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Stephen Kotkin on forced collectivisation

He would do it. Stalin would force the collectivization of Soviet villages and nomadic steppe inhabited by more than 100 million people between 1928 and 1933, a story taken up in volume II. At least 5 million people, many of the country's most productive farmers or herders, would be "dekulakized", that is, enclosed in cattle cars and dumped at far-off wastes, often in winter; some in that number would dekulakize themselves, rushing to sell or abandon their possessions to escape deportation. Those forced into the collectives would burn crops, slaughter animals, and assassinate officials. The regime's urban shock troops would break peasant resistance, but the country's inventory of horses would plummet from 35 million to 17 million, cattle from 70 million to 38 million, pigs from 26 million to 12 million, sheep and goats from 147 million to 50 million. In Kazakhstan, the losses would be still more staggering: cattle from 7.5 million to 1.6 million, sheep from 21.9 million to 1.7 million. Countrywide, nearly 40 million people would suffer severe hunger or starvation and between 5 and 7 million people would die in the horrific famine, whose existence the regime denied. "All the dogs have been eaten," one eyewitness would be told in a Ukrainian village. "We have eaten everything we could lay our hands on--cats, dogs- field mice, birds--when it's light tomorrow, you will see that the trees have been stripped of bark, for that too has been eaten. And the horse manure has been eaten. Yes, the horse manure. We fight over it. Sometimes there are whole grains in it."
Scholars who argue that Stalin's collectivization was necessary in order to force a peasant country into the modern era are dead wrong. The Soviet Union, like imperial Russia, faced an imperative to modernize in order to survive in the brutally unsentimental international order, but market systems have been shown to be fully compatible with fast-paced industrialization, including in peasant countries. Forced wholesale collectivization only seemed necessary within the straitjacket of Communist ideology and its repudiation of capitalism. And economically, collectivization failed to deliver. Stalin assumed it would increase both the state's share of low-cost grain purchases and the overall size of the harvest, but although procurements doubled immediately, harvests shrank. Over the longer term, collective farming would not prove superior to large-scale capitalist farming or even to smaller-scale capitalist farming when the latter was provided with machinery, fertilizer, agronomy, and effective distribution. In the short term, collectivization would contribute nothing on net to Soviet industrial growth.
Nor was collectivization necessary to sustain a dictatorship. Private capital and dictatorship are perfectly compatible...nothing prevented the Communist dictatorship from embracing capital--nothing, that is, except idees fixes.
Nor did an adverse turn in the world economy compel collectivization. Global deflation in commodity prices did hit the Soviet Union hard, reducing the revenues from the sale abroad of Soviet grain, oil, timber, and sugar, but Stalin, in his grand speech in Siberia on January 20, 1928, made no mention of such conditions as a factor in his decision. If the global terms of trade for primary goods producers had been favorable, would Stalin have said in Novosibirsk that day, Let's develop large-scale privately owned kulak farms with privately hired labor? Look at these high global grain prices, we'll never have to collectivize the peasantry! If the Soviet Union had obtained abundant long-term foreign credits in 1927-28, would Stalin have said, Let's double down on markets at home? So what if we risk the party's monopoly! The pernicious idea that global capitalism caused Stalin's resort to extreme violence and erection of a brutal command system, in order to exercise control over the export commodities needed to finance industrialization, ignores the vast trove of evidence on the salience of ideology, including ideology's role in worsening the USSR's international position in the first place. There was a debate inside the USSR in the 1920s about how to modernize the country, but it was a remarkably narrow debate in which important options were closed off.
For that reason, it will not do to simplify collectivization as just another instance in thew Russian state's infamous strong-arming of a predominantly peasant country because its agricultural season--in its northern climate, on a par with Canada--lasted a mere 125 days, perhaps half the length in Europe, where yields per acre were higher. The image of a Russian state through the centuries as a cruel military occupier at home is one-sided: Alexander had emancipated the serfs and Stolypin's peasant reforms were voluntary. And Stalin was motivated by more than competition with more fortunate European rivals. Like Stolypin, Stalin wanted consolidated, contiguous farms, not the separated, small strips of the commune, but he ruled out the Stolypin route of betting on independent yeoman farmers (kulaks). Critics of Bolshevism abroad had urged old-regime professionals to work for the Soviet regime precisely in order to transform it from within, toward a Russian nationalist order and a full capitalist restoration. Such hopes were Stalin's fears. Collectivization would give the Communists control over the vast countryside, a coveted goal no regime in Russia had ever had. But still more fundamentally, collectivization, like state-run and state-owned industry, constituted a form of ostensible modernization that negated capitalism. Thus did Stalin "solve" the Bolsheviks' conundrum of how, in the words of Lenin's last public speech, "NEP Russia could become socialist Russia."
There are always alternatives in history. The germane question is, was there an alternative within the Leninist revolution?
...Sokolnikov agreed with Rykov's and Bukharin's insistence on a version of industrialization compatible with market equilibrium, but he went much further and explicitly rejected the vision, alluring to almost all Communists, of achieving comprehensive economic planning in practice. (Sokolnikov allowed for the lesser possibility of coordination.) Of course, almost all non-Bolshevik specialists in the finance commissariat and elsewhere were saying this, but Sokolnikov was a member of the Central Committee. He had not argued in favor of capitalism--it is hard to see how any Bolshevik could have done so and survived in a leadership position--and implementing his market socialism would not have been easy. The Soviet party-state lacked much of the institutional capacity necessary to regulate market economy skillfully (Sokolnikov excepted). This was especially true of the mixed-state market economy of the NEP, which required a subtle understanding of the effects on the country's macroeconomy of price controls and use of state power against private traders. Nonetheless, acceptance of the market and rejection of planning as a chimera were the sine qua non of any alternative path to the one Stalin had proclaimed in Novosibirsk in January 1928.
...Had Stalin not only caused the mass loss of the country's most productive farmers and half its livestock in collectivization but also failed to finagle the machinery necessary for Soviet industrialization, including tractors for agriculture, his rule would have risked the destruction of the Leninist revolution. But a fortuitous event rescued his reckless gambling. On September 4, 1929, stock prices began to fall in New York and on October 29 the market crashed. A host of structural factors and policy mistakes transformed the financial dislocation into a Great Depression. By 1933, industrial production would drop by 46 percent in the United States, 41 percent in Germany, and 23 percent in Britain. Unemployment in the United States would reach 25 percent and still higher elsewhere. International trade would drop by half. Construction would come to a virtual standstill. The world's misfortune was Stalin's great, unforeseen fortune.
Of course, in Marxist thinking this was no accident: Capitalism was seen as inherently prone to booms and busts, a market economy produced depressions, misallocation of capital, mass unemployment, for which planning was supposed to be the answer. But there had never before been a capitalist crisis on the scale of the Great Depression (and there had not been since). The timing of the Depression, moreover, could not have been better for Stalin: right after he launched collectivization and dekulakization. The upshot was a windfall. More than one thousand factories would be newly built or overhauled from top to bottom, and nearly every single blueprint and advanced machine came from abroad. The Depression afforded Stalin unprecedented leverage: suddenly, the capitalists needed the Soviet market as much as the Soviets needed their advanced technology. Without the Great Depression would the capitalists have developed such overwhelming incentives to pursue the Soviet market no matter what? Indeed, the capitalist powers not only sold their best technology to the Communist regime, they continued doing so even after the Soviets were found to be violating contracts by purchasing designs for one factory and using them for others, trickery that was amply recorded in indignant internal foreign company records; the capitalists had no other customers for massive capital goods. Scholars who write of Moscow facing an "uncooperative world economy" have it exactly backward. Ideology and the party monopoly were the constraints; the global economy, the enabler. In fact, the global economic crisis was a double gift. Nothing did more to legitimate Stalin's system. But Stalin had no idea that a Great Depression was around the corner, and that it would bring the foreign capitalists on bended knee.
If Stalin had died, the likelihood of forced wholesale collectivization--the only kind--would have been near zero, and the likelihood that the Soviet regime would have been transformed into something else or fallen apart would have been transformed into something else or fallen apart would have been high. "More than almost any other great man in history," wrote the historian E.H. Carr, "Stalin illustrates the thesis that circumstances make the man, not the man the circumstances." Utterly, eternally wrong. Stalin made history, rearranging the entire socioeconomic landscape of one sixth of the earth. Right through mass rebellion, mass starvation, cannibalism, the destruction of the country's livestock, and unprecedented political destabilization, Stalin did not flinch. Feints in the form of tactical retreats notwithstanding, he would keep going even when told to his face by officials in the inner regime that a catastrophe was unfolding--full speed ahead to socialism. This required extraordinary maneuvering, browbeating, and violence on his part. It also required deep conviction that it had to be done. Stalin was uncommonly skillful in building an awesome personal dictatorship, but also a bungler, getting fascism wrong, stumbling in foreign policy. But he had will. He went to Siberia in January 1928 and did not look back. History, for better and for worse, is made by those who never give up.
-Stephen Kotkin, Stalin Volume 1: Paradoxes of Power (New York, 2014), pp.724-727, pp.729-730, pp.733-734, pp.736-737, p.739
submitted by TheCarlyleanHero to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

Psycho Betting and Stats 301-Degenalytics Question

Before you even start watching this for entertainment and see if you get offended by this un-P.C. content. Don't be a pussy.
If you can't handle it, leave this thread. If you can, then you may proceed to the next level.
I've been scatter-brained, ire-filled, soul-searching and lost after a 7-day Degen Marathon that brought a shit load of misfortunes. I used to hate social media, but I've learned how to wield the soc. med. sword like a fucking Degen Jedi. I'm going to promote an honest cause where I seek to be victorious in the end. Just you watch you fucking doubters, haters, blockers, scammers. How much grit and intellect would the average fucking person have to endure what I've gone through in the last fucking 48 hours and still come out alive with a sense of greater purpose?
Had about $400 to $500 in righteously earned bonus dollars earned through impossible grinding degen mission that came pretty close to accomplishing (91%).
I would have had some imaginary >$600 BR by now, but instead the roll-over deadline caused the entire deposit to be forfeited and I manage to salvage some $100.
Due to a bonus rollover scheme, 80U of my balance was stuck in bonuses and if I fail to accomplish the roll-over by the deadline, it all gets forfeited.
With a $500-$600 balance, I could have somewhere at $900-1000 by now after a 20-2 W-L record on European football on Wednesday.
How did I get that record yesterday, by sampling a bunch of solid pre-game picks and live betting using my own fucking brain. I consult with the finest in capping. With $10-$20 bet sizes, That would have put me up maybe $15x16 = +$240 at minimum. $1000 was the imaginary bank roll. As of today, betting with $1 units, after Monday-Wednesday's successful run, while Tuesday was a -$50 blip, I converted $100 to about close to $200 (40U).
🤪🤑Psycho Betting🤑🤪:
I learned the art of psycho betting. Taking some well-advised 10U and 30U psycho bets that put my bankroll up a significant amounts, but a big loss does the opposite. Yesterday I manage to hit 4 grand 30U slams in a row, however many on juiced lines, so each $30 bet one returns about $15-20. Thus my bankroll grew nearly +100 units and sits close to $200 from the initial $100 I manage to salvage after that bonus robbery.
If you want to fucking learn the art of Psycho-Betting to the extremest and be successful at it, fucking put in $100 in Bovada (remember to use money that you can afford to lose) and get that fucking bonus for the purpose of looting the bookies in a successful vengeance scheme. This guy is a fucking Artillery:
Fucking hit more than 4x30U grand slams yesterday and some 10-20U cherries on top. I tailed his free picks and other through consultation [Haha fucking reddit/sportsbook will probably ban me for promoting another tout, :)].Of course with my $1.5U size on a crippled bank roll, I cannot grow it to as much as I wanted to using GoTime's techniques. I would have been at another +$400 if I had $6 units. It's a high risk and high reward system, but if you are confident with your picks you go big on it. If you lose it, then you grind back with smaller 10U and 20U bets to try to get back to part to be able to do another 30U bet. The goal is to be like 2-1, 3-0 on 30U grand slams a day. There is some level of sustainability and back up plans to execute in case the 30U bet did not work out. It is very improbable for you to lose 10 in a row on well researched picks that the experts in the community have common agreement on. A lot of the times, the lines shift to reward you less for the pick since big money is already on the pick.
Use the chart on:
Here is a Nice Calculation to do:
📚📑💻Stats 301 Question in Degenalytics💻📑📚**:**
Lastly I asked anyone in the past few days to do a Stats 301 question with Degenalytics Context: To fucking determine the probability that an avg Joe with a $100+100 Bonus Bank-roll or $500 + 250B bank roll can actually pull off the $3000/$7500 grind in some number of N months betting with supposedly 2 full months of real sports (N-2) getting Obliterated by COVID-19. I want you to give me an analytical calculation or a simulation of your work and give me all the possible scenarios.
Then give the final verdict of if that number converges to 0.000% or 100.00% that the average Joe would succeed his false-hope mission for a successful rollover.
In other words think of it like this: If the average joe bets his entire bank roll 12 or more times (roll-over is not x10 because of bookie juice), what is the probability that he will still end up in the green? Also assign a tilt probability factor that the Average Joe would go on some emotional tilt spree to end up bust again? And make it even harder by eliminating 2-3 full months of real sports (N-2.5) and having to bet on Bovada's limited shitty ass lines and shitty live odds.
If you fucking want to eliminate the -2.5 months, then allow the average joe the freedom to bet on N months of e-sports [hahah] and see where that goes.
I had a bad experience betting on e-sports for 2 months and only end up -15-20U. I'm not saying that I lost because I suck at e-sports betting or I tailed the wrong people. The Bovada lines are super shitty and limited. Most of the time, on live esports, all you see are dashed out lines as if they fucking know what the rigged result is and prevent people from doing hedge bets or try to bet opposite spreads when they are winning to guarantee an insurance 1-1 with minimal damage incurred to their bank-roll. The live betting experience on e-sports on the Bovada platform is so bad that you are guaranteed to lose in the long run. Fucking hell Bodog/Bovada even offered me a $250 deposit on 100% bonus after the Rudy Gobert day in Mid March. They advertised the joys and wonders of getting rich betting off esports.
I was so tempted to deposit, however I kind of over-slept and missed out on the dead-line so they closed the bonus offer. Pretty good relief that I did not fuck-up my real credit card and bank account by falling for that scam again. It was an accidental Grace of God moment to fucking avoid that E-sports deposit marketing scam.
BONUS Questions:
A: Calculate the number of months needed and number of successful bets required for the conservative degen 1u bettor to grind out the roll-over playing
$2.00 tug of war with the bookie.
B: Calculate the odds that a professional capper who knows how to adjust unit sizes (1u-5u), do parlays once a while, will succeed the roll-over in some
N-2.5 months or add some e-sports to have fun to keep the N factor.
C.1: Calculate the conditional probabilities for the bettor succeeding in the mission if on the first few days of betting:
i) He loses bet 1 for about $20.
ii) Wins bet 1 for about $20 to earn $17.5.
iii) Goes on a 3 game losing streak
iv) 5 game losing streak
v) Positivity case: The guy got lucky and nearly doubled his bank roll on a decent run from day. Up +100U or $200. [I'm sure that out of bad discipline the average Joe would still go -200U in the long run with a pretty high probability.]
C.2: Determine the mathematical scheme on how the Bookies can use your first few losses to eventually put you in a 60+:40- (Greater than 60% locked in bonus, less than 40% of your deposited money). Bonus:Locked funds ratio.
The Jinx-King answer: It converges to zero [hahaha], but I really am interested in know what other scenarios math and stats people have come up. And your mathematical approaches and formulae used to generate possible scenarios and probabilities. But I think it is safe to say that for the average Joe,the answer is 0.00% success rate. Bodog/Bovada knows this exactly and refuses to put a hiatus on the roll-over deadline. Instead they keep it going so that people can try to wager on e-sports and lose their entire bank roll. They are only interested it getting 100% of your locked funds so that they can buy expensive cruises, yachts, beach mansions, resort packages, etc in Aruba or some other tropical place. Where you got millions of desperate Americans, Canadians in struggling economies with lost jobs and zero positive cash-flow. About 10% or so or perhaps even more deposit money into off-shore gambling websites hoping they can roll-over their bank-roll some ridiculous number of times and make a few bucks to put food on the table.
In fact, it makes matters worst being jobless, having zero cash flow and having locked funds in scamming bookies. If you are not good at casino or sports-betting games, you would have:
A: Lose your entire deposit for failing to grind it out properly.
B: Not grind it out on time on whatever dead-line the roll-over was.
C: Even if you did successfully grind that shit out using conservative 1u betting and play $2 tug of war with the bookie, you will end up just wasting your time grinding it out for hours and hours on end. It would have been better for you to fucking find a job at some farm helping out with harvesting crops or work in meat plants so that food does not go to waste. I bet you I can make more money than your $2 tug of war in one a day picking off cans and bottles off the streets in some exercise walking/running/biking + collection routine then selling it to the recycling center for $0.05-0.25 a unit. Trust me at my university, I spot maybe about 50-200 empty/partially driven cans and bottles left on desks, lecture halls, the floor, libraries, work areas, etc. Supposed that I harvested that shit, I would be making $5-$20 a day collecting it all and going to the recycling center once every week.
The fucking company knows this COVID-19 closure shit and want to use it to their advantage to continue to rob millions of their customers. Last week, I tried to call customer service, chat help, email, etc. and management has spoken to plead my case to delay the roll-over dead-line in a pro-rated time frame so that customers with locked balances can resume betting with their full balance when Game 1 of any Major League Sport actually returns. They give me the same bull-shit over and over saying they decline my request. For what reason?
  1. The terms and conditions written in fine print for accepting the bonus conversion challenge. "Rules are Rules."
  2. They were aware my deadline of June 22 at 19:23 ET was approaching soon. They knew I was on a mission to salvage my bank roll before they yank out the 60-75U trapped in bonus balances (i.e. Ghost money). By the end of it, I realize I made a foolish mistake. Most of my wins were just from bonus money and I was rewarded $0.00 on righteous wins on expired bonuses.
Therefore Bonus money only earns bonus money which put my entire bank-roll in a 80:20 ratio where the bookies control 80U in ghost money. By the end of the roll-over deadline, they get to yank out 80U of my balance at the deadline and left me with about $100 (20U) bank roll to regrind.
  1. They knew I was winning consistently making solid picks.
During my 110 hour marathon over the brutal grind of losing more than 70 hours of work, leisure and recreation; 35 hours of sleep; to a fucking impossible grind of trying to roll over some 60% of $7500 on sports I have little knowledge of capping (i.e. E-sports, Table Tennis, European football) after a few days of studying the game, I was picking up my stride to grind it to 91%. They fucking knew that if I had another day to grind, they would be coughing up +$600-800 of withdrawable balance to my account.
I am a Fucking PHD Candidate (2-6 months from graduating and not having to pay another round of BS tuition) who does a shitload of mathematics, statistics, simulations, mathematical physics, wrote scientific papers. I've won T.A. Awards, Government/Provincial/Institutional level scholarships, Conference presentations, with even Undergrad honors back in the day. DM me if you need a fucking CV to prove my fucking credentials.
Why am I able to write a lot of shit? Because my fucking brain operates on some max level Intel Xeon chip on overclock mode and I cannot do much to shut it down other than going to sleep. They only way is to write articles that I think might benefit the community.
I have a crazy interest in sports and Degen'ing. I love to fucking put action on sports games, be proud about making the correct calls on the outcome of games before it happens, and then boast to my circle of competitive friends about who's the fucking Boss. As tabboo as society think us degens are, I think this absolute BS. There is a pure enjoyment in watching sports and having action on it. It is nice to get paid beer money to cover a round for your buddies, or earn that rent money over a successful night of betting on shit you actually enjoy watching. Fuck I rather make $300 for one evening of enjoying sports rather than working a 9-5 dull job to try to afford rent/mortgage. If I can fucking pay off all my monthly expenses in 3 fucking successful nights of 3 hr sessions of sports matches, that would be ideal. I would take the lather over a 9-5 rat-race grind.
Overall I am "PRO" in the debate for local single sports betting bookies to be established in Canada. Get these fucking scamming off-shore books like bodog/Bovada who contribute only contribute "Bagel" to the Canadian Economy, but instead make it worst by scamming the masses of hard working or desperate people to leak out some sum of billions of dollars of national GDP. Probably the same applies to all American States, that people should not have to cough up their hard earned $$$$ to off-shore scamming bookies. I shall write an article about this later to justify my arguments later.
Ultimately I my goal is to obliterate or negate the influence of all the cons, scamming bookies, and false touts out there who are just interested in stealing people's $$$. To write out full studies on exposing their schemes in an objective lens.
Calling me out: (Think I cannot track these pussy downvotes? I know you cowards 😂😜😎)
If you think I'm full of BS, then send me a personal DM to have a 1v1 argument the same way that Stephen A debates sports with Max Kellerman. You can downvote me or flame me with empty hate talk all you want on public threads. But don't be a fucky pussy by avoiding a debate with me. Trust me, I'm going to win and be the last one to state a real point that you will have no comeback for [haha]. Lastly, if you are open to discuss or debate with me about some issues, do some resarch/exploration, betting strategies, etc., I would love your collaboration in some projects I got going on.
Ultimately, I should help every honest worker strive towards Degen success or if not, just to purely enjoy putting action on sports games. If you are too full of yourself, then you are on your own, I bid thee adieu, and wish you all the best. However you will be absolutely declined to all services and counsel I work to provide to friends for free.
Social Media📺🎬
Some extra Resource to how I got to this point in my mission.
Here it is for starters:
June 23, 2020: The Impossible Pursuit Reddit/sportsbook/Brag and Bitch (Tuesday)
June 24, 2020: Doubling Bank roll and rewarded Bagel: Reddit/sportsbook/Brag and Bitch (Wednesday)
June 24, 2020: How can you win 5 in a row and lose it all simultaneously? Reddit/sportsbook/What is your most impressive win?
Full Twiiter:
All my media:
Discord: ????? To be solved.
Challenges: Got a few right in progress now and a couple of drafts I am working on.
The Jinxking Crusade (In progress):
Turns out many people cannot withdraw anything out of Bovada/bodog due to some website glitches. Will try to recover a bankroll to attempt a withdrawal, however I am likely to have the same issues too. They will make some lame excuse to not give me a cheque. Definitely no point of pursuing anything in bovada/bodog if they refuse to give you withdrawables. The goal is to get their website off outta here. As well as get them out of advertisements. They definitely pulled off some "Get the fucking money and run scheme" and you will likely not see your money again. GG
The Jinxking Challenge (In progress):
Want to expose a bad tout who over prices the service and has a mediocre record? Tail and fade to call their their BS or mediocre non profiting record out. Also good for finding legitimate winners too. This will be a mission to expose shitty touts on Twitter the way Penn & Teller exposes BS in the market.
submitted by jinxking0p5 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

RESULTS of the State of the Game Survey - October 2019

Hi all,

It’s time for the results!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond, these results wouldn’t be possible without you!

As always, neither myself nor this survey are associated with Intelligent Systems or Nintendo in any way. Please direct feedback about the game itself to the official channels.

Now let’s get into it!
Previous Survey Results:

~ Demographics ~

56.9% began playing FE:H in February 2017, with 23.6% more joining during the first year of the game. 12.6% of respondents joined during the second year, and 6.6% joined during the third.

36.9% report being F2P, while 26.6% have spent less than $100, 17.9% spent between $100 - $499, 6.3% spent between $500 - $999, and 8.8% have spent over $1000.

42.4% last spent money on FE:H during the third year of the game, while 22.9% last spent money during the second year of the game and 11.1% last spent money during the first year of the game.

45.4% play FE:H between 30-60 minutes per day, with 16.1% playing less than 30 minutes per day, and 26.4% play between 1-2 hours per day. 7.8% play for 2-3 hours, and 2.5% play for 3+ hours per day.

~ Summoning ~

A Monstrous Harvest is the most summoned-from banner since the previous survey, with 66.1% of respondents reporting that they have used orbs on it at least once. Brave Echoes is the runner-up at 64.8%, followed by Mythic Hero: Thrasir at 62.7%. Full results here: [Graph].

Brave Echoes is the most common orb-draining banner since the previous survey, with 22.0% of respondents reporting that they used the most orbs on it. Runner-up is Mythic Hero: Thrasir at 21.3%, followed by A Splendid Soiree at 17.7%. Full results here: [Graph].

Brave Echoes is the most common favorite banner since the previous survey, with 27.2% of respondents reporting it as their favorite. Runner-up is A Splendid Soiree at 20.1%, followed by A Monstrous Harvest at 16.7%. Full results here: [Graph].

A Monstrous Harvest was the banner that the most respondents spent money on, with 8.8% buying orbs specifically to summon on it. Mythic Hero: Thrasir is the runner-up at 7.8%, followed by A Splendid Soiree at 7.6%. Full results here: [Graph].

~ New Features ~

81.3% have completed all 15 ranks of the Heroes’ Path, compared to 18.3% who have not.

69.3% have completed all levels in the Hall of Forms, compared to 30.6% who have not.

Mae was the best Forma unit for 34.4% of respondents, followed by Alm at 27.8%, Celica at 18.1%, and Boey at 12.2%.

Boey was the worst Forma unit for 50.3% of respondents, followed by Celica at 21.9%, Mae at 9.2%, and Alm at 8.1%.

25.4% say that the Hall of Forms influenced them to want to summon for or build one of the featured heroes, compared to 68.8% who say it did not.

68.3% prefer character selection for the Hall of Forms be developer-chosen characters as it is currently, while 16.3% would prefer randomized characters and 9.9% would prefer player-chosen characters.

40.0% want the Hall of Forms events to always be active, with 36.9% wanting them active frequently but with a week or so of break in between. 19.0% want them to be active once a month, 1.6% only want them active every couple of months, and 0.5% don’t want any more Hall of Forms events.

63.5% would like an option to restart/reset the Hall of Forms after completion, compared to 19.5% who would not.

4.5 is the average enjoyment rating for the Hall of Forms game mode. 93.1% rated their enjoyment at a 4/5 or above.

35.9% feel negatively about the introduction of Duo Heroes, compared to 13.6% who feel positively. 47.9% feel neutral.

65.0% feel negatively about the Duo Skill feature in particular, compared to 4.3% who feel positively. 27.4% feel neutral.

~ Special Focus: Heroic Grails ~

85.4% have summoned a Heroic Grail unit to use for a merge, compared to 14.2% who have not.

61.7% have summoned a Heroic Grail unit to use for skill fodder, compared to 37.7% who have not.

“Which of the following best describes how you use Heroic Grails?”
  • (44.5%) “I almost always use them for Merging
  • (24.8%) “I use them for Merging more often than I use them for Skill Fodder
  • (8.5%) “I use them for Merging about as often as I use them for Skill Fodder
  • (9.5%) “I use them for Skill Fodder more often than I use them for Merging”
  • (4.7%) “I almost always use them for Skill Fodder”

48.1% have merged a Heroic Grail unit to 5*+10, compared to 48.1% who have not.

Aversa is the most common 5+10 Heroic Grail unit, achieved by 10.3% of those with a 5+10 merged Heroic Grail unit. Black Knight is the runner-up at 5.9%, followed by Masked Marth at 5.7%. Full Results here: [Graph].

77.1% say they would be happy if a character they want in the game who hasn’t been added yet gets introduced as a Heroic Grail unit, compared to 7.7% who say they would not be happy.

~ Old Questions, Revisited ~

“Which Brave Hero do you believe is the overall strongest?”
  • (61.3%) Micaiah (+1.1% from August)
  • (10.5%) Camilla (+3.7% from August)
  • (10.0%) Alm (-5.2% from August)
  • (7.1%) Eliwood (+2.8% from August)

67.4% have bought Three Houses (+5.2% from August), while 18.0% have not but plan to (-4.0% from August). 14.3% have not and don’t plan to (-0.7% from August).

82.4% want to see more characters from Three Houses added to FE:H, compared to 4.9% who do not. The previous survey only asked this question to those who had purchased Three Houses (resulting in 94.4% in favor, 1.7% not), so this result is now from all respondents regardless of whether they bought Three Houses.

31.0% have completed all of the Blessed Gardens maps, compared to 68.8% who have not. I can’t find the last time this was previously asked >_<

2.85 is the average rating on Pair Up as a mechanic. 16.5% rated their feelings on Pair Up at a 4/5 or above. The last time this question was polled (in May), the responses were in a different format, but 22.3% felt positively about Pair Up as a mechanic while 32.0% felt negatively.

~ Opinions ~

92.9% would like to see more heroes added directly into the summoning pool at 3-4* rarity without a focus banner, compared to 2.9% who would not.

12.2% believe the pace of 5* demotions after banners is adequate, compared to 78.0% who do not.

10.8% feel positively about the recent trend of new characters being added as seasonal units before having their “standard” form added, compared to 54.6% who feel negatively about this trend. 32.9% are neutral.

47.0% feel positively about Heroes original characters receiving seasonal alts, compared to 14.7% who feel negatively. 37.3% are neutral.

29.6% feel Intelligent Systems handles game selection in New Heroes banners well, compared to 12.6% who feel they handle it poorly. 57.8% are neutral.

35.0% feel Intelligent Systems handles character selection in New Heroes banners well, compared to 10.8% who feel they handle it poorly. 54.2% are neutral.

11.7% feel Intelligent Systems handles gender balance in New Heroes banners well, compared to 44.4% who feel they handle it poorly. 43.9% are neutral.

38.6% believe the menu system needs to be re-worked/streamlined, compared to 41.3% who do not.

~ Miscellaneous ~

Three Houses is the game most wanted for a New Heroes banner at 36.4%. The runner-up is Sacred Stones at 11.9%. Full Results here: [Graph].

Player crossover with other Nintendo Mobile games:
  • 19.1% actively play Pokemon GO
  • 16.3% actively play Dragalia Lost
  • 10.4% actively play Pokemon Masters
  • 8.9% actively play Mario Kart Tour
  • 4.6% actively play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
  • 0.9% each actively play Dr. Mario World and Super Mario Run
  • 58.6% do not actively play any of the above

18.9% say they would still play the game if it was a new IP and not Fire Emblem, compared to 51.3% who say they would not.

52.8% generally consider themselves Savers, while 40.3% generally consider themselves Spenders.

58.9% chose their Summoner Support because they are one of their favorite characters, while 20.4% did so because they’re one of the units they use the most and 15.8% did so because they make the most of the extra stats. 4.4% chose their Summoner Support for other reasons not listed.

94.3% use 1 FE:H account actively. 3.8% use 2, 0.6% use 3 or more, and 1.4% use 0.

Book 3 is the most liked by 67.3% of respondents, followed by Book 2 (12.5%), then Book 1 (3.7%).

86.9% were already playing FE:H when Three Houses released, but 0.9% started playing FE:H because of Three Houses, while 11.5% started playing FE:H for other reasons.

Fire Emblem: Awakening is the recommended entry point into the main series by 34.1% of respondents, followed by Fire Emblem: Three Houses (18.8%) and Fire Emblem 7: Blazing Blade (12.7%). Full Results here: [Graph].

60.9% say that a character already having one or more alts influences their desire for them to receive alts in the future, while 32.7% say it does not.

“How often do you use Auto Battle on a typical Tempest Trials day?”
  • 30.6% almost always use Auto Battle
  • 20.0% use Auto Battle more than they play manually
  • 6.6% use Auto Battle about as much as they play manually
  • 11.2% play manually more than they use Auto Battle
  • 31.7% almost always play manually

~ Intelligent Systems Approval Ratings ~

The approval ratings are calculated by the proportion of Approve responses compared to the number of both Approve and Disapprove responses.

Percent who approve of the way Intelligent Systems is handling heroes and summoning in the game:
  • 84.0% - New Heroes (+8.8%)
  • 46.5% - Alternate Forms of Heroes (+3.9%)
  • 76.4% - Legendary Heroes (-7.0%)
  • 65.6% - Mythic Heroes (-14.4%)
  • 65.2% - Summoning Banners (+7.4%)

Percent who approve of the way Intelligent Systems is handling different Game Modes:
  • 78.8% - The Story (-3.4%)
  • 63.5% - Voting Gauntlets (-9.9%)
  • 25.4% - Arena (-7.1%)
  • 38.0% - Arena Assault (-10.8%)
  • 96.9% - Tempest Trials (+1.5%)
  • 92.6% - Hero Battles (Grand, Bound, Legendary) (---%)
  • 71.3% - Grand Conquest (+1.7%)
  • 90.4% - Forging Bonds (+3.7%)
  • 81.4% - Tactics Drills (Skill Studies, Grandmaster) (+0.0%)
  • 19.6% - Aether Raids (-2.0%)
  • 85.8% - Aether Resorts (+24.6%)
  • 60.2% - Allegiance Battles (+5.3%)
  • 72.5% - Rokkr Sieges (-1.1%)
  • 55.0% - Lost Lore (+11.6%)
  • 98.7% - Hall of Forms (---%)

52.1% believe Intelligent Systems cares about its Free to Play userbase (up 5.1% from the last survey), while 26.8% do not. This continues the upward trajectory for this question in the second half of the year, coming back from the downward trend in the first half of the year and breaking above 50% for the first time in 2019.

31.3% believe Intelligent Systems is treating its high-paying “whale” users fairly (about the same as the last survey), while 27.3% do not.

45.1% approve of the way Intelligent Systems is handling Fire Emblem: Heroes as a whole (up 5.9% from the last survey), while 12.5% disapprove. This continues the upward trajectory of the second half of the year, after a downward trend in the first half of the year. While not above the 50% line, this is still the highest in the last year.

~ 5* Hero Data ~

157.6 is the average number of Unique Available 5* Heroes, up 10.1 from the last survey (excluding duplicates, merges, SI’d or sent home units). Median is 159.

  • 115 is the cutoff for the 25th percentile
  • 159 for the 50th percentile
  • 198 for the 75th percentile
  • 233 for the 90th percentile
  • 261 for the 95th percentile

Other game data results:

277 is the average unique hero count (Catalog of Heroes number) at the time of this survey, up 11 heroes from the last survey. The median is 285.

8.05 is the average highest merge level achieved on a 5* unit. The median is 10. A +10 merge on at least one 5* unit has been achieved by 64.3% of players.

4.0 is the average number of 5* + 10 heroes available to respondents. The median is 3.

22.6% of respondents have a 5* + 10 of a 5* -exclusive hero. 0.53 is the average number of 5* -exclusive heroes at 5* + 10. The median is 0.

~ Special Results: 5* Hero Data for Release Month F2Ps Only ~

170 is the average number of Available 5* Heroes for Release Month F2Ps only, up 13 from the last survey. Median is 167.

  • 137 is the cutoff for the 25th percentile
  • 167 for the 50th percentile
  • 202 for the 75th percentile
  • 233 for the 90th percentile
  • 261 for the 95th percentile

~ Bonus Questions ~

Who is your Favorite Hero added in the last 3 months?
  • L’Arachel (Halloween) is the winner, followed by Rinea (Performing) and Julia (Legendary)
  • Full results here: [Graph]

Who is your Most Wanted Hero added in the last 3 months?
  • Thrasir is the winner, followed by Julia (Legendary) and Hector (Halloween Duo).
  • Full results here: [Graph].

Selected responses for the prompt “The next Duo Hero to be added to the game should be”:

[Selected Responses Snip]

Selected responses for the prompt “In honor of Halloween, who is the Scariest hero in the game and why?”:
[Selected Responses Snip (Part 1)], [Selected Responses Snip (Part 2)]

~ Feedback ~

As always, I received lots of great feedback, both in your survey responses and in the thread itself. A heartfelt thank you to all participants for your encouragements and criticisms - these surveys wouldn’t be where they are without your feedback. But it’s not all serious; feedback messages also included:

  • Powercreeped Heroes, a song parody by u/juuldude
  • #8CorrinAltsPlease #BringBackGlassesAzura #DemoteGenOneUnits #JusticeForAnna #GatekeeperForCYL4 #JusticeForCanas #Micaiah4Smash #BlueLions
  • “Greetings, survey creator! Nothing to report! _
  • “I look forward to the next Nils quote. Those are priceless.”
  • “I have finally made it back. You thought me defeated, but you were wrong. Any day now (probably a month from now) you will all see the vengeance of my boy Nils on the far fetched heroes banner. You didn't think we needed another dragon dancer, and you were right! We NEED a dragon bard. He plays a LUTE (and no, not the girl). Most of you probably don't even know what that is! How cool! Just wait til he is a cavalry movement higher than armor BST monster that chews you up online. Oh yeah, it's coming.”
  • “Thank you for changing your flair to Norne, now I don't have to see Azura's face when I click on your surveys. Looks like you're taking a step in the right direction. I'm expecting a Roy flair one day. Roy mains rise up!”
  • “Alright this is it. Within the next month, we could have Jill in FEH. I’ve been saving for this moment for almost a year now, and honestly, I don’t know what I’ll do if she isn’t added. It’s more of a question of when Farfetched will be rather than if Jill will be on it, but still, I’m terrified at the thought of her not being included on the banner. If she isn’t, then I swear I’m gonna drop this game. Please just give me my red hair wyvern waifu IS” – Godspeed
  • “I thought for sure I had just filled one of these out and was briefly convinced you had started posting these sooner. No, it's just somehow been a really fast month.” – It has been a really fast month, but this is also a much shorter gap than the others recently (~1.5 month gap compared to the ~3 month gaps between surveys earlier in the year)
  • “Why did you not give me the option to submit to Grima? I wish to submit to Grima. I live for being able to submit to Grima.”
  • “It's fun doing these surveys, I like looking through the results but I think the question variety should be increased, for example, I think you should ask more questions about the good characters in the game, like Myrrh, the best character in the franchise. Myrrh ticks all the boxes of a good character: 1) Is a dragon 2) Strong character 3) Absolutely adorable 4) Appeared in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones 5) Purple Hair. I would definitely answer every question on a survey like that.” – lol
  • “Nino is the sweetest girl in Fire Emblem. It is an undeniable fact. A universal truth. Self-evident. All who disagree are obstacles to be crushed, without exception.”
  • “When you think about it, Anna is the type of person who would take pictures of herself in various outfits to sell for money. Thus, it is highly logical that Anna would have an alt by now because that’s how she would make money, but she just doesn’t have one. Therefore, I propose that the Anna in this universe is not actually Anna, but rather some imposter, likely another Anna from the Lif and Thrasir universe, sent here to spy on the order of heroes. She could actually wield the Breidablik, but pretends to not do so, summoning Kiran as a puppet, secretly sabotaging the Breidablik whenever Kiran pulls, leading to only 3 star and 4 stars appearing. Coupled with Kiran’s horrible gambling addiction, this plan eventually steals all the wealth of the Askran Kingdom. Kiran sells all the legendary weapons for more orbs, including the only weapon that could defeat Hel: Axe of Virility. That finally leads to the downfall of the Askran kingdom and Hel’s demolition of this world. Book 3 comes to and end with Kiran’s death, and book 4 starts with Kiran getting isekai’d back into Earth and trying to cure his gambling addiction through calling, for some reason, suicide prevention hotlines.”
  • And greetings from the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong (best of luck to you, friend!), Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Peru, South Korea, Vietnam, Alaska, Belhalla, Garreg Mach Monastery, Enbarr, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, the Leicester Alliance, and Alois’ facial hair.

~ Closing Remarks ~

If you missed out on responding to this survey when it was available, consider subscribing to FEHSurveys. Many users express concerns over missing out on new surveys, so this subreddit serves as a place to organize FE:H-related surveys, make new releases more visible, and make it easier for users to see when surveys are active.

Thanks again to everyone who participated! I hope you find the results interesting, and if there’s anything else you think can be discovered from the data, let me know and I’ll do my best to oblige!
submitted by ShiningSolarSword to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

It's a Gamble! Gambling - Great? Gruesome? Gambling - Essential, Addictive, Destructive

I'm used to thinking of gambling as horrible. Every day I hear stories of people destroying their lives, and the well-being of their families, because they can't stop gambling. Everything goes. A woman speaks from her prison cell: she turned to robbing banks to pay for her addiction. She doesn't excuse herself. But she couldn't help herself. She wanted to be arrested. Despair.
I've been thinking about gambling differently this past while. Not "pure gambling" (lottery tickets, casinos, online gambling). But gambling as an essential feature of healthy, hopeful living that takes us beyond the routine.
My partner and I are building a business. Now, that's a gamble - with our time, our lives. I'm also building this site - Elsa's Creativity Emporium. Another huge gamble with time, energy, creativity. Columbus sailed for America. His gamble: that he would end up in the Far East. He didn't get was he was aiming for - but the gamble paid off for the Europeans.
Farmers plant seeds. The gamble: that the season will be good. Designers design The gamble: that the design will find a market.
People fall in love, and decide to try to make a live with that person - one of the biggest gambles in life.
On the other hand, many people want a predictable salary. No gambling, please. So and so much an hour. Anything else feels wrong, out of control, dangerous. How can anyone live like that, they shudder and recoil.
An observation. Many people don't want to gamble with work time. They want steady dependable pay. At the same time, they have a hugely developed urge, even an overwhelming urge, to gamble.
In other words, quite a number of the same people who want a steady paycheck spend a huge chunk of their everyday earnings on gambling!
"It's just for fun." "It's my right." "I have every right to do what I want with my money. I earned it, after all. It's mine." "Everyone's entitled to have a good time every now and then. All those hours I work. I deserve something."
So, though many people are entirely unable to consider working "on a gamble," (building a business, doing creative projects that may well never pay), they gamble over and over in ways that are set up to make the huge majority of people lose.
But most of the world does live "on a gamble" - or combining the gamble with as much certainty as possible. Traditional gatherer-hunting societies for instance have the relative dependability of gathering (which brings in about 90% of food) and the gamble on what is brought in through hunting (10% of the average food supply, according to my reading). Even with the gathering part, no year is like any other year. The steady dependable pay-off (salary, berries, etc.) is not the norm.
And with that, back to gambling. I'm going to call the kind of gambling I'm used to recoiling from "pure gambling" - in other words, one isn't gambling that the weather will cooperate with one's efforts, one isn't trying to make a sale, one isn't trying to build a site or a business, one isn't courting and hoping another will respond to us. "Pure gambling" - bingo, casinos, lotteries, slot machines, computer games like minesweeper and so on. The goal is winning in a game stacked against us, and the win builds nothing except the win. No book is written, no grain is harvested, nothing is built.
In everyday gambling - which I'll call "part-of-life gambling", the pleasure of winning is part of so many other things. It's part of building a life - gambling that our reaching out to someone will pay off, gambling that our design will find a market, gambling that the move to another city where there are supposed to be better jobs will lead to a better job.
In "pure gambling," all that other stuff has been taken out. The goal: the win. The goal: the payoff. In some forms of "pure gambling", one does build some skills - one learns to play bingo well, to know the ins and outs of computer games. One becomes fast, the moves automatic. In other forms of pure gambling, people just, say, pull the arm of a one-armed bandit - and the craving to keep doing this that be so strong that people have resorted (or so I've heard) to wearing diapers so they don't need to leave to go to the bathroom.
I've felt the pull of pure gambling, as well as part-of-life gambling. The time: about ten years ago. Too much stress. One day, I opened minesweeper, a computer game, and played a few games. The stress disappeared. I ended up playing minesweeper for several days, getting better and better. Wonderful and relaxing. At some point, I couldn't get better at minesweeper. From that point on, winning or losing (most often losing), became a matter of luck. And yet I still wanted to play. Very much so.
I did what was easiest for me to do: I asked my partner to take the game off my computer (at the time I didn't have the skill to know how to delete it myself). I don't think, though, that I could have used the computer and not played. The pull felt irresistible. I felt deprived when the game was gone. I wanted it back. I didn't ask for it back, though. I was able to have that much power over the pull of the game.
I did, for a number of years, turn to solitaire - not on the computer. Too dangerous. The old-fashioned way, with cards. If I played more than I thought was okay, I would put the cards in a place where it was inconvenient for me to get them - in a corner of the basement, for instance. Sometimes I would go and get them. More often I wouldn't.
The last several years have been so busy that there hasn't been time to reach for the cards. And I've noticed that the urge is gone. I want, if I have a few minutes, to take a walk, to make supper, to do nothing. I like life better that way.
I've been gambling enormously, these past few years, but the healthy way - doing things, hoping and planning that the projects will make it in the world.
I'm back to gambling: the good, the bad, the ugly.
The good. This is when we take gambles in life, gambles that come from as much knowledge and experience as possible. Even then, it's important that we check out the risks as well as possible - because in everyday life just as in a casino, one can gamble away one's savings, one's home, and so on. I took a gamble fifteen years ago: I had work (flight attendant) that was dependable but didn't satisfy me. I was finishing my Ph.D. when the airline hit hard times and offered a golden handshake to people willing to leave. I didn't have full-time college or university teaching lined up. Worse, there was hardly any teaching of any kind available where I lived. Still, I took a gamble. After all, I had an almost completed Ph.D. in hand, and had been doing university teaching part-time for years.
It wasn't an instant win. But I finally got college teaching, and eventually even steady college teaching. And that again isn't an instant fix, like a casino win. It means having to work at making the teaching successful, learning how to make the more difficult classes work (when one can), etc. There are ongoing challenges.
I think of Crick and Watson, who worked on figuring out the structure of DNA - and only after 10 years came to the realization (through a dream) that there was a double helix. They gambled with 10 years of their life.
I think of Banting, who figured out how diabetes can be controlled through insulin. So much time and effort, done despite the lack of success of others.
The dangerous good. I am thinking of people my parents knew. Not gamblers of any sort. They had built a financially successful life through steady paid-by-the-hour work. Then their 20-year-old son saw a "golden business opportunity". A local successful business was for sale. The parents mortgaged their house to the max to buy it. In a year, the successful business was destroyed through a serious of stupid choices made by their inexperienced son who had all kinds of ideas for "improving" it. The parents lost everything.
The bad. Pure gambling, when it's more than an occasional pleasure. My mother would buy an Irish Sweepstakes ticket at a time when gambling was illegal in Canada. She got a thrill out of doing something illegal. Also the ticket was a kind of miracle hope for an instant fix to all the everyday financial struggles. But it was a small cost.
For all too many people, the cost is high - financially, and in time and focus. Apparently over 15% of Canadian teenagers have at least a moderate addiction to what I call bad gambling.
Of course it can also give some kind of gratification to people leading small boring lives. Bingo halls enthrall thousands of people week after week.
The gruesome. This is when the pure gambling urge takes over someone's life, and often destroys everything else in that life. Couple life, parenting, other interests.
What to do? One, recognize the intense power of the "gambling pay-off pull." There it is, the jackpot - like a carrot to a donkey. Not easy to resist.
Societies and countries which outlaw gambling - like both Canada and the States used to - recognize the destructive power of "the pay-off pull" central to pure gambling.
Personally, I find it insane to take away the laws that prohibit gambling without at least, at the same time, mandating huge public education - from earliest childhood on - on the destructive power of "the gambling pay-off pull."
It's like no longer ensuring that water is drinkable, but not doing anything so that people each take care of their own water supply. Can you imagine a huge campaign against providing drinkable water on the basis that this tampers with individual liberty? that each person has the right to drink the water of one's choice?
And yet to go back to good gambling. I will now call it "integrated gambling" - gambling as part of other activities. The same intense pay-off pull may help us through tough times. We practice and practice a difficult guitar piece - we know there will be a pay-off and the high of getting there (at least for a moment, before we move on to the next challenge). We put in long hours working with a child with learning difficulties - and we exult when learning happens. Pay-off.
Good gambling. I'd say that's a core part of human development. It keeps us going - we're not only doing whatever it is (trying to keep the corps alive in a hard season), but longing for the pay-off. And when it does happen, euphoria, a natural high. Yeah!!!
Good gambling combines with creativity. It helps us move out of ruts, into the unknown. Something in us knows this is a good direction. There is a pull from deep inside ourselves.
As with so much about us, it's easy to mess things up.
Gambling - well. Gambling combined with a project, a goal, an end that does not have to do with gambling, a goal in itself that usually leads to further development.
Gambling - bad. Gambling for the lure of the win, the pay-off - usually unrelated to the efforts we put in. (There was nothing my mother did, that would make her more likely to win the Irish Sweepstakes than what anyone else did - it was just luck. And she never won.)
Gambling - gruesome - when "pure gambling" has taken over someone's life.
All it takes is a tiny change inside ourselves to go from the good to the bad to the gruesome - a disconnection of the pay-off pull from something constructive.
I started with words from a song I wrote years ago, on a gamble Western society gives huge value to: love. Young people are expected to find a partner to live with, taking a huge gamble with their lives. I would call it a central healthy gamble. And again here, it's been found that, time after time, learning is important. People who have been around healthy love relationships are way more likely to have the love gamble pay off.
I think we need to learn to gamble well - to do the right kind, and do it well.
I'll end with lines from that song - when can be about the best of a good gamble:
Love is my kind of tangle Love is my kind of gamble I've got all that I can handleLove More of Love Gamble, Love Tangle
Where to send you from here? You can click here for Creativity Pure and Applied. Creativity - another side of ourselves that can be pure (creativity for the sake of creativity) and applied (creativity in the service of something else). The dynamics are decidedly different than with gambling!
My writing, by the way, is a gamble. I'm gambling that it's worth it - to me and to you.
Comments welcome.
For more good thinking and stimulating ideas, click and find ELSA'S IDEA EMPORIUM. Thought-provoking arguments plus stupid opinions exposed.
Click and find: How To Think - Helpful Tip Number One - Ask Yourself This One Question. Whose Dog Is It Anyway? On Pets, Ownership, Slavery – Human Rights, Animal Rights, Who's Right? Elsa, age 7, Takes on God - Elsa Knows God is Wrong (the one she read about, anyway). The Rottweiler Pope, the Danish Cartoon, and Muslim Moderates. Stupid Opinion Number One – The Opinion That We Are Where We Are Meant To Be. Stupid Opinion Number Two – The Opinion That All Opinions Are Equal. Don't Keep it Simple, Stupid - We're Not All Mental Vegetables. The Rage of the "Righteous".
Click. THE IDEA EMPORIUM. Think. Click!
What matters is not agreement or disagreement. What matters is good thinking - ideas backed by evidence. logic, etc. Comments welcome. Elsa
submitted by NegativeEgg to Whatistogelonline [link] [comments]

[EVENT] The Internationale Conference Concludes

The Conference

In keeping with the tradition that began in 1866, the Internationale has held a successful conference. Paris, the epicenter of the old order’s great defeat, has birthed new life in the form of the modern revolutionary spirit, as it had done in past centuries. Now, with the great debates, speeches and secret meetings of military importance all concluded, the following consensus has been produced:

Political Conclusions

The Third Internationale is between a rock and a hard place policywise. It is the conference’s belief that our poor economic, foreign policy and logistical situations can only be remedied by taking certain political stances. Broadly-speaking, this means a focus on efficient autonomy and a very clear delineation between when things are more efficient top-down versus bottom-up.
Development of critical industries such as natural resource and war materials production should be top-down, because national decisiveness is key. Similarly, a presidential system is preferable in order to have a single figure able to make decisions that cannot wait for consensus. In regards to local and regional affairs, however, consensus should be built from the bottom up, via legislatures and representative groups. Market socialism is a natural extension of trade unionism, in order to spare administrative resources that would otherwise be wasted on micromanagement. Overall, federalism and municipalism are good options for making these power structures work, as a strong supplement for trade unions. This balance of decisiveness and consensus should provide the best manner from which to make viable revolutionary states.
We need to be open for diverse modes of thinking in order to make a broad enough coalition to facilitate our political aims. That means, broadly speaking, an end to the modern conceptualization of colonialism, which we’ve already signed onto. More importantly, we need to recognize that all people must be treated with equality of opportunity, as this is our chance to eke out the most from our limited amount of manpower. Primarily this is concerned with women’s rights, civil rights for oppressed groups, and better education/social services. Investments here will build support for our movement, give us more manpower and industrial power per capita, and increase productivity on an individual level. The revolution’s goals can also serve as the means of achieving them.
It is also worth considering the women’s revolution from a different angle than mere necessity. If our revolution is to be victorious, it cannot discard the rights of half of the population due merely to differences in anatomy. It is worth remembering that even in places where women’s political rights are heavily curtailed by patriarchal norms, they still hold massive sway due to the essential part they play in the fabric of all societies. If we appeal to the common woman with a genuine offer of liberation and the right to make their own choices, it is not only a huge victory for our revolution, but our moral and civic duty.
During the course of this conference, the so-called “Entente” nations have abandoned the last semblance of democratic norms they still had, unveiling them as the tyrants we already knew them to be. This course of events, combined with a reconciliation with less radical democratic movements in many countries, see the Internationale as the main proponents of true democracy in the world. We should take up this mantle with gusto, as we are up to the challenge of broadening our coalition and making nice with moderate allies when they are willing to make nice with us.
Those who espouse democratic socialism and social democracy are the most easily incorporated. While they do not necessarily espouse anarchist or syndicalist views on economics, a shared focus on public welfare and the common good makes our rhetoric a snug fit. Social liberals are perhaps a more challenging group, as they still adhere to many of the tenets of capitalism, especially the concept of a market system. However, their willingness to be open to social change and their firm belief in democracy being supreme over capitalism where the two conflict (in their eyes, at least) will give us openings to make appeals.
While it is certainly a much bigger tent ideologically than the revolution began with, we can make it work. It may also allow the revolution to make inroads if we portray our values in ways that our non-revolutionary fellows can understand. While we all agree with the concept of “negative freedoms”, or rights that can only be taken away - such as freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of public protest - the revolution’s ideals are often embodied in “positive freedoms”. These freedoms can only be attained by working together towards a common goal, such as freedom from hunger, freedom from want, and so forth.
Additionally, while the revolution is fundamentally secular, it is not opposed to religion in and of itself. This has not been made clear, usually due to fundamentalist propaganda rooted in fear of our economic stances but peddled in religious terminology. By establishing a firm separation of church and state without alienating the church, we will preserve both the revolution and the spiritual connection that many people have with their faith of choice. There will often be conflicts between the two, as many tenets of faith are somewhat outmoded, but these can be overcome without stamping religion out. This will both preserve the rights the revolution is meant to defend, and allow us lasting appeal with many of those who are of strong personal faith.
While much of this discussion about broadening the revolution has been met with derision from purists, it is a compromise that most seem willing to make.

Economic Conclusions

The Third Internationale is critically isolated from essential resources required for war production. The Germans have a significant colonial empire, and the Entente has access to many critical resources simply due to the geographical size and wealth of their remaining overseas territories. The Third Internationale has neither of these things, and is in serious danger of being unable to compete for resources essential for war production. This must be rectified as soon as possible, both by removing the safety nets of our enemies and securing one for ourselves.
Oil is by far the most critical natural resource we have a paucity of. While synthetic oil production and coal cracking have broken critical ground, they still provide an absolutely paltry amount of refined oil for use or stockpiling. Exploration of Scottish shale deposits have also proven unsatisfactory for running a single peacetime economy, let alone two wartime ones. The best option currently is investment in Mexico’s troubled oil industry, which has struggled to find buyers ever since the US and Germany refused to trade with them. By investing in Mexico and building considerable storage facilities, we should have enough to weather the storm. Oil security, fortunately, is a problem that Germany also shares. If we’re able to isolate them from their tenuous connection to the oil fields in Baku, we can place the juggernaut into the troublesome situation we’re in, but with far less advance preparation.
Rubber is even more troublesome, and is crucial in significant quantity in order to run the vehicles which appear critical for modern war. Rubber is needed for planes, tanks, everything complex that acts in support of the infantry. We have virtually none, and even worse, the Germans control the lion’s share of world production between their colonial enterprises. Any revolts in rubber-rich areas should be given special consideration, and the fomenting of revolution in places like Indochina, Malaya, Siam, Ceylon and Equatorial Africa should be strongly encouraged. Additionally, if an allied regime can be created in Brazil, we could secure vast potential rubber resources with enough investment. Brazil would also be the safest bet logistically, with Germany able to largely disrupt or shut down rubber transfer from other areas. A special consideration should also be made for the Dutch East Indies, and support of a friendly Insulindian revolution could also provide an indigenous counter to Entente and German interests in the region. If we act quickly, we could also seed major rubber plantations in other viable zones of the Americas and Africa amenable to our trade, in order to provide auxiliary sources by the time the war is in full swing, but rubber trees take six years to grow.
Copper is another massive challenge. The Entente has many productive copper mines, as does the United States. The Internationale, meanwhile, has to rely mostly on mines in Cornwall that are likely to begin declining in output soon. Our best bet for competing is to exploit the considerable reserve in Chile, which indicates that we must secure Argentina to ensure the preservation of the Chilean regime. Additional sources could be secured in Spain or the United States if we’re lucky, and exploration of unproven reserves in Peru if their government is overthrown. Germany has active copper mines in places like Lubin, but it is unclear as to whether they would be sufficient to sustain a prolonged war.
With the second defeat of France, all of Lorraine now lies in Germany, her critical iron ore going with it. Italian ore production is insignificant, and British mines are largely uneconomical but can at least bolster her domestic steel demand. Chile, Brazil, Mexico, the United States, Norway and Sweden are the most accessible producers, with potential for future expansion of the steel industry in India if Jharkhand can be held. Without these imports, war production will be implausible. Germany, meanwhile, has much of their ore production and steel industry near their frontlines in the Lorraine and Flemish-Wallonian Sillon Industriel, as well as the Ruhr. If war comes, it is possible that air power could provide a critical advantage in reducing the Reich’s warmaking capacity in this sector.
Bauxite production is minimal, which is unfortunate considering our significant potential for aluminum production. Hydroelectric facilities in Alpine France and Italy could produce considerable amounts of aluminum for planes if bauxite sources could be obtained. Most bauxite used commercially is currently exported from Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana and especially Australia, rendering it out of our grasp. However, there are also proven deposits in Arkansas that could be exploited by an allied America to greatly increase wartime aluminum throughput. Fortunately, Germany is in a similar predicament regarding aluminum accessibility, and knocking out their import sources in China and Brazil could help facilitate the crippling of their aeronautical industries. However, the Entente would be just as likely to sell to Germany for processing, rendering those efforts moot.
Cobalt is essential for catalysts, as well as various alloys. Unfortunately, we’re not in a great position regarding cobalt either. The US has some unproven reserves, but the main production sites available to us are in Cuba. It is possible that Chile could provide cobalt in the required amounts to feed our synthetic materials industries, but that is as yet uncertain.
The Union of Britain and Commune of France both produce considerable amounts of coal, but it tends to be mediocre in quality and economic viability. Additionally, the most viable French coal deposits in Nord-Pas-de-Calais are directly in the line of fire for German troops, leaving mostly the Loire deposits in a strategically secure region. Meanwhile, Germany’s principle coal-mining region in the Ruhr could be made vulnerable to air power, but their significant coal sources in Silesia and elsewhere could aid in keeping their electricity and steel production online. Unfortunately, accessing coal from elsewhere is not economical, and hydroelectric power should be strongly considered, as well as natural gas or literally anything that can keep the lights on.
Manganese is usually found alongside iron deposits, and is critical for virtually all steel production, most aluminum alloys used in military applications, as an additive to reduce engine knocking in unleaded gasoline, and as the key ingredient in current-generation batteries. While the Internationale possesses minor manganese production, mostly in the northern Pyrenees, it is not nearly enough to sustain a wartime steel industry. The best alternative sources at this time are Brazil, India (specifically Orissa, controlled by the Bharatiya Commune), and Mexico, whose reserves are as of yet mostly unproven. Most other sources and potential sources - South Africa, Australia, China, Malaya, Gabon, Ukraine, Ghana - are controlled by the Entente or Reichpakt, with South Africa and Australia being by far the leaders in manganese production.
Lead is crucial for bullets, solder and many alloys of copper and brass. By and large, lead can be sourced in necessary amounts from Mexico if we invest, with other potential candidates being Peru, Bolivia, the US, India and Ireland. Again, the Entente has a massive lead (pun intended) due to Australia, who has by far and away the largest reserve of lead. Germany has minor lead mines of her own, but not enough to support her war industry without major supplementation from Sweden, Russia or Australia.
Nickel is necessary for several alloys, especially types of stainless steel, as well as being a catalyst for hydrogenation. The primary sources for nickel are German New Caledonia, the Philippines, Russia, Canada, Cuba and Brazil, with the latter two being by far the most accessible. Nickel is especially critical for tungsten carbide machine tools, which are vastly superior to regular steel for many tools and machines needed for war production.
Tin is necessary for almost any form of solder, not to mention tin-plated containers, cans and bearings. Outside of the now-declining tin mines in Cornwall, the Bolivian and Chinese tin belts are the primary sources of tin for the Internationale. Unfortunately, Yunnan’s economy is largely controlled by German corporate interests, as are many other potential sources. That said, Siam may be a viable long-term trade partner, as could an independent Indochina, Malaya or Insulindia. Brazil, Peru, Australia and Russia also have significant deposits.
Molybdenum is a critical component of alloys in military-grade armor, electrical contacts, airplane components, industrial motors, filament supports in lightbulbs, and many forms of stainless and tool-quality steel. The main sources of molybdenum are in Norway and the United States, with Chile also producing Molybdenum as a byproduct from copper mining. In this respect, it is possible that the Internationale will be able to deny Germany access to major deposits, as Canada has yet to exploit most of theirs and it may be possible to cut much of US trade to the German industrial heartland.
Tungsten is straightforward, primarily being used for tungsten carbide in machine tools, kinetic energy penetrators, etc. By far the largest production potential for tungsten is China, but many other sources exist in more convenient countries such as Spain, Portugal, the United States, Australia, Canada, Russia and Indochina. While the Entente and Reichpakt control much of these, Spain and Portugal could be potential sources, and England has domestic tungsten production that could provide a bare minimum of new tungsten carbide in wartime.
Vanadium is another extremely useful steel additive, as well as having applications in airframes, axles and other high-wear, critical components of vehicles and machinery. Vanadium is mostly present in Manchuria, Peru, far eastern Siberia and South Africa. It is likely that we could deny the Germans access to significant amounts if South Africa could be somehow isolated.
Zinc is essential in galvanization, many alloys including bronze, catalyzing rubber, manufacture of industrial chemicals, and more. Zinc at least can be accessed in reasonable quantities via Ireland, Mexico and India. However, it is worth considering that Peru, Australia, Russia, China, the United States and Canada are by far the largest producers. It is very unlikely that Germany can be cut off from significant access to zinc, given that it is also produced in quantity in Anatolia and Sweden.
Nitrates used for fertilizer are largely dominated by production in Chile, Peru, California and the Pacific islands. Fortunately, it is far more abundant in Chile than anywhere else, meaning that agricultural production is more secure. Actual productive agricultural lands that could be tapped into are largely in Argentina, southeastern Brazil, the United States and perhaps unorthodox countries such as India, if properly mechanized. Germany is heavily reliant on colonial and Ukrainian imports, and the Entente mostly relies on Canadian (and to a lesser extent, Australasian) grain. A significant enough disruption from sea traffic could potentially starve the French Republic out, or on a smaller scale could work on the garrisons of Corsica and Sardinia.

Logistical Conclusions

The Internationale is critically reliant on overseas trade in order to support our war economies, even if we manage to acquire the necessary resources to actually further our war aims domestically. This means a rapid change of focus from building up to face Germany on the home continent to instead facing off against the Entente and Hochseeflotte to wrest control of the waves. We start in control of two critical naval passages, the English Channel and Straits of Magellan, but this will not suffice to achieve a victory in the current situation.
Most critical and with the most potential is Gibraltar. Control of Spain would allow the Internationale to hold a knife to the throat of Germany’s largest colonial trade artery, forcing them to reroute their trade from Ostasien around the Cape of Good Hope instead of through the much shorter Suez route. This would also be absolutely devastating to the French “Republic”, who relies on Gibraltar for almost all of their imports due to the severe traversability challenge posed by the Sahara. The much smaller ports in Morocco would not suffice, and could potentially be intercepted from a Gibraltar position, rendering them moot, and allowing us to choke the French pretender state into submission. In enemy hands, meanwhile, Gibraltar would force us to move almost all supply overland and would prevent our naval forces from being able to group together if necessary, rendering a major blow to our warmaking capabilities.
Additional pressure on the Mediterranean can be provided by seizure of Sicily, thus locking down the Strait of Messina and would allow for considerable strike capability into the Strait of Sicily. Such a position could pose a large threat to German trade, but would have much less of an effect on the French Republic. As such, it would be prioritized in the context of strengthening Syndicalist Italy, and not as a viable alternative to Gibraltar.
Now we turn our attention to holding our own trade open, and the North Atlantic becomes our principle battleground. Sufficient deployment of German or Entente submarines could pose an existential threat to Internationale shipping, let alone their surface fleets. If we are to survive, the North Atlantic must be kept open so that supplies from allies such as Chile and Mexico can be received and put to good use. This means that Spain and Portugal are once again critical, as Iberian waters stand to intercept any and all shipments from critical resource regions. Additionally, Brazil would serve as an extraordinarily useful base for naval patrols, allowing the Internationale to put pressure on insufficiently-guarded German shipping between Natal and Monrovia, and use of the Canaries and Azores would allow a significant extension of the Internationale’s air coverage in supply areas critical for the Entente.
The Caribbean is rife for potential socialist uprising, and the Entente could theoretically use their bases to shut off resources critical for the war effort, especially Mexican oil and Cuban rare earth metals. At bare minimum, a corridor must be established somewhere via the support of syndicalist revolutionary activity, in order to keep ahold of our Mexican petro-lifeline. Without oil, no strategy will succeed.
In the North Sea, it is worth gambling on protections for Danish Faroes, Iceland and Greenland if we cannot take them ourselves, as allowing them to fall into enemy hands could prove disastrous. Already we are at an informational disadvantage compared to the Entente, whose position in the western Atlantic means they are aware of the expected weather across the ocean ahead of time, whereas we… are not. To allow a launchpad for airborne convoy raiding or other activities in such a critical space is exceptionally dangerous, which is the same reason why detente or even occupation of Ireland could prove necessary. We cannot allow any additional bridges towards us, or lifelines for German shipping.
Our control of the Straits of Magellan, preferably supplemented by the Falklands and South Georgia, is crucial for segmenting and isolating German or Entente commerce raiders, but is most important as a secure lane for transport for our own supplies, should the Panama Canal prove unusable or fallen into enemy hands.
The Internationale should broadly assume that they will be unable to sever trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, unless Egypt chooses to seize the Suez Canal in a wartime situation, which is entirely beyond our control. As such, it is possible that Germany will attempt to reroute their supplies from Suez into the Ukraine and then overland, a far inferior route to purely overseas but still possible. In order to mitigate this, it may be worth pursuing a Sicily -> Malta strategy to allow our navies to put greater pressure on the eastern Med if Russia cannot exert significant force in the Black Sea.
Should the Dutch East Indies succumb to revolution by an Insulindian regime friendly with us, or at least hostile to the Germans, it will open up a world of opportunities to disrupt the flow of German and Entente trade in East Asia, a critical theatre for German rare materials and economic interests. Similarly, a liberated Indochina, Malaya or similar power could apply more minor pressure in that direction. This would likely prompt Japan to make significant moves against Germany.

Overall Strategic Priorities and Considerations

We’re backed into a corner, and we must find our way out or potentially see our revolution extinguished. For the sake of all peoples of all times who slowly grasped their way into the light, we must never let the torch fall.
The German behemoth sits and glowers from across the Moselle, awaiting our challenge from its throne of colonial pillage. However, that is a challenge that we must admit we cannot face head-on. We must be like the Spanish bullfighter, and dodge their clumsy advance in order to tire them out, much as they did to our fathers in 1918. This time, we have the time and political will to prepare a comprehensive strategy of resistance and attrition, directed towards denying Germany the ability to acquire the resources vital to war production for long enough to wear their warmaking capabilities down to the nub. To accomplish this, we must somehow keep the biting dogs of the old order off our backs, and gain far more allies than we currently possess.
First and foremost, we must find some way to regain Haute-Savoie from Switzerland, for it contains significant hydroelectric capacity that will prove essential to keep our coal-starved industry afloat in the future. This should be undertaken primarily as a diplomatic endeavor, as it is unlikely that the Swiss would desire a war given their unique political fragility at this juncture. A mutual trade treaty could gain us access to Swiss financial instruments, allowing us to far more easily bankroll revolutionary organizations worldwide. It could also potentially open up Switzerland to syndicalist influence, at minimum keeping them neutral and perhaps even flipping them to our side in the future.
The main German border must be well-fortified. We saw the vast difference in casualty counts when defensive fortifications were a crucial part of a given Weltkrieg battle, especially in Verdun. As such, a massive defensive bulwark should be constructed to shield the remainder of the Lorraine upwards to Sedan, with slightly sparser fortifications across the front from Sedan to the sea. This defensive network will save troops for an effective push into Flanders-Wallonia just west of the Ardennes, where it is possible that more mobile forces could seize Mons and Charleroi and push up towards Namur, with the ultimate goal being Liège. While it would be preferable to take advantage of Syndicalist support amongst Walloons before an actual war broke out, this is unlikely to be possible. That said, a radical shortening of the German front should be prioritized, in order to reduce the effectiveness of their numerical advantage.
Other key points of focus should be the English Channel, through which we will be able to choke and reroute a huge amount of German trade, and its sister the North Sea. Shetland provides for a considerable power projection capacity, but securing Bergen across the waves via alliance or occupation would be decisive in culling German abilities to trade overseas, choking them on their own colonial reliance. Even if Norway were hostile or invaded by a superior hostile power, it would be plausible to hold a critical logistical choke point in Vossevangen and either force the Germans to sally out with the Hochseeflotte to be subjected to naval bomber attacks, or make them assemble a logistically strenuous force in Norway, away from the frontline.
In a similar vein, we must keep the Danish North Atlantic neutral or otherwise bring it into our hands, to prevent it from providing key bases for bombing raids and submarine traffic. Weather stations in Greenland, or perhaps secret autonomous or one-man stations in Labrador, would allow us to have advance notice of the weather on par with the Entente, nullifying their main informational advantage at sea. For similar reasons, Ireland must be kept neutral or brought into an alliance in order to prevent circumvention of our wartime air blockade.
Mexico is our only hope for a reliable partner to fill our military need for oil production, and so access to Mexico must be maintained as best we can. This will require taking express aim at Entente possessions in the Caribbean, which are already seething hotbeds of political and racial resentment. If we can make a power play to secure a gap, we will be able to hold it open against Entente air and naval counterattacks, hopefully allowing enough oil to get through in the process to facilitate our war machines.
In Spain lies our most troublesome quandary: Gibraltar and the Canaries. With them, German trade suffers a critical secondary blow, Internationale trade is greatly secured from commerce raiding in the Atlantic, and the French Republic is permanently crippled without outside aid. Without it, we are divided and damned. Gibraltar must be secured at all costs, and the Canaries as a secondary priority, perhaps even as a bridge to Madeira and the Azores as major Atlantic bases. This means backing the CNT-FAI with all possible political, economic and military aid we can, to ensure their success. With Spain, our revolution in Europe lives or dies.
In Italy, things are bad but not quite so pressing. The Po River is horrific ground on which to meet an advance, with the Alps being far more to Italy’s advantage should Austria join her old German ally. Additionally, the Two Sicilies are poised to join our enemies should they believe it to their advantage, and it is proposed that some form of attack to eliminate their warmaking capabilities should be committed to before that is possible. Corsica and Sardinia, meanwhile, present a direct threat to the Internationale’s flank, leaving the critical southern ports of Marseille, Toulon, Nice, Genua and La Spezia exposed. If Corsica could be cut off or liberated by diplomatic or economic means without resorting to war, it would greatly relieve the pent-up Mediterranean navies, allowing them to effectively stand off against the French “Republic” and any German forces tasked to the Mediterranean.
Critical natural resources, including almost all of our copper imports, come from Chile. In order to secure Chile, we must secure Argentina. We must strike immediately, while the present regime is scrambling to put down their own even more reactionary navy! Securing Argentina will place another economic arrow in our quiver and remove it from Germany’s. It can provide much of the necessary food to sustain our war effort, especially if combined with victory or intervention in Brazil.
More broadly, Latin America is both receptive to our ideals and filled with war-critical resources that haven’t been monopolized by German tyrants or Entente corporations. Brazil is by far the greatest priority, as a reliable wartime supply of rubber will be necessary in order to allow our scarce manufacturing sector to field more vehicles cheaply, and they have numerous other key resources in smaller amounts. Similarly, Peru, Bolivia and Cuba have very sizable mineral resources and rubber potential. If possible, any and all syndicalist or allied activity must be directed towards regime change that will secure our power projection and war supply in order to resist the menaces all around us.
The United States too is in turmoil, and could be ripe for change. A syndicalist Union is highly unlikely as an outcome, but supporting the SPA in their political activities could at least maintain American neutrality, and perhaps even a thaw that would open lines of credit and vast resources that would vastly buoy our war effort.
As for India, while it would be nice to gain more of their present iron and manganese production, the Indian Ocean is practically a German lake unless significant political change occurs. This rather limits our abilities to coordinate with our Indian allies, but it is worth trying to disrupt critical German resources in East Asia that help fund their vast imperial hoard. Disruption of German rubber production would also be excellent if possible, but as of now it seems out of reach.
Japan and Russia are both large powers with a mutual bone to pick with the Germans, but they may actually loathe each other even more somehow. As such, we cannot expect anything from the weakened Russian state or the isolated and resource-starved Japanese “Empire”. We must assume that we will have to go it alone if we wish to fell Goliath.
submitted by Hope915 to WeltkriegPowers [link] [comments]

The long winded theory and the pandemic plan.

The masses are being triggered right now to vote as far left as possible in November.
The neoliberal capitalists know the economy has to shift dramatically to allow corporations to automate and transfer as much workload to artificial intelligence as possible. To do this swiftly they have come up with a plan.
Hillary intentionally ran the worst Presidential campaign in history and Trump dances into the White House.
Trump immediately starts gutting regulations across the board and putting industry executives into positions to help increase corporate profits.
CorporatIons and the wealthy then receive a massive tax break and buy stocks at a rapid pace.
These actions push the stock market to unprecedented heights.
Legal price gouging for 100 year old life saving medication like insulin ensures stock prices soar while the people get angry. Now is the perfect time to implement the pandemic plan.
The outbreak of the corona virus was designed to cause maximum damage to China's economy. (or quiet a few protesters)
The virus is also being used as a convenient scapegoat for the massive market sell off.
Once it spreads to the United States the real reason for the pandemic plan will be revealed.
As spring arrives the virus will begin to pop up in major cities across the U.S.
Once the word quarantine is spoken people will panic. There will be a run on food/water and essential medical supplies. This will ensure stock prices of pharmaceutical companies and medical suppliers soar.
About this time FEMA or the CDC will mention the need to increase security across the country and the possibility of martial law.
As the virus continues to spread schools will be closed, people will be told to stay home and non essential businesses will be shut down.
Amazon's stock prices triple (give it time) as its services become vital for delivering virtually everything from robotic operated warehouses run by artificial intelligence.
Jobs will be lost by the millions as other companies follow suit by fully automating everything from fast food to banking.
At the end of summer multiple major cities will be quarantined, troops will be recalled from overseas so they can help deliver food, supplies and ensure security.
Once troops have secured America it will be announced that the 2020 election is postponed until the crisis ends but surprisingly the Supreme Court decides to implement a nation wide voting system.
To keep the people from rioting in the streets the U.S. government will announce the nationalization of the entire healthcare industry. This will come as the industry reaches peak value to ensure the shareholders maximum profits.
The virus will continue to spread and the media will push for more drastic security measures.
The Patriot Act II will turn America into an Orwellian nightmare that will make China look tame and the people will rejoice in the added security and universal healthcare. Now back to the long winded theory.
The media turns the spotlight on Trump the minute he's sworn in and the GOP makes blunder after blunder driving voters away.
Massive investigations will prove Trump has broken multiple tax laws right around election time and his response to the pandemic will ensure the lowest votes ever recorded.
Due to a nation wide mail in voting system Bernie Sanders is written in and the far left liberal socialist democrats take Washington by storm vowing to reign in corporate corruption and investigate every act from the previous administration.
Investors know the market is about to lose even more value due to impending regulations and revelations from investigations.
The smart ones sell fast and soon the mass panic sets in.
The DOW plunges below 10,000 in a month and the second great depression begins.
Companies continue to automate and go AI as fast as possible and more jobs are lost by the millions.
The depression drags on and Fox News is screaming about the obvious failures of socialism.
A new shiny republican emerges promising to make America great again.
Once elected the money hidden in offshore bank accounts by the wealthy and corporatIons will come flooding back to purchase America for a song.
The new Republican saviour appoints in his/her wealthy friends who have spent the last four decades buying up vast tracts of Canadian tundra for virtually nothing.
Tundra that is now unfrozen due intentionally made global warming.
The largest untapped landmasses have been permanently frozen across Siberia and Canada.
The new gold rush is on to develop the temperate new land while keeping the equatorial countries locked in a burning cage.
Canada is logged, mined and turned into the New North America while Russia and China develop Siberia. This starts a new economic cold war.
A China, Russia, India and Africa alliance will form uniting billions under one currency. The Middle East and Europe quickly join after the initial announcement.
New North America will scramble to "save the south" after heat, famine and disease have killed 50% of Latin and South America.
So much new land to develop so much money to be made...
Now that the United American Nation has been created all the suppressed medical treatments and advanced military propulsion technology will be patented by various mega corporations to ensure technological domination.
The entire American continent is quickly turned into a world class medical treatment resort with legal gambling, prostitution, drugs and one hell of a tax haven.
(Both were slightly altered to make the merging easier to read.)
Original... (posted on 21 August 2019) (posted on 27 February 2020)
submitted by DruidicMagic to TinfoilHatTime [link] [comments]

The long winded theory and the pandemic plan.

The masses are being triggered right now to vote as far left as possible in November.
The neoliberal capitalists know the economy has to shift dramatically to allow corporations to automate and transfer as much workload to artificial intelligence as possible. To do this swiftly they have come up with a plan.
Hillary intentionally ran the worst Presidential campaign in history and Trump dances into the White House.
Trump immediately starts gutting regulations across the board and putting industry executives into positions to help increase corporate profits.
CorporatIons and the wealthy then receive a massive tax break and buy stocks at a rapid pace.
These actions push the stock market to unprecedented heights.
Legal price gouging for 100 year old life saving medication like insulin ensures stock prices soar while the people get angry. Now is the perfect time to implement the pandemic plan.
The outbreak of the corona virus was designed to cause maximum damage to China's economy.
The virus is also being used as a convenient scapegoat for the massive market sell off.
Once it spreads to the United States the real reason for the pandemic plan will be revealed.
As spring arrives the virus will begin to pop up in major cities across the U.S.
Once the word quarantine is spoken people will panic. There will be a run on food/water and essential medical supplies. This will ensure stock prices of pharmaceutical companies and medical suppliers soar.
About this time FEMA or the CDC will mention the need to increase security across the country and the possibility of martial law.
As the virus continues to spread schools will be closed, people will be told to stay home and non essential businesses will be shut down.
Amazon's stock prices triple as its services become vital for delivering virtually everything from robotic operated warehouses run by artificial intelligence.
Jobs will be lost by the millions as other companies follow suit by fully automating everything from fast food to banking.
At the end of summer multiple major cities will be quarantined, troops will be recalled from overseas so they can help deliver food, supplies and ensure security.
Once troops have secured America it will be announced that the 2020 election is postponed until the crisis ends but surprisingly the Supreme Court decides to implement a nation wide voting system.
To keep the people from rioting in the streets the U.S. government will announce the nationalization of the entire healthcare industry. This will come as the industry reaches peak value to ensure the shareholders maximum profits.
The virus will continue to spread and the media will push for more drastic security measures.
The Patriot Act II will turn America into an Orwellian nightmare that will make China look tame and the people will rejoice in the added security and universal healthcare. Now back to the long winded theory.
The media turns the spotlight on Trump the minute he's sworn in and the GOP makes blunder after blunder driving voters away.
Massive investigations will prove Trump has broken multiple tax laws right around election time and his response to the pandemic will ensure the lowest number of votes ever recorded.
Due to a nation wide mail in voting system Bernie Sanders is written in and the far left liberal socialist democrats take Washington by storm vowing to reign in corporate corruption and investigate every act from the previous administration.
Investors know the market is about to lose even more value due to impending regulations and revelations from investigations.
The smart ones sell fast and soon the mass panic sets in.
The DOW plunges below 10,000 in a month and the second great depression begins.
Companies continue to automate and go AI as fast as possible and more jobs are lost by the millions.
The depression drags on and Fox News is screaming about the obvious failures of socialism.
A new shiny republican emerges promising to make America great again.
Once elected the money hidden in offshore bank accounts by the wealthy and corporatIons will come flooding back to purchase America for a song.
The new Republican saviour appoints in his/her wealthy friends who have spent the last four decades buying up vast tracts of Canadian tundra for virtually nothing.
Tundra that is now unfrozen due intentionally made global warming.
The largest untapped landmasses have been permanently frozen across Siberia and Canada.
The new gold rush is on to develop the temperate new land while keeping the equatorial countries locked in a burning cage.
Canada is logged, mined and turned into the New North America while Russia and China develop Siberia. This starts a new economic cold war.
A China, Russia, India and Africa alliance will form uniting billions under one currency. The Middle East and Europe quickly join after the initial announcement.
New North America will scramble to "save the south" after heat, famine and disease have killed 50% of Latin and South America.
So much new land to develop so much money to be made...
Now that the United American Nation has been created all the suppressed medical treatments and advanced military propulsion technology will be patented by various mega corporations to ensure technological domination.
The entire American continent is quickly turned into a world class medical treatment resort with legal gambling, prostitution, drugs and one hell of a tax haven.
(Both were slightly altered to make the merging easier to read.)
submitted by DruidicMagic to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Make Your Niagara Falls Canada Tour Memorable With ToNiagara

Enjoy Mesmerizing Niagara Falls Canada
In the mid 19th century, the tourists to Niagara Falls Canada have enjoyed the trip to the famous Maid of the Mist. The first trip was launched in 1846 to offer a ferry service across the Niagara River that is just below the falls. Drastically, the business dropped in 1848.
To find another source of income, the Maid of the mist owners started making Niagara Falls sightseeing Tours. The idea got trapped in very quickly. People were mesmerized with this exciting and perfectly safe trip. One of the 19th-century authors noted that “It is a great sensation that is not equal to anything else, the most wonderful water-tour in the world.”
Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, and it is second to Russia. Canada has got one of the world’s most beautiful rivers, the Niagara Falls, which separates the US and Canada borders. Plan for the Niagara Falls Canada Tour for full entertainment along with the natural scenic beauty of the Niagara Falls.
Tourists visiting Canada will always make sure to take the Toronto to Niagara Falls tour. There are custom made packages that are offered online by different tour operators. Still, it is advisable to choose the best package for you and your family.
If you have any plan to visit the Niagara Falls in the day, Niagara Falls Day Tours would be perfect for you to book. If you want to see the Falls in the evening and witness the fireworks with LED illuminated Niagara Falls, then its better to schedule the Niagara Falls Evening Tour.
If you want to customize the places that you wish to visit the Falls and its surroundings with your family or friends, then you can book Niagara Falls Private Tours.
Visitors Visiting the Niagara Falls Canada
Tourists taking a trip to the Niagara Falls Canada get mesmerized with the scenic beauty of the Niagara Falls and its surrounding areas; mainly, it is all because of the variety of entertainment available all through the year. The charisma of Niagara Falls is such that it leaves a beautiful memory when you visit with friends or family. These memories will be long-lasting, and it feels exciting and gives much happiness when you share them with others either in the form of pictures or through Internet reviews.
What Places To Visit In And Around The Niagara Falls?
- You can capture beautiful selfies and pictures with family or friends at the Floral Clock.
- Witness the Niagara region from the Skylon Tower’.
- Take a walk through the Journey Behind the Falls.
- Take a cruise through the Hornblower ride or Niagara Falls Boat Tour, where you can see the Niagara River from a very close vision.
- To have an adventurous and thrilling trip, you can take the Whirlpool jet boat ride for an adventure.
- Visit the Butterfly Conservatory.
- Visit the Botanical Gardens to see various varieties of plants, vegetables, roses and herbs.
- Go to the Fallsview Casino Resort to have some gambling fun.
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The Importance of Emily

I helped Emily because she was smart and could be useful to the world one day, said Joseph Lawrence. So why did he help Emily? Why did Mayday go through such lengths to continuously rescue Emily? Why did the Mayday Eyes extract her after she stabbed Aunt Lydia? What exactly is it that distinguished her from the other slaves? Well here´s my perspective on why the resilient guerrila fighter Emily became an Ace.
Documented Evidence - Part 1
He has plan for both of us. Well it might not be the same plan, it might be a different plan- Janine. In my analysis of the failed extraction of June Osborne I mentioned how on Nick´s orders, Mayday removes Emily from Glen Deeds´ household in order to discourage June from joining Mayday. A move that sadly has disastrous consequences for Emily, but one that introduces us to Mayday second tier command. Most importantly it allows us to see how Mayday profesionally operates within the guidelines of Customary International Law and military manuals. Something that sets them apart from the average militia and again illustrates the military discipline of its Command. Through Emily´s trial and consequent treatment by Gilead we´re shown the many human rights violations and war crimes perpetrated by Gilead against its army of supposedly free women who've allegedly volunteered to devote their lives to serving Gilead´s elite.
Here´s what you´re paying attention to during Emily and the Martha´s trial
Emily´s put in cell 27. A reminder that as an accused she is under federal law required to file a motion in her defence. Rule 27: something that both Emily and the Martha are denied, their mouths muzzled so they can´t even verbally request to file a motion. When Emily enters the courtroom someone in the background says "through Wells". A reminder for the viewer that due to their gender Emily and the Martha are at the mercy of the men. It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not pay with their own- H.G Wells. The closed courtroom itself consists of 1 judge, 8 commanders making up what´s presumably the Jury, a court clerck and 4 other commanders representing the state (i´ll explain the composition in another post). The charge is read out by Mr Gambel for the state. The accused stand charged with gender treachery in violation of Romans Chapter 1 verse 26. Based on the report by the state both Ofglen and the Martha are found guilty by the judge. A violation of rule 27 of U.S federal law of which they´re both entitled to in accordance with human rights laws.
During the sentencing here´s what you´re paying attention to: Martha number 6715301 is sentenced to the common mercy of the state, a death sentence by Gilead´s laws, in the background you hear the sound of a submarine drawing nearer. A reference to Gambel´s quail (biome-s2e2), a bird named after William Gambel that is now established in San Clemente Island, a channel island off the coast of California owned and operated by the U.S Navy. A reminder for the viewer that Gilead has not yet fully taken over America and that the Martha and Emily are still protected by U.S laws. Meaning as a worker in a Gilead household the Martha is entitled to a salary. H.R 6715 - technical, clerical and conforming amendments to the Tax Reform Act of 1976, of which section 301 on revision of tax rules on expatriation of individuals states that U.S citizens and residents are subject to income tax and gift tax on their worldwide income. Handmaid number 8967 is sentenced to redemption because "God has seen fit to make you fruitful and by that we are bound" says the judge. Meaning handmaid 8967 is profitable to Gilead´s economy. 8967 U.S foreign trade relations, of which there exists none between America and Gilead. The failure by Gilead to meet the income requirements for these two women makes their labour slavery under International Humananitarian Laws.
Outside The Court
The building has the number 1 on the door to the right, you hear someone through an earpiece in background saying no that´s the stores, followed by a guardian saying move out, we´re on 1, then morse code letter T, followed by an earpiece saying 1675 and 65. Emily herself is muzzled, cuffed and marched between armed guardians. 15 U.S.C 1675 Exemption for State- regulated garnishment states that The Secretary of Labor may by regulation exempt from the provisions of section 1673(a) and (b)(2) of this title garnishments issued under the laws of any State if he determines that the laws of that State provide restrictions on garnishment which are substantially similar to those provided in section 1673(a) and (b)(2) of this title. Again there exists no agreement between the two countries and Gilead has no sovereignty. Chapter 1 Code 1 of this exemption states that every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal. As slaves both the Martha and Ofglen are prohibited by Gilead from participating in any trade with both Gilead and America. Gilead itself still at war with America, making both Emily and the Martha by definition also Prisoners of War whose rights are protected under International Humanitarian Laws and military manuals. Shopping and the weather - Trade and San Clemente Island U.S.
There´s a car to her right with no17 on it and it has plate number 814 765. Rule 17: Each party to the conflict must take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of warfare with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects. Protection 814 meaning to keep safe from harm or injury. 765 meaning in all cases, care must be provided in accordance with medical ethics. Rule 1: The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilians and combatants. Attacks may only be directed against combatants. Attacks must not be directed against civilians. When the Martha is put in the car you hear the guardian´s earpiece saying rule 954. Meaning Rule 65 ibid § 954 of IHL applies to both Emily and the Martha. Rule 65: Killing, injuring or capturing an adversary by resort to perfidy is prohibited. Gilead violates this rule when they hang the Martha. You´ll also note The Eye bangs twice on the door, this is to remind the viewer that the war between Gilead and America is a type 2 war, meaning Non- international armed conflict. Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, “killing or wounding treacherously a combatant adversary” constitutes a war crime in non-international armed conflicts.
At the hospital Emily who had been sentenced to redemption wakes up in pain and unfamiliar surroundings. Aunt Lydia says "I know this is a shock for you Emily". A confirmation to the viewer that Emily has indeed been betrayed. Punished for the second time for the same crime that she´s just been sentenced to redemption for by Gilead´s Court. Her presence itself in Gilead a criminal punishment by Gilead for her sexual preference. Meaning Emily is now punished 3 times for the same crime. Gilead violating the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, face a retrial after a conviction or face multiple punishment. Gilead does not fall under the separate sovereignty exception to the Double Jeopardy Clause as only states and tribal jurisdictions are recognised as separate sovereignty: Gamble vs United States. Gilead again violating Rule 65 ibid § 954 of IHL.
At the store (s1e5) you´ll notice June and the new Ofglen are walking in aisle number 1, the sign hanging above 2 marthas, behind them an armed guardian. The following frame shows June and the new Ofglen with the number 1 hanging above them, same as the 2 Marthas behind them, also an armed guardian behind them and you also see the number 2 to their left and the speaker says red apples. Rule 1: The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilians and combatants. Attacks may only be directed against combatants. Attacks must not be directed against civilians. When they turn the corner there´s 2 econowomen walking past towards red apples and grapes, a Martha at the back with the no1 hanging above her, the frame moves with the econowomen to rest on the red apples with the number 2 now hanging above the red apples, Janine says you know she´s even smiling now but she´s holding an egg and she clutches her hands over her heart while looking at the eggs infront of her. In the background you see Emily infront of the greens. Gambel´s quail, San Clemente apples, Sunshine State, the land of milk and honey, United States. Again this is to remind the viewer that these women are still american citizens and as such rule 2 applies to them. We´re also reminded of their loss of freedom of speech as Alma says you really shouldn´t talk about that stuff Ofwarren.
When June starts walking towards Emily you hear the start of pings similar to sonar pings (s1e1), she looks towards the red apples with the number 2 above them, the speaker says line 2. Rule 2: Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. Ofglen/Ofsteven. After she says are you ok you begin to hear the sound of the ocean in the background, I´m fine, says Emily. Pay special attention again after June says the eyes took you? The sound of the ocean in the background gets louder, you hear the sonar ping again, someone in the background says blessed be the fruit, the other person says i saw you there, the speaker says fresher produce may wanna see. A reminder of Nick witnessing the different interaction between June and Emily in S1E2. June says Nick, our driver, is he one of them? is there anything you can tell me? I don´t know anything anymore, after what happened, I´m too dangerous to be a part of it, says Emily. June herself having dismissed Nick´s warning about her interactions with Emily, her change in attitude and sudden defiance forcing him to take action (you need to be careful-s1e2). Part of what? she asks. Mayday, says Emily. What´s Mayday? then the new Ofglen comes to fetch her away from Ofglen 1, from learning about Mayday. Offred! there you are, hiding out in the vegetables, says Ofglen 2 as she whiskes her away from an Emily who´s defiantly telling June about Mayday even though she´s been silenced. The scene ends with Emily and a person in the background saying 6. The number is to remind the viewer of the main reason behind Nick´s decision to have the Mayday Eyes remove Emily as June´s walking partner. Article 6 of The Code of Conduct for members of the Armed Forces of the United States. Article VI: I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
What Did You Do To Her?
No woman was ever rich enough, young enough, pretty enough, good enough, says Fred. We had choices then, reminisces June. Now you have respect, you have protection, you can fullfil your biological destinies in peace. Biological destiny? asks June. Children, what else is there to live for? Love, retorts June. Love isn´t real. It was never anything more than just lust with a good marketing campaign. Maybe for you but not for me, reminisces June, angering Fred with her memory of a better life during what Fred considers a happy moment in his present life. Remember Ofglen who used to live next door? Ofglen had her urges that lead her to do unnatural things I´m sure to her it felt like love. In cases such as these the punishment is death but out of respect for her position we let her live. We helped her, we saved her, we had a doctor take care of the problem. This statement alone a violation of several articles, all constituting war crimes, amongst others Rule 26: compelling a person engaged in medical activities to perform acts contrary to medical ethics is prohibited. Rule 65 ibid § 954: simulation of protected status by using the red cross or red crescent emblem because medical and religious personnel, units and transports displaying the distinctive emblems must be respected and protected. It is also prohibited to kill or wound treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army. Rule 47: Attacking persons who are recognised as hors de combat is prohibited.
Emily, a civilian, a prisoner of war and an hors de combat. A category 1 hors de combat. It is uncontested that a person who is in the power of an adverse party is hors de combat. At this point she had neither shown hostility nor attempted to escape and could therefore not have lost her protected status under International Humanitarian Laws. (I opted to leave out Emily´s car attack as that deserves its own post).
Post Red Centre Bombing
The Colonies - the Aunts are shouting keep going, keep moving and move forward to the slaves (straight line, no loitering s3e2). When the guardian shows the papers you hear through the earpiece 10465 . When the women are being tasered the Aunt says You And You, get in the vehicle. United Nations University, to remind us of Emily´s proffession and the laws that protected her career choice. This is followed by a shot of Emily´s unprotected face, then the guardian´s gas mask covered face as he looks towards the car with plate number 760 954. 95 U.S 760 United States vs Moore - "after date of appointment" and "from such date," laws. Meaning Fred can not claim Gilead intended to pay Emily for her labour at a later date as she´d neither received her payment after she´d been sent to The Colonies or after her arrival in Canada, nor can he provide any document to prove they intended to pay her. After all no woman receives a payment from Gilead, not even the wives. 954 Katz vs United States - the extension of The Fourth Amendment search and seizure prohibitions to include intrusions on the privacy of individuals as well as to physical locations. Meaning how Gilead obtained evidence of a relationship between Emily and The Marthas violated both their constitutional rights as "supposed labourers" so Fred and Gilead can´t claim they obtained the evidence in a legal way. There was a black van, then footsteps on the stairs, then something quick and brutal that made her unable to scream - S1E3. When Emily´s walking to the car you can hear a guardian´s earpiece saying 1056 - This is a reference to U.N Resolution 1056 -based on respect for the principle of equal rights and fair equality of opportunity, people have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference. Gilead violating Rule 104 among others. Rule 104 - The convictions and religious practices of civilians and persons hors de combat must be respected (you ok with roti? s2e7-before Gilead I was a vegetarian s3e2). Rule 65 -Perfidy committed against Emily yet again as she is for the 4th time she´s tortured and uprooted by Gilead and resentenced to sexual slavery for a 3rd time. This time she´s not even tried for a crime but merely resentenced.
The car that Janine and Emily are put into has no.08 on the side (i´ll delve on its plates in another post). Rule 8- In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose partial or total destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage. Which is what sets Emily apart from the other handmaids. When she drove over the guardian she attacked a military objective, therefore even if Gilead claims she was a terrorist her attack falls within the guidelines that Mayday itself abides by in accordance with U.S military manuals and U.S obligations to Treaties and Conventions on conflict and International Humanitarian Laws. Making Emily´s car attack a military attack instead of an individual crime. Which is why on Emily´s return in S2E7 at the store you can hear the speaker saying 102 when June reaches Emily. Rule 102 -No one may be convicted of an offence except on the basis of individual criminal responsibility. When June and Emily nod to Brianna to share her name you can hear a guardian´s earpiece saying 1052. This is a reference to U.N Resolution 1052 - cessation of hostilities and the need for respect for international humanitarian law concerning the protection of civilians.
Hospital Visit
During June´s hospital visit to Fred and Serena here´s what you´re paying attention to: after Fred creepily touching her belly. When she arrives the machine shows 56 and 95. Rule 56 - Freedom of Movement of Humanitarian Relief Personnel. You´ll note that Serena drags June against her will towards Fred. This is to remind the viewer of the violation against Ofglen 2 by Gilead after she came to Janine´s defence in a bid to assist her against her sentencing. The guardian that June shoots in S3E13 is also 56 illustrate the IHL violation against June who´s performing a humanitarian relief with the children. Rule 95 -Uncompensated or abusive forced labour is prohibited. This is to remind the viewer of Emily and the Martha´s court case and is illustrated by Serena saying Fred "our baby" is here. After Fred creepily touched her belly the machine behind her goes from 75 to 77 over 96, at the bottom it show 106 over 72 and you see a chest and a hip x-rays on the wall. Rule 75: The use of riot-control agents as a method of warfare is prohibited. As you´ve noticed when Emily and Janine are picked up even the guardians who´re fetch them have gas masks on their temporary visit while the slaves are unprotected from the harmful nuclear chemicals. Rule 76: The use of herbicides as a method of warfare is prohibited. The use of herbicides in armed conflict as a method of warfare would violate the general prohibition of the use of chemical weapons if they are of a nature to harm humans or animals. Rule 77 - The use of bullets which expand or flatten easily in the human body is prohibited*. As you´ll note June witnesses the Martha being shot point blank and bleeding on the street. Serena says "they´re shooting Marthas on the street it´s supposed to make us feel safer, it´s asinine". This is the sight that greets Emily and Janine on their arrival back from The Colonies. This is why OfMatthew didn´t survive the bullet in S3E8 and why even though she´s only grazed on the side of her stomach June is left unable to move by the shot in S3E13. Rule 106 - Conditions for Prisoner Of War status. Combatants must distinguish themselves from the civilian population while they are engaged in an attack or in a military operation preparatory to an attack. If they fail to do so, they do not have the right to prisoner-of-war status. Rule 72: The use of poison or poisoned weapons is prohibited. Emily and other prisoners of war are forced to drink radiation and wash from poisoned water by Gilead. Something that makes their skin and nails peel off and slowly kills them.
IN s2e8 at the store Janine is relieved that she only has to do the ceremony. Then the speaker says 1 1. Rule 11- Indiscriminate Attacks: All parties have the duty to abstain from indiscriminate attacks in accordance with ICRC. Upon overhearing Janine´s comments Emily retorts that rape is not a blessing, anyone helping Gilead deserves to be blown apart. Again the comment illustrates how Gilead has psychologically and systematically tortured Emily to the point where she finds herself advocating for indiscriminate attacks against others. Though Mayday/Ofglen´s bomb itself falls within the guidelines of military manuals as the handmaids who died were at a military objective. Again this is why the Mayday Command is not made up of a bunch of rebels but highly qualified military personnel with long term objectives. This is why The Martha Network is highly selective on what errands they distribute to other Marthas and handmaids and why Mayday is viewed as a made-up fantasy by most people in Gilead, it´s also the reason why it will never be commanded by handmaids and Marthas like most fans wish.
In s2e10 when June´s walking to Emily you hear time to stop (halt s1e5), followed by someone saying something happened (s1e5), then the guardian´s earpiece says 117. Rule 117 - Each party to the conflict must take all feasible measures to account for persons reported missing as a result of armed conflict and must provide their family members with any information it has on their fate. Someone in the background says "are those from corporate" and another says "may i help you" (mayday), Janine says she´s going to a new posting soon, someone in background says it´s not an option, when Janine says maybe we could all end up in Canada one day, someone on background says 8b. Rule 8 - In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose partial or total destruction, capture or neutralisation, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage. Volume II, Chapter 2, Section B. Rule 8 is written on the car that Emily and Janine get into when they´re fetched from the colonies.
June says you´re gonna see your son again, someone in background says "you´d know, mostly what´s special". Emily says i´m not his mother anymore and in the background a guardian´s earpiece says "lie" followed by June saying you're his mother and you love him. Do you think he feels that? says Emily and June says yes, background an earpiece says we´re 1 minute to the front (s2e7, s3e10/12) Rule 47: Attacking persons who are recognized as hors de combat is prohibited. Emily is category 1 hors de combat (i) Anyone who is in the power of an adverse party. It is uncontested that a person who is in the power of an adverse party is hors de combat. Respect for and protection of persons who are in the power of an adverse party is a cornerstone of International Humanitarian Law as reflected in several provisions of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols. According to Additional Protocol I, immunity from attack is conditional on refraining from any hostile act or attempt to escape (escape s2e13, s3e1). Emily again risks her life when she runs away with Nichole in S3E1, as Gilead are within their rights to shoot to kill (we´re 1 minute to the front). Again showing the bravery of Emily and why she chose to risk drowing rather than end up in Gilead´s hands.
June says WTF is wrong with you but in the background you hear 9, Rule 9. Civilian objects are all objects that are not military objectives. June says at least your son is Canada, he´s free with your wife, illustrating that Emily and all the other prisoners of wars have all been denied information on the fate of their loved ones. Though Emily´s wife and child are not in Gilead she´s still no better off than June and the other handmaids. Gilead violating Rule 117 of International Humanitarian Law. Yet another strike of human rights violation committed by Fred and Gilead against Emily. "It´s such a small problem truth be told" said Fred.
Emily´s truth be told, in an ICC war crimes trial that small problem is actually a nuclear level problem. Which is why Tuello and the not-so-innocent Canadians dangled returning Emily to Gilead in a bid to force Gilead to hand the Swiss proof of all the crimes and punishments they handed Emily. As intrusive and horrific as it was for Emily to confirm her "crimes" to the Swiss it was sadly a necessary evil in order to document Gilead´s crimes against her, the handmaids and the Marthas for the ICC. She´s the only one so far who´s been sentenced by Gilead, witnessed a documented execution of her lover, been mutilated, been sentenced to The Colonies (watch that cholesterol -s3e2) and lived to tell the tale. Most importantly the only one Gilead has voluntarily handed over information about her crimes and sentences to a neutral party. Again you can appreaciate why the neutral Swiss would be livid on finding out Nick Blaine is Tuello´s right hand man and that they were mere pawns in some weaponised baby bait and Canadian Treaty negotiations, stripping them of any neutrality and turning them into witnesses. It´s a small step, but it´s a step towards facing the music for Fred. As you´ve noted Nick´s watch is showing 65 when he checks Offred 1 for signs of life. Serena´s betrayal is the least of Fred´s problems because Emily is about to sink him. She´s dead, she´s alive, she´s me, we are handmaids - nolite te bastardes carborundum.
submitted by FarBeneathTheOcean to MaydayTHT [link] [comments]

Pokemon White Nuzlocke Part 13:

I'm not gonna do the giant list of everyone in the box, I'm just gonna list the Party
Soup- Samurott Lvl. 75 (Starter) [Waterfall, Swords Dance, Surf, Revenge] {Torrent, Mystic Water}
Stephan- Metagross Lvl. 75 (Caught in Giant Chasm, Interior) [Psychic, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake] {Clear Body, TwistedSpoon}
Polaris- Kyurem Lvl. 76 (Caught in Giant Chasm, Cave Depths) [Glaciate, Dragon Claw, Ice Beam, Payback] {Pressue, NeverMelt Ice}
Hestia- Chandelure Lvl. 75 (Caught in Celestial Tower) [Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Hex, Shadow Ball] {Flash Fire, Spell Tag}
Bill- Zangoose, Lvl. 76 (Caught on Village Bridge) [Shadow Claw, Swords Dance, Strength, Brick Break] {Immunity, Expert Belt}
Jupiter- Zekrom Lvl. 75 (Caught in N's Castle) [Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt, Fusion Bolt, Fly] {Teravolt, Magnet}
This is it, time for the Elite 4. As you may remember, in Gen V you can challenge the Elite 4 in whatever order you want. I decided to go for Grimsley, the Dark type user, first.
Grimsely: My plan was to sweep everyone with Soup and Bill. This didn't work out. He lead with Sharpedo, I with Bill. Bill was able to OKO him with Brick Break, but took some damage from rough skin. I wasn't too concerned, as I thought I could OKO everything since I outlevelled them all. I was wrong. I did 2/3 damage with brick break to his Scrafty, but he managed to land a Brick Break which killed Bill. this was bad, as I was planning on using him for Shauntal as well. No matter. Jupiter killed the Scrafty with Fly, and then he send out purrloin, who got offed with revenge and waterfall. Up next was Krookodile, who got offed with waterfall. He then used Drapion, who I tried to kill with Stephan's earthquake, but that didn't do much and he burned Stephan with fire fang, so he got offed with waterfall and revenge by Soup. Finally, Bisharp, who died to revenge, finishing off the first member of the elite 4 with a notable but not irreplaceable death.
Shauntal: My original plan was to have Bill carry us through this, as his Immunity to ghost type moves and high speed plus shadow claw with Expert Belt should be enough. problem was, he's dead. Instead, I decided to take advantage of her duel typings. I lead with Polaris, who killed her cofagrigus with 2 ice beams, after taking some damage from shadow ball. Next up was Golurk, who got OKOed by Waterfall from soup, followed by chandelure who met the same fate but burned soup with flame body. Next was froslass, who I was most concerned about since I couldn't use revenge on it, but then I remembered that Stephan had Meteor Mash and steel type moves are super effective against ice types while he'd only take neutral damage. He took a shadow ball for about 60 damage, but OKOed with Meteor Mash. Next up was Driftblim, who I was concerned would have destiny bond, so I made sure for the OKO with Jupiter's thunderbolt. Finally, Jellicent, who got Fusion Bolted to death in 1 shot (as it's very specially defensive) to win us the fight, which is probably going to be the easiest one (I'm writing this as I go along)
Marshall: This one's a cakewalk. I had Jupiter who's dummy fast and has Fly plus the godly Stephan with high defense and a type advantage or neutral damage to everything. I actually lead with Polaris (although Jupiter probably would have been a better choice, but it doesn't matter) as he leads with Breloom, who got OKOed with Ice Beam. Next came Meinshao, who I countered with Stephan. He actually used U-Turn, which did minimal damage, but Zen Headbutt OKOed the Throh he sent out. Conkeldurr didn't last much longer, being downed in 2 flies, as the first was a low roll which didn't trigger full restore range. Toxicroak was next, but he also got OKOed by Fly. Mienshao came next, who was the only scare of the entire fight. He managed to land a critical Hi-Jump Kick which Stephan lived on 2 HP. I quickly switched for Jupiter, when I got lucky and he missed a brick break and then finished it with Fly after he half killed himself on the missed Hi-Jump Kick. Finally was Sawk, who I lucked out on as it didn't have sturdy, making it another easy Fly OKO. 3 down, 1 to go.
Caitlin: Caitlin should be easy, but I still need to be cautious. I need Hestia alive for alder, so any opportunity I have to maintain type advantage (even if it will cost me a Pokemon) in order to keep Hestia out of the fight, ill take. Thankfully, this wasn't an issue. Musharna was essentially an OKO, as I got her down to like 1 HP and she missed the psychic and then after the full restore I OKOed it. Next up was Metagross, who I faced with Stephan, my own metagross. Her's was a little faster, but mine was higher level with more defense. Still, earthquake was scary. She brought me down to around half in the green with her first one, but I brought her to the yellow. I decided to take the gamble and go for the second earthquake. While she didn't miss and outsped me, Stephan (again) lived it on only 3 HP, and then finished hers off with earthquake. Next was Reunculis and Gothitelle, both easy OKOs with Shadow Ball from Hestia. Then Bronzong, who landed a psychic when I missed the first Fire Blast, but got OKOed with the second. Last up was Sigilyph, who I met with Jupiter. She gave me a minor heart attack when Sigilyph outsped me and landed an Ice Beam, but it didn't do much, only around half health, and Sigilyph got OKOed by Thunderbolt, finishing off the last member of the Elite four. Some quick healing, and were coming for you Alder.
This is it. The final battle. We've gotten some EXP. Stephan is now 76, as is Jupiter, Soup, and Polaris. Bill made it all the way to 77, but he's in the big PC in the sky now. We've lost some men, as early as Pit-Pat in the first gym and as recent as Bill in the elite 4. But now, I'm about to finish my first (hopefully) successful nuzlocke.
Alder: He's a bug fan, and leads with Accelegor. I respond with Hestia, who lands an OKO flamethrower on it after tanking an energy ball with minimal damage. Next, he sends out Bouffalant, who gets worn down by Stephan using Zen Headbutt, getting multiple flinches, and finally killed after the full Restore. Then, he sends out Volcarona. I was hoping he'd use this last, for the symbolic "beating him with my starter moment" but couldn't get it, so I OKOed it with Waterfall using Soup. Escavalier didn't last long, being OKOed by Flamethrower, and Druddigon got one shot by Polaris' Ice Beam. Then, we got to his final Pokemon, Vanilluxe. I actually kept Polaris in, since I wanted a shield while I healed soup of the burn he got from Volcarona's flame body, which he used to set up a light screen. I was still hoping to finish him off with my starter for that nostalgic moment, but on the switch in turn he used acid armor, and outsped me on the next two turns using acid armor, bringing him up Defense x4, so revenge would have done nothing, but I knew light screen was running out so I put my emotions aside and brought out Hestia just as Light Screen ended. Hestia easily tanked a Flash Cannon on the Switch in, and then landed a critical Flamethrower, beating Alder, making me the champion, and completing my first successful Pokemon Nuzlocke.
Soup- Samurott Lvl. 76 (Starter)
Stephan- Metagross Lvl. 76 (Caught in Giant Chasm, Interior)
Polaris- Kyurem Lvl. 76 (Caught in Giant Chasm, Cave Depths)
Hestia- Chandelure Lvl. 76 (Caught in Celestial Tower)
Jupiter- Zekrom Lvl. 76 (Caught in N's Castle)
Buster- Scraggy Lvl. 17 (Caught on Rt. 4)
Morpheus- Musharna Lvl. 23 (Caught in Dreamyard)
Bastet- Liepard Lvl. 26 (Caught on Rt. 2)
Denise- Boldore Lvl. 31 (Caught in Wellspring Cave)
Sir Henry- Herdier Lvl. 23 (Caught in Cold Storage)
Lee- Mienfoo Lvl.31 (Caught in Dragonspiral Tower, exterior)
Rudolph- Deerling Lvl. 26 (Caught on Rt. 7)
Teddy- Cubchoo Lvl. 28 (Caught in Twist Mountain)
Dolores- Palpitoad Lvl. 31 (Caught in Icirrus City)
Xerxes- Druddigon Lvl. 30 (Caught in Dragonspiral Tower, Interior)
Nefertiti- Cofagrigus Lvl. 36 (Caught in Relic Castle)
Balian- Shelmet Lvl. 30 (Caught on Rt. 8)
Canada- Garbador Lvl. 33 (Caught on Rt. 9)
Washington- Rufflet Lvl. 36 (Caught on Rt. 10)
Arthur- Heatmor Lvl. 40 (Caught on Victory Road, exterior)
Cynthia- Reunculis Lvl. 51 (Caught on Rt. 5)
Darius- Daramitan Lvl. 36 (Caught in Desert Resort)
Bhagavad- Durant Lvl. 37 (Caught in Victory Road, interior)
Isabelle- Riolu Lvl. 50 (Caught in Challenger's cave)
Bubba- Barboach Lvl. 48 (Caught in Moor of Icirrus)
SusieSoiux- Sewaddle Lvl. 14 (Caught in Pinwheel Forest, interior)
Cucumber- Tirtouga Lvl. 25 (Revived from Fossil received in Relic Castle)
Teresa- Alomomola Lvl. 11 (Caught at P2 Laboratory)
Pat- Qwilfish Lvl. 54 (Caught on Rt. 18)
Jezebel- Venipede Lvl. 20 (Caught in Lostlorn Forest)
Scrat- Emolga Lvl. 20 (Caught on Rt. 16)
Sicarius- Pawniard Lvl. 50 (Caught on Rt. 11)
Temujin- Terrakion Lvl. 42 (Caught in Trial Chamber)
Charlemagne- Virizion Lvl. 42 (Caught in Rumination Field)
Saladin- Cobalion Lvl. 42 (Caught in Guidance Chamber)
Queenie- Finneon Lvl. 34 (Caught on Rt. 17)
Egg- will hatch into Larvesta (Received on Rt. 18)
Boreas- Vanilluxe Lvl. 53 (Caught on Rt. 6)
Bruce- Throh Lvl. 53 (Caught in Pinwheel Forest, exterior)
Morgana- Absol Lvl. 60 (Caught on Rt. 13)
Rapunzel- Tangela Lvl. 57 (Caught in Giant Chasm, exterior)
Dumbo- Piloswine Lvl. 47 (Caught in Giant Chasm, cave)
Hercules- Heracross Lvl. 60 (Caught on Rt. 12)
Shamu- Walimer Lvl. 34 (Caught in Undella Town)
Nii-san- Octillery Lvl. 38 (Caught in Undella Bay)
Florida- Tropius Lvl. 48 (Caught on Rt. 14)
Vivian- Vulpix Lvl. 47 (Caught in Abundant Shrine)
Mara- Marowak Lvl. 47 (Caught on Rt. 15)
Tweetie v2- Swanna Lvl. 49 (Caught on Marvelous Bridge)
Sploosh- Magikarp Lvl. 5 (Purchased on Marvelous Bridge)
Thor- Thundurus Lvl. 40 (Roamer)
Pit-Pat- Patrat, Killed by Chive in Striaton Gym (Caught on Rt. 1)
Col. Sanders- Tranquill, Killed in N battle in Nimbasa City (Caught on Rt. 3)
Blaise- Simisear, Killed by wild Druddigan in Dragonspiral Tower, interior (Given in Dreamyard)
Gwen- Galvantula, Killed by Trainer on Rt. 8 (Caught in Chargestone Cave)
Tweetie- Swanna, Killed by Iris in Opelucid Gym (Caught on Driftveil Drawbridge)
Ynnefir- Haxorus, Killed by Trainer on Rt. 12 (Caught in Mistralton Cave)
Bill- Zangoose, Killed by Grimsley in Elite Four Rematch (Caught on Village Bridge)
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