course or maybe extremely brainwashed people who cannot see through the illusion.One last thing, I hope that Trump & Q are ready but considered we have been fooled since the age of Babylon, I wouldn't be surprised if we are fooled again. What they always do is put a seemingly benevolent force against the Deep State. They beat the shit out of each other on TV so we think good forces are fighting for us. This can be republicans VS democrats, the US vs Nazis, or whatever it may be. We end up rooting for the good guys without realizing they are all bad guys putting on a fake WWE show where the banker is Vince McMann. This is call the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. This is done so we end up being pacified and do nothing. For this reason, we have to do something as an insurance policy in case we are being bamboozled again.We have a perfect plan to fix it all of the world's problems & shut down the NWO in 1 foul swoop. If we don't do it, God knows how many more generations will have to suffer before the woke population musters up enough courage to do it. Its better just to do it now and get it over with so we can reap all the many rewards, save our futures, and save the future generations. All it takes is loving cooperation just as Jesus said. We have to be united. Either unite or die. They push "Divide & Conquer" hard for this reason. We hold unspeakable power when united. Everyone will see that once we unite. They are afraid of a united people.All we have to do is meme the shit out of this idea until enough people hear about it and see through the fake illusions the bankers setup for us. Once we think we can get 5% of the population to act, we just do it. 5% is critical mass. When 5% does something beneficial, the other 95% follow. We can do all this very quickly.Think of us like a sports team VS the bankers who are another sports team. We were a disunited group of 7 billion VS a very united group of 8500. Once we unite, we will outpower them like crazy and this is done inside the mind so it doesn't take more than a second to do. Everyone is only responsible for their own mind. If you can do it, you have achieved success. Next, we push the idea non-stop until the masses find out just like we pushed the idea that HRC was a pedophile. It isn't really hard. It just requires persistence. Once we feel comfortable with our numbers, we push to stop using the money and just do it. We can do it nationwide but if people see us doing it here, they will be quickly inspired to do it in their own countries so I have no doubt this will become a worldwide event.We are like the pigs who are upset about being fenced in. We found out in 2016 but now, after a lot of thinking and brainstorming, figured out we can push ourselves past the gate and be forever free. We can do this ASAP instead of waiting for decades for the Deep State to free us which will probably never happen to be honest. i think we are the hero of the story. The Deep State things we are the hero which is why they use the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We have to realize that we are the hero. We have to unite. We have to break through the gate together as a team. We will be free, NWO plans will be canceled, and life will become fun again.Honestly, this is the most pivotal point in human history. Should we walk out of the Banker Casino and be forever free or do we keep trying to beat the rigged games even though we have been on a non-stop losing spree since the age of Babylon?Submitted May 09, 2018 at 07:09PM by lightmakerflex1 https://www.reddit.com/greatawakening/comments/8iac1m/babylonian\\_money\\_magic\\_the\\_secret\\_power\\_of\\_the/?utm\\_source=iftttvia /greatawakening
Submitted May 09, 2018 at 08:25PM by peterboykin https://www.reddit.com/MagaFirstNews/comments/8iau03/babylonian\_money\_magic\_the\_secret\_power\_of\_the/?utm\_source=ifttt
via /MagaFirstNews
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Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State

Babylonian Money Magic: The Secret Power Of The Deep State
I wanted to make a post to demonstrate how the Deep State controls the world through Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery which is a major leg of Babylonian Money Magic.Money really started in Babylon. They ruined the entire country & everyone became debt slaves. Back then, they used look at the King like an inspired God so it was easy to fool the people. They presented money as a useful tool but it was more like a siphon that would allow the Deep State to milk everyone. The basic premise is that make the people think money makes life better, get to to use it, and vacuum it all up. It is extremely easy to vacuum it all up when one prints money. The head of the Deep State has always been the money printing bankers.Babylon was a Idol Worshiping hell hole with slaves, people sacrificing kids to Lucifer, and all kinds of sick stuff. The Deep State had the entire game rigged in their favor and the people were totally brainwashed. They always wish it was like this for us today but we are WAY smarter in modern times and more aware. Babylon was so evil that it was overrun in a war so they moved to Rome & convinced Julius Ceasar to work with them to enslave the masses with Debt Slavery. In exchange, Ceasar would make a fortune. He was an egocentric piece of shit like many politicians so he easily agreed. Overtime, Rome was completely bankrupted and that is the reason it fell. They convinced the invading Army to let them keep Rome & Rome was used to spread Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Slavery worldwide. Before Babylon, the entire planet was in a phase called the Golden Age when nobody used money.This is the gist of it all. These bankers are basically the Khazarian Mafia. Their official title is called the 'Saturn Death Cult'. They worship Saturn as part of their religion & they sacrifice many to Lucifer including children, soldiers, civilians, and others. They are a Cult. These aren't just rogue businessmen that ruined the world. These are a religious cult with the religion being Lucifer. They are decepted into thinking that Lucifer will exalt them as Slave-Masters where each Khazarian gets 3000 civilian slaves. To them, they are the chosen people of Lucifer just like the Jews believe they are the chosen people of God. We are all equal so both are wrong. They keep wondering why Lucifer doesn't show up and fulfill the process like we wonder why Christ hasn't returned yet. I have dug into over 10,000 pages of research plus have read over 10,000 in college over 9 years studying Business Psychology. I know a little bit but I am in no way trying to brag. My only concern is a good future for us all. In my research, I have dug into books full of spiritual secrets. Just like the Luciferians have their evil book of secrets, we have our good book of secrets. Through digging, I found that Jesus has been waiting at the door for us to stop crying & start practicing the only 2 things that will bring a Utopia to the world (Love & Forgiveness). Once we practice this on a planetary scale, Jesus will arrive. I am afraid we were mislead into believing we have to wait for the world to get so bad that Jesus feels sorry for us and saves us. This is a great manipulation because it caused us all to want death & destruction because we think Jesus will come back. The truth is, the death & destruction is what motivates us to finally stop doing what we think is right, and start doing what the ingenious Jesus knows is right. Love builds planetary wealth because love means wanting to do good things for other people. When we are in a constant state of love, we are constantly channeling love in our local environment which makes it better even when we don't do anything! Here is a man who channeled love to 1 jar of rice vs hate to a 2nd jar of rice to prove the point:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DcyDKW-V4AI0Z44.jpg:largeStill, when people channel love, it means they want to do good things to other people or things. This causes them to improve their local reality. When everyone is improving their local reality at the same time or at least most people are, the world improves and becomes wealthier. A Wealthy Planet looks like a Utopia. Money has nothing to do with it. We can have all the money imaginable but if the planet looks like shit, it means its poor.Forgiveness on the other hand ends revenge or negative Karma. By ending revenge/negative-karma, we stop destroying the world. Wars, infighting, ect.. all destroy the planet and make us poorer. Forgiveness ends the destruction. For this very reason, Jesus explained that if we want to live in a Utopia, all we have to do is love & forgive all people including those Khazarians. If a mass murder is caught, he can be forgiven, but he has to be quarantined for the sake of the other people. Its too risky to keep him free. Love means love to all people equally not just the mass murderer. Now, when we jail a man for 60 years just for selling crack cocaine, that's brutal. That's not showing any love at all. Putting him in a cage for 60 years causes much more harm than good. As you can see, the lack of love is harmful. Anyone can end up in jail. Almost 1% of America is in jail but guess who makes all the money from our criminals? The Deep State runs all business including corporations, the Government, & illegal businesses like human trafficking.By the way, all these tips are good for all religions including muslims, Jews, ect... Religions are all controlled by the Deep State from the top. All Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect.. leaders are all Deep State Luciferians fooling us all. For Christians, they tried to make religion as cheesy and non-nonsensical as possible so that we would be repulsed and become atheists. They also made every action into a sin to imprison us. Sex, for example, is no sin. The idea that we have to be perfect is a Deep State plant to confuse the masses. Its about growth, not perfection. Religion doesn't matter. Religions are just cults trying to tell us how to think. We don't need them or their priests to reach God. All of life is God.Some may be wondering why this economic post has shifted to religion, it is because religion is a key part of it. The Khazarian Mafia isn't like a TV mafia that robs everyone. They are a religious cult worshiping Lucifer. If anyone wants to know more about Lucifer & his direct connection to the cult who is milking the world, you can read it here: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing\_how\_archons\_are\_milking\_humanity\_for\_an/So this is the Deep State. They created Babylonian Money Magic & Debt Based Slavery strictly to ruin the world by transferring all the wealth from the 99.9% to them. They do this for various reasons, not just money. They want to breed misery & suffering for all kinds of reasons but one of them is to cripple humanity so that we can't help ourselves or progress in life. This way, we stay low & easily exploitable. The only reason we are piercing through their iron grip as we speak is because we are mentally evolving beyond their control. Its like if a man keeps pigs within a fence. The pigs want to be free but they don't know how to be free. Eventually the intelligence of the pigs evolves to the point that they realize they can just ram the fence & run off into the woods where they will be free & happy. We are doing this as humanity right now. Mark my words this is true. It's not a matter if "if" but "when". This is why they are quickly trying to raise the level of tyranny with their attempts to start WW3 to create the Socialist, Luciferian NWO complete with Concentration Camps, genocide of non-Luciferians including atheists, 5G kill grid genocide to depopulate the world, legalize pedophilia & bestiality, sacrifice children to Lucifer openly, and all kinds of sickening things. Some of us here have been awake since 2016. It took us many months of ass busting work just to convince the sleepers that HRC was a pedophile or that the Deep State even exists. Later the woke ones pushed the fact they worship Lucifer. Keep in mind, we were laughed at, cussed out, called names, & all kinds of stuff when we were opening people's eyes but eventually, they woke up & started listening to all that is simply but the truth veiled in incredible secrecy. Now that people believe the world is run by a Luciferian cult, the next step is to understand that Lucifer is the leader of the intergalactic deep state but even Lucifer is in its final days. No matter what happens, just know this story will end good for all of us. That is guaranteed except if we do nothing but I can see all the woke people are working. The idea is to speed up the process so we can enjoy life. I won't go through all the Lucifer stuff here, but here is the link again: https://www.reddit.com/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8blshk/exposing\_how\_archons\_are\_milking\_humanity\_for\_an/After the Lucifer stuff is understood, the final frontier is God. That area of things is utterly magical and I can in no way explain how magical it is in human terms nor can the human mind imagine it. Once the God element is understood, all of life makes perfect sense. Imagine if someone took you to an underground prison & said this is your new home for the rest of your life. You would probably panic, kick, scream, and get hysterical but then imagine if all your friends & family came in and said it was all big practical joke. You would calm down and shrug it off. That is the secret behind life itself. None of this is real. Its all a matrix video game of our own making but we have to agree to erase our old memories before birthing into this place. We are all incredibly high powered, totally evolved perfect being running this matrix for a long list of complicated reasons which will all make sense in the future when the worldwide Spiritual Awakening hits. The Deep State knows all about this but they are hiding the truth from us because the truth will set us free. It's too complicated to explain right now but if anyone wants to learn more about this, you can read "Conversations With God" trilogy but its really a 9 book set. Q even mentions stuff about this here and there. Here is Q mentioning how the Luciferians are milking us for LOOSE energy which is created out of Misery itself:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DV2aUkkVMAAxx50.jpgHe is just hinting at it but it looks to me like he's warming up for the bombshells. If Q was really part of a fake show, which nobody knows for sure, then he is appealing to the really woke people who know what's up to convince us that he is real. Either way, considering the Khazarians have fooled us since the age of Babylon, we can never underestimate them. These people are Master manipulators using all kinds of technology to manipulate including AI tech.So lets get back to how Babylonian Money Magic works.The top of the Deep State are banks because banks control the money printing machines. This means banks are infinitely wealthy. There is not a year that goes by when banks don't print a bunch of money for selfish reasons like to buy Corporations, to bail out their bankrupted Banks, to bribe 3rd world tyrants, to pocket in their own accounts, to fund the drug trade, to fund child trafficking, to fund ISIS, to fund gangs, & pretty much all kinds of very sick things. Banks literally own everything in the end. They are the secret hand behind every Corporation, Mafia, large Gang, Education Centers, & pretty much all things related to power. Who controls the banks? The "Saturn Death Cult". The "Saturn Death Cult" is the official name of Earth's Deep State. So now we can see why Banks are so utterly powerful. Not only do they control the money printing machines but they also control our money because we deposit all of it in their banks. From there, they constantly have 95% in use to produce more wealth. They hand your money out in loans, invest in new businesses like Uber, buy Bitcoin, or whatever they want. No matter what happens, they keep getting richer and richer and richer while we all keep getting poorer and poorer. Btw, when they claim the richest people are Billionaires, that is a total lie. I spoke to a very rich man who told me they have Trillionaire's, Quadrillionsiares, and beyond. Ultimately the banks are the richest. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the world! We have to share the other half and the rest of the Deep State hogged up most of the other half.Lower level controllers of money are also making a fortune. They always have. These are the people who rig the Stock Market to guarantee they make money, they get a cut of the money every time it goes from one country to the other, & they have an infinite amount of other ways to play us for fools behind closed doors. When they print money to pocket it, they reduce the value of our dollar. That is why a movie used to cost a nickel and now it costs $20. Imagine how much money they have been printing? They even control all the 3rd world countries because they give them money masked as "humanitarian funds" but its actually being pocketed by the tyrants, who in exchange serve the Bankers like slaves. Its very sad because the locals never see a dime. It all ends up in the 3rd world Deep State's pockets. Even in Jesus' time, they were making 40%-80% by exchanging money into shekels so that it could be used to purchase animals for sacrifice. Jesus got so upset at seeing this con-operation, he let the animals out and flipped over the money-changing tables. The Sanhedrin Group, a Deep State element that worked for the Roman Empire, already wanted to kill him but now they lost their money-changing business. Nobody dared change money while Jesus was still alive after that. They waited a long time before resuming operations. A group of Hebrews created an anti-banking league which went all the way to 33AD when the Romans came in and slaughtered them all in Jerusalem where they destroyed the Temple and all that. They wanted to make an example of that group. The Roman Empire & the Pope figurehead killed many, many people just to make themselves a lot richer. Eventually they bankrupted Rome causing it to fall. This is why empires fall. It is because the Bankers are milking it for all its worth. They are also harvesting money out of all the Corporations they own (they own most), their criminals empires like human trafficking, drugs, ect.., taxes, high education costs, and pretty much anyway they can vacuum up our money. They control the speed of the vacuum so the vacuum can go fast, or it can go so slow that money increases in the economy. The reason the economy improves is because the elites have to use that money to hire us to do their dirty work. So they are giving us money which improves the economy, but their high powered vacuums are sucking it all back up. They have many, MANY vacuums running all at once. Meanwhile, we are here doing all their dirty work as slaves for chump change. They pay us as low as possible because the more they pay us, the more they have to vacuum up all the money.All those taxes that are said to go to helping us are actually used to harm us. Less than 5% helps us. The rest funds child trafficking, drug trafficking, bribing politicians, and whatever is needed. If our taxes aren't enough to fill their greed, they just print money which is also a tax. Inflation is a tax. When people print money, the value of your money goes down so its theft. If your 5 cents buys you a movie ticket but then the banks print so much that you need $20 to buy a ticket, that means you have to really work hard to catch up. Its just like getting robbed. No different at all.They create a serious lack of money in society for a few reasons. One, it keeps everyone busy running menial jobs so that we don't have time to do stuff that matters like spend time with the kids, raise them well, collaborate online to discuss strategies for the future, exercise, or do jobs that matter like removing graffiti from our streets, figuring something out for the homeless, beautifying the city, ect... Instead, we stand like fools at Walmart taking people's money only to hand it to the Corporate Slavemasters who are controlled by the Bankers. Do you see how it all works? You spend an entire 8-10 hours just standing there and doing the same thing over and over again until you go crazy! How does this help the world? I would much rather have you clean up street graffiti to be honest. All a Walmart worker does is collect money for the Deep State in exchange for people picking up way overpriced products. The products are overpriced because they keep the amount of resources they have a highly guarded secret from us. They have such oceans of resources, if a 90 year old man even saw a glimpse of it, he would start doing backflips. That amount of resources is so insane that it would justify dropping the price of everything by over 95! Its like sand. We say sand is worthless but its only "worthless" because we have a seemingly endless supply of it. Nobody would pay me anything if I tried to sell them sand but it is a useful thing to have on the planet and we have so much that its free. The Corporations were unable to harvest all of our sand, and then sell it back to us for high prices. They do that with other stuff like oil, metal, wood, plastics, aluminum, ect... They just harvest everything in site, hoard thousands of years worth, and then pretend we have a shortage to justify high pricing & poverty. It's all a big gimmick folks. So they keep society as poor as possible to not only freeze us in place since we are busy trying to get money from their corporate slave jobs, but also to prevent us from making any progress due to all the lost time. Also, when people are desperate, they are ripe for Bribery so they bribe the shit out of us whether we are bribed with $11 an hour to stand for 8 hours collecting money for Walmart or if we are Bribed $100,000 a month to run drugs for them. They abuse the shit out of their black hat criminals btw. They jail them, juice them for whatever they can, & endlessly abuse the shit out of them demanding more and more. If they don't give them more, they jail them to punish them. It's completely sick. Those criminals acted out of desperation & they get sucked into the deep state whirlwind of hellish suffering. So they have us poor, extremely busy doing boring shit, and cornered. There is no other way to get money. The only way to get money is if the Deep State gives it to us or if we share what we have with each other. They have most of the money though. Even the money we deposited into banks is being used. If more than 5% of society was to withdraw, the banks would say they don't' have it because they don't. It's all invested in making them richer.To further the damage, they no longer use these corporations normally. A real hospital is totally different than what we see today. A real hospital is way more human and cheaper. The Rockefellers changed all that. They made hospitals expensive and barbaric. They hid all the cures. They make more money that way. They even poison all the air, water, and atmosphere because it makes you see more Doctors meaning more money for them. This is another money vacuum. They do this with so many things. They sell you addicting sugary bullshit all the time so you get addicted and unhealthy meaning you buy more snacks and go to the Doctor more. They run fake wars. They just pretend the 2 presidents can't get along and then they tell the tax payers to pay the gigantic bill to the corporations who create all the weapons, ammo, and gear. Dick Cheney made a fucking killing out of the Iraq War! I think he is running Haliberton. Obama ran the heroine fields of Afghanistan where he important all that shit and got all the kids addicted to heroine in our neighborhoods plus through pharmaceuticals. George HW Bush, aka Poppy because he's addicting to his own heroine, is the leader of the worldwide drug trade. We had the drug Kingpin of the world as our President. He started in Texas in 1957 with the CIA. What a joke. All these poor drug addicts got all fucked up for nothing. We blame the drug addict but I am showing you a vision of what's beneath the veil of illusion you are seeing in the world today. This is just about the most transparency as one can get because they will never give us transparency. Doing so would mean they cannot conduct all kinds of evils which they do behind closed doors. We can beg all we want. It will never happen. They printed out all the money and stole whatever they could to buy everything on the world and they have weaponized it against us. Just the Rothschild family themselves own half the planet! When I tell people we need a max wage of maybe 25 million, they argue with me because they assume they will one day have more than that and they don't want any restrictions on their path to billion. Can you imagine how brainwashed Americans have become. We aren't seeing what is right in front of us. They broadcast the message of a good hard working American who goes to College and accomplishes all his dreams but this rarely every actually happens even for people with Master's degrees because they have Bankrupted America so badly, even Degree holders don't make much. The PhD college professors make $5 when they add up all the on and off hours they work. The university gives them a set amount of hours but overload their work so that they are forced to work past hours of pay or they are severely punished. Its disgusting. When its all said an done, they work 80 hours a week for $5 an hour. So basically thinking of it like this. They are destroying the planet and making a fortune out of doing so. We are the slaves doing it for them because we run all the businesses they claim to own. The only reason we do it is because they control us with fear. If we don't do shitty things on their behalf, they say they will cut us off. To say something to that the a population of people who are already financially desperate is a cold thing to do but they don't care. They are competing with each other to see how has the most Quadrillions. A desperate population is ripe for bribing. The man at Walmart doing repetitive movements is being bribed. The drug dealer is being bribed. Everyone loses but the Deep State wins. The House always wins.When the population is so desperate to survive, they just loan money at high interest rates. This is where Debt Based Slavery comes in. Once you owe money to someone, you become their slave. They are printing our own money at 13 cents a bill and loaning it to us at high interests rate so a $100 dollar bill costs 13 cents to make but they loan it to us for $100 plus interest. Rothschild, a foreign British James Bond like villain owns the Federal Reserve. He's not even American. He just made a giant straw to suck all the money out of America and put it in his bank accounts. Sure, he owns half the planet, but some people are ambitious you know. That's the magic of opportunity! I'm only joking but how many people do you know are so brainwashed that they think like this.This is a gist of how Babylonian money magic works. Debt Based Slavery is the final element. It is the banks saving us from bankruptcy while putting us in this place to begin with. It's all big game and the 99.9% are the brunt of the joke. Even the politicians, Hollywood deep staters, MSM media, and other low level Deep State goons are part of the slave hierarchy. The only slavemasters are the banks. The rest of it operates as top down slavery. Everyone is a slave. Even if Rachel Maddow is making a lot of money by being a good slave, they force her into humiliating things like eating shit, fucking animals, and all kinds of horrid things because it pleases their Lucifer. The filthiest human beings on Earth who worship Lucifer are making the most money out of all of us because they rigged the system like a Casino and in a Casino, the House always win. The players always lose.The only way to not lose in a Casino is to walk out. We can beg and beg century after century that they unrig the system but every time we do, they just point and laugh at our faces. They laugh all the way to the bank! No amount of begging or crying will help.Do you know how they have stopped 7 billion people from standing up to the banks? Simple. They just put on a fake WWE show where seemingly benevolent forces are fighting the Deep State so that we end up being pacified and do nothing to help ourselves. This is called the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We see both White & Black squares but never realize all of them are on the same team. To us, its like a football game that never ends. The game just keeps going and going. Sometimes its between Republicans and Democrats. Sometimes its between the US and USSR. Sometimes its between the US and Nazi Germany. The Nazis are part of the same deep state as our very Government is. Those US & USSR were allies the whole time. They just used each other as bogeymen to trick us all into paying more tax dollars to expand the military. The military is not for our protection. It is to protect the Bankers from us but the soldiers who are inside the military are completely unaware of this. They think they are doing an honorable thing for us. You should see how shitty they are treated inside of the military. If you think we are slaves, they are the real slaves. I know because I did 3 years. Cops are another group of hardcore slaves who think they are helping the people but are really there to prevent the people from going against the Bankers and to milk us with fines. They don't pull us over because they care about us. They pull us over to give us a bill. No matter what we do, we are milked endlessly.This is a general idea of how Babylonian Money Magic works. The House always wins. The people always lose. To create Socialism in America, they not only important a lot of the Nazi Party members like John Podesta or Rod Rosenstein or even Merkel in Germany, but they also are desperately trying to bankrupt America as fast as possible until we are standing in 4 hours lines for break and soup. Once this happens, they will rig up an emergency to suspend the constitution, install Socialism, open the concentrations camps, and prepare the world for the NWO with the Pope as the anti-Christ. Why are we using this system? Because we are brainwashed that with enough slave labor, we will become billionaires. It's all bullshit. The players never win in the casino. Only the Casino wins. Nobody else.But, what if I told you there was a way to disconnect ourselves? What if we can just walk out of the Casino and be free? As in the example before, the poor pigs want their God given right for freedom but the little wooden fence is blocking their path. They don't realize they can use their combined strength to just ram the fence, leave, and be forever free. In the pigs mind, he is hopelessly stuck as a prisoner who is being fed only to be eventually slaughtered. It's not hopeless though, the pig will one day evolve to be smart enough to realize he can combine forces with the other pigs and break down the fence. That is exactly what we are facing here. The humans don't know what to do to break the cycle of slavery because people are seeing an illusion instead of the grim truth beneath the illusion. I have pretty much explained the grim reality here but there is a way of breaking out of the fence and freeing ourselves as a people. I spend 2 years studying day and night to figure this out. It's so easy. Not only will we be forever free, the Deep State will lose all of their power at the same time. To top things off, all crime related crimes will disappear, poverty will disappear, fake wars will disappear, everyone will be relieved of the insane amount of responsibilities we are put under, life will improve, planetary wealth will increase, freedom will be attained, peace will be established, the human trafficking trade will die alone with all money based crimes, transparency would be established, poverty would be erased, income inequality would be erased, the future NWO plans would be erased, and pretty much every aspect of life would improve.If the Secret to our enslavement is that the House, who controls all the money including what we deposit in the banks, is money itself, then we should simply change the world system from a money-trade based system, into a gifting based system. To get a gist of the gifting based system, see the 12 minute video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEZkQv25uEsThe strategy is this: We already run everything including the banks. They just run the highest positions is all. The rest of the businesses, power centers, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, NATO, McDonalds, Apple, the Police, the Military, ect.. is all run by us. We make up 99.9% of the work force so we basically run it. The Deep State is the one who gives us orders from the top down slave-system they made. We do as we are told because we don't know any other way to survive without their money. Since we run the entirety of the system, lets just keep running it without the money element.This basically means the bus driver refuses to accept payment, the deli guy makes free sandwiches, the police patrol the streets for free, the furniture maker makes stuff for free, the wood chopping company chops wood for free, ect... We all do the same exact thing we are doing now but take the middle man, money, out of the equation. This will instantly free us up. No longer are jobs held up because of money problems. We can just keep moving without stumbling due to a lack of funding. We can hire more help without worrying about the costs. Everybody would not only work for free, but we would also consume for free. The world itself would pay for the consumption. As long as we keep moving, the machine keeps feeding us instead of the Bankers. When we use money, we are feeding the bankers, not ourselves. When we dump money, we are feeding ourselves therefore we are instantly a LOT more richer as a community.As far as ownership, we can no longer consent that the Rothschild family owns half the world and the rest of the Deep State owns the other half while the 99.9% are stuck fighting over the pennies. No fucking way. This isn't working for me. It's not working for the people on this board. Its not working for people in Africa, Russia, China, or nowhere else on the planet. The only ones benefiting from this are the bankers. Once in a while we all get a good run where we do OK but that can change overnight. Some people are wrecked. They have a criminal background or a lot of debt or child support or whatever it is that is wrecking them. Many are homeless even though we have more than enough homes but the bankers want more money which we don't have because they stole it all. Even if we give away our restaurant food, the Deep State plants little trouble makers who are hired to claim they were poisoned by the food so they can sue the restaurant owner as punishment for benefiting society. Now the restaurant owner is forced to dump all of his food in the trash because he is afraid of getting sued. Again, he is controlled by money. Fuck all this bullshit. All we need to do is stop using their money and SHARE all businesses, education centers, Government buildings, and whatever the hell else is an institution means to serve society. All of that shit becomes equally all of ours. We would make it totally transparent so anyone can go into the back offices of Apple and inspect it for evil. Do you know how much evil, diabolical shit is going on now without transparency? Its disgraceful and sickening. These bankers & their Deep State minions have shows where children are murdered in savage wage right on stage just for their own entertainment. Some of these ritual slaves escaped and blew the whistle. They take people, put them in a cage, and burn them for their Satanic Rituals. These people are seriously fucking demented & they claimed ownership of the entire planet! We are sitting here just waking up to our own slavery. We didn't even know we were slaves just 3 years ago. So we would share all of the businesses & power centers. Our own homes and stuff would belong to us only. Anything personal is our own. Anything that serves society belongs to us all. All the hoards of resources, tech, and knowledge belong to us all. We just share everything as fairly as possible in our local realities.Finally, we just work like regular and that job pays for our consumption. Anyone raising kids, going to college, watching a sick elderly person, or anything like that is already working so they don't need to find a 2nd job. That is a job. A lot of the women who wanted to go back to raising kids can finally do so. Rockafeller fooled women into thinking corporate slaves was a good thing. This way, the women get taxes and used as slaves while the kids find a new parent which is the government teacher once again controlled by the banking class. Then they lowered wages so that 2 people have to work just to survive. Having kids is so overwhelming, I seriously, and I mean seriously recommend not having kids right now. Either way, we need to naturally depopulate over the next few generations. 4-5 billion is good but 7 billion is too heavy. The Deep State wants us down to 500 million for control reasons while good people assume 4-5 billion is fair. Deep State does this through wars and mass murder. Good guys do this with education. As long as we work at least 25 hours a week, I think we will all be OK. All those boring, menial jobs where we collect money for walmart will be gone. All accounting jobs gone. All banker jobs gone. We want them gone. This way, we free up the people to do the more important work like finding homeless people homes, removing graffiti, destroying the drug factories, upgrading the hospitals, rebuilding war torn cities, and much more valuable thins. There is nothing valuable about some spending all year collecting money for Walmart. There is nothing valuable about running mathematical numbers to process taxes for the Deep State. The world isn't actually improving. We can really improve the world in an ocean of ways. That's real MAGA. That's fun MAGA and we would all be doing our own thing to MAGA. The world would very quickly build up in wealth so we can all enjoy planetary wealth.So we end the use of money, share all things that serve society while keeping our private property (home, car, stuff inside house), and work/consume for free. This will knock out 2 birds with 1 stone. First, we will no longer be slaves. We will be completely liberated. There is no way to enslave us without the money. 2nd, we will pull the rug up from under the Bankers feet. Goldman Sachs execs will no longer be Gods among men, they will no be men among men. The new system would basically create a world of true equal opportunity. If I can do it, then you can do it. In this work, they say if Rothschild could own half the planet, everyone can own half the planet. That is complete bullshit and nobody should believe this shit. They laugh in backrooms as they puff on their cigars that we all seem to believe that we will be rich if we slave hard enough. All that happens is that we become slaves and stay poor with stupid pipe dreams. We would enrich the entire planet and level out the playing field at the same time!!! Who wouldn't want this except for the bankers of course or maybe extremely brainwashed people who cannot see through the illusion.One last thing, I hope that Trump & Q are ready but considered we have been fooled since the age of Babylon, I wouldn't be surprised if we are fooled again. What they always do is put a seemingly benevolent force against the Deep State. They beat the shit out of each other on TV so we think good forces are fighting for us. This can be republicans VS democrats, the US vs Nazis, or whatever it may be. We end up rooting for the good guys without realizing they are all bad guys putting on a fake WWE show where the banker is Vince McMann. This is call the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. This is done so we end up being pacified and do nothing. For this reason, we have to do something as an insurance policy in case we are being bamboozled again.We have a perfect plan to fix it all of the world's problems & shut down the NWO in 1 foul swoop. If we don't do it, God knows how many more generations will have to suffer before the woke population musters up enough courage to do it. Its better just to do it now and get it over with so we can reap all the many rewards, save our futures, and save the future generations. All it takes is loving cooperation just as Jesus said. We have to be united. Either unite or die. They push "Divide & Conquer" hard for this reason. We hold unspeakable power when united. Everyone will see that once we unite. They are afraid of a united people.All we have to do is meme the shit out of this idea until enough people hear about it and see through the fake illusions the bankers setup for us. Once we think we can get 5% of the population to act, we just do it. 5% is critical mass. When 5% does something beneficial, the other 95% follow. We can do all this very quickly.Think of us like a sports team VS the bankers who are another sports team. We were a disunited group of 7 billion VS a very united group of 8500. Once we unite, we will outpower them like crazy and this is done inside the mind so it doesn't take more than a second to do. Everyone is only responsible for their own mind. If you can do it, you have achieved success. Next, we push the idea non-stop until the masses find out just like we pushed the idea that HRC was a pedophile. It isn't really hard. It just requires persistence. Once we feel comfortable with our numbers, we push to stop using the money and just do it. We can do it nationwide but if people see us doing it here, they will be quickly inspired to do it in their own countries so I have no doubt this will become a worldwide event.We are like the pigs who are upset about being fenced in. We found out in 2016 but now, after a lot of thinking and brainstorming, figured out we can push ourselves past the gate and be forever free. We can do this ASAP instead of waiting for decades for the Deep State to free us which will probably never happen to be honest. i think we are the hero of the story. The Deep State things we are the hero which is why they use the Masonic Checkerboard Technique. We have to realize that we are the hero. We have to unite. We have to break through the gate together as a team. We will be free, NWO plans will be canceled, and life will become fun again.Honestly, this is the most pivotal point in human history. Should we walk out of the Banker Casino and be forever free or do we keep trying to beat the rigged games even though we have been on a non-stop losing spree since the age of Babylon?
Submitted May 09, 2018 at 07:09PM by lightmakerflex1 https://www.reddit.com/greatawakening/comments/8iac1m/babylonian\_money\_magic\_the\_secret\_power\_of\_the/?utm\_source=ifttt
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